958 resultados para LARGE-STRAIN DEFORMATION


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The mechanism of ductile damage caused by secondary void damage in the matrix around primary voids is studied by large strain, finite element analysis. A cylinder embedding an initially spherical void, a plane stress cell with a circular void and plane strain cell with a cylindrical or a flat void are analysed under different loading conditions. Secondary voids of smaller scale size nucleate in the strain hardening matrix, according to the requirements of some stress/strain criteria. Their growth and coalescence, handled by the empty element technique, demonstrate distinct mechanisms of damage as circumstances change. The macroscopic stress-strain curves are decomposed and illustrated in the form of the deviatoric and the volumetric parts. Concerning the stress response and the void growth prediction, comparisons are made between the present numerical results and those of previous authors. It is shown that loading condition, void growth history and void shape effect incorporated with the interaction between two generations of voids should be accounted for besides the void volume fraction.


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[ES]Los objetivos del siguiente trabajo consisten en analizar e optimizar el proceso del torneado en duro del acero ASP-23 indagando de especial manera en la realización de diferentes soluciones para brochas. En este caso, este proyecto nace de la importancia de reducir así como los costes económicos y los costes temporales de fabricación de elementos basados en el acero ASP-23 mediante el torneado en duro; proceso de mecanizado, cuya importancia cada vez es mayor como en las industrias de automoción o aeronáutica. El desarrollo del proyecto es fruto de la necesidad de EKIN S. Coop, uno de los líderes en los procesos de máquina-herramienta de alta precisión para el brochado, de desarrollar un proceso de mecanizado más eficaz de las brochas que produce. Así en el aula máquina-herramienta (ETSIB) se han intentado demostrar los beneficios que tiene el torneado en duro en el mecanizado del ASP-23. Hoy en día, con el rápido desarrollo de nuevos materiales, los procesos de fabricación se están haciendo cada vez más complejos, por la amplia variedad de maquinas con las que se realizan los procesos, por la variedad de geometría/material de las herramientas empleadas, por las propiedades del material de la pieza a mecanizar, por los parámetros de corte tan variados con los que podemos implementar el proceso (profundidad de corte, velocidad, alimentación...) y por la diversidad de elementos de sujeción utilizados. Además debemos ser conscientes de que tal variedad implica grandes magnitudes de deformaciones, velocidades y temperaturas. He aquí la justificación y el gran interés en el proyecto a realizar. Por ello, en este proyecto intentamos dar un pequeño paso en el conocimiento del proceso del torneado en duro de aceros con poca maquinabilidad, siendo conscientes de la amplia variedad y dificultad del avance en la ingeniería de fabricación y del mucho trabajo que queda por hacer.


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An optical and irreversible temperature sensor (e.g., a time-temperature integrator) is reported based on a mechanically embossed chiral-nematic polymer network. The polymer consists of a chemical and a physical (hydrogen-bonded) network and has a reflection band in the visible wavelength range. The sensors are produced by mechanical embossing at elevated temperatures. A relative large compressive deformation (up to 10%) is obtained inducing a shift to shorter wavelength of the reflection band (>30 nm). After embossing, a temperature sensor is obtained that exhibits an irreversible optical response. A permanent color shift to longer wavelengths (red) is observed upon heating of the polymer material to temperatures above the glass transition temperature. It is illustrated that the observed permanent color shift is related to shape memory in the polymer material. The films can be printed on a foil, thus showing that these sensors are potentially interesting as time-temperature integrators for applications in food and pharmaceutical products. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Compliant pneumatic actuators have attracted the interests of the robotics community especially for applications where large strokes are needed in delicate environments. This paper introduces a new type of compliant actuator that generates a large twisting deformation upon pressurization. This deformation is similar to torsion in solid mechanics, and can be characterized by a twisting angle along the longitudinal axis of the actuator. To produce prototype actuators, a new fabrication process is developed that uses soft lithography. With this process, prototype actuators with a width of 7mm and a thickness of 0.65mm have been produced that exhibit a twisting rotation of 6.5 degrees per millimeter length at a pressure of 178kPa. Besides design, fabrication and characterization, this paper will go into detail on stroke optimization. © 2013 IEEE.


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Self-assembled InAs quantum dots were prepared on GaAS(100)) substrate in a solid source molecular beam epitaxy system The distribution and topographic images of uncapped dots were studied by atomic force microscope. The statistical result shows that the quantum dots are bimodal distribution. The photoluminescence spectrum results shows that the intensity of small size quantum dots dominated, which may be due to: (1) the state density of large quantum dots lower than that of small quantum dots; (2) the carriers capture rate of large size quantum dots is small relative to that of small ones; (3) there is a large strain barrier between large quantum dots and capping layer, and the large strain is likely to produce the defect and dislocation, resulting in a probability carriers transferring from large quantum dots to small dots that is very small with temperature increasing.


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It is important to acquire the composition of Si1-xGex layer, especially that with high Ge content, epitaxied on Si substrate. Two nondestructive examination methods, double crystals X-ray diffraction (DCXRD) and micro-Raman measurement, were introduced comparatively to determine x value in Si1-xGex: layer, which show that while the two methods are consistent with each other when x is low, the results obtained from double crystals X-ray diffraction are not credible due to the large strain relaxation occurring in Si1-xGex layers when Ge content is higher than about 20%. Micro-Raman measurement is more appropriate for determining high Ge content than DCXRD.


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The electronic structure of an InAs self-assembled quantum dot in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field is investigated theoretically. The effect of finite offset, valence-band mixing, and strain are taken into account. The hole levels show strong anticrossings. The large strain and strong magnetic field decrease the effect of mixing between heavy hole and light hole. The hole energy levels have in general a weaker field dependence compared with the corresponding uncoupled levels.


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Dynamic planar compressive experiments on a typical tough Zr-BMG (Bulk Metallic Glass) were carried out under impact velocity of 500-600 m/sec and strain rate of 10(6)/s. The fracture surface of samples exhibits different fracture patterns at different parts of the sample. At a corner close to the front loading boundary, fracture patterns from the free edge toward the centre changed from equiaxial veins in microscale to periodic corrugations in nanoscale; in the middle of the sample, the fracture surface contains glazed zones laid out orderly along the same boundary. FEM simulation was performed to investigate the stress distributions in the impacted sample under a short duration impact loading. It has revealed that the fracture patterns changing from the free edge toward the centre were resulted from the fracture modes' changing from the tensile dominant fracture to the shear dominant fracture. Whereas at the middle part of the sample, fracture initiated from several parallel shear bands propagating close to the same boundary is due to a large strain or much higher shear stress in this area.


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The aim of the present study is twofold. Firstly, the paper investigates the undrained cyclic and post-cyclic behaviour of two silica sands by means of multi-stage cyclic triaxial tests. Secondly, based on the post-cyclic response observed in the element test, the authors formulate a simplified stress–strain relationship that can be conveniently used for the construction of p–y curves for liquefiable soils. The multi-stage loading condition consists of an initial cyclic loading applied to cause liquefaction, followed by undrained monotonic loading that aimed to investigate the post-cyclic response of the liquefied sample. It was found that due to the tendency of the liquefied soil to dilate upon undrained shearing, the post-liquefaction strain–stress response was characterised by a distinct strain–hardening behaviour. The latter is idealized by means of a bi-linear stress–strain model, which can be conveniently formulated in terms of three parameters, i.e.: (i) take-off shear strain, γto, i.e. shear strain required to mobilize 1 kPa of shear strength; (b) initial secant shear modulus, G1, defined as 1/γto; (c) post-liquefied shear modulus at large strain, G2 (γ⪢γto). Based on the experimental results, it is concluded that these parameters are strongly influenced by the initial relative density of the sample, whereby γto decreases with increasing relative density. Differently both shear moduli (G1 and G2) increases with increasing relative density. Lastly, the construction of new p–y curves for liquefiable soils based on the idealized bi-linear model is described.


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In this paper the use of free-surface techniques, within the framework of a finite volume methodology, are investigated for the simulation of metal forming processes. In such processes, for example extrusion and forging, a workpiece is subjected to large scale deformation to create the product's shape. The use of Eulerian free-surface techniques to predict this final shape offers the advantage, over the traditionally used Lagrangian finite element method, of not requiring remmeshing. Two free-surface techniques to predict this final shape offers the advantage, over the traditionally used Lagrangian finite element method, of not requiring remesingh. Two free-surface techniques are compared by modelling a typical example of this type of process - non-Newtonian extrusion of an aluminium workpiece through a conical die.


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This paper provides an overview of research on modelling of the structure–property interactions of polymer nanocomposites in manufacturing processes (stretch blow moulding and thermoforming) involving large-strain biaxial stretching of relatively thin sheets, aimed at developing computer modelling tools to help producers of materials, product designers and manufacturers exploit these materials to the full, much more quickly than could be done by experimental methods alone. The exemplar systems studied are polypropylene and polyester terephalate, with nanoclays. These were compounded and extruded into 2mm thick sheet which was then biaxially stretched at 155°C for the PP and 90 to 100°C for the PET. Mechanical properties were determined for the unstretched and stretched materials, together with TEM and XRD studies of structure. Multi-scale modelling, using representative volume elements is used to model the properties of these products.


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La réponse mécanique d’une cellule à une force externe permet d’inférer sa structure et fonction. Les pinces optiques s’avèrent une approche particulièrement attrayante pour la manipulation et caractérisation biophysique sophistiquée des cellules de façon non invasive. Cette thèse explore l’utilisation de trois types de pinces optiques couramment utilisées : 1) statiques (static), 2) à exposition partagée (time-sharing) et 3) oscillantes (oscillating). L’utilisation d’un code basé sur la méthode des éléments finis en trois dimensions (3DFEM) nous permet de modéliser ces trois types de piégeage optique afin d’extraire les propriétés mécaniques cellulaires à partir des expériences. La combinaison des pinces optiques avec la mécanique des cellules requiert des compétences interdisciplinaires. Une revue des approches expérimentales sur le piégeage optique et les tests unicellulaires est présentée. Les bases théoriques liant l’interaction entre la force radiative optique et la réponse mécanique de la cellule aussi. Pour la première fois, une simulation adaptée (3DFEM) incluant la diffusion lumineuse et la distribution du stress radiatif permet de prédire la déformation d’une cellule biconcave –analogue aux globules rouges—dans un piège statique double (static dual-trap). À l’équilibre, on observe que la déformation finale est donnée par l’espacement entre les deux faisceaux lasers: la cellule peut être étirée ou même comprimée. L’exposition partagée (time-sharing) est la technique qui permet de maintenir plusieurs sites de piégeage simultanément à partir du même faisceau laser. Notre analyse quantitative montre que, même oscillantes, la force optique et la déformation sont omniprésentes dans la cellule : la déformation viscoélastique et la dissipation de l’énergie sont analysées. Une autre cellule-type, la tige cubique, est étudiée : cela nous permet d’élucider de nouvelles propriétés sur la symétrie de la réponse mécanique. Enfin, l’analyse de la déformation résolue en temps dans un piége statique ou à exposition partagée montre que la déformation dépend simultanément de la viscoélasticité, la force externe et sa forme tridimensionnelle. La technique à force oscillante (oscillating tweezers) montre toutefois un décalage temporel, entre la force et la déformation, indépendant de la forme 3D; cette approche donnerait directement accès au tenseur viscoélastique complexe de la cellule.


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La mise en registre 3D (opération parfois appelée alignement) est un processus de transformation d’ensembles de données 3D dans un même système de coordonnées afin d’en aligner les éléments communs. Deux ensembles de données alignés ensemble peuvent être les scans partiels des deux vues différentes d’un même objet. Ils peuvent aussi être deux modèles complets, générés à des moments différents, d’un même objet ou de deux objets distincts. En fonction des ensembles de données à traiter, les méthodes d’alignement sont classées en mise en registre rigide ou non-rigide. Dans le cas de la mise en registre rigide, les données sont généralement acquises à partir d’objets rigides. Le processus de mise en registre peut être accompli en trouvant une seule transformation rigide globale (rotation, translation) pour aligner l’ensemble de données source avec l’ensemble de données cible. Toutefois, dans le cas non-rigide, où les données sont acquises à partir d’objets déformables, le processus de mise en registre est plus difficile parce qu’il est important de trouver à la fois une transformation globale et des déformations locales. Dans cette thèse, trois méthodes sont proposées pour résoudre le problème de mise en registre non-rigide entre deux ensembles de données (représentées par des maillages triangulaires) acquises à partir d’objets déformables. La première méthode permet de mettre en registre deux surfaces se chevauchant partiellement. La méthode surmonte les limitations des méthodes antérieures pour trouver une grande déformation globale entre deux surfaces. Cependant, cette méthode est limitée aux petites déformations locales sur la surface afin de valider le descripteur utilisé. La seconde méthode est s’appuie sur le cadre de la première et est appliquée à des données pour lesquelles la déformation entre les deux surfaces est composée à la fois d’une grande déformation globale et de petites déformations locales. La troisième méthode, qui se base sur les deux autres méthodes, est proposée pour la mise en registre d’ensembles de données qui sont plus complexes. Bien que la qualité que elle fournit n’est pas aussi bonne que la seconde méthode, son temps de calcul est accéléré d’environ quatre fois parce que le nombre de paramètres optimisés est réduit de moitié. L’efficacité des trois méthodes repose sur des stratégies via lesquelles les correspondances sont déterminées correctement et le modèle de déformation est exploité judicieusement. Ces méthodes sont mises en oeuvre et comparées avec d’autres méthodes sur diverses données afin d’évaluer leur robustesse pour résoudre le problème de mise en registre non-rigide. Les méthodes proposées sont des solutions prometteuses qui peuvent être appliquées dans des applications telles que la mise en registre non-rigide de vues multiples, la reconstruction 3D dynamique, l’animation 3D ou la recherche de modèles 3D dans des banques de données.


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A C-Mn-Nb-Ti steel was deformed by hot torsion to study ultrafine ferrite formation through dynamic strain-induced transformation (DSIT) in conjunction with air cooling. A systematic study was carried out first to evaluate the effect of deformation temperature and prior austenite grain size on the critical strain for ultrafine ferrite formation (ε C,UFF) through single-pass deformation. Then, multiple deformations in the nonrecrystallization region were used to study the effect of thermomechanical parameters (i.e., strain, deformation temperature, etc.) on ε C,UFF. The multiple deformations in the nonrecrystallization region significantly reduced ε C,UFF, although the total equivalent strain for a given thermomechanical condition was higher than that required in single-pass deformation. The current study on a Ni-30Fe austenitic model alloy revealed that laminar microband structures were the key intragranular defects in the austenite for nucleation of ferrite during the hot torsion test. The microbands were refined and overall misorientation angle distribution increased with a decrease in the deformation temperature for a given thermomechanical processing condition. For nonisothermal multipass deformation, there was some contribution to the formation of high-angle microband boundaries from strains at higher temperature, although the strains were not completely additive.