529 resultados para Inuitive Logics


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Justification logics are modal logics that include justifications for the agent's knowledge. So far, there are no decidability results available for justification logics with negative introspection. In this paper, we develop a novel model construction for such logics and show that justification logics with negative introspection are decidable for finite constant specifications.


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A new semantics with the finite model property is provided and used to establish decidability for Gödel modal logics based on (crisp or fuzzy) Kripke frames combined locally with Gödel logic. A similar methodology is also used to establish decidability, and indeed co-NP-completeness for a Gödel S5 logic that coincides with the one-variable fragment of first-order Gödel logic.


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Herbrand and Skolemization theorems are obtained for a broad family of first-order substructural logics. These logics typically lack equivalent prenex forms, a deduction theorem, and reductions of semantic consequence to satisfiability. The Herbrand and Skolemization theorems therefore take various forms, applying either to the left or right of the consequence relation, and to restricted classes of formulas.


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A Hennessy-Milner property, relating modal equivalence and bisimulations, is defined for many-valued modal logics that combine a local semantics based on a complete MTL-chain (a linearly ordered commutative integral residuated lattice) with crisp Kripke frames. A necessary and sufficient algebraic condition is then provided for the class of image-finite models of these logics to admit the Hennessy-Milner property. Complete characterizations are obtained in the case of many-valued modal logics based on BL-chains (divisible MTL-chains) that are finite or have universe [0,1], including crisp Lukasiewicz, Gödel, and product modal logics.


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The usual Skolemization procedure, which removes strong quantifiers by introducing new function symbols, is in general unsound for first-order substructural logics defined based on classes of complete residuated lattices. However, it is shown here (following similar ideas of Baaz and Iemhoff for first-order intermediate logics in [1]) that first-order substructural logics with a semantics satisfying certain witnessing conditions admit a “parallel” Skolemization procedure where a strong quantifier is removed by introducing a finite disjunction or conjunction (as appropriate) of formulas with multiple new function symbols. These logics typically lack equivalent prenex forms. Also, semantic consequence does not in general reduce to satisfiability. The Skolemization theorems presented here therefore take various forms, applying to the left or right of the consequence relation, and to all formulas or only prenex formulas.


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In this reviewing paper, we recall the main results of our papers [24, 31] where we introduced two paraconsistent semantics for Pavelka style fuzzy logic. Each logic formula a is associated with a 2 x 2 matrix called evidence matrix. The two semantics are consistent if they are seen from 'outside'; the structure of the set of the evidence matrices M is an MV-algebra and there is nothing paraconsistent there. However, seen from "inside,' that is, in the construction of a single evidence matrix paraconsistency comes in, truth and falsehood are not each others complements and there is also contradiction and lack of information (unknown) involved. Moreover, we discuss the possible applications of the two logics in real-world phenomena.