1000 resultados para La fibrillation auriculaire


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Les hommes et les femmes diffèrent devant la survenue de plusieurs types d’arythmies cardiaques. Ainsi, la prévalence des fibrillations auriculaires, ou celle du syndrome de Brugada est plus élevée chez les hommes, tandis que les femmes sont plus susceptibles de développer des torsades de pointe. La survenue de ces arythmies pourrait être affectée par l’existence de disparités entre les sexes au niveau de l’activité électrique cardiaque normale. Des différences ont d’ailleurs été décrites dans les paramètres électrocardiographiques des hommes et des femmes, et notamment au niveau des paramètres traduisant la phase de repolarisation ventriculaire. Par ailleurs, plusieurs études cliniques et expérimentales ont permis d’avancer que les androgènes pourraient contribuer à expliquer les différences homme-femme observées dans la repolarisation ventriculaire. Leur influence sur les autres paramètres électrocardiographiques a toutefois reçu peu d’attention jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de ce travail était de mieux comprendre l’implication de la testostérone dans les différences sexuelles observées au niveau de l’électrocardiogramme. En travaillant à partir d’une cohorte de volontaires sains, nous avons tout d’abord confirmé l’existence de différences électrocardiographiques rapportées précédemment dans la littérature. Nous avons de plus noté un segment PR plus long chez les hommes, bien que l’onde P et l’intervalle PR n’étaient pas significativement différents entre les sexes. Par la suite, nous avons évalué l’association de la testostérone avec les différents paramètres de l’électrocardiogramme humain. La testostérone était le plus fortement associée au complexe QRS, au segment ST et à l’intervalle QTc. Nous avons donc examiné la contribution de la testostérone dans les mécanismes responsables des différences sexuelles pour ces trois paramètres. D’après les résultats obtenus, la testostérone ne semblait toutefois pas expliquer ces différences homme-femme. En conclusion, les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que la testostérone n’est pas responsable des différences observées au niveau du complexe QRS, du segment ST et de l’intervalle QTc des hommes et des femmes de notre cohorte. D’autres médiateurs, seuls ou en association avec la testostérone, pourraient jouer un rôle dans l’établissement de ces différences électrocardiographiques associées au sexe.


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La SLA est une maladie neurodégénérative fatale se déclenchant tardivement. Elle est caractérisée par la perte des neurones moteurs supérieurs et inférieurs. Jusqu’à présent, aucun traitement ne permet de ralentir ou de guérir la maladie de façon robuste. De récentes découvertes portant sur TDP-43 et hnRNP A1 y ont identifié des mutations reliées à des cas de SLA. Comme les deux possèdent de multiples fonctions dans le métabolisme de l’ARN, l’impact de ces mutations devient difficile à définir. Notre hypothèse est que TDP-43 régule hnRNP A1 et que les mutations causant la SLA dérégulent ce mécanisme, aboutissant ainsi à un impact majeur sur la vulnérabilité des neurones moteurs. Nos résultats démontrent que TDP-43 lie l’ARNm de hnRNP A1, mais n’affecte pas sa stabilité. En revanche, TDP-43 réprime l’expression de hnRNP A1. Ce mécanisme pourrait être appliqué in vivo où le ratio protéique hnRNP A1B/A1 augmente chez les souris âgées et davantage chez les TDP-43A315T dans la région cervicale et lombaire de la moelle épinière. Cette différence n’est pas causée par un défaut de l’épissage alternatif. Aussi, la mutation TDP-43A315T serait davantage responsable de cette différence que la surexpression de TDP-43 (résultats obtenus en culture). L’impact d’une telle augmentation sur la cellule pourrait être la formation d’agrégats puisque la forme hnRNP A1B possède quatre domaines de fibrillation de plus que hnRNP A1. Nos résultats pourraient donc fournir un mécanisme potentiel de la formation d’inclusions cytoplasmiques reconnues comme étant une des caractéristiques pathologiques principales de la SLA.


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Les protéines amyloïdes sont retrouvées sous forme de fibres dans de nombreuses maladies neurodégénératives. En tentant d’élucider le mécanisme de fibrillation, les chercheurs ont découvert que cette réaction se fait par un phénomène de nucléation passant par des oligomères. Il semblerait que ces espèces soient la principale cause de la toxicité observée dans les cellules des patients atteints d’amyloïdose. C’est pourquoi un intérêt particulier est donc porté aux premières étapes d’oligomérisation. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous intéressons à une séquence d’acide aminé fortement hydrophobe de l’α-synucléine appelée composante non β -amyloïde (Non-Amyloid β Component ou NAC). Cette dernière est retrouvée sous forme de fibres dans les corps et les neurites de Lewy des patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson. De plus, elle constitue une composante minoritaire des fibres impliquées dans la maladie d’Alzheimer. Nous avons observé les changements structuraux qui ont lieu pour le monomère, le dimère et le trimère de la séquence NAC de l’α-synucléine. Nous nous sommes aussi intéressés aux conséquences structurelles observées dans des oligomères hétérogènes qui impliqueraient, Aβ1−40. Pour cela nous utilisons des dynamiques moléculaires, d’échange de répliques couplées au potentiel gros-grain, OPEP. Nous constatons une disparition des hélices α au profit des feuillets β , ainsi que le polymorphisme caractéristique des fibres amyloïdes. Certaines régions se sont démarquées par leurs capacités à former des feuillets β . La disparition de ces régions lorsque NAC est combinée à Aβ laisse entrevoir l’importance de l’emplacement des résidus hydrophobes dans des structures susceptibles de former des fibres amyloïdes.


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Introducción. La auriculilla izquierda es una estructura cardiaca que facilita la generación de trombos en su interior, favoreciendo la aparición de evento embolicos, por lo que su análisis a partir de imágenes bidimensionales y mas recientemente tridimensionales, adquieren cada vez mayor importancia Objetivo. Comparar los hallazgos anatómicos de la auriculilla izquierda obtenidos a través de la ecocardiografía tridimensional con respecto a los obtenidos por ecocardiografía bidimensional en un grupo de pacientes con ritmo sinusal y con fibrilación auricular. Métodos. Se trata de un estudio observacional analítico, transversal, en el que se compararan los resultados en las mediciones anatómicas obtenidas por ecocardiograma bidimensional en pacientes con rimo sinusal y fibrilación auricular, con los resultados de dichas mediciones obtenidas a través del ecocardiograma tridimensional en el mismo grupo de pacientes. Resultados. Se evaluaron 48 pacientes, 32 pacientes (66%) se encontraron en ritmo sinusal, la edad promedio fue de 58,2 años; 41,7% fueron mujeres y la mayoría, 32 pacientes (66,7%), tenían una o varias comorbilidades de importancia de riesgo cardiovascular, con evidencia de compromiso de la función sistólica en 20 paciente, encontrando una mayor homogeneidad en las variables área y profundidad de la auriculilla izquierda. Discusión. Los resultados nos permiten apoyar el concepto que las imágenes obtenidas por ecocardiografía tridimensional nos ofrecen una mejor evaluación de la auriculilla izquierda, observando una mayor homogeneidad con la ecocardiografía bidimensional en las variables área y profundidad, existiendo a su vez heterogeneidad en la variable longitud. Conclusión. El presente estudio demostró que la ecocardiografía tridimensional, es un aporte importante desde el punto de vista diagnostico tanto cualitativo como cuantitativo en el análisis de la auriculilla izquierda, permitiendo una fácil adquisición de imágenes en tiempo real y comparativas con las imágenes bidimensionales.


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Introducción: la contaminación atmosférica no solo tiene efectos sobre el sistema respiratorio sino también sobre el cardiovascular. El objetivo de este estudio es generar evidencia que permita establecer una asociación entre el infarto agudo del miocardio y la concentración de PM10 en el ambiente como un estudio preliminar para un grupo de pacientes en Bogotá. Metodología: la asociación entre la concentración del material particulado (en este caso PM10 medido en la estación más cercana del lugar reportado por el paciente) y el infarto agudo del miocardio se estableció utilizando el diseño case crossover. Se utilizó información de las historias clínicas de los pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio que ingresaron al Servicio de Urgencias de la FSFB, y las concentraciones de PM10 medido en la estación más cercana al lugar de inicio de los síntomas de síndrome coronario agudo, reportado por el paciente. Resultados: se encontró que la asociación entre la concentración de PM10 y el diagnóstico de infarto agudo del miocardio es estadísticamente significativa teniendo en cuenta tres momentos de control: 2 horas antes del evento, 24 horas antes del evento y 48 horas antes del evento. Discusión: este estudio sugiere que las altas concentraciones de material particulado en el ambiente son un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de infarto agudo del miocardio especialmente en personas con enfermedad coronaria subyacente. Con esta investigación se demuestra la importancia de generar acciones que disminuyan la contaminación de la ciudad y de esta forma proteger la salud de las personas.


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Mapping and ablation of atrial tachycardias (ATs) secondary to catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) is often challenging due to the complex atrial substrate, different AT mechanisms, and potential origin not only in the left atrium (LA) but also from the right atrium (RA) and the adjacent thoracic veins.


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Persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation may lead to partial disconnection of the coronary sinus (CS). As a result, disparate activation sequences of the local CS versus contiguous left atrium (LA) may be observed during atrial tachycardia (AT). We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of this phenomenon and its impact on activation mapping.


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BACKGROUND: Current concepts of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (AF) commonly use three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of the left atrium (LA) for orientation, catheter navigation, and ablation line placement. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare the 3D electroanatomic reconstruction (Carto) of the LA, pulmonary veins (PVs), and esophagus with the true anatomy displayed on multislice computed tomography (CT). METHODS: In this prospective study, 100 patients undergoing AF catheter ablation underwent contrast-enhanced spiral CT scan with barium swallow and subsequent multiplanar and 3D reconstructions. Using Carto, circumferential plus linear LA lesions were placed. The esophagus was tagged and integrated into the Carto map. RESULTS: Compared with the true anatomy on CT, the electroanatomic reconstruction accurately displayed the true distance between the lower PVs; the distances between left upper PV, left lower PV, right lower PV, and center of the esophagus; the longitudinal diameter of the encircling line around the funnel of the left PVs; and the length of the mitral isthmus line. Only the distances between the upper PVs, the distance between the right upper PV and esophagus, and the diameter of the right encircling line were significantly shorter on the electroanatomic reconstructions. Furthermore, electroanatomic tagging of the esophagus reliably visualized the true anatomic relationship to the LA. On multiple tagging and repeated CT scans, the LA and esophagus showed a stable anatomic relationship, without relevant sideward shifting of the esophagus. CONCLUSION: Electroanatomic reconstruction can display with high accuracy the true 3D anatomy of the LA and PVs in most of the regions of interest for AF catheter ablation. In addition, Carto was able to visualize the true anatomic relationship between the esophagus and LA. Both structures showed a stable anatomic relationship on Carto and CT without relevant sideward shifting of the esophagus.


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This study aims to evaluate whether visualization and integration of the computed tomography (CT) scan of the left atrium (LA) and the esophagus into the three-dimensional (3D) electroanatomical map the day before ablation is accurate compared with integration of an esophagus tag into the electroanatomic LA map visualizing the anatomic relationship during the radiofrequency ablation or whether esophagus movement prohibits esophagus visualization the day before ablation.


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Background Left atrium (LA) dilation and P-wave duration are linked to the amount of endurance training and are risk factors for atrial fibrillation (AF). The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of LA anatomical and electrical remodeling on its conduit and pump function measured by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (STE). Method Amateur male runners > 30 years were recruited. Study participants (n = 95) were stratified in 3 groups according to lifetime training hours: low (< 1500 h, n = 33), intermediate (1500 to 4500 h, n = 32) and high training group (> 4500 h, n = 30). Results No differences were found, between the groups, in terms of age, blood pressure, and diastolic function. LA maximal volume (30 ± 5, 33 ± 5 vs. 37 ± 6 ml/m2, p < 0.001), and conduit volume index (9 ± 3, 11 ± 3 vs. 12 ± 3 ml/m2, p < 0.001) increased significantly from the low to the high training group, unlike the STE parameters: pump strain − 15.0 ± 2.8, − 14.7 ± 2.7 vs. − 14.9 ± 2.6%, p = 0.927; conduit strain 23.3 ± 3.9, 22.1 ± 5.3 vs. 23.7 ± 5.7%, p = 0.455. Independent predictors of LA strain conduit function were age, maximal early diastolic velocity of the mitral annulus, heart rate and peak early diastolic filling velocity. The signal-averaged P-wave (135 ± 11, 139 ± 10 vs. 148 ± 14 ms, p < 0.001) increased from the low to the high training group. Four episodes of non-sustained AF were recorded in one runner of the high training group. Conclusion The LA anatomical and electrical remodeling does not have a negative impact on atrial mechanical function. Hence, a possible link between these risk factors for AF and its actual, rare occurrence in this athlete population, could not be uncovered in the present study.


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OBJECTIVES This study sought to evaluate the relationship between fibrosis imaged by delayed-enhancement (DE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and atrial electrograms (Egms) in persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). BACKGROUND Atrial fractionated Egms are strongly related to slow anisotropic conduction. Their relationship to atrial fibrosis has not yet been investigated. METHODS Atrial high-resolution MRI of 18 patients with persistent AF (11 long-lasting persistent AF) was registered with mapping geometry (NavX electro-anatomical system (version 8.0, St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, Minnesota)). DE areas were categorized as dense or patchy, depending on their DE content. Left atrial Egms during AF were acquired using a high-density, 20-pole catheter (514 ± 77 sites/map). Fractionation, organization/regularity, local mean cycle length (CL), and voltage were analyzed with regard to DE. RESULTS Patients with long-lasting persistent versus persistent AF had larger left atrial (LA) surface area (134 ± 38 cm(2) vs. 98 ± 9 cm(2), p = 0.02), a higher amount of atrial DE (70 ± 16 cm(2) vs. 49 ± 10 cm(2), p = 0.01), more complex fractionated atrial Egm (CFAE) extent (54 ± 16 cm(2) vs. 28 ± 15 cm(2), p = 0.02), and a shorter baseline AF CL (147 ± 10 ms vs. 182 ± 14 ms, p = 0.01). Continuous CFAE (CFEmean [NavX algorithm that quantifies Egm fractionation] <80 ms) occupied 38 ± 19% of total LA surface area. Dense DE was detected at the left posterior left atrium. In contrast, the right posterior left atrium contained predominantly patchy DE. Most CFAE (48 ± 14%) occurred at non-DE LA sites, followed by 41 ± 12% CFAE at patchy DE and 11 ± 6% at dense DE regions (p = 0.005 and p = 0.008, respectively); 19 ± 6% CFAE sites occurred at border zones of dense DE. Egms were less fractionated, with longer CL and lower voltage at dense DE versus non-DE regions: CFEmean: 97 ms versus 76 ms, p < 0.0001; local CL: 153 ms versus 143 ms, p < 0.0001; mean voltage: 0.63 mV versus 0.86 mV, p < 0.0001. CONCLUSIONS Atrial fibrosis as defined by DE MRI is associated with slower and more organized electrical activity but with lower voltage than healthy atrial areas. Ninety percent of continuous CFAE sites occur at non-DE and patchy DE LA sites. These findings are important when choosing the ablation strategy in persistent AF.


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Data on short and long term efficacy and safety of d,l sotalol in patients with atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter is limited. The aims of this study were to (1) assess the antiarrhythmic efficacy of d,l sotalol maintaining normal sinus rhythm in patients with refractory atrial fibrillation or flutter, (2) evaluate the efficacy of d,l sotalol in preventing recurrences of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation or flutter, (3) evaluate the control of ventricular rate in patients with paroxysmal or refractory atrial fibrillation or flutter unsuccessfully treated with other antiarrhythmic agents, (4) determine predictors of efficacy (5) assess the safety of d,l sotalol in this setting. Two hundred patients with chronic or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter or both, who had failed one to six previous antiarrhythmic drug trials were treated with d,l sotalol 80 to 440 mg/day orally. Fifty four percent was female, age 47 +/- 16 years (range 7-79), follow up period 7 +/- 7 months (range 1 to 14 months), 79% of patients had the arrhythmia for more than one year. The atrial fibrillation in 37.5% of patients was chronic and paroxysmal in 23.5. The atrial flutter was chronic in 31% of patients and paroxysmal in 8%. Eighty two percent of patients was in functional class I (NYHA) and 82% had cardiac heart disease: left atrial (LA) size 44 +/- 10 mm, right atrial (RA) size 37 +/- 7 mm and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 58 +/- 8%. Total success was achieved in 58% of patients (atrial fibrillation 40% and 18% in atrial flutter), partial success in 38% (atrial fibrillation in 18% and 20% in atrial flutter) and 4% of patients failure. It was p < 0.07 when compared total success vs partial success among atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter groups. Patients with cardiac heart disease responded worst (p = 0.10) to the drug than those without it, specially if the heart was dilated. We concluded that d,l sotalol has moderate efficacy to convert and maintain normal sinus rhythm, as well as it acts controlling paroxysmal relapses and ventricular heart rate.


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OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to analyze trigger activity in the long-term follow-up after left atrial (LA) linear ablation. BACKGROUND Interventional strategies for curative treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) are targeted at the triggers and/or the maintaining substrate. After substrate modification using nonisolating linear lesions, the activity of triggers is unknown. METHODS With the LA linear lesion concept, 129 patients were treated using intraoperative ablation with minimal invasive surgical techniques. Contiguous radiofrequency energy-induced lesion lines involving the mitral annulus and the orifices of the pulmonary veins without isolation were placed under direct vision. RESULTS After a mean follow-up of 3.6 +/- 0.4 years, atrial ectopy, atrial runs, and reoccurrence of AF episodes were analyzed by digital 7-day electrocardiograms in 30 patients. Atrial ectopy was present in all patients. Atrial runs were present in 25 of 30 patients (83%), with a median number of 9 runs per patient/week (range 1 to 321) and a median duration of 1.2 s/run (range 0.7 to 25), without a significant difference in atrial ectopy and atrial runs between patients with former paroxysmal (n = 17) or persistent AF (n = 13). Overall, 87% of all patients were completely free from AF without antiarrhythmic drugs. CONCLUSIONS A detailed rhythm analysis late after specific LA linear lesion ablation shows that trigger activity remains relatively frequent but short and does not induce AF episodes in most patients. The long-term success rate of this concept is high in patients with paroxysmal or persistent AF.


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UNLABELLED Topography of the esophagus in atrial fibrillation ablation. INTRODUCTION The close anatomic relationship of the posterior wall of the left atrium (LA) and the thermosensitive esophagus creates a potential hazard in catheter ablation procedures. METHODS AND RESULTS In 30 patients (pts) with atrial fibrillation (AF) undergoing catheter ablation, we prospectively studied the course and contact of the esophagus in relation to LA and the topographic proximity to ablation lines encircling the right-sided and left-sided pulmonary veins (PV) as well as to the posterior line connecting the encircling lines using the electromagnetic mapping system for reconstruction of LA and for tagging of the esophagus. This new technique of anatomic tagging of the esophagus was validated against the CT scan as a standard imaging procedure. The esophageal course was highly variable, extending from courses in direct vicinity to the left- or right-sided PV as well as in the midportion of the posterior LA. In order to avoid energy application in direct proximity to the esophagus, adjustments of the left and right PV encircling lines were necessary in 14/30 pts (47%) and 3/30 (10%). In 30 pts (100%), the mid- to inferior areas of the posterior LA revealed contact with the esophagus. Therefore, posterior and inferior linear ablation lines were abandoned and shifted to superior in 29 pts (97%). CONCLUSIONS Anatomic tagging of esophagus revealed a highly variable proximity to different areas of the posterior LA suggesting individual adjustment of encircling and linear ablation lines in AF ablation procedures to avoid the life threatening complication of esophagus perforation.


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Background Open-irrigated radiofrequency catheter ablation (oiRFA) of atrial fibrillation (AF) imposes a volume load and risk of pulmonary edema. We sought to assess the effect of volume administration during ablation on left atrial (LA) pressure and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP). Methods LA pressure was measured via transseptal sheath at the beginning and end of 44 LA ablation procedures in 42 patients. BNP plasma levels were measured before and after 10 procedures. Results A median of 3,255 (interquartile range [IQR], 2,014)-mL saline was administered during the procedure. During LA ablation, the median fluid balance was +1,438 (IQR, 1,109) mL and LA pressure increased by median 3.7 (IQR, 5.9) mm Hg (P < 0.001). LA pressure did not change in the 19 procedures with furosemide administration (median ΔP = −0.3 [IQR, 7.1] mm Hg, P = 0.334). The correlation of LA pressure and fluid balance was weak (rs = 0.383, P = 0.021). BNP decreased in all four procedures starting in AF or atrial tachycardia and then converting to sinus rhythm (P = 0.068), and increased in all six procedures starting and finishing in sinus rhythm (P = 0.028). After ablation, symptomatic volume overload responding to diuresis occurred in three patients. Conclusions A substantial intravascular volume load during oiRFA can be absorbed with little change in LA pressure, such that LA pressure is not a reliable indicator of the fluid balance. Subsequent redistribution of the volume load imposes a risk after the procedure. Conversion to sinus rhythm may improve ability to acutely accommodate the volume load.