915 resultados para Lead time and dry period


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The recovery of sperm from the epididymal cauda may be the last chance to obtain genetic material when sudden death or serious injuries occur in valuable stallions. However, the lack of technical knowledge regarding the storage and transportation of the epididymis often prevents the preservation of the sperm. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare sperm parameters of sperm obtained immediately after orchiectomy with sperm recovered from epididymal cauda at different times after storage at 5°C and at room temperature (RT). For that, 48 stallions of different breeds were used. In group 1 (control group), eight stallions were used, and the harvest of the epididymal sperm was performed immediately after orchiectomy. In group 2, 40 stallions were used, which were divided into five groups according to the storage time of the epididymis after orchiectomy (6, 12, 18, 24, or 30 hours), making a total of eight stallions per group. One epididymis of each stallion was stored at 5°C, and the contralateral epididymis was stored at RT, both for the same period. The sperm parameters of total motility, progressive motility, progressive linear velocity, curvilinear velocity, percentage of rapid sperm, and plasma membrane integrity were evaluated in all the groups after sperm recovery, resuspension in a sperm freezing diluent, and thawing. In conclusion, the storage of the testis-epididymis complex at 5°C provided better preservation of epididymal sperm than the storage at RT, and regardless of the temperature, the progressive motility is the sperm parameter that is most sensitive to storage time. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The constant search for improvement and survival of the companies makes essential the utilization of cost reduction strategies and resources optimization. This study had as its objective the utilization of Lean Manufacturing tools for the repair process lead time reduction, in a car audio manufacturer. Performing an action research, the major problems were studied, such as the potential causes and the possible improvement activities, using the DMAIC methodology. An action plan was developed for all involved processes and, as a result, the objective was reached by making a direct impact on the customers’ satisfaction and adding a competitive differential for the company


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Facing the competitive current market, increases the growing managerial commitment to minimize the frequent occurrence of service failures that characterized the past. Given the fact that the supply of a product in the correct location and on time, undamaged and correctly billed market requirement becomes framed the present work. Based on a case study, supported in parallel bibliographical references in the literature in a company of sugar and alcohol sector, the survey aims to measure and evaluate the real-time delivery from suppliers in order to ensure the best level of service to the company in question by suppliers, by reducing idle time of delivery, since the control system does not supply the pre-established and / or observed above, thus obtaining a better management and supply of replacement material. To assist the work, developed a project in the company in question in order to analyze and identify applications of concepts of lead time along the supply chain through an exploratory study in order to provide a beneficial outcome to the company through monitoring and performance of its suppliers, which will enable an aid to future decision-making


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo (MASP), located in southeastern Brazil, surface ozone concentrations are often well above the national air quality standards. In this experimental study, we attempted to characterize the vertical profile of atmospheric ozone and transport of the ozone plume in the boundary layer, using data from the first ozone soundings ever taken in the MASP. In 2006, we launched fifteen ozonesondes: eight from 15 to 18 May (dry season); and seven from 30 October to 1 November (wet season). Vertical ozone mixing ratios in the troposphere were approximately 40 ppb, reaching maximum values of approximately 60 ppb during the dry-season campaign and approximately 100 ppb during the wet-season campaign. In the first and second campaigns, the mean tropospheric ozone column abundance was 28.2 and 41.3 DU, respectively, which can be attributed to the considerable variation in the annual temperature cycle over the region. To determine the effect that biomass burning has on ozone concentrations over the MASP, we analyzed wind trajectories and satellite-derived fire counts. We cannot state unequivocally that biomass burning contributed to higher ozone concentrations above the boundary layer during the experimental campaigns. In the boundary layer, ozone concentrations increase with altitude, peaking at the base of the inversion layer, suggesting that local emissions of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides play a significant role in the lower troposphere over MASP, influencing ozone formation not only at the surface but also vertically in the atmosphere and in distant regions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An accurate and sensitive species-specific GC-ICP-IDMS (gas chromatography inductively coupled plasma isotope dilution mass spectrometry) method for the determination of trimethyllead and a multi-species-specific GC-ICP-IDMS method for the simultaneous determination of trimethyllead, methylmercury, and butyltins in biological and environmental samples were developed. They allow the determination of corresponding elemental species down to the low ng g-1 range. The developed synthesis scheme for the formation of isotopically labeled Me3206Pb+ can be used for future production of this spike. The novel extraction technique, stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE), was applied for the first time in connection with species-specific isotope dilution GC-ICP-MS for the determination of trimethyllead, methylmercury and butyltins. The results were compared with liquid-liquid extraction. The developed methods were validated by the analysis of certified reference materials. The liquid-liquid extraction GC-ICP-IDMS method was applied to seafood samples purchased from a supermarket. The methylated lead fraction in these samples, correlated to total lead, varied in a broad range of 0.01-7.6 %. On the contrary, the fraction of methylmercury is much higher, normally in the range of 80-98 %. The highest methylmercury content of up to 12 µg g-1 has been determined in shark samples, an animal which is at the end of the marine food chain, whereas in other seafood samples a MeHg+ content of less than 0.2 µg g-1 was found. Butyltin species could only be determined in samples, where anthropogenic contaminations must be assumed. This explains the observed broad variation of the butylated tin fraction in the range of <0.3-49 % in different seafood samples. Because all isotope-labelled spike compounds, except trimethyllead, are commercially available, the developed multi-species-specific GC-ICP-IDMS method has a high potential in future for routine analysis.


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Experiments were designed to investigate the suitability of a combination of a short manual teat stimulation with a short latency period before teat cup attachment to induce and maintain oxytocin release and milk ejection without interruption. In Experiment 1, seven dairy cows in mid lactation were manually pre-stimulated for 15, 30 or 45 s, followed by either 30 s or 45 s of latency period. It was shown that all treatments induced a similar release of oxytocin without interruption until the end of milking. In particular, the latency period of up to 45 s did not cause a transient decrease of oxytocin concentration. In Experiment 2, milking characteristics were recorded in seven cows each in early, mid, and late lactation, respectively. Because the course of milk ejection depends mainly on the degree of udder filling, individual milkings were classified based on the actual degree of udder filling which differs between lactational stages but also between morning and evening milkings. All animals underwent twelve different udder preparation treatments, i.e. 15, 30, or 45 s of pre-stimulation followed by latency periods of 0, 30, 45, or 60 s. Milking characteristics were recorded. Total milk yield, main milking time and average milk flow rate did not differ between treatments if the degree of udder filling at the start of milking was >40% of the maximum storage capacity. However, if the udder filling was <40%, main milking time was decreased with the duration of a latency period up to 45 s, independent of duration of pre-stimulation. Average milk flow at an udder filling of <40% was highest after a pre-stimulation of 45 s followed by a latency period of another 45 s. In contrast, average milk flow reached its lowest values at a pre-stimulation of 15 s without additional latency period. However, average milk flow after a 15-s pre-stimulation increased with increasing latency period. In conclusion, a very short pre-stimulation when followed by a latency period up to 45 s before teat cup attachment remains a suitable alternative for continuous stimulation to induce milk ejection.


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Contaminant metals bound to sediments are subject to considerable solubilization during passage of the sediments through the digestive systems of deposit feeders. We examined the kinetics of this process, using digestive fluids extracted from deposit feeders Arenicola marina and Parastichopus californicus and then incubated with contaminated sediments. Kinetics are complex, with solubilization followed occasionally by readsorption onto the sediment. In general, solubilization kinetics are biphasic, with an initial rapid step followed by a slower reaction. For many sediment-organism combinations, the reaction will not reach a steady state or equilibrium within the gut retention time (GRT) of the organisms, suggesting that metal bioavailability in sediments is a time-dependent parameter. Experiments with commercial protein solutions mimic the kinetic patterns observed with digestive fluids, which corroborates our previous study that complexation by dissolved amino acids (AA) in digestive fluids leads to metal solubilization (Chen & Mayer 1998b; Environ Sci Technol 32:770-778). The relative importance of the fast and slow reactions appears to depend on the ratio of ligands in gut fluids to the amount of bound metal in sediments. High ligand to solid metal ratios result in more metals released in fast reactions and thus higher lability of sedimentary metals. Multiple extractions of a sediment with digestive fluid of A. marina confirm the potential importance of incomplete reactions within a single deposit-feeding event, and make clear that bioavailability to a single animal is Likely different from that to a community of organisms. The complex kinetic patterns lead to the counterintuitive prediction that toxification of digestive enzymes by solubilized metals will occur more readily in species that dissolve less metals.


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Rainfall controls fire in tropical savanna ecosystems through impacting both the amount and flammability of plant biomass, and consequently, predicted changes in tropical precipitation over the next century are likely to have contrasting effects on the fire regimes of wet and dry savannas. We reconstructed the long-term dynamics of biomass burning in equatorial East Africa, using fossil charcoal particles from two well-dated lake-sediment records in western Uganda and central Kenya. We compared these high-resolution (5 years/sample) time series of biomass burning, spanning the last 3800 and 1200 years, with independent data on past hydroclimatic variability and vegetation dynamics. In western Uganda, a rapid (<100 years) and permanent increase in burning occurred around 2170 years ago, when climatic drying replaced semideciduous forest by wooded grassland. At the century time scale, biomass burning was inversely related to moisture balance for much of the next two millennia until ca. 1750 ad, when burning increased strongly despite regional climate becoming wetter. A sustained decrease in burning since the mid20th century reflects the intensified modern-day landscape conversion into cropland and plantations. In contrast, in semiarid central Kenya, biomass burning peaked at intermediate moisture-balance levels, whereas it was lower both during the wettest and driest multidecadal periods of the last 1200 years. Here, burning steadily increased since the mid20th century, presumably due to more frequent deliberate ignitions for bush clearing and cattle ranching. Both the observed historical trends and regional contrasts in biomass burning are consistent with spatial variability in fire regimes across the African savanna biome today. They demonstrate the strong dependence of East African fire regimes on both climatic moisture balance and vegetation, and the extent to which this dependence is now being overridden by anthropogenic activity.