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The extent to which low-frequency (minor allele frequency (MAF) between 1-5%) and rare (MAF = 1%) variants contribute to complex traits and disease in the general population is mainly unknown. Bone mineral density (BMD) is highly heritable, a major predictor of osteoporotic fractures, and has been previously associated with common genetic variants, as well as rare, population-specific, coding variants. Here we identify novel non-coding genetic variants with large effects on BMD (ntotal = 53,236) and fracture (ntotal = 508,253) in individuals of European ancestry from the general population. Associations for BMD were derived from whole-genome sequencing (n = 2,882 from UK10K (ref. 10); a population-based genome sequencing consortium), whole-exome sequencing (n = 3,549), deep imputation of genotyped samples using a combined UK10K/1000 Genomes reference panel (n = 26,534), and de novo replication genotyping (n = 20,271). We identified a low-frequency non-coding variant near a novel locus, EN1, with an effect size fourfold larger than the mean of previously reported common variants for lumbar spine BMD (rs11692564(T), MAF = 1.6%, replication effect size = +0.20 s.d., Pmeta = 2 x 10(-14)), which was also associated with a decreased risk of fracture (odds ratio = 0.85; P = 2 x 10(-11); ncases = 98,742 and ncontrols = 409,511). Using an En1(cre/flox) mouse model, we observed that conditional loss of En1 results in low bone mass, probably as a consequence of high bone turnover. We also identified a novel low-frequency non-coding variant with large effects on BMD near WNT16 (rs148771817(T), MAF = 1.2%, replication effect size = +0.41 s.d., Pmeta = 1 x 10(-11)). In general, there was an excess of association signals arising from deleterious coding and conserved non-coding variants. These findings provide evidence that low-frequency non-coding variants have large effects on BMD and fracture, thereby providing rationale for whole-genome sequencing and improved imputation reference panels to study the genetic architecture of complex traits and disease in the general population.
This workshop is jointly organized by EFMI Working Groups Security, Safety and Ethics and Personal Portable Devices in cooperation with IMIA Working Group "Security in Health Information Systems". In contemporary healthcare and personal health management the collection and use of personal health information takes place in different contexts and jurisdictions. Global use of health data is also expanding. The approach taken by different experts, health service providers, data subjects and secondary users in understanding privacy and the privacy expectations others may have is strongly context dependent. To make eHealth, global healthcare, mHealth and personal health management successful and to enable fair secondary use of personal health data, it is necessary to find a practical and functional balance between privacy expectations of stakeholder groups. The workshop will highlight these privacy concerns by presenting different cases and approaches. Workshop participants will analyse stakeholder privacy expectations that take place in different real-life contexts such as portable health devices and personal health records, and develop a mechanism to balance them in such a way that global protection of health data and its meaningful use is realized simultaneously. Based on the results of the workshop, initial requirements for a global healthcare information certification framework will be developed.
Sepsis is the leading cause of death in intensive care units and results from a deleterious systemic host response to infection. Although initially perceived as potentially deleterious, catalytic antibodies have been proposed to participate in removal of metabolic wastes and protection against infection. Here we show that the presence in plasma of IgG endowed with serine protease-like hydrolytic activity strongly correlates with survival from sepsis. Variances of catalytic rates of IgG were greater in the case of patients with severe sepsis than healthy donors (P < 0.001), indicating that sepsis is associated with alterations in plasma levels of hydrolytic IgG. The catalytic rates of IgG from patients who survived were significantly greater than those of IgG from deceased patients (P < 0.05). The cumulative rate of survival was higher among patients exhibiting high rates of IgG-mediated hydrolysis as compared with patients with low hydrolytic rates (P < 0.05). An inverse correlation was also observed between the markers of severity of disseminated intravascular coagulation and rates of hydrolysis of patients' IgG. Furthermore, IgG from three surviving patients hydrolyzed factor VIII, one of which also hydrolyzed factor IX, suggesting that, in some patients, catalytic IgG may participate in the control of disseminated microvascular thrombosis. Our observations provide the first evidence that hydrolytic antibodies might play a role in recovery from a disease.
Abzymes are immunoglobulins endowed with enzymatic activities. The catalytic activity of an abzyme resides in the variable domain of the antibody, which is constituted by the close spatial arrangement of amino acid residues involved in catalysis. The origin of abzymes is conferred by the innate diversity of the immunoglobulin gene repertoire. Under deregulated immune conditions, as in autoimmune diseases, the generation of abzymes to self-antigens could be deleterious. Technical advancement in the ability to generate monoclonal antibodies has been exploited in the generation of abzymes with defined specificities and activities. Therapeutic applications of abzymes are being investigated with the generation of monoclonal abzymes against several pathogenesis-associated antigens. Here, we review the different contexts in which abzymes are generated, and we discuss the relevance of monoclonal abzymes for the treatment of human diseases.
This report presents information on the life history, diet, abundance and distribution, and length-frequency distributions of five invertebrates in Florida Bay, Everglades National Park. Collections were made with an otter trawl in basins on a bi-monthly basis. Non-parametric statistics were used to test spatial and temporal differences in the abundance of invertebrates when numbers were appropriate (i. e., $25). Invertebrate species are presented in four sections. The sections on Life History, and Diet were derived from the literature. The section on Abundance and Distribution consists of data from otter-trawl collections. In addition, comparisons with other studies are included here following our results. The section on Length-frequency Distributions consists of length measurements from all collections, except 1984-1985 when no measurements were taken. Length-frequency distributions were used, when possible, to estimate life stage captured, spawning times, recruitment into Florida Bay for those species which spawn outside the Bay, and growth. Additional material from the literature was added when appropriate. (PDF contains 39 pages)
Red drum is one ofthe most popular species sought by anglers in Florida Bay, yet juveniles are rarely encountered. We evaluated Florida Bay as a nursery area for red drum by sampling for recently-settled late larvae in basin areas within the bay with an epi-benthic sled at six stations in November 2000, and at seven stations during December 2000 through February 2001. In November 2000 we surveyed potential sampling sites in quiet backwaters adjacent to mangroves for juvenile red drum. A total of 202 sites were sampled mainly in northern Florida Bay and adjacent waters with a cast net. We collected only one recently-settled red drum larvae and no juveniles. Obviously the sites that we sampled in Florida Bay and adjacent waters are not nursery habitat for this valuable species. Sled collections were dominated by bay anchovy, Anchoa mitchilli, but densities were biased by one collection. Five small resident species were among the dominant species: rainwater killifish, Lucania parva; dusky pipefish, Syngnathus floridae; dwarf seahorse, Hippocampus zosterae; and clown goby, Microgobius gulosus. Three species that spawn outside Florida Bay in the GulfofMexico were common: pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides; pigfish, Orthopristis chrysoptera; and silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura. Twenty-seven species were collected with the cast net. Hardhead silversides (Atherinomorus stipes), bay anchovy, tidewater mojarra (Eucinostomus harengulus), silver jenny (Eucinostomus gula), and goldspotted killifish (Floridichthys carpio) were the most common in cast net collections. Although only one red drum was collected, we were able to: (1) identify mesohaline waters from our cast net sites to test our preliminary assessment that mesohaline habitat might be limited in Florida Bay, (2) document the distribution and abundance of fishes collected by cast net that should enhance our understanding of ichthyofauna in the Northern Subdivision ofFlorida Bay and adjacent waters, and (3) from epibenthic sled collections, describe the habitats, abundance and distribution of recently settled larvae/small juveniles/small resident fishes during late fall and winter. This information should be useful to managers and future research. (PDF contains 34 pages)
This compendium presents information on the life history, diet, and abundance and distribution of 46 of the more abundant juvenile and small resident fish species, and data on three species of seagrasses in Florida Bay, Everglades National Park. Abundance and distribution of fish data were derived from three sampling schemes: (1) an otter trawl in basins (1984–1985, 1994–2001), (2) a surface trawl in basins (1984–1985), and (3) a surface trawl in channels (1984–1985). Results from surface trawling only included pelagic species. Collections made with an otter trawl in basins on a bi-monthly basis were emphasized. Nonparametric statistics were used to test spatial and temporal differences in the abundance of species and seagrasses. Fish species accounts were presented in four sections – Life history, Diet, Abundance and distribution, and Length-frequency distributions. Although Florida Bay is a subtropical estuary, the majority of fish species (76%) had warm-temperate affinities; i.e., only 24% were solely tropical species. The five most abundant species collected, in descending order, by (1) otter trawl in basins were: Eucinostomus gula, Lucania parva, Anchoa mitchilli, Lagodon rhomboides, and Syngnathus scovelli; (2) surface trawl in basins were: Hyporhamphus unifasciatus, Strongylura notata, Chriodorus atherinoides, Anchoa hepsetus, and Atherinomorus stipes; (3) surface trawl in channels were: Hypoatherina harringtonensis, A. stipes, A. mitchelli, H. unifasciatus, and C. atherinoides. (PDF file contains 219 pages.)
A presente tese engloba dois manuscritos que abordam o tema Consumo alimentar em mulheres, desenvolvidos através da análise de duas pesquisas realizadas no Município do Rio de Janeiro, em 1995 e 2005. Trata-se do primeiro estudo brasileiro de base populacional que avalia a tendência de consumo utilizando dados individuais de consumo alimentar. O grupo específico analisado: mulheres com 35 anos ou mais de idade, apresenta as maiores prevalências de obesidade. O primeiro manuscrito intitulado Ten-year increase in the prevalence of obesity among Brazilian women was associated to reduction of fat intake mainly among the less educated aborda a prevalência da obesidade e consumo de energia e macronutrientes. Os resultados indicam importante aumento da prevalência de obesidade (16% para 24%) acompanhada de aumento significativo do consumo calórico e redução da ingestão de lipídios e colesterol. Na pesquisa mais recente a associação negativa entre educação e obesidade foi de maior magnitude e a renda deixou de associar-se a prevalência de obesidade. O segundo manuscrito intitulado Mudanças no consumo de alimentos entre mulheres do Município do Rio de Janeiro, de 1995 a 2005 avaliou o consumo de alimentos, incluindo os de alta densidade energética, e grupos de alimentos nos dois momentos, incluindo a avaliação das diferenças de consumo segundo escolaridade. A análise do consumo mostrou aumento do consumo de alimentos calóricos como doces, biscoitos e lingüiça e redução de importantes grupos de alimentos como frutas, leite, feijão, raízes e tubérculos e carnes no período de dez anos. As mulheres com maior escolaridade apresentaram maior redução de consumo de carnes e frutas e não apresentaram redução de peixes e derivados do leite. Adicionalmente, participei como co-autora em um artigo, também baseado na pesquisa mais recente, que avaliou a associação entre o uso de remédios/chás para emagrecer e a concentração sérica do hormônio estimulador da tireóide (TSH), intitulado TSH levels associated with slimming pill use in a population based study of Brazilian women. Essa análise mostrou alta prevalência de uso dessas substâncias e revelaram que os teores séricos de TSH foram significativamente menores entre as usuárias de remédios/chás para emagrecer.
Assim como na população geral, as necessidades energéticas diárias dos pacientes em tratamento crônico de hemodiálise (HD) podem ser calculadas multiplicando-se o gasto energético de repouso (GER) pelo nível de atividade física. Até o momento, não há estudos que avaliaram se as equações de predição são precisas para se estimar o GER de idosos em HD. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a concordância entre o GER obtido pela calorimetria indireta e as equações de predição de Harris&Benedict, Schofield e a proposta pelo documento da Organização Mundial de Saúde de 1985 (FAO 1985) nos pacientes idosos em HD. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal, onde foi avaliado o GER de 57 pacientes idosos não institucionalizados (> 60anos) em tratamento crônico de HD mensurado pela calorimetria indireta e comparado com as equações de predição de Harris&Benedict, Schofield e FAO 1985.A concordância entre o GER medido e as equações foi realizada pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse e pela análise de Bland-Altman. Neste estudo pode-se observar que o GER estimado pelas 3 equações foi significantemente maior do que o obtido pela calorimetria indireta. Um grau de reprodutibilidade moderado foi observado entre a calorimetria indireta e as equações. A superestimação foi o principal erro observado, sendo presente na metade dos pacientes. A subestimação foi vista em aproximadamente em 10 % dos pacientes. Com base nesses achados podemos concluir que as 3 equações tiveram uma performance similar ao estimar o GER. E estas podem ser utilizadas para calcular o GER de idosos em HD, na medida em que os nutricionistas reconheçam seus possíveis erros, principalmente quando as equações de predição subestimam o GER medido.
Lacticin 3147, enterocin AS-48, lacticin 481, variacin, and sakacin P are bacteriocins offering promising perspectives in terms of preservation and shelf-life extension of food products and should find commercial application in the near future. The studies detailing their characterization and bio-preservative applications are reviewed. Transcriptomic analyses showed a cell wall-targeted response of Lactococcus lactis IL1403 during the early stages of infection with the lytic bacteriophage c2, which is probably orchestrated by a number of membrane stress proteins and involves D-alanylation of membrane lipoteichoic acids, restoration of the physiological proton motive force disrupted following bacteriophage infection, and energy conservation. Sequencing of the eight plasmids of L. lactis subsp. cremoris DPC3758 from raw milk cheese revealed three anti-phage restriction/modification (R/M) systems, immunity/resistance to nisin, lacticin 481, cadmium and copper, and six conjugative/mobilization regions. A food-grade derivative strain with enhanced bacteriophage resistance was generated via stacking of R/M plasmids. Sequencing and functional analysis of the four plasmids of L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis DPC3901 from raw milk cheese revealed genes novel to Lactococcus and typical of bacteria associated with plants, in addition to genes associated with plant-derived lactococcal strains. The functionality of a novel high-affinity regulated system for cobalt uptake was demonstrated. The bacteriophage resistant and bacteriocin-producing plasmid pMRC01 places a metabolic burden on lactococcal hosts resulting in lowered growth rates and increased cell permeability and autolysis. The magnitude of these effects is strain dependent but not related to bacteriocin production. Starters’ acidification capacity is not significantly affected. Transcriptomic analyses showed that pMRC01 abortive infection (Abi) system is probably subjected to a complex regulatory control by Rgg-like ORF51 and CopG-like ORF58 proteins. These regulators are suggested to modulate the activity of the putative Abi effectors ORF50 and ORF49 exhibiting topology and functional similarities to the Rex system aborting bacteriophage λ lytic growth.
Bolivia and Peru adopted the same instruments of social policy —conditional cash transfer programs— to solve the same public problems under different political regimes. By means of the qualitative methodology of discourse analysis, this paper studies the representations of poverty and State made by key actors of those social programs. Underlying more differences than similarities, one demonstrates that the same social policy is linked to opposite social representations of poverty and the State role in every country. The main explanation for this is, far from being imposed by international organizations, those programs are adopted and adapted by each political regime.