147 resultados para LACTONES


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Rice (Oryza sativa) cultivar Azucena--belonging to the Japonica subspecies--exudes high strigolactone (SL) levels and induces high germination of the root parasitic plant Striga hermonthica. Consistent with the fact that SLs also inhibit shoot branching, Azucena is a low-tillering variety. In contrast, Bala, an Indica cultivar, is a low-SL producer, stimulates less Striga germination, and is highly tillered. Using a Bala × Azucena F6 population, a major quantitative trait loci--qSLB1.1--for the exudation of SL, tillering, and induction of Striga germination was detected on chromosome 1. Sequence analysis of the corresponding locus revealed a rearrangement of a 51- to 59-kbp stretch between 28.9 and 29 Mbp in the Bala genome, resulting in the deletion of two cytochrome P450 genes--SLB1 and SLB2--with high homology to the Arabidopsis SL biosynthesis gene, MAX1. Both rice genes rescue the Arabidopsis max1-1 highly branched mutant phenotype and increase the production of the SL, ent-2'-epi-5-deoxystrigol, when overexpressed in Bala. Furthermore, analysis of this region in 367 cultivars of the publicly available Rice Diversity Panel population shows that the rearrangement at this locus is a recurrent natural trait associated with the Indica/Japonica divide in rice.


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BACKGROUND: LuxS may function as a metabolic enzyme or as the synthase of a quorum sensing signalling molecule, auto-inducer-2 (AI-2); hence, the mechanism underlying phenotypic changes upon luxS inactivation is not always clear. In Helicobacter pylori, we have recently shown that, rather than functioning in recycling methionine as in most bacteria, LuxS (along with newly-characterised MccA and MccB), synthesises cysteine via reverse transsulphuration. In this study, we investigated whether and how LuxS controls motility of H. pylori, specifically if it has its effects via luxS-required cysteine metabolism or via AI-2 synthesis only.

RESULTS: We report that disruption of luxS renders H. pylori non-motile in soft agar and by microscopy, whereas disruption of mccAHp or mccBHp (other genes in the cysteine provision pathway) does not, implying that the lost phenotype is not due to disrupted cysteine provision. The motility defect of the DeltaluxSHp mutant was complemented genetically by luxSHp and also by addition of in vitro synthesised AI-2 or 4, 5-dihydroxy-2, 3-pentanedione (DPD, the precursor of AI-2). In contrast, exogenously added cysteine could not restore motility to the DeltaluxSHp mutant, confirming that AI-2 synthesis, but not the metabolic effect of LuxS was important. Microscopy showed reduced number and length of flagella in the DeltaluxSHp mutant. Immunoblotting identified decreased levels of FlaA and FlgE but not FlaB in the DeltaluxSHp mutant, and RT-PCR showed that the expression of flaA, flgE, motA, motB, flhA and fliI but not flaB was reduced. Addition of DPD but not cysteine to the DeltaluxSHp mutant restored flagellar gene transcription, and the number and length of flagella.

CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that as well as being a metabolic enzyme, H. pylori LuxS has an alternative role in regulation of motility by modulating flagellar transcripts and flagellar biosynthesis through production of the signalling molecule AI-2.


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This study investigated and characterised transdermal permeation of bioactive agents from a topically applied Arnica montana tincture. Permeation experiments conducted over 48 h used polydimethylsiloxane (silastic) and human epidermal membranes mounted in Franz-type diffusion cells with a methanol-water (50:50 v/v) receptor fluid. A commercially available tincture of A. montana L. derived from dried Spanish flower heads was a donor solution. Further donor solutions prepared from this stock tincture concentrated the tincture constituents 1, 2 and 10 fold and its sesquiterpene lactones 10 fold. Permeants were assayed using a high-performance liquid chromatography method. Five components permeated through silastic membranes providing peaks with relative retention factors to an internal standard (santonin) of 0.28, 1.18, 1.45, 1.98 and 2.76, respectively. No permeant was detected within 12 h of applying the Arnica tincture onto human epidermal membranes. However, after 12 h, the first two of these components were detected. These were shown by Zimmermann reagent reaction to be sesquiterpene lactones and liquid chromatography/diode array detection/mass spectrometry indicated that these two permeants were 11,13-dihydrohelenalin (DH) analogues (methacrylate and tiglate esters). The same two components were also detected within 3 h of topical application of the 10-fold concentrated tincture and the concentrated sesquiterpene lactone extract.


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Les acides biliaires sont des composés naturels existants dans le corps humain. Leur biocompatibilité, leur caractère amphiphile et la rigidité de leur noyau stéroïdien, ainsi que l’excellent contrôle de leurs modifications chimiques, en font de remarquables candidats pour la préparation de matériaux biodégradables pour le relargage de médicaments et l'ingénierie tissulaire. Nous avons préparé une variété de polymères à base d’acides biliaires ayant de hautes masses molaires. Des monomères macrocycliques ont été synthétisés à partir de diènes composés de chaînes alkyles flexibles attachées à un noyau d'acide biliaire via des liens esters ou amides. Ces synthèses ont été réalisées par la fermeture de cycle par métathèse, utilisant le catalyseur de Grubbs de première génération. Les macrocycles obtenus ont ensuite été polymérisés par ouverture de cycle, entropiquement induite le catalyseur de Grubbs de seconde génération. Des copolymères ont également été préparés à partir de monolactones d'acide ricinoléique et de monomères cycliques de triester d’acide cholique via la même méthode. Les propriétés thermiques et mécaniques et la dégradabilité de ces polymères ont été étudiées. Elles peuvent être modulées en modifiant les différents groupes fonctionnels décorant l’acide biliaire et en ayant recours à la copolymérisation. La variation des caractéristiques physiques de ces polymères biocompatibles permet de moduler d’autres propriétés utiles, tel que l’effet de mémoire de forme qui est important pour des applications biomédicales.


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Cette thèse décrit deux thèmes principaux: 1) la conception, la synthèse, et l'évaluation biophysique des nucléosides tricycliques, et 2) la synthèse de nagilactone B, un produit naturel norditerpenoïde dilactone de la famille de produits naturels “podolactone”. Le premier chapitre décrit la stratégie de design rationnel des nucléosides nommé “restriction conformationnelle double” basée sur les études de modélisation structurales des duplex ADN–ARN modifiés. Cette stratégie implique un blocage du cycle furanose dans une configuration de type N- ou S, et une restriction de la rotation torsionelle autour de l’angle γ. La première contrainte a été incorporée avec un pont méthylène entre l’oxygène en position 2′ et le carbone 4′ du nucléoside. Cette stratégie a été inspirée par les acides nucléiques bloqués (ou “locked nucleic acid”, LNA). La deuxième contrainte a été réalisée en ajoutant un carbocycle supplémentaire dans l'échafaud de l’acide nucléique bloqué. Les défis synthétiques de la formation des nucléotides modifiés à partir des carbohydrates sont décrits ainsi que les améliorations aux stabilités thermiques qu’ils apportent aux duplex oligonucléïques dont ils font partie. Chapitres deux et trois décrivent le développement de deux voies synthétiques complémentaires pour la formation du noyau de nagilactone B. Ce produit naturel a des implications pour le syndrome de Hutchinson–Gilford, à cause de son habilité de jouer le rôle de modulateur de l’épissage d’ARN pré-messager de lamine A. Ce produit naturel contient sept stereocentres différents, dont deux quaternaires et deux comprenant un syn-1,2-diol, ainsi que des lactones à cinq ou six membres, où le cycle à six ressemble à un groupement α-pyrone. La synthèse a débuté avec la cétone de Wieland-Miescher qui a permis d’adresser les défis structurels ainsi qu’explorer les fonctionnalisations des cycles A, B et D du noyau de nagilactone B.


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The thesis entitled studies on the synthesis and transformations of a few 2(3H)- and 3(2H)- furanones. Furanones represent an interesting class of heterocyclic compounds, which constitute the central ring system of many natural products. The derivatives of furan is divided, depending on their structure 2(3H)-furanones(I), 2(5H)-furanones(II), and 3(2H)-furanones(III). Systems I&II are unsatured gama lactones known as ‘butenolides’. Compounds of this type also known as ‘crotonolactones’ based on the parent crotonic acid. In conclusion a number of 2(3H)-and 3(2H)- furanones were synthesized from dibenzoylalkene precursors and were characterized on the basis of spectral analytical and X-ray data. On direct irradiation 3,3-bis(4-chloropheneyl)-5-aryl-3H-furan -2-ones underwent decarbonylation to yield the corresponding alpha, beta- unsaturated carbonyl compounds and upon sensitized irradiation they underwent dimersation arising through a 2+2 cycloaddition reaction. Our studies on 3(2H)-furanones revealed that these compounds are thermally stable, while they undergo extensive decomposition to intractable mixtures under the influence of light. Similarly, the novel dibenzoylalkenes- type systems containing hetroatomatic rings synthesized by us also underwent extensive decomposition under the influence of heat. Some of the 3(2H)-furanones synthesized by us exhibit remarkable anti-proliferative activity.


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The synthesis and reactions of simple derivatives of 2(3H)- and 3(2H)furanones have attracted considerable attention in recent years, primarily in connection with development of routes to antitumor agents that contain this ring as central structural unit. They also serve as useful synthetic building blocks for lactones and furans and are the precursors of a wide variety of biologically important heterocyclic systems. Although a number of syntheses of furanones were known they were in many cases limited to specific substitution pattems. The development of altemative strategies for the preparation of these heterocycles is therefore of considerable importance or continues to be a challenge.We propose to develop new and general approaches to the synthesis of furanone ring systems from simple and readily available starting materials since we were interested in examining their rich photochemistry. The photochemical reactivity of Beta,gama-unsaturated lactams and lactones is a subject of current interest. Some of the prominent photoreaction pathways of unsaturated lactones include decarbonylation, solvent addition to double bonds, decarboxylation, migration of aryl substituents and dimerisation. lt was reported earlier that the critical requirement for clean photochemical cleavage of the acyl-oxygen bond is the presence ofa double bond adjacent to the ether oxygen and 2(3H)-furanones possessing this structural requirement undergo facile decarbonylation. But related phenanthrofuranones are isolated as photostable end products upon irradiation. Hence we propose to synthesis a few phenanthro-2(3H)-furanones to study the effect of a radical stabilising group at 3-position of furanone ring on photolysis. To explore the tripletmediated transformations of 2(3H)-furanones in polar and nonpolar solvents a few 3,3-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-5-aryl-3H-furan-2-ones and 3,3-di(p-tolyl)-5-aryl- 3H-furan-2-ones were synthesised from the corresponding dibenzoylstyrene precursors by neat thermolysis. Our aim was to study the nature of intermediates involved in these transformations.We also explored the possibility of developing a new and general approach to the synthesis of 3(2H)-furanones from simple and readily available starting materials since such general procedures are not available. The protocol developed by us employs readily available phenanthrenequinone and various 4-substituted acetophenones as starting materials and provides easy access to the required 3(2H)-furanone targets. These furanone derivatives have immense potential for further investigations .We also aimed the synthesis of a few dibenzoylalkene-type systems such as acenaphthenone-2—ylidene ketones and phenanthrenone-9-ylidene ketones. These systems were expected to undergo thermal rearrangement to give furanones and spirofuranones. Also these systems can be categorised as quinonemethides which are valuable synthetic intermediates.


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Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurden die Dynamik und die Kommunikation innerhalb der mikrobiellen Population der Rhizosphäre von Deutschem Weidelgras (Lolium perenne) untersucht, welches auf einer teilweise rekultivierten Rückstandshalde der Kaliindustrie wuchs. Um die niederschlagsbedingte Auswaschung von Salzen zu reduzieren, wird die Rückstandshalde des Kaliwerks Sigmundshall (in Bokeloh bei Hannover) schrittweise mit dem technogenen Abdecksubstrat REKAL/SAV ummantelt. Dieses weist eine hohe Standfestigkeit und Wasserspeicherkapazität auf und kann zudem begrünt werden, wofür als Pionierpflanze Lolium perenne dient. Durch diese Rekultivierung wird Niederschlag besser gespeichert und über Evapotranspiration wieder in die Luft abgegeben, was letztendlich die Bildung von Salzwasser vermindert. Da das Abdecksubstrat neben alkalischem pH-Wert auch teilweise hohe Schwermetallkonzentrationen aufweist, sollte in der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals die mikrobielle Rhizosphären-Gemeinschaft in diesem extremen Habitat mittels einer kulturunabhängigen Methode erforscht werden. Zudem wurden erste Untersuchungen angestellt, ob im Substrat die zelldichte-abhängige bakterielle Kommunikation (Quorum Sensing) nachgewiesen werden kann. Mittels extrahierter Gesamt-DNA wurde anhand der 16S rDNA die Analyse des „Terminalen Restriktonsfragmentlängenpolymorphismus“ (TRFLP) verwendet, um die komplexe bakterielle Rhizosphären-Gemeinschaft unter zeitlichen und lokalen Aspekten zu vergleichen. Auftretende Veränderungen bei den bakteriellen Populationen der jeweiligen Proben wurden durch eine Zu- oder Abnahme der auch als Ribotypen bezeichneten terminalen Restriktionsfragmente (TRF) erfasst. Hierbei zeigten sich am Südhang der Halde während der Sommermonate der Jahre 2008 und 2009 zwar Schwankungen in den bakteriellen Gemeinschaftsprofilen, es lagen jedoch keine eindeutigen Dynamiken vor. Im Vergleich zum Südhang der Halde wies der Nordhang eine höhere Ribotyp-Diversität auf, was mit der fortgeschritteneren Rekultivierung dieses Haldenabschnitts zusammenhängen könnte. Zusätzlich wurden Bakterien aus der Rhizosphäre von Lolium perenne isoliert und mithilfe der Biosensoren Agrobacterium tumefaciens A136 pCF218 pCF372 und Chromobacterium violaceum CV026 auf die Produktion von N-Acylhomoserinlactonen (AHLs) überprüft. Diese AHLs werden von Gram-negativen Mikroorganismen als Signalmoleküle verwendet, um ihre Genexpression zelldichteabhängig zu kontrollieren. Von den 47 getesteten Gram-negativen Rhizosphärenisolaten konnten nur bei einem reproduzierbar AHL-Moleküle mithilfe des Reporterstamms A. tumefaciens nachgewiesen werden. Der AHL-Produzent wurde als Pseudomonas fluorescens identifiziert. Mittels dünnschichtchromatographischer Analysen konnten die extrahierten bakteriellen AHL-Moleküle den N-Octanoyl-L-homoserinlactonen zugeordnet werden.


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Various conflicting data on the rearrangement and absolute stereochemistry of hydroxylignano-9,7'-lactones are resolved using O-18 labeled compounds, also confirmed by an X-ray analysis of a pure lignano-9,7'-lactone enantiomer, obtained for the first time. Under NaH/DMF rearrangement conditions a silyl protected hydroxylignano-9,9'-lactone underwent an unexpected silyl migration.


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This study investigated and characterised transdermal permeation of bioactive agents from a topically applied Arnica montana tincture. Permeation experiments conducted over 48 h used polyclimethylsiloxane (silastic) and human epidermal membranes mounted in Franz-type diffusion cells with a methanol-water (50:50 v/v) receptor fluid. A commercially available tincture of A. montana L. derived from dried Spanish flower heads was a donor solution. Further donor solutions prepared from this stock tincture concentrated the tincture constituents 1, 2 and 10 fold and its sesquiterpene lactones 10 fold. Permeants were assayed using a high-performance liquid chromatography method. Five components permeated through silastic membranes providing peaks with relative retention factors to an internal standard (santonin) of 0.28, 1.18, 1.45, 1.98 and 2.76, respectively. No permeant was detected within 12 h of applying the Arnica tincture onto human epidermal membranes. However, after 12 h, the first two of these components were detected. These were,shown by Zimmermann reagent reaction to be sesquiterpene lactones and liquid chromatography/diode array detection/mass spectrometry indicated that these two permeants were 11,13-dihydrohelenalin (DH) analogues (methacrylate and tiglate esters). The same two components were also detected within 3 h of topical application of the 10-fold concentrated tincture and the concentrated sesquiterpene lactone extract.


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Four alkyl substituted β-lactones were investigated as monomers in ring opening polymerisation to produce a family of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate)s. Homopolymers were synthesised using a robust aluminium salen catalyst, resulting in polymers with low dispersity (Đ < 1.1) and predictable molecular weights. ABA triblock copolymers were prepared using poly(L-lactic acid) as the A block and the aforementioned poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) as the B block via a sequential addition method. Characterisation of these copolymers determined they were well controlled with low dispersities and predictable molecular weight. DSC analysis determined copolymers prepared from β-butyrolactone or β-valerolactone yielded polymers with tunable and predictable thermal properties. Copolymers prepared from β-heptanolactone yielded a microphase separated material as indicated by SAXS, with two distinct Tgs. The polymers could be readily cast into flexible films and their improved tensile properties were explored.


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Solvent-free desymmetrisation of meso-dialdehyde 1 with chiral 1-phenylethan-1-ol, led to preparation of 4-silyloxy-6-alkyloxytetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-one (+)-3a with a 96:4 d.r. Deprotected lactone (+)-19a and the related racemic lactones 16a-18a present a lactone moiety resembling the natural substrate of HMG-CoA reductase and their antifungal properties have been evaluated against the phytopathogenic fungi Botrytis cinerea and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. These compounds were selectively active against B. cinerea, while inactive against C. gloeosporioides.


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The bioactivity of the flavonoids pinostrobin (1), pinocembrin (2), tectochrysin (3), galangin 3-methyl ether (4), and tiliroside (5) isolated from Lychnophora markgravii aerial parts was investigated in vitro against amastigote stages of Leishmania amazonensis. The compounds were isolated by several chromatographic techniques and their chemical structures were established by ESI-MS and NMR spectroscopic data. The flavonoids 1 and 3 were the most active compounds; they markedly reduced the viability of Leishmania amastigotes.


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We wish to report here our initial efforts toward the total synthesis of the potent antitumor agent dictyostatin, describing a short and efficient synthesis of the C11-C23 fragment. ( (C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2009)


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The synthesis of the macrolactone core of migrastatin 2, its potent anti-metastasis analogue 34, and ester derivatives 35 and 38 are reported. The approach involves the use of a dihydroxylation reaction to establish the desired C-8 stereocenter followed by a metathesis cyclization reaction. The effects of the compounds on the migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells were evaluated by using the wound-healing and the Boyden-chamber cell-migration and cell-invasion assays. The results revealed a high potency of the macrolactones 2 and 34 and the ester analogues 35 and 38, which suggests they have potential as antimetastatic agents.