983 resultados para Investment strategies
Property portfolio diversification takes many forms, most of which can be associated with asset size. In other words larger property portfolios are assumed to have greater diversification potential than small portfolios. In addition, since greater diversification is generally associated with lower risk it is assumed that larger property portfolios will also have reduced return variability compared with smaller portfolios. If large property portfolios can simply be regarded as scaled-up, better-diversified versions of small property portfolios, then the greater a portfolio’s asset size, the lower its risk. This suggests a negative relationship between asset size and risk. However, if large property portfolios are not simply scaled-up versions of small portfolios, the relationship between asset size and risk may be unclear. For instance, if large portfolios hold riskier assets or pursue more volatile investment strategies, it may be that a positive relationship between asset size and risk would be observed, even if large property portfolios are more diversified. This paper tests the empirical relationship between property portfolio size, diversification and risk, in Institutional portfolios in the UK, during the period from 1989 to 1999 to determine which of these two characterisations is more appropriate.
This study jointly examines herding, momentum trading and performance in real estate mutual funds (REMFs). We do this using trading and performance data for 159 REMFs across the period 1998–2008. In support of the view that Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) stocks are relatively more transparent, we find that stock herding by REMFs is lower in REIT stocks than other stock. Herding behavior in our data reveals a tendency for managers to sell winners, reflective of the “disposition effect.” We find low overall levels of REMF momentum trading, but further evidence of the disposition effect when momentum trading is segregated into buy–sell dimensions. We test the robustness of our analysis using style analysis, and by reference to the level of fund dividend distribution. Our results for this are consistent with our conjecture about the role of transparency in herding, but they provide no new insights in relation to the momentum-trading dimensions of our analysis. Summarizing what are complex interrelationships, we find that neither herding nor momentum trading are demonstrably superior investment strategies for REMFs.
O tema central deste trabalho é a avaliação de riscos em estratégias de investimentos de longo prazo, onde a necessidade de um exemplo prático direcionou à aplicação de Asset Liability Models em fundos de pensão, mais especificamente, a planos de benefício definido. Com os instrumentos de análise apresentados, acreditamos que o investidor com um horizonte de retorno de longo prazo tenha uma percepção mais acurada dos riscos de mercado a que está exposto, permitindo uma seleção de carteiras mais adequada aos objetivos de gestão. Para tanto, a inclusão de variáveis de decisão que procuram quantificar os objetivos de gestão - indo além do modelo simplificado de média-variância - exerce papel de fundamental importância.
A partir de uma adaptação da metodologia de Osler e Chang (1995), este trabalho avalia, empiricamente, a lucratividade de estratégias de investimento baseadas na identificação do padrão gráfico de Análise Técnica Ombro-Cabeça-Ombro no mercado de ações brasileiro. Para isso, foram definidas diversas estratégias de investimento condicionais à identificação de padrões Ombro-Cabeça- Ombro (em suas formas padrão e invertida), por um algoritmo computadorizado, em séries diárias de preços de 47 ações no período de janeiro de 1994 a agosto de 2006. Para testar o poder de previsão de cada estratégia, foram construídos intervalos de confiança, a partir da técnica Bootstrap de inferência amostral, consistentes com a hipótese nula de que, baseado apenas em dados históricos, não é possível criar estratégias com retornos positivos. Mais especificamente, os retornos médios obtidos por cada estratégia nas séries de preços das ações, foram comparados àqueles obtidos pelas mesmas estratégias aplicadas a 1.000 séries de preços artificiais - para cada ação - geradas segundo dois modelos de preços de ações largamente utilizados: Random Walk e E-GARCH. De forma geral, os resultados encontrados mostram que é possível criar estratégias condicionais à realização dos padrões Ombro- Cabeça-Ombro com retornos positivos, indicando que esses padrões conseguem capturar nas séries históricas de preços de ações sinais a respeito da sua movimentação futura de preços, que não são explicados nem por um Random Walk e nem por um E-GARCH. No entanto, se levados em consideração os efeitos das taxas e dos custos de transação, dependendo das suas magnitudes, essas conclusões somente se mantêm para o padrão na sua forma invertida
This work aims to identify the impacts brought about by legislation alterations regarding assets allocation by Pension Funds Companies. Focused on that, this work carried on a detailed review on the existing literature concerning Modern Portfolio Theory, Pension Funds Investment Strategies and on Brazilian Legislation for Financial Market and Pension Funds. On a second moment, the work identified asset allocation differences when comparing national financial market players and the data released by the official Social Security Secretary - SPC - regarding the 35 Pension Funds analyzed. In accordance with what the literature indicates, the work also reveals that Pension Funds pursue asset allocation policies different than those adopted by other market players due to the Fund¿s long term investment characteristics. No major impacts were identified on the legislation issued by the National Monetary Council ¿ CMN - in what it concerns asset allocation and impacts were only identified on the legislation regarding - CPMF - taxes on financial operations - which led Pension Funds to allocate expressive part of their assets on investment funds.
O presente estudo procurou descrever e analisar o contexto em que se desenvolveu o processo de concessão dos sistemas de transporte de massa na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, promovido pelo Programa Estadual de Desestatização ¿ PED, na gestão governamental compreendida entre os anos de 1995 e 1998, bem como avaliar suas implicações sobre o modelo de organização e gestão do transporte público regional então vigente. Seu desenvolvimento enfatizou três aspectos desse processo: a caracterização do cenário anterior à proposta de mudança, a análise substantiva da política representada pelo programa de concessões e a avaliação do novo cenário criado como conseqüência do programa. Sua metodologia pautou-se em consulta bibliográfica, volumosa análise documental, observação dos fatos e entrevistas desestruturadas com administradores e técnicos envolvidos no processo. Seus resultados evidenciaram as limitações dos modelos de análise e de planejamento tradicionalmente adotados para a formulação das políticas setoriais, a precariedade dos sistemas de transporte de passageiros regionais e a situação pelos sistemas de metrô, trens e barcas, consubstanciando um ambiente propício às propostas de sua transferência à gestão privada. Evidenciaram, ainda, que a iniciativa foi influenciada pelo contexto dos projetos de reforma do Estado patrocinados pelo Banco Mundial (BIRD), desenvolvendo-se sem referências relevantes na comunidade técnica setorial e gerando um cenário institucional frágil diante da tarefa de gerir os contratos dela resultantes. Embora pautado em estratégias de retomada de investimentos condizentes com as diretrizes do Plano de Transporte de Massa ¿ PTM, elaborado em 1994, a insipiência do programa não permite constatar, ainda tendências significativas no desempenho dos sistemas concedidos. São evidentes, entretanto, seus reflexos na desentruturação do modelo de gestão pública do transporte metropolitano sob responsabilidade do Estado.
This work aims to identify the impacts brought about by legislation alterations regarding assets allocation by Pension Funds Companies. Focused on that, this work carried on a detailed review on the existing literature concerning Modern Portfolio Theory, Pension Funds Investment Strategies and on Brazilian Legislation for Financial Market and Pension Funds. On a second moment, the work identified asset allocation differences when comparing national financial market players and the data released by the official Social Security Secretary ¿ SPC ¿ regarding the 35 Pension Funds analyzed. In accordance with what the literature indicates, the work also reveals that Pension Funds pursue asset allocation policies different than those adopted by other market players due to the Fund¿s long term investment characteristics. No major impacts were identified on the legislation issued by the National Monetary Council ¿ CMN - in what it concerns asset allocation and impacts were only identified on the legislation regarding ¿CPMF¿ ¿ taxes on financial operations ¿ which led Pension Funds to allocate expressive part of their assets on investment funds
A implantação do Plano Real em 1994 provocou mudanças na estrutura de receitas dos bancos brasileiros. Em épocas de altas taxas de inflação, o resultado dos bancos era composto substancialmente por rendas oriundas do financiamento da dívida interna do país e em menor parcela de outras receitas como dos empréstimos ao setor privado. Com a estabilização da economia e a globalização dos mercados financeiros mundiais, refletida na entrada de bancos estrangeiros no mercado brasileiro, as taxas de juros tenderam a diminuir, ocasionando uma mudança no foco de atuação dos Bancos que estão se concentrando na intermediação financeira. Neste projeto é apresentada a formação básica do resultado de um banco obtido com a intermediação financeira e explana-se sobre os riscos da atividade bancária. É focado o risco de crédito, abrangendo a descrição das principais metodologias de análise. Estuda-se a Resolução CMN/BACEN nO 2682 que mudou a contabilização das rendas de renegociação de dívidas e estabeleceu parâmetros mínimos para a classificação das operações de crédito alterando os critérios de constituição da provisão para créditos de liquidação duvidosa. É explicado como pode ser utilizado um modelo RARO C - Risk Adjusted Return on Capital - desenvolvido originalmente pelo Bankers Trust - para gerenciamento da Carteira de crédito de um Banco de Varejo típico. Para ilustração e considerando que no mercado brasileiro os dados estatísticos sobre operações de crédito são escassos, além de existirem dificuldades na obtenção de dados de uma Carteira de crédito real relacionadas ao sigilo bancário e estratégias de investimento, o modelo RAROC será aplicado em uma Carteira de crédito fictícia de um Banco de Varejo, especialmente criada para esse fim. O estudo não abrange os recursos necessários para a implementação do modelo, nem customização para outros tipos de Bancos, restringindo-se à análise da utilização da metodologia. Por fim, apresentamos nossas conclusões a respeito da gestão do risco do crédito baseada na utilização de um modelo RAROC.
This paper examines the value of analysts’ recommendations in Brazilian Stock Market. We studied a sample of 294 weeks of recommendations make public by the best seller newspaper in Brazil with six different investment strategies and time horizons. The main conclusion is that it is possible to beat the Brazilian market indexes Ibovespa and IBrX following the analysts’ stock recommendations. The best strategies are buying only the recommended stocks, buying the recommended stocks whose target and market prices difference is bigger than 25% and lesser or equal than 50%. The performance of the six strategies is analyzed through the use of bootstrap and Monte Carlo techniques.
In this thesis we tested evolutionary hypotheses, with empirically collected data, in a sample composed of pregnant Brazilian women. We consider that during pregnancy and soon after the baby's birth fundamental reproductive decisions take place, given the complete feminine involvement with the reproduction phenomenon. The results are presented in four empirical articles related to the history of female reproduction. The topics approached were mate selection, the life-history theory, the strategies of parental investment and postpartum depression. Data collection was accomplished through interviews with pregnant women and after the baby s birth, with a sample composed of women from two income classes (low income and middle class), in Natal, Brazil. With respect to mate selection, the results suggest that a real situation of reproductive mate selection shows significant differences when compared to the results obtained in studies involving potential mate selection (Article I). Considering the life-history theory, we have partially confirmed the hypothesis of the father`s absence influencing the development of the young female syndrome (Article II). In regard to parental investment strategies and the decrease of fatherhood uncertainty, we identified a larger attribution of the baby's resemblance after birth with the father, confirming our hypothesis (Article III). The results related to postpartum depression occurrence partially support the hypothesis that it is an evolutionary adaptation (Article IV). This thesis is part of a consolidation movement of Evolutionary Psychology in Brazil and it presents results on female reproductive history hitherto unpublished.
Includes bibliography
In the northwestern region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, the freshwater crab Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861 is usually sold as bait for several fish species for sport fishing. Thus, knowledge of the reproductive biology of this species is essential to provide information for maintaining natural stocks and implementing future farming initiatives. The objective of this study was to investigate the population dynamics of the red freshwater crab D. pagei, focusing on reproductive and juvenile recruitment periods, sex ratio, and individual growth. Sampling was performed monthly from October 2005 to September 2007 in the Marimbondo-Fumas Hydroelectric Plant reservoir, Rio Grande, municipality of Icém in northwestern São Paulo state. The individuals were sexed, carapace widths were measured, and the gonads were examined macroscopically. In total, 1002 individuals were analyzed, consisting of 568 males and 434 females, of which 4 were ovigerous and 35 carried early juveniles in the incubatory chamber. The largest numbers of reproductive individuals of both sexes were recorded during the winter and spring months before spawning, which occurred in the spring. Intense juvenile recruitment and the highest rainfall levels were observed during the Southern Hemisphere summer. The results indicate that spawning can be considered seasonal, and the simultaneous emergence of juveniles with high rainfall levels is probably the result of the higher availability of food and potential sites for protection against predators. The skewed sex ratio (♂ 1:0.76 ♀) may be associated with growth rates, mortality, food restriction, behavioral differences, migration, and differential habitat use between the sexes. The similar maximum size (CW∞) and growth constant (k) for males (k = 1.78 y-1, CW = 61.43 mm) and females (k = 1.67 y-1, CW = 60.66 mm) may be associated with different energy investment strategies between the sexes. Additionally, a closed season is proposed for the species. © The Crustacean Society, 2013. Published by Brill NV, Leiden.
.--I. Introduction.--II. Literature review regarding climate change impacts on international transportation.--III. Economy of the Caribbean subregion and Monserrat.--IV. The international transportaion system in the Caribbean and in Monserrat.--V. Vulnerabilities of international transport system in Monserrat to climate change.--VI. Modelling.-- VII. Economic impact analysis of climate chage on the international transport.-- VIII. Approaches to mitigation and adaptation in the air and sea transportation sectors.-- IX. Conclusions
With the increase of stakeholders and consequently increase of amount of nancial transaction the study of news investment strategies in the stock market with data mining techniques has been the target of important researches. It allows that great historical data base to be processed and analysed looking for pattern that can be used to take a decision in investments. With the idea of getting pro t more than the real indexs' gain, we propose a strategy method of transactions using rules built by algorithm classi cation. For that, diary historical data of Ibovespa index and Petrobras stocks are organized and processed to nding the most important attribute that act decisively when taking a investment decision.To test the accuracy of proposed rules, a non real portfolio management is created, showing the decisions' performance over the real index and stocks' performance. Following the proposed rules, the results show that the strategy of investment give me back a high return that Stock market's return. The exclusive characteristics of algorithms maximize the gain inside the analysed time allowing to determine the techniques' return and the number of the days necessary to double the initial investment. The best classi er applied on the time series and its use on the propose investments strategy will demand 104 days to double the initial capital
Based on investment strategies, the history of the BNDES and the economic policy current between the years 2006 and 2010, this paper presents an analysis of the support given by the Bank in the state of São Paulo, trying to see how these influenced the territorial structure and development of this state in the period