86 resultados para Legionel·la
BACKGROUND: Along the chromosome of the obligate intracellular bacteria Protochlamydia amoebophila UWE25, we recently described a genomic island Pam100G. It contains a tra unit likely involved in conjugative DNA transfer and lgrE, a 5.6-kb gene similar to five others of P. amoebophila: lgrA to lgrD, lgrF. We describe here the structure, regulation and evolution of these proteins termed LGRs since encoded by "Large G+C-Rich" genes. RESULTS: No homologs to the whole protein sequence of LGRs were found in other organisms. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that serial duplications producing the six LGRs occurred relatively recently and nucleotide usage analyses show that lgrB, lgrE and lgrF were relocated on the chromosome. The C-terminal part of LGRs is homologous to Leucine-Rich Repeats domains (LRRs). Defined by a cumulative alignment score, the 5 to 18 concatenated octacosapeptidic (28-meric) LRRs of LGRs present all a predicted alpha-helix conformation. Their closest homologs are the 28-residue RI-like LRRs of mammalian NODs and the 24-meres of some Ralstonia and Legionella proteins. Interestingly, lgrE, which is present on Pam100G like the tra operon, exhibits Pfam domains related to DNA metabolism. CONCLUSION: Comparison of the LRRs, enable us to propose a parsimonious evolutionary scenario of these domains driven by adjacent concatenations of LRRs. Our model established on bacterial LRRs can be challenged in eucaryotic proteins carrying less conserved LRRs, such as NOD proteins and Toll-like receptors.
During the genomic era, a large amount of whole-genome sequences accumulated, which identified many hypothetical proteins of unknown function. Rapidly, functional genomics, which is the research domain that assign a function to a given gene product, has thus been developed. Functional genomics of intracellular pathogenic bacteria exhibit specific peculiarities due to the fastidious growth of most of these intracellular micro-organisms, due to the close interaction with the host cell, due to the risk of contamination of experiments with host cell proteins and, for some strict intracellular bacteria such as Chlamydia, due to the absence of simple genetic system to manipulate the bacterial genome. To identify virulence factors of intracellular pathogenic bacteria, functional genomics often rely on bioinformatic analyses compared with model organisms such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. The use of heterologous expression is another common approach. Given the intracellular lifestyle and the many effectors that are used by the intracellular bacteria to corrupt host cell functions, functional genomics is also often targeting the identification of new effectors such as those of the T4SS of Brucella and Legionella.
In this study, we enlarged our previous investigation focusing on the biodiversity of chlamydiae and amoebae in a drinking water treatment plant, by the inclusion of two additional plants and by searching also for the presence of legionellae and mycobacteria. Autochthonous amoebae were recovered onto non-nutritive agar, identified by 18S rRNA gene sequencing, and screened for the presence of bacterial endosymbionts. Bacteria were also searched for by Acanthamoeba co-culture. From a total of 125 samples, we recovered 38 amoebae, among which six harboured endosymbionts (three chlamydiae and three legionellae). In addition, we recovered by amoebal co-culture 11 chlamydiae, 36 legionellae (no L. pneumophila), and 24 mycobacteria (all rapid-growers). Two plants presented a similar percentage of samples positive for chlamydiae (11%), mycobacteria (20%) and amoebae (27%), whereas in the third plant the number of recovered bacteria was almost twice higher. Each plant exhibited a relatively high specific microbiota. Amoebae were mainly represented by various Naegleria species, Acanthamoeba species and Hartmannella vermiformis. Parachlamydiaceae were the most abundant chlamydiae (8 strains in total), and in this study we recovered a new genus-level strain, along with new chlamydiae previously reported. Similarly, about 66% of the recovered legionellae and 47% of the isolated mycobacteria could represent new species. Our work highlighted a high species diversity among legionellae and mycobacteria, dominated by putative new species, and it confirmed the presence of chlamydiae in these artificial water systems.
Intracellular bacteria are common causes of community-acquired pneumonia that grow poorly or not at all on standard culture media and do not respond to beta-lactam antibiotic therapy. Apart from well-established agents of pneumonia such as Legionella pneumophila, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Chlamydia psittaci and Coxiella burnetii, some new emerging pathogens have recently been recognized, mainly Parachlamydia acanthamoebae and Simkania negevensis, two Chlamydia-related bacteria. Most of them are causes of benign and self-limited infections. However, they may cause severe pneumonia in some cases (i.e., Legionnaires' disease) and they may cause outbreaks representing a public health problem deserving prompt recognition and appropriate therapy. Although extrapulmonary manifestations are often present, no clinical features allow them to be distinguished from classical bacterial agents of pneumonia such as Streptococcus pneumoniae. Thus, specific molecular diagnostic tools are very helpful for early recognition of the offending bacteria, whereas serology often only allows retrospective or late diagnosis. Macrolides remain the best empirical treatment of intracellular respiratory pathogens, although some observational studies suggest that quinolones may be superior for the treatment of legionellosis.
Despite using modern microbiological diagnostic approaches, the aetiological agents of pneumonia remain unidentified in about 50% of cases. Some bacteria that grow poorly or not at all in axenic media used in routine clinical bacteriology laboratory but which can develop inside amoebae may be the agents of these lower respiratory tract infections (RTIs) of unexplained aetiology. Such amoebae-resisting bacteria, which coevolved with amoebae to resist their microbicidal machinery, may have developed virulence traits that help them survive within human macrophages, i.e. the first line of innate immune defence in the lung. We review here the current evidence for the emerging pathogenic role of various amoebae-resisting microorganisms as agents of RTIs in humans. Specifically, we discuss the emerging pathogenic roles of Legionella-like amoebal pathogens, novel Chlamydiae (Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, Simkania negevensis), waterborne mycobacteria and Bradyrhizobiaceae (Bosea and Afipia spp.).
Obligate or facultative intracellular bacteria are fastidious organisms that do not or poorly grow on conventional culture media. Some of them may be the cause of frequent and potentially severe infections, such as tuberculosis (Myco- bacterium tuberculosis), community-acquired respiratory infections (Legionella spp., Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae) or blood culture-negative endocarditis (Coxiella burnetii, Bartonella spp., Tropheryma whipplei). The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive summary of the available and recommended diagnostic tests for the detection of these fastidious organisms in clinical practice.
Free-living amoebae are distributed worldwide and are frequently in contact with humans and animals. As cysts, they can survive in very harsh conditions and resist biocides and most disinfection procedures. Several microorganisms, called amoeba-resisting microorganisms (ARMs), have evolved to survive and multiply within these protozoa. Among them are many important pathogens, such as Legionella and Mycobacteria, and also several newly discovered Chlamydia-related bacteria, such as Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, Estrella lausannensis, Simkania negevensis or Waddlia chondrophila whose pathogenic role towards human or animal is strongly suspected. Amoebae represent an evolutionary crib for their resistant microorganisms since they can exchange genetic material with other ARMs and develop virulence traits that will be further used to infect other professional phagocytes. Moreover, amoebae constitute an ideal tool to isolate strict intracellular microorganisms from complex microbiota, since they will feed on other fast-growing bacteria, such as coliforms potentially present in the investigated samples. The paradigm that ARMs are likely resistant to macrophages, another phagocytic cell, and that they are likely virulent towards humans and animals is only partially true. Indeed, we provide examples of the Chlamydiales order that challenge this assumption and suggest that the ability to multiply in protozoa does not strictly correlate with pathogenicity and that we should rather use the ability to replicate in multiple and diverse eukaryotic cells as an indirect marker of virulence towards mammals. Thus, cell-culture-based microbial culturomics should be used in the future to try to discover new pathogenic bacterial species.
Los objetivos son integrar a la comunidad escolar en proyectos y programas relacionados con la Salud Comunitaria de Leganés; fomentar el trabajo en equipo con distintos ciclos formativos y familias profesionales; actualizar y adecuar los contenidos y procedimientos a las necesidades reales del entorno laboral para facilitar la introducción del alumno al mundo laboral. Para realizar el proyecto se cuenta con la colaboración del Departamento de Salud Pública de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se desarrrollan dos líneas de actuación simultáneas e interrelacionadas, la Educación para la salud: Medio acuático y Análisis y evaluación de riesgos: Legionellosis. Para realizarlo los profesores cuentan con un formador del Departamento de Sanidad Ambiental y con la documentación necesaria. Se realizan fichas de mantenimiento de Piscinas; charlas sobre el uso y disfrute de las aguas de recreos; folletos y trabajos sobre la Legionella y su identificación; visita a una torre de refrigeración de Leganés; y análisis de muestras de agua para determinar el ph y cloro. Se evalúa cada línea por separado mediante la documentación elaborada, reuniones y debates donde se estudian los resultados de la encuesta realizada a los alumnos. Se valora el grado de consecución de objetivos, el grado de satisfacción y de participación. Incluye materiales elaborados como unidades didácticas, folletos, cuestionarios y planos.
Innate immune recognition of flagellin is shared by transmembrane TLR5 and cytosolic Nlrc4 (NOD-like receptor family CARD (caspase activation recruitment domain) domain containing 4)/Naip5 (neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein 5). TLR5 activates inflammatory genes through MYD88 pathway, whereas Nlrc4 and Naip5 assemble multiprotein complexes called inflammasomes, culminating in caspase-1 activation, IL-1 beta/IL-18 secretion, and pyroptosis. Although both TLR5 and Naip5/Nlrc4 pathways cooperate to clear infections, little is known about the relative anti-pathogen effector mechanisms operating through each of them. Here we show that the cytosolic flagellin (FLA-BSDot) was able to activate iNOS, an enzyme previously associated with TLR5 pathway. Using Nlrc4- or Naip5-deficient macrophages, we found that both receptors are involved in iNOS activation by FLA-BSDot. Moreover, distinct from extracellular flagellin (FLA-BS), iNOS activation by intracellular flagellin is completely abrogated in the absence of caspase-1. Interestingly, IL-1 beta and IL-18 do not seem to be important for FLA-BSDot-mediated iNOS production. Together, our data defined an additional anti-pathogen effector mechanism operated through Naip5 and Nlrc4 inflammasomes and illustrated a novel signaling transduction pathway that activates iNOS.
Värmedrivna vitvaror eller HWC-maskiner som de kallas av tillverkaren värms med varmt vatten från en cirkulerande krets via en värmeväxlare inbyggd i maskinen, till skillnad från konventionella maskiner som värms med el. Denna teknik skall inte förväxlas med maskiner som är anslutna till varmvattenledningen och fylls på med varmt vatten och som därmed begränsas till disk- och tvätt. Syftet med fjärrvärmedrivna vitvaror är alltså att använda fjärrvärme, som har lägre kvalitet och pris än elenergi för uppvärmning och torkning och på så sätt spara el och utöka fjärrvärmeunderlaget. En jämförelse av koldioxidutsläpp och primärenergianvändning mellan konventionella vitvaror och fjärrvärmedrivna vitvaror visar att både koldioxidutsläpp och primärenergianvändning blir lägre för fjärrvärmedrivna vitvaror om biobränsle anses koldioxidneutralt och den el som ersätts är producerad i kolkraftverk eller gaskombikraftverk. Denna rapport beskriver utveckling och kommersialisering av värmedrivna vitvaror (disk- och tvättmaskiner samt torktumlare och torkskåp) och hur de kan anslutas mot fjärrvärmesystem i olika systemlösningar. Dessutom har de energimässiga och ekonomiska förutsättningarna för tekniken undersökts. Erfarenheterna från fältprovning är dock mycket begränsade, eftersom de byggen där fälttesterna skulle ske försenades. Under 2013 färdigställs ett flerbostadshus med värmedrivna vitvaror i 160 lägenheter i Västerås. De utvecklade maskinernas värmeanvändning som andel av total energianvändning vid 60 graders framledningstemperatur har uppmätts till ca 50 % för diskmaskinen, 67 % för tvättmaskinen, 80 % för torktumlaren och 93 % för torkskåpet. I det studerade flerbostadshuset av passivhusstandard uppgår lasten från värmedrivna vitvaror komfortgolvvärme och handdukstorkar till upp mot 30 % av husets totala värmeanvändning. För småhus är motsvarande siffra upp mot 20 %. Att använda fjärrvärme istället för elvärme till dessa installationer som normalt är elvärmda kan allts minska elbehovet betydligt i lågenergibebyggelse vilket också minskar både koldioxidutsläppen och primärenergianvändningen. Ekonomiska analyser har genomförts för två olika systemkoncept (separat vitvarukrets och Västeråsmodellen) för nybyggda småhusområden och flerfamiljshus där fjärrvärme inte bara används till vitvaror utan också till handdukstorkar och komfortgolvvärme. De ekonomiska analyserna visar att Västeråsmodellen är den mest ekonomiskt intressanta systemlösningen med värmedrivna vitvaror, handdukstork och komfortgolvvärme. I flerfamiljshus kan den vara konkurrenskraftig mot de elvärmda alternativen (konventionellt system med eldrivna vitvaror, komfortgolvvärme och handdukstorkar) om prisskillnaden mellan el och fjärrvärme är större än 0,7 kr/kWh. En parameterstudie visar att kapitalkostnaden blir ganska hög jämfört med energikostnaden, vilket betyder att lång livslängd och många cykler är viktigt för att förbättra de ekonomiska förutsättningarna för värmedrivna vitvaror. För passiva småhus blir kostnaden för Västeråsmodellen med värmedrivna vitvaror, handdukstork och komfortgolvvärme likvärdig med de elvärmda alternativen vid energiprisskillnader på 0,7 kr/kWh inklusive moms, medan det krävs prisskillnader på 0,9 kr/kWh inklusive moms för normalisolerade småhusområden. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att i kommuner med ett konkurrenskraftigt fjärrvärmepris finns det viss lönsamhet för hela konceptet enligt Västeråsmodellen med värmedrivna vitvaror, komfortgolvvärme, och handdukstorkar. Om man däremot ser på konkurrensen för enskilda vitvaror är det främst torktumlaren som är konkurrenskraftig i bostäder. Målpriset på 1000 kr extra för värmedrift har inte kunnat uppnås inom projektet för diskmaskiner och tvättmaskiner. Det krävs lägre priser och låga anslutningskostnader för att räkna hem diskmaskinen och tvättmaskinen som enskilda komponenter. Värmedrivna tvättmaskiner och torktumlare är konkurrenskraftiga i flerfamiljstvättstugor. Speciellt i de fall där beläggningen är god och flera maskiner delar på anslutningskostnaden till fjärrvärmecentralen kan värmedrift bli riktigt lönsam. Torkskåpens konkurrenskraft har inte kunnat utvärderas, då priset ännu inte fastställts. Att använda VVC-systemet för värmedistribution till värmedrivna vitvaror kan vara mycket intressant, men det kräver att legionellaproblematiken kan lösas. I nuläget finns ingen lösning som uppfyller formuleringarna i boverkets byggregler. Ett annat distributionssätt som kan vara intressant, men som inte undersökts i studien är att använda VVC för varmvattendistribution och en gemensam radiator- och vitvarukrets med konstant framledningstemperatur. Den aktör som förväntas ha störst ekonomiskt intresse av att tekniken implementeras är sannolikt fjärrvärmebolagen som får sälja mer värme och det ligger därmed främst på deras ansvar att marknadsföra tekniken i mötet med sina kunder.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a etiologia, epidemiologia e os fatores prognósticos de pneumonia adquirida na comunidade (PAC) em adultos imunocompetentes hospitalizados. MÉTODOS: Durante um período de 3 anos, foram estudados, prospectivamente, 110 pacientes consecutivos com diagnóstico de PAC. RESULTADOS: Sessenta e seis (60%) pacientes eram homens, a idade média foi de 54 anos, 42 (38,2%) eram maiores de 65 anos, 81 (73,6%) apresentavam comorbidades, 70 (63%) pertenciam às classes IV e V de Fine e 24 (21,8%) pacientes foram admitidos em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI). Um agente etiológico foi identificado em 60 (54,5%) casos, incluindo Streptococcus pneumoniae em 23 (20,9%) casos, Staphylococcus aureus em 14 (12,7%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa em 7 (6,4%), Haemophilus influenzae em 5 (4,6%) e Legionella pneumophila em 5 (4,6%) casos, como os patógenos mais freqüentemente isolados. O uso de antimicrobianos previamente à admissão hospitalar ocorreu em 33,6% dos casos e foi significativamente associado com etiologia desconhecida. Houve 15 (13,6%) óbitos e três variáveis foram estatisticamente associadas ao desfecho: idade > 65 anos, índice de Fine V e IV e internação em UTI. Alterações no tratamento empírico inicial foram realizadas em 43 (39%) casos devido à obtenção do diagnóstico etiológico. CONCLUSÕES: Em nosso estudo, S. pneumoniae foi o principal agente etiológico de PAC, seguido de S. aureus e P. aeruginosa, que apresentaram freqüência elevada em indivíduos com pneumonia grave e/ou fatores de risco conhecidos. A determinação do agente etiológico serviu para otimizar o tratamento proposto pelos consensos e estimar a prevalência local dos patógenos.
The genome of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa contains four ORFs (XF2721, XF2725, XF2739 and XF0295) related to the restriction modification type I system, ordinarily named R-M. This system belongs to the DNA immigration control region (ICR). Each CIRF is related to different operon structures, which are homologues among themselves and with subunit Hsd R from the endonuclease coding genes. In addition, these ORFs are highly homologous to genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Methylococcus capsulatus str. Bath, Legionella pneumophila, Helicobacter pylori, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae and Silicibacter pomeroyi, as well as to genes from X. fastidiosa strains that infect grapevine, almond and oleander plants. This study was carried out on R-M ORFs from forty-three X. fastidiosa strains isolated from citrus, coffee, grapevine, periwinkle, almond and plum trees, in order to assess the genetic diversity of these loci through PCR-RFLP. PCR-RFLP analysis of the four ORFs related to the R-M system from these strains enabled the detection of haplotypes for these loci. When the haplotypes were defined, wide genetic diversity and a large range of similar strains originating from different hosts were observed. This analysis also provided information indicating differences in population genetic structures, which led to detection of different levels of gene transfer among the groups of strains. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Sparfloxacin, a difluorquinolone derivative, is a potent antibacterial agent active against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative organisms including Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin resistant S. aureus, Legionella spp, Mycoplasma spp; Chlamydia spp. and Mycobacteria. A drawback of fluorquinolones is their photoreactivity. Sparfloxacin has been studied in terms of therapeutic activities. However, few reports about analytical methods of sparfloxacin are available in the literature. The aim of this study was to determine cytotoxic effects, using sparfloxacin reference substance (SPAX-SR), sparfloxacin tablets (SPAX-COMP) and sparfloxacin tablets submitted UV light during 36 hours (SPAX-COMP.36) solution, and two isolated products (7 and 9) of SPAX-SR submitted UV-C light, in concentrations of 31.25, 62.5, 125 and 250 μg/mL by in vitro mononuclear humane culture cells. The results, statistically analyzed by Teste de Tukey, showed SPAX, SPAX-COMP and SPAX-COMP.36 solutions could reduce the cells number in these conditions. These results could not be observed for products 7 or 9. These results can suggest that isolated product can be less cytotoxic than SPAX-SR, is method can also be used to identified products degradation of sparfloxacin in stability study. However, the low activity achieved with sparfloxacin submitted to UV-light is a source of concern and requires further investigation about its photodegradation mechanism.
Sparfloxacin, a third generation fluoroquinolone derivative, is a potent antibacterial agent active against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms including Streptococcus pneuinoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin resistant S. aureus, Legionella spp., Mycoplasina spp., Chlamydia spp. and Mycobacterium spp. A drawback of fluoroquinolones is their photoreactivity. Sparfloxacin has been studied in terms of therapeutic activities. However, there are few published of analytical methods being applied to sparfloxacin. The aim in this study was to determine the photodegradation products of sparfloxacin, when submitted to UV light, and to characterize two of these products, designated SPAX-PDP1 and SPAX-PDP2. An accelerated study of stability in methanol solution was carried out by exposing a solution of sparfloxacin to UV light (peak wavelength 290 nm) for 36 hours at room temperature. The products were analyzed by NMR spectrophotometry, IR spectrometry and mass spectrophotometry. The results suggest that the products isolated here could be used to estimate the degradation of sparfloxacin in a stability study. However, the low activity exhibited by UV-irradiated sparfloxacin is a source of concern that demands further investigation of the mechanism of its photodegradation mechanism.
Sparfloxacin, a third-generation fluoroquinolone, is a potent antibacterial agent against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, for example Streptococcus pneumonias, Staphylococcus aureus (including methicillin-resistant strains), Legionella spp., Mycoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp. and Mycobacterium spp. This compound has been submitted to thermal analysis and the results are presented here. The DSC curve of sparfloxacin has an endothermic peak that indicates a melting point at 276.5 °C. The DTA curve of the sample in synthetic air shows two exothermic peaks, at 341.6 and 579.2 °C, attributed to compound decomposition. In the TG curve, the loss of mass can be seen to occur in two steps between 285.5 and 645.3 °C. The DTA curve obtained in a nitrogen atmosphere shows an exothermic peak, with decomposition of sparfloxacin at 340.0 °C; from the corresponding TG plot, the loss of mass starts at 254.4 °C.