73 resultados para Joann Sfar


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Prepared under contract "for the National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs."


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Top Row: Kris Aasvved, Phyllis Askew, Stephanie Babboni, Carolyn Backus, Carol Bockeloo, Veronica Banks, Patte Barland, Sally Barling, Rowena Beebe, Ginger Behr, Bobbi Bergmooser, Clary Bestor, Terry A. Bilinski, Debbie Blauer, Kathleen Bly, Lois K. Boer, Aurelia boyer, Polly Bradley, Sue Brenkert, Sherry Brezina

Row 2: Andrea Brown, Phyllis Buchholz, Michele Bujak, Barbara Burcham, Carol Burg, Mary Ann Campbell, Nancy Cartwright, Sally Chin, Kathleen Christmas, Barbara Clark, Marlene Clarkson, Alma Cole, Judy Coltson, Donna Craig, Janet L. Davies, Catherine Davidson, Sandra Detrisac, Toni Doherty, Kathleen Dumas, Deretha Eddings

Row 3: Marcia Ferrand, Karen Finger, Carol Fischer, Susan Fischer, Suzanne M. Fleszar, Barbara Fritz, Lola Garland, Susan Goldstein, Pam Goltz, Diane Gorman, Debby Goudreau, Diane Greenfield, Debbie Gross, Joan Hamman, Cheryl Hauch, Michelle Hays, Betty Henderson, Christena Henson, Constance Hill, Linda Hill

Row 4: Pamela Hill, Marilyn Holland, Patricia Horvath, Lois Huissen, Nance J. Huston, Phyllis Isackson, Angela Janik, Kim Johnson, Marjorie Kelsey, Wanda Kent, Eugenie Kimura, Lesley Kinnard, Kathleen Klute, Peggy Koskela, Linda Ksiazkiewicaz, Barbara Lang, Karen C. Carson, Kathryn Linder, Kathleen Lipinski, Janie Locke

Row 5: Nancy Luth, Denise Lyons, Susan Malkewitz, Diane Mannino, Nancy Marsh, Denise M. McCann, Carol McVannel, Vicky Melancon, Darlene Mikolajczak, Jane Monroe, Pam Morris, Cari Mulholland, Sandra Muller, Jacqueline Murphy, Terri Murtland, Colleen Nash, Debbie Nichols, Nancy Nowacek, Denise D. O'Brien, Sue Olejniczak

Row 6: Susan Panozzo, Marty Parmelee, Nancy Parr, Alexandra Paul, Pam Pennington, Patricia Phelps, Helen Piggush, Jan Pinkham, Molly Power, Janet Primeau, Ilona Proskie, Gretel Quitmeyer, Vicki Jo Ray, Josephine Reed, Ruth Riley, Norine Rowe, Beata Rudnik, Pat Rutowski, Linda Sanders, Patricia Saran

Row 7: Judy Sayles, Janis Schlicker, Janice Schmidt, Janiece Selecky, Deborah Silverman, Susan K. Smith, Theresa Sobanski, Marcia Sosnowski, Joyce Stein, Cathie Stepien, Pam Stoeffler, Sharon Swann, Susan Truchan, Susan Turke, Susan Valentine, Delores Vander Wal, Mary Jane VanLoon, Pamela A. Van Riper, Jeanne M. Wade, Karen Warner

Row 8: Deborah White, Rebecca E. Wildgen, Karen Williams, Sharon Williams, Debra Wilson, KEn Wilson, Nancy Wiltz, Maribeth Wooldridge, Martha Zawacki, JoAnn Zlotnick

Row 9: Julie Sochalski, Norma Shumaker, Kristin Brawner, Susan Archambault, Lauralee Hess, Rita M. Gibes, Barbara Terrien, Laurie Cushman, Mary Markey


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Top Row: Peggy Alford, Anne Allen, Barbara Amann, Joann Baker, Elizabeth Bando, Sara Barnes, Mary Barz, Anne Bauer, Patricia Baxter, Gwendolyn Beaudette, Nancy Bidigare, Marian Bier, Susan Blaszczyk, Jacqueline bolin, Anne Bostwick, Heather Brendel, Theresa Brisker, Rosalyn Cage, Jeanne Calhoun

Row 2: Karen Caputo, Carolyn Carpenter, Laura Lewellen, Catherine Pearson, Pamela Carr, Lisa Clark

Row 3: Sarah Cleland, Kathy Collar, Ann Connors, Marian Coppo, Martha Coppo, Debra Wirth, Kathleen Coughlin, Mayble Craig, Jennifer Crittenden, Linda Dean, Ann Dika

Row 4: Shira Doneson, Valerie Dray, Lee Duffey, Mary Dunn, Nancy Edwards, Mildred Jett, Patricia Johnson, Jan Walters, Karen Dimitroff, Debra Walton, Moira Stein, Madi Ehrenreich, Paula Elliott, Claudia Evans, Jolaync Farrell, Karen Fierke

Row 5: Debra Finch, Nadine Furlong, Susan Gamerman, Anita Gardocki, Marcia Gerpheide, Roberta Gies, Deborah Glotzhober, Marlene Golabeck, Janet Goldberg, Rene Green, Diana Greer, Susan Gross, Vivian Hall, Jill Hallead

Row 6: Sharon Hamlett, Tamara Hanson, Jane Harper, Jesusa Heilig, Steinunn Hermannsson, Susan Hicks, Karen Hillebrand, Jomatia Hoff, Michelle Howey, Holly Howieson, Sandra Hubar, Kathleen Hughes, Shirley Jvery, Laura Johnson, Susan Johnson, Shirley Jones, Judith Kellermier, Lynda Kitchen, Susan Kleinbeck

Row 7: Nanette Kotz, Kathleen Kroh, Judith Krohn, Catherine Lahti, Mary Lange, Patti Larson, Susan Leach, Rebecca Linn, Lacy Loomis, Francene Lundy, Sue Lymperis, Robyn Main, Patricia McCleary, Theresa McGowan, Elizabeth Messiter, Mary Miller, Nancy Moffatt, Catherine Munn, Karen Munson

Row 8: Virginia Newman, Laura Novak, Thomas O'Connell, Julie O'Connor, Kaathleen O'Hara, Kimberly O'Loughlin, Karen Olsen, Marcy Ouellette, Gail Park, Georgiana Parsell, Mary Patchak, Linda Pearsall, Kathleen Poage, Shelly Ponte, Thomas Parter, Marilyn Pratt, Karen Prince, Kathryn Procter, Rebecca Raymond

Row 9: Jill remter, Cheryl Ricca, Brenda Robinson, Karen Rollins, Lisa Root, Audrey Ross, Barbara Rutherford, Linda Rykwalder, Margaret Sampson, Sherril Santo, Jeanne Scheer, Kathy Schlichter, Nancy Schuman, Debra Sihtala, Michele Smit, Donna Smith, Bonnic Smrcka, Janine Speck, Elizabeth Stainsby

Row 10: Grace Steinaway, Jennifer Stinson, Sally Stone, Anne Sullivan, Barbara Tonak, Linda Towers, Cindy Tremblay, Gregory Trowbridge, Sandra Tucker, Debbie Ullrich, Lee Ann Van Houten, Pamela Waggener, Martha Walker, Michele Wenderski, Catherine West, Harriet Wilkinson, Diane Willis, Jan Winslow, Karen Wismer


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Top Row: Barbara A. Fleckenstein, Anne M. Phelan, Julie-Ann Gersin, Laura E. Kemper, Mary Ann McCulloch, Meryl I. Faber, Karen E. Morton, Jennifer S. Miller, Catherine A. Chichester, Dana R. Piper, Harold K. Lohwasser, Michelle A. Lyons, Julia C. Kelly, Deborah L. Rossman, Amy L. Keskey, John F. Nama, Linda Borucki, Michelle M. Bradley, Caroline M. Fischer, Lisa A. Kuhnlein

Row 2: Karen M. Pardo, Laura L. Price, Mollie A. McDonald, Jan M. Grable, Janna S. Nichols, Laura A. Quain, Patricia M. Battel, Claudia J. Koch, Maureen G. D'hondt, Trudy J. Tervo, Linda A. Walz, Cheryl K. Ebling, Patricia A. Merte, Lauri R. Klock, Maria A. Lomibao, Mary E. Eisenhauer, Ellen B. Malvern, Josephine A. Polesnak

Row 3: Yvonne D. Krisel, Rosemary T. Coyne, Janey A. Porterfield, Deborah A. Mulawa, Janet E. Lovelace, Susan P. O'brien, Margaret T. Perrone, Brenda K. Luckhardt, Terry A. Layher, Sharon A. Potonac, Susan K. Watson, Janet A. Servatowski

Row 4: Vivian A. Reeves, Tracey A. Weeks, Marilyn K. Morgan, Terrilynn Phillips, Susan S. Kirk, Robert J. Ziola, Fred Roberts, Karen S. Myron, Pamela M. Przybylski, Mary Jo F. Lafata, Janet A. Scapini, Mary J. Swails

Row 5: Julie E. Reitz, Julie A. Symons, Ave M. Reagor, Catherine A. Regan, Marsha A. Glass, Susan M. Derubeis, Judy L. Goode, Jennifer P. Wylie, Janet L. Nowak, Karen M. Ulfig, Cynthia E. West, Carol A. Czarnecki, Gloria J. Verdi, Lisa D. Singleton

Row 6: Cynthia Wiggins, Monica L. Babyak, Gail M. Ray, Karen S. Desloover, Ladonna L. Christian-Combs, Deborah J. Dunnaback, Deborah A. Cecchini, Nancy A. Neville, Julia H. Grove, Wendy A. Weinfurtner, Susan M. Twigg, Jolynne Vanotteren, Lori A. Clark, Susan T. Savidge

Row 7: Marianne Ojeda, Ann M. Tucker, Lisa A. Valiquette, Sharon J. Bergmann, Elizabeth A. Rice, Marjorie R. Hovis, Laura I. Berry, Janice B. Lindberg, Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Susan B. Steckel, Helen L. Erickson, Kathleen M. Oshea, Tricia A. Richardson, Cheryl L. Sanders, Ann L. Shcoene, Anita M. Bargardi, Constance S. Siler, Anne L. Scott

Row 8: Gassenie Thomas, Victoria L. cadagin, Sheryl A. Strace, Joyce I. Sourbeck, Mary S. Donald, Cindy Tollis, Miriam L. Allis, Julie J. Watson, Patricia A. Shefferly, Nina M. Squire, Carol J. Debrodt, Jennifer A. Dreps, Cynthia B. Stone, Martha A. House, Elizabeth A. Hull, Laurie J. Bommarito, Erin A. Swain, Lisa D. Davis

Row 9: Lisa W. Barak, Charlotte L. Allport, Karen J. Baker, Julie M. Sweet, Pamela R. Armfield, Kathleen A. Hornick, Marcianna M. Davis, Joann L. Holdridge, Barbara A. Black, Scott L. Baker, Lawrene S. Gardipee, Julie A. Hemsteger, Mary Ann Barz, Carla L. Arnett, Danielle L. Bonam, Janice S. Brady, Karen L. Eischer, Amy A. Hing, Marcia L. Hassig, Heidi G. Henn


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Top Row: Kathleen S. Allen, Elizabeth Anderson, Mary Assenmacher, Deana Barrett, Laurie Barringer, Linda Baty, Holidae Bauman, Leila Beach, Liesha Beachum, Jacquline S. Bean, Jane Betten, Melanie Black, Kari Blouin, Kelly Bottger, Nancy Bowman, JoAnn Britenfeld, Ruth C. Brower

Row 2: Melanie Mai Brown, Estera Carp, Christine Haveman, Kimberly Webster, Rebecca Amo, Tina K. Ciricola, Gerard A. Castaneda, Steven J. Bednarski, Michelle Kuo, Kathleen Szymanski, Alissa Enriquez, Kristin Snow, Jennifer Berk, Erica Reese, Angela Cassadime, Lynn Chacko

Row 3: Anne chambers, Mechele Chau, Marcy Christensen, Regi Colthorp, Kellie Conover, Jenny Cwiek, Michele DeMaagd, Kristin Diotte, Amanda Dressel, Kimberly Dunlap, Esther DuRussel, Katrina Ehr

Row 4: Holly M. Greenough, Eileen Gumayagay, Sheila Habib, Allison Hale, Kristi Hale, Amy Hollis, Rebecca Hostman, Marilynn Huizinga, Jennifer Ivinson, Christine Jodoin, Christine Kaetz, Kimberly Kenny-Sherlock, Andrea Latva, Kathleen Levin

Row 5: Shawna Mangan, Sofia Marquez, Paul Mazurek, Charla McMichael, Tina Marie Meeks, Richard W. Redman, Beverly Jones, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Susan Boehm, Nola Pender, Jeffrey Mendoza, Melissa Meulenberg, Cheryl Milekovich, Amanda Miller, Amy Miller

Row 6: Nicole Miller, Bonnie Mobley, Kara More, Cherylann Mortzfield, Leslie Nance, Ruby Nzoma, Megan Oleszek, Larah Faye Ostonal, Jean C. Palad, Danielle Pankowski, Nancy Penrose, Laurie Pierce, Heather Polsen, Julie Marie Postma, Amy Prielipp, Martha Quigley, Aimee Racette

Row 7: Marty Rauser, Nekia Robinson, Kimberly Rowe, Janice Rybski, Ricardo Salazar, Marie Sanderson, Kimberly Scholma, Bonnie Schweitzer, Veena Shewakramani, Julie Showers, Olga Simanovskaya, Emily Simon, Lakeeta Smith, Amy Stewart, Robert Strudgeon, Jaime Sulek

Row 8: Charity Sutherland, William Ten Haaf, Mark Thomas, Nichole Thomas, Donna Thompson, Tonya Tomski, Michele Uller, Celina Uranga, Sarah Volkhardt, Larna Welch, Melanie White, Michelle White, Britt Williams, Stephanie Windisch, Brian Wright, Christina Wyrybkowski, Lisa Ziegelmann


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Top Row: Emma Abramson, Emilee Amo, Philip Arnold, Janet Biezlein, Anna Brede, Lindsey Brighton, Bethany Brown, Connie Brown-Olds, Charlene Bugais, Jammy Coates, Heather Coopex, Angie Costtakes, Jeffin Dejanovich, Jessica Farhat, Renee Filo, Kelly Fons, Katie Francis, Courtney Franklin, Rebecca Fransted

Row 2: Janelle Gailliard, Ericka Gess, Rebecca Goldstein, Candace Graham, Monique Grinnell, Jacob Grossman

Row 3: Joann Haderer, Diane Hamilton, Janet Hasse, Lisa Hoag, Nicole Hoeft, Emily Keeton

Row 4: Annette Keevex, Karen Kevelighan, Kelli Kincaid, Jennifer Kittell, Alison Knapp, Kelly Kulczyk

Row 5: Meejin Kwon, Megan Layher, Autumn Ledtke, Lora Lemaire-Valdez, Jessica Lewis, Diana Loud

Row 6: Melissa Maci, Andrea Magnus, Bre'Anne Mallon, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Patricia Coleman-Burns, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Judith Lynch-Sauer, Judy Wismont, Carrie Marshall, Neika Martin, Sarah Martin

Row 7: Lindsay Mason, Maryanne Matkovich, Alison McCann, Lina srgedas, Paula Graff, Rachel Mundinger, Christopher Ramos, Lauren Bealafeld, Gennifer Gasek, Angie Henderson, Sarah Ansett, Marisa Lirot, Caitlin McClellan, Diane Mille, Theresa Molyneux

Row 8: Isabel Moreno, Kristy Morrison, Phyllis Mulchay, Joielinn Nelson, Ann Newhof, Dawn O'Neil, Shontaya Overall, Theresa Overwater, Katherine Piper, Teresa Pizana, Erica Powers, Sarah Ricci, Leah Richardson, Anne Rucinski, Karon Sanderson, Rachel Sawman, Kathryn Sisterman, Sarah Smart, Curt Smith

Row 9: Elizabeth Stackable, Tracey Streiff, Angelica Susi, Tracy Swerrod, Leah Tatasciore, Julie Thomas, Rebecca Tidrick, Rebecca Vander Werff, Danielle Victor, Andrea Vincent, Katie Wagner, Essence Walker, Myre Ware, Jill Weirich, Kelly Wickham, Karen Wiklanski


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Bibliography: p. 19-20.


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Plagued with poverty, the countries of the Caribbean have grappled for years with numerous development models. As in many Third World countries, tourism has been used as an economic development strategy. Criticisms of the tourism industry have frequently been severe. So much that during the formation of the Caribbean Basin Initiative, the tourism industry was intentionally avoided and other industries favored. One of the most critical questions asked of tourism is whether or not the economic gains of the industry are worth the detrimental social, political and environmental effects on the host country. It is the objective of this thesis to examine the relationship between international tourism and socio-economic development in the Caribbean, and to determine whether or not the deficiencies of the industry prevent it from being a beneficial development tool.


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Este artículo sugiere un enfoque nuevo a la enseñanza de las dos estructuras gramaticales la pasiva refleja y el “se” impersonal para las clases universitarias de E/LE. Concretamente, se argumenta que las dos se deberían tratar como construcciones pasivas, basada en un análisis léxico-funcional de ellas que enfoca la lingüística contrastiva. Incluso para la instrucción de E/LE, se recomienda una aproximación contrastiva en la que se enfocan tanto la reflexión metalingüística como la competencia del estudiante en el L2. Específicamente, el uso de córpora lingüísticos en la clase forma una parte integral de la instrucción. El uso de un corpus estimula la curiosidad del estudiante, le expone a material de lengua auténtica, y promulga la reflexión inductiva independiente.


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Is phraseology the third articulation of language? Fresh insights into a theoretical conundrum Jean-Pierre Colson University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) Although the notion of phraseology is now used across a wide range of linguistic disciplines, its definition and the classification of phraseological units remain a subject of intense debate. It is generally agreed that phraseology implies polylexicality, but this term is problematic as well, because it brings us back to one of the most controversial topics in modern linguistics: the definition of a word. On the other hand, another widely accepted principle of language is the double articulation or duality of patterning (Martinet 1960): the first articulation consists of morphemes and the second of phonemes. The very definition of morphemes, however, also poses several problems, and the situation becomes even more confused if we wish to take phraseology into account. In this contribution, I will take the view that a corpus-based and computational approach to phraseology may shed some new light on this theoretical conundrum. A better understanding of the basic units of meaning is necessary for more efficient language learning and translation, especially in the case of machine translation. Previous research (Colson 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014), Corpas Pastor (2000, 2007, 2008, 2013, 2015), Corpas Pastor & Leiva Rojo (2011), Leiva Rojo (2013), has shown the paramount importance of phraseology for translation. A tentative step towards a coherent explanation of the role of phraseology in language has been proposed by Mejri (2006): it is postulated that a third articulation of language intervenes at the level of words, including simple morphemes, sequences of free and bound morphemes, but also phraseological units. I will present results from experiments with statistical associations of morphemes across several languages, and point out that (mainly) isolating languages such as Chinese are interesting for a better understanding of the interplay between morphemes and phraseological units. Named entities, in particular, are an extreme example of intertwining cultural, statistical and linguistic elements. Other examples show that the many borrowings and influences that characterize European languages tend to give a somewhat blurred vision of the interplay between morphology and phraseology. From a statistical point of view, the cpr-score (Colson 2016) provides a methodology for adapting the automatic extraction of phraseological units to the morphological structure of each language. The results obtained can therefore be used for testing hypotheses about the interaction between morphology, phraseology and culture. Experiments with the cpr-score on the extraction of Chinese phraseological units show that results depend on how the basic units of meaning are defined: a morpheme-based approach yields good results, which corroborates the claim by Beck and Mel'čuk (2011) that the association of morphemes into words may be similar to the association of words into phraseological units. A cross-linguistic experiment carried out for English, French, Spanish and Chinese also reveals that the results are quite compatible with Mejri’s hypothesis (2006) of a third articulation of language. Such findings, if confirmed, also corroborate the notion of statistical semantics in language. To illustrate this point, I will present the PhraseoRobot (Colson 2016), a computational tool for extracting phraseological associations around key words from the media, such as Brexit. The results confirm a previous study on the term globalization (Colson 2016): a significant part of sociolinguistic associations prevailing in the media is related to phraseology in the broad sense, and can therefore be partly extracted by means of statistical scores. References Beck, D. & I. Mel'čuk (2011). Morphological phrasemes and Totonacan verbal morphology. Linguistics 49/1: 175-228. Colson, J.-P. (2011). La traduction spécialisée basée sur les corpus : une expérience dans le domaine informatique. In : Sfar, I. & S. Mejri, La traduction de textes spécialisés : retour sur des lieux communs. Synergies Tunisie n° 2. Gerflint, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, p. 115-123. Colson, J.-P. (2012). Traduire le figement en langue de spécialité : une expérience de phraséologie informatique. In : Mogorrón Huerta, P. & S. Mejri (dirs.), Lenguas de especialidad, traducción, fijación / Langues spécialisées, figement et traduction. Encuentros Mediterráneos / Rencontres Méditerranéennes, N°4. Universidad de Alicante, p. 159-171. Colson, J.-P. (2013). Pratique traduisante et idiomaticité : l’importance des structures semi-figées. In : Mogorrón Huerta, P., Gallego Hernández, D., Masseau, P. & Tolosa Igualada, M. (eds.), Fraseología, Opacidad y Traduccíon. Studien zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation (Herausgegeben von Gerd Wotjak). Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, p. 207-218. Colson, J.-P. (2014). La phraséologie et les corpus dans les recherches traductologiques. Communication lors du colloque international Europhras 2014, Association Européenne de Phraséologie. Université de Paris Sorbonne, 10-12 septembre 2014. Colson, J-P. (2016). Set phrases around globalization : an experiment in corpus-based computational phraseology. In: F. Alonso Almeida, I. Ortega Barrera, E. Quintana Toledo and M. Sánchez Cuervo (eds.), Input a Word, Analyse the World: Selected Approaches to Corpus Linguistics. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 141-152. Corpas Pastor, G. (2000). Acerca de la (in)traducibilidad de la fraseología. In: G. Corpas Pastor (ed.), Las lenguas de Europa: Estudios de fraseología, fraseografía y traducción. Granada: Comares, p. 483-522. Corpas Pastor, G. (2007). Europäismen - von Natur aus phraseologische Äquivalente? Von blauem Blut und sangre azul. In: M. Emsel y J. Cuartero Otal (eds.), Brücken: Übersetzen und interkulturelle Kommunikationen. Festschrift für Gerd Wotjak zum 65. Geburtstag, Fráncfort: Peter Lang, p. 65-77. Corpas Pastor, G. (2008). Investigar con corpus en traducción: los retos de un nuevo paradigma [Studien zur romanische Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation, 49], Fráncfort: Peter Lang. Corpas Pastor, G. (2013). Detección, descripción y contraste de las unidades fraseológicas mediante tecnologías lingüísticas. In Olza, I. & R. Elvira Manero (eds.) Fraseopragmática. Berlin: Frank & Timme, p. 335-373. Leiva Rojo, J. (2013). La traducción de unidades fraseológicas (alemán-español/español-alemán) como parámetro para la evaluación y revisión de traducciones. In: Mellado Blanco, C., Buján, P, Iglesias N.M., Losada M.C. & A. Mansilla (eds), La fraseología del alemán y el español: lexicografía y traducción. ELS, Etudes Linguistiques / Linguistische Studien, Band 11. München: Peniope, p. 31-42. Leiva Rojo, J. & G. Corpas Pastor (2011). Placing Italian idioms in a foreign milieu: a case study. In: Pamies Bertrán, A., Luque Nadal, L., Bretana, J. &; M. Pazos (eds), (2011). Multilingual phraseography. Second Language Learning and Translation Applications. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag (Colección: Phraseologie und Parömiologie, 28), p. 289-298. Martinet, A. (1966). Eléments de linguistique générale. Paris: Colin. Mejri, S. (2006). Polylexicalité, monolexicalité et double articulation. Cahiers de Lexicologie 2: 209-221.


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To investigate the possible influence of the Siculo-Tunisian Strait on the genetic structure of white seabream Diplodus sargus, 13 polymorphic allozyme loci and a fragment of the cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA were analysed. Allozyme data indicated a moderate but significant differentiation between some north-eastern (Bizerta, Ghar El Melh Lagoon and Mahdia) and southern (Gabes Gulf and El Biban Lagoon) samples. This heterogeneity was also highlighted after removing PGM* and PGI-1* loci which may be under selection. These results can be explained by the chaotic genetic patchiness hypothesis. In contrast, the mtDNA data indicated genetic homogeneity among localities showing the absence of structure in white seabream populations across the Siculo-Tunisian Strait. Historical demography of this species suggests that it has undergone a recent population expansion as a consequence of a bottleneck event during the Pleistocene glaciations.