991 resultados para Israel <aus Ruschin>Israel <aus Ruschin>


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nach dem Thalmud zusammengestellt von Rabbi Moscheh-ben-Maimon, gen. Moses Maimonides aus Spanien ; und nach dem Gutachten der Gelehrten und Rabbinen: Israel Gordon [und 12 weiteren] revidirt und übersetzt ; [herausgegeben von Leon Mandelstamm]


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Maps have been published on the world wide web since its inception (Cartwright, 1999) and are still accessed and viewed by millions of users today (Peterson, 2003). While early webbased GIS products lacked a complete set of cartographic capabilities, the functionality within such systems has significantly increased over recent years. Functionalities once found only in desktop GIS products are now available in web-based GIS applications, for example, data entry, basic editing, and analysis. Applications based on web-GIS are becoming more widespread and the web-based GIS environment is replacing the traditional desktop GIS platforms in many organizations. Therefore, development of a new cartographic method for web-based GIS is vital. The broad aim of this project is to examine and discuss the challenges and opportunities of innovative cartography methods for web-based GIS platforms. The work introduces a recently developed cartographic methodology, which is based on a web-based GIS portal by the Survey of Israel (SOI). The work discusses the prospects and constraints of such methods in improving web-GIS interfaces and usability for the end user. The work also tables the preliminary findings of the initial implementation of the web-based GIS cartographic method within the portal of the Survey of Israel, as well as the applicability of those methods elsewhere.


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The present study used a university sample to assess the test-retest reliability and validity of the Australian Propensity for Angry Driving Scale (Aus-PADS). The scale has stability over time, and convergent validity was established, as Aus-PADS scores correlated significantly with established anger and impulsivity measures. Discriminant validity was also established, as Aus-PADS scores did not correlate with Venturesomeness scores. The Aus-PADS has demonstrated criterion validity, as scores were correlated with behavioural measures, such as yelling at other drivers, gesturing at other drivers, and feeling angry but not doing anything. Aus-PADS scores reliably predicted the frequency of these behaviours over and above other study variables. No significant relationship between aggressive driving and crash involvement was observed. It was concluded that the Aus-PADS is a reliable and valid tool appropriate for use in Australian research, and that the potential relationship between aggressive driving and crash involvement warrants further investigation with a more representative (and diverse) driver sample.


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This article analyses the legality of Israel’s 2007 airstrike on an alleged Syrian nuclear facility at Al-Kibar—an incident that has been largely overlooked by international lawyers to date. The absence of a threat of imminent attack from Syria means Israel’s military action was not a lawful exercise of anticipatory self-defence. Yet, despite Israel’s clear violation of the prohibition on the use of force there was remarkably little condemnation from other states, suggesting the possibility of growing international support for the doctrine of pre-emptive self-defence. This article argues that the muted international reaction to Israel’s pre-emptive action was the result of political factors, and should not be seen as endorsement of the legality of the airstrike. As such, a lack of opinio juris means the Al-Kibar episode cannot be viewed as extending the scope of the customary international law right of self-defence so as to permit the use of force against non-imminent threats. However, two features of this incident—namely, Israel’s failure to offer any legal justification for its airstrike, and the international community’s apparent lack of concern over legality—are also evident in other recent uses of force in the ‘war on terror’ context. These developments may indicate a shift in state practice involving a downgrading of the role of international law in discussions of the use of force. This may signal a declining perception of the legitimacy of the jus ad bellum, at least in cases involving minor uses of force.


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Research Statement: An urban film produced by Luke Harrison Mitchell Benham, Sharlene Anderson, Tristan Clark. RIVE NOIR explores the film noir tradition, shot on location in a dark urban space between high-rises and the river, sheltered by a highway. With an original score and striking cinematography, Rive Noir radically transforms the abandoned river’s edge through the production of an amplified reality ordinarily unseen in the Northbank. The work produced under my supervision was selected to appear in the Expanded Architecture Research Group’s International Architecture Film Festival and Panel Discussion in Sydney: The University of Sydney and Carriageworks Performance Space, 06 November 2011. QUT School of Design research submission was selected alongside exhibits by AA School of Architecture, London; The Bartlett School of Architecture, London; University of The Arts, London; Arrhaus School of Architecture, Denmark; Dublin as a Cinematic City, Ireland; Design Lab Screen Studio, Australia; and Sona Cinecity, The University of Melbourne. The exhibit included not only the screening of the film but the design project that derived from and extended the aesthetics of the urban film. The urban proposal and architectural intervention that followed the film was subsequently published in the Brisbane Times, after the urban proposal won first place in The Future of Brisbane architecture competition, which demonstrates the impact of the research project as a whole. EXPANDED ARCHITECTURE 2011 - 6th November Architecture Film Night + Panel Discussion @ Performance Space CarriageWorks was Sydney's first International Architectural Film Festival. With over 40 architectural films by local and international artists, film makers and architects. It was followed by Panel Discussion of esteemed academics and artists working in the field of architectural film.


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BACKGROUND The incidence of skin cancer, both melanoma and keratinocyte cancers (KC) is rising throughout the world, specifically squamous cell carcinomas(SCC) and basal cell carcinoma(BCC), being the most common of all cancers. OBJECTIVE To determine trends in incidence of Melanoma, BCC and SCC among 1.7 million members of Maccabi Healthcare Services from 2006 to 2011. METHODS Data on newly diagnosed Melanoma, SCC and BCC cases was collected from the MHS Cancer Registry and based on histology reports from the centralized pathology lab. Age-specific and overall age-adjusted European standardized rates were computed. Trends were estimated by calculating Average Annual Percentage Change(AAPC). RESULTS During the six year study period, a total of 16,079 subjects were diagnosed with at least one BCC, 4,767 with SCC and 1,264 with invasive melanoma. Age-standardized incidence rates were 188, 58 and 17 per 100,000 person years for BCC, SCC and melanoma, respectively. All lesions were more common among males and primarily affected the elderly. BCC rates were stable throughout the study period(AAPC -0.7%, 95%CI -4.5% to 3.2%) while SCC incidence increased significantly(AAPC 15.5%, 95%CI: 2.6% to 30.0%). In contrast, melanoma rates continuously decreased with a significant AAPC of -3.0%, 95%CI (-4.5 to -0.1). CONCLUSIONS Previously unreported, the incidence of KC in Israel is high. The disparities in incidence trends between SCC, BCC and melanoma allude to their different etiologies. These findings underscore the importance of continuous monitoring, education and prevention programs in a growing high risk population.


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Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on edistää ja kehittää saksalaisen liedmusiikin suomennosten tutkimusta. Tutkimusaineistona on käytetty kymmentä laulua Franz Schubertin säveltämästä laulusarjasta Winterreise (1827), joka pohjautuu Wilhelm Müllerin runoihin, ja Kyllikki Solanterän suomennoksia (1960) kyseisistä lauluista. Lähtökohtana oli lähtökielinen teksti, johon suomennosta verrattiin. Hypoteesina oli, että tavulukujen merkitys liedmusiikin kääntämisessä on suurempi kuin muiden lingvististen tai semanttisten ominaisuuksien, koska musiikki ja nuotit asettavat tiukat rajat käännökselle, eikä kääntäjä voi muuttaa kappaleen musiikillista rakennetta. Sanatarkan käännöksen sijaan kääntäjän tulee pyrkiä säilyttämään kappaleen semanttinen sisältö ja tunnelma riimejä unohtamatta. Aluksi kerrotaan taustatietoja säveltäjästä, sanoittajasta, teoksesta, liedmusiikista ja kääntäjästä. Teoriaosiossa kartoitetaan, mihin kategorioihin liedtekstien kääntäminen voidaan luokitella kuuluvaksi. Analyysi pohjautuu Wittbrodtin luokitteluun (1995). Teoriaosiossa käsitellään myös ekvivalenssia, adekvaattisuutta, näennäiskäännöksiä, tyyliä, uskollisuutta alkuperäisteokselle, vapaan kääntämisen rajoja ja käännösvirheitä tutkittavasta materiaalista valikoitujen esimerkkien pohjalta. Esimerkkejä edeltää aina teoriaosuus. Varsinainen vertailuosio, jossa vertaillaan lähtö- ja kohdetekstejä, on jaettu kuuteen osioon: säe- ja säkeistöluvut, sanaluvut, tavuluvut, kirjaimien poisjättö, suorat ja epäsuorat kysymykset sekä kappaleiden nimet. Sana- ja tavulukujen eroavaisuuksista esitetään myös taulukot. Sana- ja tavulukujen kohdalla pohditaan, mistä erot johtuvat. Kaiken kaikkiaan pohditaan myös, ovatko käännösratkaisut onnistuneita, ja miten kääntäjä on niihin päätynyt. Laulettavuutta käsittelevässä osiossa esitetään ensin aikaisempia pohdintoja ja tutkimustuloksia kyseisestä aiheesta. Lopuksi teen Mannilan Blueprint-metodin (2005) mukaiset testit. Metriikkatestin teen esimerkinomaisesti yhdelle säkeistölle ja musikaalisen testin teen kaikille kymmenelle laululle. Musikaalisessa testissä analysoidaan tarkemmin lähtökielisiä säkeitä ja niiden suomenkielisiä vastineita, joiden tavuluvut eroavat toisistaan. Loppupäätelmiä edeltävässä luvussa esitetään vielä suomalaisen lauluntekijän ajatuksia sanoittamisesta. Hypoteesi tavuluvuista osoittautui oikeaksi. 146 säkeestä vain viidessä eivät lähtö- ja kohdetekstin tavuluvut olleet identtiset, mikä todistaa sen, että kääntäjä pyrkii säilyttämään kappaleen rytmin. Kääntäjä on myös säilyttänyt kappaleiden riimit, mikä vaikuttaa osaltaan rytmin säilymiseen. Sanalukujen kohdalla taas vain 16 säkeellä oli identtiset sanaluvut, mikä kertoo siitä, että niitä tärkeämpää on säilyttää kappaleen semanttinen sisältö ja tunnelma. Käännösten voidaan katsoa kuuluvan useaan kategoriaan. Kappaleiden käännökset ovat suurimmalta osin ekvivalentteja, mutta osittain ne voidaan luokitella näennäiskäännöksiksi. Tyyli ei ole säilynyt virheettömänä aivan jokaisessa käännöksessä, mutta yhtään kääntäjän puutteellisesta kieli- tai kääntämistaidosta johtuvaa käännösvirhettä kappaleissa ei ole. Suomentaja ei ole tuottanut yhtään täydellisen sanatarkkaa käännöstä, vaikka leksikaalinen ero on osittain vain hiuksenhieno. Tämä osoittaa sen, että vapaan kääntämisen aste on liedmusiikin suomennoksissa suhteellisen korkea. Kaiken kaikkiaan Solanterän käännöksiä voi pitää suhteellisen onnistuneina.


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The study is a philosophical analysis of Israel Scheffler’s philosophy of education, focusing on three crucial conceptions in his philosophy: the conception of rationality, the conception of human nature, and the conception of reality. The interrelations of these three concepts as well as their relations to educational theorizing are analysed and elaborated. A conceptual problem concerning Scheffler’s ideal of rationality derives from Scheffler’s supposition of the strong analogy between science education and moral education in terms of the ideal of rationality. This analogy is argued to be conceptually problematic, since the interconnections of rationality, objectivity, and truth, appear to differ from each other in the realms of ethics and science, given the presuppositions of ontological realism and ethical naturalism, to which Scheffler explicitly subscribes. This study considers two philosophical alternatives for solving this problem. The first alternative relates the analogy to the normative concept of personhood deriving from the teleological understanding of human nature. Nevertheless, this position turns out to be problematic for Scheffler, since he rejects all teleological thinking in his philosophy. The problem can be solved, as it is argued, by limiting Scheffler’s rejection of teleology – in light of his philosophical outlook on the whole – in a manner that allows a modest version of a teleological conception of human nature. The second alternative, based especially on Scheffler’s later contributions, is to suggest that reality is actually more complex and manifold than it appears to be in light of a contemporary naturalist worldview. This idea of plurealism – Scheffler’s synthesis of pluralism and realism – is represented especially in Scheffler’s contributions related to his debate with Nelson Goodman dealing with both constructivism and realism. The idea of plurealism is not only related to the ethics-science-distinction, but is more widely related to the relationship between ontological realism and the incommensurable systems of description in diverse realms of human understanding. The Scheffler-Goodman debate is also analysed in relation to the contemporary constructivism-realism debate in educational philosophy. In terms of educational questions, Scheffler’s plurealism is argued as offering a fruitful perspective. Scheffler’s philosophy of education can be interpreted as searching for solutions to the problems deriving from the tension between the tradition of analytical philosophy and the complexity and multiplicity of educational reality. The complexity of reality combined with the supposition of the limitedness of human knowledge does not lead Scheffler to relativism or particularism, but, in contrast, Schefflerian formulations of rationality and objectivity preserve the possibility for critical inquiry in all realms of educational reality. In light of this study, Scheffler’s philosophy of education provides an exceptional example of combining ontological realism, epistemological fallibilism, and the defence of the ideal of rationality, combined with a wide-ranging understanding of educational reality.


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Photo taken in Israel.


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Hillel (Herbert) Meyerhof, born 1912


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