993 resultados para LEAD LEVELS
Contrasting with increased nitric oxide (NO) formation during healthy pregnancy, reduced NO bioavailability plays a role in preeclampsia. However, no study has examined whether increased NO consumption by enhanced circulating levels of cell-free hemoglobin plays a role in preeclampsia. We studied 82 pregnant women (38 healthy pregnant and 44 with preeclampsia). To assess NO bioavailability, we measured plasma and whole blood nitrite concentrations using an ozone-based chemiluminescence assay. Plasma ceruloplasmin concentrations and plasma NO consumption (pNOc) were assessed and plasma hemoglobin (pHb) concentrations were measured with a commercial immunoassay. We found lower whole blood and plasma nitrite concentrations in preeclamptic patients (-48 and -39%, respectively; both P<0.05) compared with healthy pregnant women. Plasma samples from preeclamptic women consumed 63% more NO (P=0.003) and had 53% higher pHb and 10% higher ceruloplasmin levels than those found in healthy pregnant women (P<0.01). We found significant positive correlations between pHb and pNOc (r=0.61; P<0.0001), negative correlations between pNOc and whole blood or plasma nitrite concentrations (P=0.02; r=-0.32 and P=0.01: r=-0.34, respectively), and negative correlations between pHb and whole blood or plasma nitrite concentrations (P=0.03; r=-0.36 and P=0.01: r=-0.38, respectively). These findings suggest that increased pHb levels lead to increased NO consumption and lower NO bioavailability in preeclamptic compared with healthy pregnant women. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Serum levels of troponin and heart-related fraction of creatine kinase (CK-MB) mass are used as diagnostic and prognostic criteria in myocardial infarction, but the relation between those levels and-the necropsy-determined size of necrosis has not been tested in human beings. In this retrospective study, 1-cm-thick transverse sections of the ventricles were cut from the base to the apex in the necropsy hearts of 27 patients aged 47 to 86 years (mean 66, median 69; 19 men). Total and necrotic areas were measured using a computer-linked image analysis system. The weights of the necrotic areas were also calculated. The correlations of the areas and weights of necrotic myocardium with the highest serum values of CK-MB mass and troponin 1, which had been quantified during life by chemiluminescence immunoassays, were verified by Pearson`s test; results were considered significant at p <= 50.05. Significant correlations were detected between CK-MB mass peak and infarct size (r = 0.63, p < 0.01) and weight (r = 0.69, p < 0.01) and between CK-MB mass and highest troponin level (r = 0.73, p < 0.01); however, the correlations between highest troponin level and myocardial infarct size (r = 0.31, p = 0.11) and weight (r = 0.35, p = 0.07) were small and nonsignificant. In conclusion, despite the well-established role of serum levels of troponin as a diagnostic tool for myocardial infarction, their highest values showed poor correlations with the extent of infarct. In contrast, the highest serum level of CK-MB mass was well correlated with myocardial infarct size. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The authors undertook this study to assess levels of cadmium exposure in the general population. Samples of lung, liver, and kidney were obtained from 61 cadavers (43 males, 18 females; 2-89 yr of age, mean age = 38.5 yr) who died from accidental causes and who were subject to postmortem examinations at the John Tonge Centre for Forensic Sciences, Queensland Health Scientific Services, Brisbane, Australia, in 1997 and 1998. Samples of bladder urine were also obtained from 22 cadavers. Tissue and urine samples were analyzed for cadmium, zinc, and copper with inductively coupled plasm (ICP) mass spectrometry. The overall mean values for cadmium in the lung, liver, and kidney cortex samples were 0.13, 0.95, and 15.45 mug/gm wet tissue weight. The average renal cadmium level in subjects with high lung-cadmium levels (n = 13) was 6 mug/gm wet tissue weight higher than that of similarly aged subjects who had medium lung-cadmium levels (n = 30). In females, the average level of cadmium in the liver was 74% greater than in males, and the average liver cadmium in females with high lung-cadmium levels was 100% higher than in males in the same age range who had the same high lung-cadmium levels. Renal cadmium accumulation tended to be greater in females than in males who were in the same age range and who had similar lung-cadmium levels, a result that suggested that there was a higher absorption rate of cadmium in females. The mean value for a urinary cadmium excretion of 2.30 mug/gm creatinine was found in a subset of samples that had a mean age of 39 yr and a renal cortex cadmium concentration of 18.6 mug/gm wet tissue weight. Urinary cadmium excretion rates were correlated more strongly with lung and kidney cadmium content than with age or liver cadmium levels. The results suggest that urinary cadmium excretion may be increased in smokers and could provide some estimate of body cadmium burdens in future Australian epidemiological studies.
Toxoplasmosis is an usually asymptomatic worldwide disseminated infection. In its congenital presentation it may lead to abortion or fetal malformations. Antenatal evaluation is considered of paramount importance to identify seronegative women and allow for prophylaxis. Recent improvements in sensitivity of IgM tests has made IgM detection an extremely protracted acute phase marker, and IgG avidity evaluation test became necessary. Observation has shown that a correlation can be established between IgM levels and avidity percentages, suggesting that frequently the avidity test may not be necessary. In this study we analyzed Toxoplasma gondii IgM levels of 202 samples and their IgG avidity percentages, in order to define specific levels whose IgM quantification could by itself define serodiagnosis and therefore make the avidity evaluation unnecessary. We showed that for IgM levels bellow 2.0 and above 6.0 serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis could be established without need of IgG avidity test. IgM levels between these two parameters are associated with varying avidity indexes highlighting the importance of its evaluation as a means to confirm toxoplasmosis. Following this demonstration it was possible to avoid the avidity test for 75% of the cases, to reduce the turnaround time and to reduce costs.
Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D degree in Cellular Biology
IDX-1 (islet/duodenum homeobox-1) is a transcription factor expressed in the duodenum and pancreatic beta and delta cells. It is required for embryonic development of the pancreas and transactivates the Glut2, glucokinase, insulin, and somatostatin genes. Here we show that exposure of isolated rat pancreatic islets to palmitic acid induced a approximately 70% decrease in IDX-1 mRNA and protein expression as well as 40 and 65% decreases in the binding activity of IDX-1 for its cognate cis-regulatory elements of the Glut2 and insulin promoters, respectively. The inhibitory effect of palmitic acid required its mitochondrial oxidation since it was prevented by the carnitine palmitoyltransferase I inhibitor bromopalmitic acid. The palmitic acid effect on IDX-1 was correlated with decreases in GLUT2 and glucokinase expression of 40 and 25%, respectively, at both the mRNA and protein levels. Insulin and somatostatin mRNA expression was also decreased by 40 and 60%, whereas glucagon mRNA expression was not modified. After 48 h of exposure to fatty acids, total islet insulin, somatostatin, and glucagon contents were decreased by 85, 55, and 65%, respectively. At the same time, total hormone release was strongly stimulated (13-fold) for glucagon, whereas its was only marginally increased for insulin and somatostatin (1.5- and 1.7-fold, respectively). These results indicate that elevated fatty acid levels 1) negatively regulate Idx-1 expression; 2) decrease the expression of genes transactivated by IDX-1 such as those for GLUT2, glucokinase, insulin, and somatostatin; and 3) lead to an important increase in glucagon synthesis and secretion. Fatty acids thus have pleiotropic effects on pancreatic islet gene expression, and the negative control of Idx-1 expression may be an initial event in the development of these multiple defects.
Game theorists typically assume that changing a game’s payoff levels—by adding the same constant to, or subtracting it from, all payoffs—should not affect behavior. While this invariance is an implication of the theory when payoffs mirror expected utilities, it is an empirical question when the “payoffs” are actually money amounts. In particular, if individuals treat monetary gains and losses differently, then payoff–level changes may matter when they result in positive payoffs becoming negative, or vice versa. We report the results of a human–subjects experiment designed to test for two types of loss avoidance: certain–loss avoidance (avoiding a strategy leading to a sure loss, in favor of an alternative that might lead to a gain) and possible–loss avoidance (avoiding a strategy leading to a possible loss, in favor of an alternative that leads to a sure gain). Subjects in the experiment play three versions of Stag Hunt, which are identical up to the level of payoffs, under a variety of treatments. We find differences in behavior across the three versions of Stag Hunt; these differences are hard to detect in the first round of play, but grow over time. When significant, the differences we find are in the direction predicted by certain– and possible–loss avoidance. Our results carry implications for games with multiple equilibria, and for theories that attempt to select among equilibria in such games.
Despite a wealth of data on the neurotoxic effects of lead at the cellular and molecular levels, the reasons for its development-dependent neurotoxicity are still unclear. Here, the maturation-dependent effects of lead acetate were analyzed in immature and differentiated brain cells cultured in aggregates. Markers of general cytotoxicity as well as cell-type-specific markers of glial and neuronal cells showed that immature brain cells were more sensitive to lead than the differentiated counterparts, demonstrating that the development-dependent neurotoxicity of lead can be reproduced in aggregating brain cell cultures. After 10 days of treatment, astrocytes were found to be more affected by lead acetate than neurons in immature cultures, and microglial cells were strongly activated. Eleven days after cessation of the treatment, lead acetate caused a partial loss of astrocytes and an intense reactivity of the remaining ones. Furthermore, microglial cells expressed a macrophagic phenotype, and the loss of activity of neuron-specific enzymes was aggravated. In differentiated cultures, no reactive gliosis was found. It is hypothetized that the intense glial reactions (microgliosis and astrogliosis) observed in immature cultures contribute to the development-dependent neurotoxicity of lead.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis whose interaction with the host may lead to a cell-mediated protective immune response. The presence of interferon-g (IFN-gamma) is related to this response. With the purpose of understanding the immunological mechanisms involved in this protection, the lymphoproliferative response, IFN-g and other cytokines like interleukin (IL-5, IL-10), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) were evaluated before and after the use of anti-TB drugs on 30 patients with active TB disease, 24 healthy household contacts of active TB patients, with positive purified protein derivative (PPD) skin tests (induration > 10 mm), and 34 asymptomatic individuals with negative PPD skin test results (induration < 5 mm). The positive lymphoproliferative response among peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients showed high levels of IFN-g, TNF-a, and IL-10. No significant levels of IL-5 were detected. After treatment with rifampicina, isoniazida, and pirazinamida, only the levels of IFN-g increased significantly (p < 0.01). These results highlight the need for further evaluation of IFN-g production as a healing prognostic of patients treated.
The immune response is crucial for protection against disease; however, immunological imbalances can lead to heart and digestive tract lesions in chagasic patients. Several studies have evaluated the cellular and humoral immune responses in chagasic patients in an attempt to correlate immunological findings with clinical forms of Chagas disease. Moreover, immunoglobulins and cytokines are important for parasitic control and are involved in lesion genesis. Here, cytokine and IgG isotype production were studied, using total epimastigote antigen on sera of chagasic patients with indeterminate (IND, n = 27) and cardiac (CARD, n = 16) forms of the disease. Samples from normal, uninfected individuals (NI, n = 30) were use as controls. The results showed that sera from both IND and CARD patients contained higher levels of Trypanosoma cruzi-specific IgG1 (IgG1) antibodies than sera from NI. No difference in IgG2 production levels was observed between NI, IND and CARD patients, nor was a difference in IL-10 and IFN-³ production detected in the sera of IND, CARD and NI patients. However, IND patients displayed a positive correlation between IL-10 and IFN-³ levels in serum, while CARD patients showed no such correlation, indicating an uncontrolled inflammatory response in CARD patients. These findings support the hypothesis that a lack of efficient regulation between IFN-³ and IL-10 productions in CARD patients may lead to cardiac immunopathology.
It has been demonstrated that parotid glands of rats infected with Trypanosoma cruzi present severe histological alterations; changes include reduction in density and volume of the acini and duct systems and an increase in connective tissue. We evaluated the association between morphological changes in parotid glands, circulating testosterone levels and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) expression in experimental Chagas disease in rats. Animals at 18 days of infection (acute phase) showed a significant decrease in body weight, serum testosterone levels and EGF-R expression in the parotid gland compared with a control group. Since decreases in body weight could lead to a reduction in circulating testosterone concentration, we believe that the reduction in EGF-R expression in parotid glands of infected rats is due to alterations in testosterone levels and atrophy of parotid glands is caused by changes in EGF-R expression. Additionally, at 50 days (chronic phase) of infection parotid glands showed a normal histological aspect likely due to the normalization of the body weight. These findings suggest that the testosterone-EGF-R axis is involved in the histological changes.
The adipocyte-derived protein adiponectin is highly heritable and inversely associated with risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) and coronary heart disease (CHD). We meta-analyzed 3 genome-wide association studies for circulating adiponectin levels (n = 8,531) and sought validation of the lead single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 5 additional cohorts (n = 6,202). Five SNPs were genome-wide significant in their relationship with adiponectin (P< or =5x10(-8)). We then tested whether these 5 SNPs were associated with risk of T2D and CHD using a Bonferroni-corrected threshold of P< or =0.011 to declare statistical significance for these disease associations. SNPs at the adiponectin-encoding ADIPOQ locus demonstrated the strongest associations with adiponectin levels (P-combined = 9.2x10(-19) for lead SNP, rs266717, n = 14,733). A novel variant in the ARL15 (ADP-ribosylation factor-like 15) gene was associated with lower circulating levels of adiponectin (rs4311394-G, P-combined = 2.9x10(-8), n = 14,733). This same risk allele at ARL15 was also associated with a higher risk of CHD (odds ratio [OR] = 1.12, P = 8.5x10(-6), n = 22,421) more nominally, an increased risk of T2D (OR = 1.11, P = 3.2x10(-3), n = 10,128), and several metabolic traits. Expression studies in humans indicated that ARL15 is well-expressed in skeletal muscle. These findings identify a novel protein, ARL15, which influences circulating adiponectin levels and may impact upon CHD risk.
Exposure to PM10 and PM2.5 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter smaller than 10 μm and 2.5 μm, respectively) is associated with a range of adverse health effects, including cancer, pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. Surface characteristics (chemical reactivity, surface area) are considered of prime importance to understand the mechanisms which lead to harmful effects. A hypothetical mechanism to explain these adverse effects is the ability of components (organics, metal ions) adsorbed on these particles to generate Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), and thereby to cause oxidative stress in biological systems (Donaldson et al., 2003). ROS can attack almost any cellular structure, like DNA or cellular membrane, leading to the formation of a wide variety of degradation products which can be used as a biomarker of oxidative stress. The aim of the present research project is to test whether there is a correlation between the exposure to Diesel Exhaust Particulate (DEP) and the oxidative stress status. For that purpose, a survey has been conducted in real occupational situations where workers were exposed to DEP (bus depots). Different exposure variables have been considered: - particulate number, size distribution and surface area (SMPS); - particulate mass - PM2.5 and PM4 (gravimetry); - elemental and organic carbon (coulometry); - total adsorbed heavy metals - iron, copper, manganese (atomic adsorption); - surface functional groups present on aerosols (Knudsen flow reactor). (Demirdjian et al., 2005). Several biomarkers of oxidative stress (8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and several aldehydes) have been determined either in urine or serum of volunteers. Results obtained during the sampling campaign in several bus depots indicated that the occupational exposure to particulates in these places was rather low (40-50 μg/m3 for PM4). Size distributions indicated that particles are within the nanometric range. Surface characteristics of sampled particles varied strongly, depending on the bus depot. They were usually characterized by high carbonyl and low acidic sites content. Among the different biomarkers which have been analyzed within the framework of this study, mean levels of 8- hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and several aldehydes (hexanal, heptanal, octanal, nonanal) increased during two consecutive days of exposure for non-smokers. In order to bring some insight into the relation between the particulate characteristics and the formation of ROS by-products, biomarkers levels will be discussed in relation with exposure variables.
Phytoremediation strategies utilize plants to decontaminate or immobilize soil pollutants. Among soil pollutants, metalloid As is considered a primary concern as a toxic element to organisms. Arsenic concentrations in the soil result from anthropogenic activities such as: the use of pesticides (herbicides and fungicides); some fertilizers; Au, Pb, Cu and Ni mining; Fe and steel production; coal combustion; and as a bi-product during natural gas extraction. This study evaluated the potential of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), wand riverhemp (Sesbania virgata), and lead tree (Leucaena leucocephala) as phytoremediators of soils polluted by As. Soil samples were placed in plastic pots, incubated with different As doses (0; 50; 100 and 200 mg dm-3) and then sown with seeds of the three species. Thirty (pigeon pea) and 90 days after sowing, the plants were evaluated for height, collar diameter and dry matter of young, intermediate and basal leaves, stems and roots. Arsenic concentration was determined in different aged leaves, stems and roots to establish the translocation index (TI) between the plant root system and aerial plant components and the bioconcentration factors (BF). The evaluated species showed distinct characteristics regarding As tolerance, since the lead tree and wand riverhemp were significantly more tolerant than pigeon pea. The high As levels found in wand riverhemp roots suggest the existence of an efficient accumulation and compartmentalization mechanism in order to reduce As translocation to shoot tissues. Pigeon pea is a sensitive species and could serve as a potential bioindicator plant, whereas the other two species have potential for phytoremediation programs in As polluted areas. However, further studies are needed with longer exposure times in actual field conditions to reach definite conclusions on relative phytoremediation potentials.
Aggregating brain cell cultures were used as a model to study the effect of chronic exposure to low levels of lead acetate. Long-term maintenance of cultures could be improved by supplementation of the medium with albumin-bound lipids. Exposure for 9 days to 10(-6)-10(-4) M lead acetate caused a decrease of GABAergic (glutamic acid decarboxylase) and astrocytic (glutamine synthetase) markers which was also found after prolonged treatment (50 days) with 10(-7) M lead acetate. Total protein content and choline acetyltransferase were not changed. The results show that prolonged exposure of aggregating brain cell cultures to a low concentration of lead acetate causes distinct changes of cell type-specific parameters.