989 resultados para Le Goff, Jacques
Ao escolher o tema A recepção da teologia de Bonhoeffer na América Latina, a intenção é problematizar a influência exercida pelo teólogo alemão Dietrich Bonhoeffer na teologia latino-americana, tratando-se do aporte de seus textos em solo latinoamericano, mas também de sua leitura, seleção e re-escritura crítica até nossos dias, quando completamos um século de seu nascimento. A investigação propõe-se a visibilizar o que em sua mensagem e/ou biografia, e de que forma, entusiasmou uma geração de jovens teólogos(as) protestantes e católicos latino-americanos(as), a partir de meados do século XX. Tomou-se por lócus fundamental à Escola Superior de Teologia (EST), da IECLB, ao ecumênico Instituto Superior Evangélico de Estudos Teológicos (ISEDET), de Buenos Aires, Argentina, também a um organismo para-eclesiástico, a Igreja e Sociedade na América Latina (ISAL). A base material privilegiada foi a produção teológica registrada em suas coleções de revistas periódicas, respectivamente, Estudos Teológicos, Cuadernos de Teología e Cristianismo y Sociedad. No entanto, também são analisadas algumas obras de teólogos católicos, dentre eles, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Jon Sobrino, Juan Luis Segundo e Frei Betto; textos referenciais que trazem à luz sua influência sobre a teologia caribenha; além de outros materiais que evidenciam os antigos e novos intérpretes. Os conceitos mobilizadores desta pesquisa são: discurso, conforme o expressam Michel Foucault e Eni Orlandi; memória, a partir de Maurice Halbwacks e Jacques Le Goff; dialética, Leandro Konder; fenomenologia, Husserl, Heidegger; marcas, Carlo Ginzburg e imagem/imaginário, Castoriadis.(AU)
Essa dissertação teve a seguinte hipótese de trabalho: Comenius e seu pensamento compõem uma das bases estruturais do direito à educação, como é entendido atualmente . Para discuti-la, buscou-se promover um diálogo entre o pensamento comeniano e a Declaração Mundial Sobre Educação Para Todos de Jomtien, 1990, UNESCO. Jan Amos Comenius, pedagogo e bispo morávio do século XVII, empenhou-se na criação e disseminação de sua proposta pansófica na sociedade, tendo a educação como papel central na renovação da cultura. Pretendeu-se apresentar Comenius como um pioneiro da educação , haja vista sua defesa por uma educação universal em meio a um contexto social desigual em meados dos anos mil e seiscentos, bem como na atualidade, o reconhecimento de seu pioneirismo pela própria UNESCO, considerando-o o antecessor espiritual daquela Organização. O pedagogo buscava uma sistematização do saber em chave pansófica, representada pela tríade omnes, omnia, omnino - ensinar tudo a todos e totalmente. Assim, objetivou-se especificamente: a) conhecer as fases de sua vida, que abarcam suas obras, bases teológicas e pedagógicas e vivências em seu contexto histórico; b) apresentar seu pensamento educacional e c) compreender especificamente sua proposta pansófica, que se liga ao direito à educação. A opção metodológica na análise histórico-documental, inspiração para a pesquisa, foi a História da Longa Duração, fundamentada em Fernand Braudel, Jacques Le Goff, Marc Bloch e Peter Burke. Autores que serviram como referência sobre Comenius são, entre outros: Olivier Cauly, João Luiz Gasparin, Franco Cambi, Frederick Eby, Jean Piaget, Will Monroe, Sérgio Covello, Latourette e Walker. A conclusão deste trabalho filosófico-jurídico apontou para a constatação de convergências entre o pensamento de Comenius e a citada Declaração de Jomtien, demonstrando sua notável presença na construção do conceito de direito à educação como um de seus pilares fundamentais na contemporaneidade. A pesquisa foi edificada sobre um ideal universal, que transcende épocas e encontra-se com o desejo intrinsecamente humano da igualdade através do conhecimento e pretende servir de subsídio e motivação para novos estudos a respeito do pensamento de Comenius relacionado ao direito à educação.
The purpose of this study is to search the school group Barão de Mipibú/RN, which is located in a city called São José de Mipibú. The aim of this work is to discuss about the use of education as a tool for the formation of the republican imaginary society norte-riograndense. We defined a period from 1909 through 1920. The choice of this work is about how this could be important to the Brazilian History of Education and local, as well as for Cultural History and extends to studies of everyday school life and history of school disciplines. Their achievement was through bibliography search and document analysis. The first was through a review of bibliography on the national and local historiography about the School Groups and productions of the Brazilian Republic. The last one, through the following sources, namely, just the same building of the school group Barão de Mipibú, furniture inventories, class daily, terms of visits of Education Directors and reports of the Directors, book Our History by Rocha Pombo, Educational Legislation, Legislative Congress posts, the decree of creation of School Groups, in particular Barão de Mipibú and the Group Model Augusto Severo, as well as the internal statute and finally, interviews with Alumni of the 50s. The study is inserted in the history of education and as the theoretical to assist in the analysis of sources on the imagination of the study, we looked for support in Jacques Le Goff (1994), Bronislaw Bazcko (1985), Cornelius Castoriadis (1982). At the end of this work it was possible to get the understanding that the Republican government found in the educational Field, one way to spread their ideals and collaboration in building the social Imaginary of the republic, which was constituted in the early twentieth century.
The period known as the Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) was a period of history marked by Brazil's control of state power by the Armed Forces together, this started with the Civil-Military Coup of April 1964. Was characterized as a time where political freedoms of expression and were placed in check by authoritarian and repressive measures taken by the military governments. The sectional potiguar of the Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB / RN), and the Federal Council of the institution, supported the establishment of this scam, but from the 1970s undertook measures that sought to corroborate the struggles around democracy the country, which has consolidated its image as a defender of democratic order. With the title inspired by the XII Meeting of OAB in October 1988, the research aims to analyze the participation of OAB / RN and its members within the Brazilian democratization. This analysis begins in 1979 with the participation of the entity in discussions Amnesty Policy to the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution, since the Constitution is the beginning of a full rule of law. We seek to understand the object as a space for democratization, combining the concepts of History, Memory and Politics. In the analyzes are guided theoretically by Jacques Le Goff, Pierre Nora, Maurice Halbwachs, Pierre Bourdieu and Hannah Arendt. Be rebuilt the period of democratic rule in the land potiguares birthing shares of OAB / RN, particularly in the following events: Amnesty Policy 1979, the mobilizations around the campaign of "Direct Now" and the 1988 Constitution We make use of legislation. minutes, papers and interviews built on Oral History.
This study followed the development of Oswaldo Lamartine de Faria as an intellectual, with the aim of establishing the emergence of that de Faria’s work under the umbrella of the sertão (hinterland) in Northeast Brazil. It accompanied the emergence of the researcher, his discovery of his mission to study the sertão in Seridó and the vital importance of his relationship with Luís da Câmara Cascudo, since despite being a natural born observer, Oswaldo Lamartine embarked on a career as a researcher after encouragement by Cascudo. The first chapter of this study, denominated The Gates of Time, portrays the country during the drought of 1919, the year Lamartine was born. It describes his childhood and first encounters with Câmara Cascudo; his urban exile in Rio de Janeiro; the books written by the young Oswaldo, those that came later, and his definitive return to the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The following two chapters, Sand beneath the Feet of the Soul and Images of a Nobleman from the Sertão, summarize Lamartine’s books and describe his entry into the canon of the state’s culture, with particular prominence given to his interview for the documentary “Oswaldo Lamartine: prince of the sertão”, highlighting his attempt (through his writing) to preserve his own existence. In the second section, Verses, Bold, Between the Lines features analyses of texts dedicated to Oswaldo Lamartine, such as those written by de Zila Mamede, Maria Lúcia Dal Farra and Paulo de Tarso Correia de Melo. The next chapter, entitled Warm and Vivid Ashes, highlights Lamartine’s correspondence with Luís da Câmara Cascudo and the incredible friendship between the two researchers. Cascudo’s letters are analyzed through the book De Cascudo para Oswaldo (From Cascudo to Oswaldo) and and are a powerful testimony of Oswaldo Lamartine’s permanent connection to Rio Grande do Norte. In conclusion, the final chapter entitled Combine, Tattoo, Imprint analyzes the writer’s five-book collection entitled Sertões do Seridó (Hinterlands of Seridó). In reading each of these, it becomes clear that observing reality was vital to the writer’s work. This is one of the first studies to be conducted about Oswaldo Lamartine at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and its main theoretical references were the reflections of authors Jacques Le Goff (2003), Lejeune (1994; 2008), Maurice Blanchot (1987; 2005), Alfredo Bosi (1987) and Gaston Bachelard (n.d.).
This research starts from the presupposition that Cartilha do Silêncio(1997), a novel by the Brazilian writer Francisco Dantas, has a double articulated shift. One of the moves is towards the modern experience, with the idea that modernity is filled with contraries, as remarked by Nietzsche; the other is linked to the livelihoods ashore on traditional experiences, which encompasses the notion of memory as individual and collective ownership. The aim here is to analyze such perspective, social and critical issues within the characters' life stories that regards the calling of past as clear example that tradition is not gone, though modern life presents its own signs. Such dynamics gives to the plot a paradoxal feature. This work is mainly grounded on Marshall Berman' s thoughts in All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity (1982) as well as on Antoine Compagnon'sFive Paradoxes of Modernity (1994). Assuming that Francisco Dantas' Novel is set as a split narrative, outcome of social memory originated on individual experiences aside social process and patriarchal family, this research brings into play the concept of memory by Jacques Le Goff in History and Memory (1992) along EcléaBosi's study in Memória e Sociedade: lembranças de velhos (1979). Keen to check how Cartilha do silêncio adjoins modern livelihoods with aesthetics order, the method articulates text and context, literary and social life, according to Antonio Candido'sLiteratura e Sociedade (1965). Thus, after reading the novel, it is possible to notice how the identity of the characters are built throughout the plot and it is also kept against settling on its social context during the transition from patriarchal tradition to modernity, creating a taut mood between both registries.
In this paper, we first provide a theoretical validation for a low-complexity transmit diversity algorithm which employs only one RF chain and a low-complexity switch for transmission. Our theoretical analysis is compared to the simulation results and proved to be accurate. We then apply the transmit diversity scheme to multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) systems with bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM). © 2012 IEEE.
Background Geleophysic dysplasia (GD, OMIM 231050) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by short stature, small hands and feet, stiff joints, and thick skin. Patients often present with a progressive cardiac valvular disease which can lead to an early death. In a previous study including six GD families, we have mapped the disease gene on chromosome 9q34.2 and identified mutations in the A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin repeats-like 2 gene (ADAMTSL2). Methods Following this study, we have collected the samples of 30 additional GD families, including 33 patients and identified ADAMTSL2 mutations in 14/33 patients, comprising 13 novel mutations. The absence of mutation in 19 patients prompted us to compare the two groups of GD patients, namely group 1, patients with ADAMTSL2 mutations (n=20, also including the 6 patients from our previous study), and group 2, patients without ADAMTSL2 mutations (n=19). Results The main discriminating features were facial dysmorphism and tip-toe walking, which were almost constantly observed in group 1. No differences were found concerning heart involvement, skin thickness, recurrent respiratory and ear infections, bronchopulmonary insufficiency, laryngo-tracheal stenosis, deafness, and radiographic features. Conclusions It is concluded that GD is a genetically heterogeneous condition. Ongoing studies will hopefully lead to the identification of another disease gene.
[Prospectus. Estampes. Cochin, Charles-Nicolas II. 1758]