986 resultados para Laser beam deflection


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Photothermal effect refers to heating of a sample due to the absorption of electromagnetic radiation. Photothermal (PT) heat generation which is an example of energy conversion has in general three kinds of applications. 1. PT material probing 2. PT material processing and 3. PT material destruction. The temperatures involved increases from 1-. 3. Of the above three, PT material probing is the most important in making significant contribution to the field of science and technology. Photothermal material characterization relies on high sensitivity detection techniques to monitor the effects caused by PT material heating of a sample. Photothermal method is a powerful high sensitivity non-contact tool used for non-destructive thermal characterization of materials. The high sensitivity of the photothermal methods has led to its application for analysis of low absorbance samples. Laser calorimetry, photothermal radiometry, pyroelectric technique, photoacoustic technique, photothermal beam deflection technique, etc. come under the broad class ofphotothermal techniques. However the choice of a suitable technique depends upon the nature of the sample, purpose of measurement, nature of light source used, etc. The present investigations are done on polymer thin films employing photothermal beam deflection technique, for the successful determination of their thermal diffusivity. Here the sample is excited by a He-Ne laser (A = 6328...\ ) which acts as the pump beam. Due to the refractive index gradient established in the sample surface and in the adjacent coupling medium, another optical beam called probe beam (diode laser, A= 6500A ) when passed through this region experiences a deflection and is detected using a position sensitive detector and its output is fed to a lock-in amplifier from which the amplitude and phase of the deflection can be directly obtained. The amplitude and phase of the signal is suitably analysed for determining the thermal diffusivity.The production of polymer thin film samples has gained considerable attention for the past few years. Plasma polymerization is an inexpensive tool for fabricating organic thin films. It refers to formation of polymeric materials under the influence of plasma, which is generated by some kind of electric discharge. Here plasma of the monomer vapour is generated by employing radio frequency (MHz) techniques. Plasma polymerization technique results in homogeneous, highly adhesive, thermally stable, pinhole free, dielectric, highly branched and cross-linked polymer films. The possible linkage in the formation of the polymers is suggested by comparing the FTIR spectra of the monomer and the polymer.Near IR overtone investigations on some organic molecules using local mode model are also done. Higher vibrational overtones often provide spectral simplification and greater resolution of peaks corresponding to nonequivalent X-H bonds where X is typically C, N or O. Vibrational overtone spectroscopy of molecules containing X-H oscillators is now a well established tool for molecular investigations. Conformational and steric differences between bonds and structural inequivalence ofCH bonds (methyl, aryl, acetylenic, etc.) are resolvable in the higher overtone spectra. The local mode model in which the X-H oscillators are considered to be loosely coupled anharmonic oscillators has been widely used for the interpretation of overtone spectra. If we are exciting a single local oscillator from the vibrational ground state to the vibrational state v, then the transition energy of the local mode overtone is given by .:lE a......v = A v + B v2 • A plot of .:lE / v versus v will yield A, the local mode frequency as the intercept and B, the local mode diagonal anharmonicity as the slope. Here A - B gives the mechanical frequency XI of the oscillator and B = X2 is the anharmonicity of the bond. The local mode parameters XI and X2 vary for non-equivalent X-H bonds and are sensitive to the inter and intra molecular environment of the X-H oscillator.


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Material synthesizing and characterization has been one of the major areas of scientific research for the past few decades. Various techniques have been suggested for the preparation and characterization of thin films and bulk samples according to the industrial and scientific applications. Material characterization implies the determination of the electrical, magnetic, optical or thermal properties of the material under study. Though it is possible to study all these properties of a material, we concentrate on the thermal and optical properties of certain polymers. The thermal properties are detennined using photothermal beam deflection technique and the optical properties are obtained from various spectroscopic analyses. In addition, thermal properties of a class of semiconducting compounds, copper delafossites, arc determined by photoacoustic technique.Photothermal technique is one of the most powerful tools for non-destructive characterization of materials. This forms a broad class of technique, which includes laser calorimetry, pyroelectric technique, photoacollstics, photothermal radiometric technique, photothermal beam deflection technique etc. However, the choice of a suitable technique depends upon the nature of sample and its environment, purpose of measurement, nature of light source used etc. The polynler samples under the present investigation are thermally thin and optically transparent at the excitation (pump beam) wavelength. Photothermal beam deflection technique is advantageous in that it can be used for the detennination of thermal diffusivity of samples irrespective of them being thermally thick or thennally thin and optically opaque or optically transparent. Hence of all the abovementioned techniques, photothemlal beam deflection technique is employed for the successful determination of thermal diffusivity of these polymer samples. However, the semi conducting samples studied are themlally thick and optically opaque and therefore, a much simpler photoacoustic technique is used for the thermal characterization.The production of polymer thin film samples has gained considerable attention for the past few years. Different techniques like plasma polymerization, electron bombardment, ultra violet irradiation and thermal evaporation can be used for the preparation of polymer thin films from their respective monomers. Among these, plasma polymerization or glow discharge polymerization has been widely lIsed for polymer thin fi Im preparation. At the earlier stages of the discovery, the plasma polymerization technique was not treated as a standard method for preparation of polymers. This method gained importance only when they were used to make special coatings on metals and began to be recognized as a technique for synthesizing polymers. Thc well-recognized concept of conventional polymerization is based on molecular processcs by which thc size of the molecule increases and rearrangemcnt of atoms within a molecule seldom occurs. However, polymer formation in plasma is recognized as an atomic process in contrast to the above molecular process. These films are pinhole free, highly branched and cross linked, heat resistant, exceptionally dielectric etc. The optical properties like the direct and indirect bandgaps, refractive indices etc of certain plasma polymerized thin films prepared are determined from the UV -VIS-NIR absorption and transmission spectra. The possible linkage in the formation of the polymers is suggested by comparing the FTIR spectra of the monomer and the polymer. The thermal diffusivity has been measured using the photothermal beam deflection technique as stated earlier. This technique measures the refractive index gradient established in the sample surface and in the adjacent coupling medium, by passing another optical beam (probe beam) through this region and hence the name probe beam deflection. The deflection is detected using a position sensitive detector and its output is fed to a lock-in-amplifIer from which the amplitude and phase of the deflection can be directly obtained. The amplitude and phase of the deflection signal is suitably analyzed for determining the thermal diffusivity.Another class of compounds under the present investigation is copper delafossites. These samples in the form of pellets are thermally thick and optically opaque. Thermal diffusivity of such semiconductors is investigated using the photoacoustic technique, which measures the pressure change using an elcctret microphone. The output of the microphone is fed to a lock-in-amplificr to obtain the amplitude and phase from which the thermal properties are obtained. The variation in thermal diffusivity with composition is studied.


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The effect of ambient gas on the dynamics of the plasma generated by laser ablation of a carbon target using 1.06 μm radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser has been investigated using a spectroscopic technique. The emission characteristics of the carbon plasma produced in argon, helium and air atmospheres are found to depend strongly on the nature and pressure of the surrounding gas. It has been observed that hotter and denser plasmas are formed in an argon atmosphere rather than in helium or air as an ambient.


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he phenomenon of single beam mirage effect, otherwise known as photothermal deflection (PTD) effect using a He–Ne laser beam has been employed to detect phase transitions in some liquid crystals. It has been observed that anomalous changes in amplitude occur in the PTD signal level near the transition temperature. The experimental details and the results of measurements made in liquid crystals E8, M21 and M24 are given in this paper.


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A two-photon induced photoemission optogalvanic effect which brings about a change in the discharge voltage when a pulsed dye laser beam is focused on a tungsten electrode has been described. The experiment is performed with N2, NO2 and Ar discharges. The magnitude of the signal voltage is studied as a function of laser energy and discharge current. The effective quantum efficiency in the discharge is found to be larger than that in the vacuum condition.


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A two-photon induced photoemission optogalvanic effect which brings about a change in the discharge voltage when a pulsed dye laser beam is focused on a tungsten electrode has been described. The experiment is performed with N2, NO2 and Ar discharges. The magnitude of the signal voltage is studied as a function of laser energy and discharge current. The effective quantum efficiency in the discharge is found to be larger than that in the vacuum condition.


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The spectroscopic analysis of the emission from the plasma produced by irradiating a highT c superconducting GdBa2Cu3O7 target with a high power Nd:YAG laser beam shows the existence of the bands from different oxides in addition to the lines from neutrals and ions of the constituent elements. The spectral emissions by oxide species in laser-induced plasma show considerable time delays as compared to those from neutral and ionic species. Recombination processes taking place during the cooling of the hot plasma, rather than the plasma expansion velocities, have been found to be responsible for the observed time delays in this case. The decays of emission intensities from various species are found to be non-exponential.


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Laser induced plasma emission spectra from highT c superconducting samples of YBa2Cu3O7 and GdBa2Cu3O7 obtained with 1.06µm radiation from a Q switched Nd:YAG laser beam has been analysed. The results clearly show the presence of diatomic oxides in addition to ionized species of the constituent metals in the plasma thus produced.


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Photothermal beam deflection studies were carried out with GaAs epitaxial double layers grown on semi-insulating GaAs substrates. The impurity densities in thin epitaxial layers were found to influence the effective thermal diffusivity of the entire structure.


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Multimode laser emission is observed in a polymer optical fiber doped with a mixture of Rhodamine 6G (Rh 6G) and Rhodamine B (Rh B) dyes. Tuning of laser emission is achieved by using the mixture of dyes due to the energy transfer occurring from donor molecule (Rh 6G) to acceptor molecule (Rh B). The dye doped poly(methyl methacrylate)-based polymer optical fiber is pumped axially at one end of the fiber using a 532 nm pulsed laser beam from a Nd:YAG laser and the fluorescence emission is collected from the other end. At low pump energy levels, fluorescence emission is observed. When the energy is increased beyond a threshold value, laser emission occurs with a multimode structure. The optical feedback for the gain medium is provided by the cylindrical surface of the optical fiber, which acts as a cavity. This fact is confirmed by the mode spacing dependence on the diameter of the fiber.


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The acoustic signals generated in solids due to interaction with pulsed laser beam is used to determine the ablation threshold of bulk polymer samples of teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene) and nylon under the irradiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 1.06µm wavelength. A suitably designed piezoelectric transducer is employed for the detection of photoacoustic (PA) signals generated in this process. It has been observed that an abrupt increase in the amplitude of the PA signal occurs at the ablation threshold. Also there exist distinct values for the threshold corresponding to different mechanisms operative in producing damages like surface morphology, bond breaking and melting processes at different laser energy densities.


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Measurement of thermal lensing signal as a function of laser power made in Rhodamine B solutions in methanol give clear evidence of two photon absorption process within certain concentration ranges when 488 nm Ar+ laser beam is used as the pump source. Only one photon process is found to occur when 514 nm and 476 nm beams are used as the pump.


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The central theme of the work presented in this thesis is a careful investigation of the factors influencing the attenuation of laser beam through sea water. The thesis presents a detailed report of the work done by the author on the attenuation studies in sea water and on laser propagation through a turbulent medium. The thesis contains six chapters which are more or less self-contained with separate abstracts and references. The first chapter is divided into two parts. The first part introduces the subject of laser propagation through sea water. It includes a brief description of optical properties of sea water followed by a review of the earlier works on attenuation studies in water. The second part gives the theoretical background of the problem of laser propagation through a turbulent medium.


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The discovery of the Photoacoustic (PA) effect was a remarkable achievement and was relegated to the scientific footnotes of the nineteenth century. However, after the advent of lasers and sophisticated electronics this effect was rediscovered and it has established itself as an important research and analytical tool in numerous areas, including physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. Quite recently, this phenomenon has made its impact in the field of laser technology for applications such as the developments of highly efficient active media for lasers, high quality optics and sensitive laser power monitoring devices. This thesis presents the work carried out by the author in this field during the past few years at the Department of Physics in Cochin University of Science and Technology. The studies discussed here are mostly based on the development of a sensitive PA laser power meter and its various applications using different laser systems available in the laboratory. This includes the development of a current regulated CW C0 laser and its application in material processing. The thesis contains seven chapters which by and large are self contained with separate abstracts and references. The first chapter which is divided into two parts presents an introduction to the PA effect and its present status. Part A reviews the basic theory of laser and gives a sum mary of various lasers and their applications. Part B presents a brief description of PA effect and its suitability as a spectroscopic tool followed by its applications to various branches of science and technology.


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Transition metal acetylides, MC2 (M=Fe, Co and Ni), exhibit ferromagnetic behavior of which TC is characteristic of their size and structure. CoC2 synthesized in anhydrous condition exhibited cubic structure with disordered C2− 2 orientation. Once being exposed to water (or air), the particles behave ferromagnetically due to the lengthening of the Co–Co distance by the coordination of water molecules to Co2+ cations. Heating of these particles induces segregation of metallic cores with carbon mantles. Electron beam or 193 nm laser beam can produce nanoparticles with metallic cores covered with carbon mantles