936 resultados para Inverter multilivello ,Modulatori PWM ,Motore-asincrono ,Trifase ,Ponte-IGBT


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Electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise is one of the major issues during design of grid-tied power converters. A novel LCL filter topology for a single-phase pulsewidth modulation (PWM) rectifier that makes use of bipolar PWM method is proposed for a single-phase to three-phase motor drive power converter. The proposed topology eliminates high dv/dt from the dc-bus common-mode (CM) voltage by making it sinusoidal. Hence, the high-frequency CM current injection to the ground and the motor-side CM current are minimized. The proposed filter configuration makes the system insensitive to circuit non-idealities such as mismatch in inductors values, unequal turn-on and turn-off delays, and dead-time mismatch between the inverter legs. Different variants of the filter topology are compared to establish the effectiveness of the proposed circuit. Experimental results based on the EMI measurement on the grid side and the CM current measurement on the motor side are presented for a 5-kW motor drive. It is shown that the proposed filter topology reduces the EMI noise level by about 35 dB.


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A low-order harmonic pulsating torque is a major concern in high-power drives, high-speed drives, and motor drives operating in an overmodulation region. This paper attempts to minimize the low-order harmonic torques in induction motor drives, operated at a low pulse number (i.e., a low ratio of switching frequency to fundamental frequency), through a frequency domain (FD) approach as well as a synchronous reference frame (SRF) based approach. This paper first investigates FD-based approximate elimination of harmonic torque as suggested by classical works. This is then extended into a procedure for minimization of low-order pulsating torque components in the FD, which is independent of machine parameters and mechanical load. Furthermore, an SRF-based optimal pulse width modulation (PWM) method is proposed to minimize the low-order harmonic torques, considering the motor parameters and load torque. The two optimal methods are evaluated and compared with sine-triangle (ST) PWM and selective harmonic elimination (SHE) PWM through simulations and experimental studies on a 3.7-kW induction motor drive. The SRF-based optimal PWM results in marginally better performance than the FD-based one. However, the selection of optimal switching angle for any modulation index (M) takes much longer in case of SRF than in case of the FD-based approach. The FD-based optimal solutions can be used as good starting solutions and/or to reasonably restrict the search space for optimal solutions in the SRF-based approach. Both of the FD-based and SRF-based optimal PWM methods reduce the low-order pulsating torque significantly, compared to ST PWM and SHE PWM, as shown by the simulation and experimental results.


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In this paper the influence of the form of motor excitation on the performance of a small (< 1 kW) induction motor drive is studied. Two forms of excitation, namely sine waves generated by pulse width modulation and simple square wave are explored. Sine wave excitation gives lower motor losses but increases inverter losses. Conversely, square wave excitation increases motor losses but decreases inverter losses. Losses have been measured directly by calorimetric means or, in the case of the inverter, predicted by a Pspice model that has been verified by calorimetric methods. The work shows that overall, the use of square wave excitation leads to a more efficient drive. © 2004 The Institution of Electrical Engineers.


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This paper presents the results of experimental and simulation investigations of the breakdown of losses in a small inverter fed induction motor. Factors that are considered include the impact of skew, excitation voltage waveform shape and PWM switching frequency. Detailed finite element simulations of the motor performance are carried out for the various conditions, with simulation results compared to calorimetric test results. © 2005 IEEE.


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Problem of DC link size in a stiff voltage-source inverter for electric drive is described in the paper. Advantages of advanced film capacitor technology over conventional one for DC link application are reviewed. Conventional DC link capacitor selection methods are questioned in view of advanced capacitor technology utilization in stiff voltage-source inverter. For capacitor selection maximum ripple rms current point is shown. DC link ripple current spectrum analysis under modern PWM techniques is presented. Some capacitor selection recommendations are given. The analysis has been aided greatly by computer modeling in PSpice. ©2005 IEEE.


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This paper presents an investigation into the losses in a three-phase induction motor under different pulse width modulation (PWM) excitation conditions. The impacts of Sinusoidal PWM, Space Vector PWM and Discontinuous PWM on machine loss are compared and studied. Finite element analysis simulations are employed to predict the machine losses with the loss breakdown analysis under different PWM schemes. Direct Calorimetric measurements are utilized to verify the finite element modeling and provide direct quantifications of machine loss under modern PWM techniques. © 2008 IEEE.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Eletrónica Industrial


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This paper presents a high efficiency Sepic rectifier for an electronic ballast application with multiple fluorescent lamps. The proposed Sepic rectifier is based on a Zero-Current-Switching (ZCS) Pulse-Width-Modulated (PWM) soft-commutation cell. The high power-factor of this structure is obtained using the instantaneous average-current control technique, in order to attend properly IEC61000-3-2 standards. The inverting stage of this new electronic ballast is a classical Zero-Voltage-Switching (ZVS) Half-Bridge inverter. A proper design methodology is developed for this new electronic ballast, and a design example is presented for an application with five fluorescent lamps 40W-T12 (200W output power), 220Vrms input voltage, 130Vdc dc link voltage, with rectifier and inverter stages operating at 50kHz. Experimental results are also presented. The THD at input current is equal to 6.41%, for an input voltage THD equal to 2.14%, and the measured overall efficiency is about 92.8%, at rated load.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fino ad un recente passato, le macchine elettriche di tipo trifase costituivano l’unica soluzione in ambito industriale per la realizzazione di azionamenti di grande potenza. Da quando i motori sono gestiti da convertitori elettronici di potenza si è ottenuto un notevole passo in avanti verso l’innovazione tecnologica. Infatti, negli ultimi decenni, le tecnologie sempre più all’avanguardia e l’aumento dell’utilizzo dell’elettronica, sia in campo civile quanto in quello industriale, hanno contribuito a una riduzione dei costi dei relativi componenti; questa situazione ha permesso di utilizzare tecnologie elaborate che in passato avevano costi elevati e quindi risultavano di scarso interesse commerciale. Nel campo delle macchine elettriche tutto questo ha permesso non solo la realizzazione di azionamenti alimentati e controllati tramite inverter, in grado di garantire prestazioni nettamente migliori di quelle ottenute con i precedenti sistemi di controllo, ma anche l’avvento di una nuova tipologia di macchine con un numero di fasi diverso da quello tradizionale trifase, usualmente impiegato nella generazione e distribuzione dell’energia elettrica. Questo fatto ha destato crescente interesse per lo studio di macchine elettriche multifase. Il campo di studio delle macchine multifase è un settore relativamente nuovo ed in grande fermento, ma è già possibile affermare che le suddette macchine sono in grado di fornire prestazioni migliori di quelle trifase. Un motore con un numero di fasi maggiore di tre presenta numerosi vantaggi: 1. la possibilità di poter dividere la potenza su più fasi, riducendo la taglia in corrente degli interruttori statici dell’inverter; 2. la maggiore affidabilità in caso di guasto di una fase; 3. la possibilità di sfruttare le armoniche di campo magnetico al traferro per ottenere migliori prestazioni in termini di coppia elettromagnetica sviluppata (riduzione dell’ampiezza e incremento della frequenza della pulsazione di coppia); 4. l’opportunità di creare azionamenti elettrici multi-motore, collegando più macchine in serie e comandandole con un unico convertitore di potenza; 5. Maggiori e più efficaci possibilità di utilizzo nelle applicazioni Sensorless. Il presente lavoro di tesi, ha come oggetto lo studio e l’implementazione di una innovativa tecnica di controllo di tipo “sensorless”, da applicare in azionamenti ad orientamento di campo per macchine asincrone eptafase. Nel primo capitolo vengono illustrate le caratteristiche e le equazioni rappresentanti il modello della macchina asincrona eptafase. Nel secondo capitolo si mostrano il banco di prova e le caratteristiche dei vari componenti. Nel terzo capitolo sono rappresentate le tecniche di modulazione applicabili per macchine multifase. Nel quarto capitolo vengono illustrati il modello del sistema implementato in ambiente Simulink ed i risultati delle simulazioni eseguite. Nel quinto capitolo viene presentato il Code Composer Studio, il programma necessario al funzionamento del DSP. Nel sesto capitolo, sono presentati e commentati i risultati delle prove sperimentali.


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Research work carried out in focusing a novel multiphase-multilevel ac motor drive system much suitable for low-voltage high-current power applications. In specific, six-phase asymmetrical induction motor with open-end stator winding configuration, fed from four standard two-level three-phase voltage source inverters (VSIs). Proposed synchronous reference frame control algorithm shares the total dc source power among the 4 VSIs in each switching cycle with three degree of freedom. Precisely, first degree of freedom concerns with the current sharing between two three-phase stator windings. Based on modified multilevel space vector pulse width modulation shares the voltage between each single VSIs of two three-phase stator windings with second and third degree of freedom, having proper multilevel output waveforms. Complete model of whole ac motor drive based on three-phase space vector decomposition approach was developed in PLECS - numerical simulation software working in MATLAB environment. Proposed synchronous reference control algorithm was framed in MATLAB with modified multilevel space vector pulse width modulator. The effectiveness of the entire ac motor drives system was tested. Simulation results are given in detail to show symmetrical and asymmetrical, power sharing conditions. Furthermore, the three degree of freedom are exploited to investigate fault tolerant capabilities in post-fault conditions. Complete set of simulation results are provided when one, two and three VSIs are faulty. Hardware prototype model of quad-inverter was implemented with two passive three-phase open-winding loads using two TMS320F2812 DSP controllers. Developed McBSP (multi-channel buffered serial port) communication algorithm able to control the four VSIs for PWM communication and synchronization. Open-loop control scheme based on inverse three-phase decomposition approach was developed to control entire quad-inverter configuration and tested with balanced and unbalanced operating conditions with simplified PWM techniques. Both simulation and experimental results are always in good agreement with theoretical developments.


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Modellizzazione della macchina asincrona esafase asimmetrica mediante i vettori di spazio trifase. Determinazione delle trasformazioni esafase dallo studio del campo magnetico rotante. Modellizzazione della macchina asincrona esafase asimmetrica mediante i vettori di spazio esafase. Studio dell’inverter esafase e delle relative tecniche di modulazione. Definizione del modello Simulink dell’azionamento. Studio del ripple della corrente di carico.