960 resultados para Impostos locais
Este trabalho busca estudar e sistematizar aspectos metodológicos relacionados a sistemas locais de informação e indicadores de qualidade de vida, bem como diferentes arranjos político-institucionais de órgãos destinados a produção, armazenamento, coleta, análise e disseminação de informações relacionadas à qualidade de vida em nível local. São analisadas experiências diferenciadas realizadas no Brasil e no exterior, atentando especialmente para o seu impacto no processo de formulação, gestão e avaliação de políticas públicas.
Desenvolvimento local, cidadania e arranjos produtivos locais: um estudo no estado do Rio de Janeiro
The aim of the present study was to verify how the participation and interaction of the local government public and private instittutions and civil society, might promote sustainable development, taking as a reference the Local Productive Arrangements (LPA) of Nova Friburgo and its Region. This work was conducted after a theoretical discussion concerning local development, citizenship, local development with citizenship and local productive arrangements. Afterwards, semi-structured interviews were realized with 32 citizens from five cities that were part of the Fashion Development Council, using the discourse analysis to data treatment. It was verified that the productive arrangement in the Centro-Norte Fluminense region of the Rio de Janeiro State has one of its main competitive advantages the pool of institutions, that articulate and support the underwear fashion sector. However, the APL presents many other characteristics making impossible to classify it as a cluster or an industrial district since there is still a need for cooperation among institutions and undertakers. In addition, there is no integration between the government instances and civil society in relation to the LPA development. So, it is concluded that there is a need for more union and dialogue among all of these involved actors, to overcome ¿bottle-necks¿ in the sector of underwear fashion in the region, such as informality of a huge number of companies and the low qualification of employees and undertakers.
In recent years, clusters have become a central part in discussions about local and regional economic development, as well as in the elaboration of public policies for generating jobs and income. Concurrent with the discussions about clusters, the subject globalization has also received growing attention from the media in the academic and government fields. Different aspects are considered in the discussions regarding globalization and one of the subjects is the insertion of local economies into international commerce. One of these ways of insertion is by global value chains. This term began to be used at the end of 90s, and refers to the productive value chains dispersed throughout the world, but with integrated production and commercialization. The aim of this thesis is to understand how the exportation process influences the development of fashion clusters, this being done by the insertion of these clusters into the global value chains. Each year, the Brazilian fashion sector seeks to broaden their participation in the global economy by means of insertion into the global value chains. This insertion, however, has caused impacts in specialized clusters of garment manufacturers, such as beach fashion, jeans and women¿s clothing. As a way of identifying these impacts, three cluster manufacturers were studied in the state of Rio de Janeiro, namely Cabo Frio, São Gonçalo and Niterói. The impacts of internationalization on the companies integrated into these three clusters were explored by means of a six-month field study, including semistructured interviews. This internationalization occurs either by direct exportation or by means of inserting these companies into the global value chains. The results of the study points out the opportunities and threats to these companies, as well as shows the importance of more adequate public policies for the development of Brazilian fashion clusters. Among these threats, the possibility of inserting these cluster companies into the global value chains in a captive manner (Gereffi, Humphrey, Sturgeon, 2005) was singled out, placing them ¿under control¿ of the exporting companies. As for opportunities, the participation of government support agencies and improvements in fashion show good alternatives for inserting these companies into the global value chains, making possible autonomous and competitive performance.
In the last decade, the debate concerning more adequate means of promoting social and economic development, through policies of firm supporting, has been gaining strength. Among several means of support, there is one that addresses issues related to credit and funding. At the same time, interest on the phenomenon of firm agglomeration, known by clustering, is increasing, as well as one of its advantages - facilitating the development and strengthening of its firms. Additionally, there can be spotted advantages on clustering that allow tailoring financial instruments, specifically to firms in it, based on collective solutions, with better conditions. This dissertation focuses on how the capture of these opportunities is being done, in the presence of specific financial products to Brazilian clusters. The present analysis is conducted from the cluster located in Nova Friburgo and Region, specialized in women underwear. This study sought to capture advantages from three main collective solutions: information systems, guarantees systems, alternative funding. These solutions address to the following issues: information asymmetries, absence of guarantees from the credit taker, limited sources of funding. Semi-structured interviews were made with members of the cluster, when it was possible to identify that the capture of advantages is in its early stages, being limited by other issues, such as: adequate degree of human capital, governance framework and process inefficiencies.
The objective of this dissertation is to explore and deeply study the concepts about Glocal Marketing, explaining this recent phenomenon, highlighting the importance and the influence of local culture on the marketing mix of global organizations, in order to have successful commercialization of their products and services in different markets. Searching for a better understanding of Glocal Marketing became extremely important in the XXI Century, since there is an increase in the number of global companies which want to explore new markets in order to survive and remain in the highly competitive market. Concepts of Globalization, Marketing, Glocal Marketing, Culture are defined and explored. Also, the influence of culture on consumer behavior and on the marketing mix of global organizations is analyzed. The Hofstede¿s cultural typology is explained and it is used to give the reader an overview and a better understanding about the cultural influence in the acceptance of new products in new markets. The relationship between culture and marketing mix is discussed, as well as the importance of standardization versus customization of the marketing mix among countries with high cultural differences. The methodology is composed by descriptive research and a case study about a global organization, the Coca-Cola Company. Therefore, this dissertation aims to show and exemplify how the Coca-Cola Company applies glocal strategies on its marketing mix as a way to establish a competitive advantage in the market.
This study evaluates how the interaction among organizations located in Vila do Abraão, in Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro State, has contributed to the sustainability of this locality. An analysis of the island¿s local problems showed that firms informality and solid waste management practices were bringing damaging consequences to the island, and that this local productive arrangement (APL) has been able to collectively find solutions to such issues. These solutions basically encompassed: a) choosing estrategies the lead to a self-sustained model and not traditional way dependent on tax benefits; b) recognizing that the solutions to these problems involved the common action of public and private sectors and the civil society, and that various artifices should be used to establish such cooperation; c) the presence of actors outside the APL who played an important role in overcoming the problems of the cluster; d) using transparent legal instruments that defined the rights and obligations of each party and e) tripartite social entrepreneurship actions through NGOs to help solve problems common to the whole island.
The research contemplates the dilemma faced by small rural communities producers¿ in north-eastern Brazil maintaining last longing relationships. Due to difficult social conditions in distant regions, small producers utilize practices of commercial exclusivity to obtain sustainability. In the Lago do Junco community case, located in the state of Maranhão, the babaçu oil exports¿, the social environmental appeal guarantee the cluster participants sustainability and the representation of women in society. But social problems related to the lack of formal education e the absence of relationship with local aid organizations causes the non compliance with market demands, leading the cluster to a non-innovative trap. In the honey community case in Simplício Mendes, located in the state of Piauí, the closest relationship with the external aid agents increased the conversion of market demands in reality. The analysis reveal possibilities on obtaining economic sustainability for small producers thru the conscientious utilization of nature resources guaranteeing the harmony between the environmental preservation and the development of both activities, apiculture in Piauí and babaçu oil processing in Maranhão.
Ao optar por redes locais (LAN - Local Area Networks) de microcomputadores, em lugar de ampliar os investimentos nos sistemas de grande porte que já possuem instalados, diversas empresas do setor bancário no Brasil estão adotando o conceito de downsizing, expressão que identifica a política de redução do porte dos equipamentos de informática utilizados para executar o processamento de informações corporativas. A adoção deste tipo de política, longe de ser uma ocorrência episódica, tem características de tendência geral para o setor nos próximos anos. Este trabalho faz uma investigação do alcance dessa tendência no setor bancário brasileiro e uma análise dos fatores que têm impulsionado a implementação de diferentes estratégias de downsizing de sistemas de informação
Acompanha o papel da gerência na implementação dos sistemas locais de saúde; estuda o processo de direção como ferramenta da gerência, no sistema local de saúde de Santos e busca perceber os pontos fortes e fracos do processo de direção no sistema local de saúde de Santos
Trata dos limites e potencialidades da aplicação, no nível local, de uma metodologia de planejamento que busca equacionar o processo de decisão, programação, acompanhamento e controle de ações - o Planejamento Estratégico Situacional, método desenvolvido originalmente para governos centrais, pelo economista chileno Carlos Matus. Aponta esses limites e possibilidades a partir da reflexão sobre as experiências dos municípios de Santo André (gestão 1989-1992) e São José dos Campos (gestão 1993-1996), ambas no estado de São Paulo
Investiga sobre indicadores de saúde em municípios paulistas entre 100 mil e 300 mil habitantes. Comenta sobre as fontes de origem desses indicadores, bem como a amplitude de dispersão da informação resultante do uso desses indicadores no planejamento das ações de saúde nos municípios pesquisados. Aborda conceitos relativos à saúde, à qualidade de vida nas cidades, à mensuração dessa qualidade, às relações entre espaço urbano e saúde e sua importância sobre o planejamento das ações de saúde coletiva nas cidades, além de fazer um retrospecto histórico e conceitual acerca do movimento por Cidades Saudáveis.
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o Consórcio Intermunicipal de Saúde como um instrumento de articulação entre os municípios, desenvolvido na década de oitenta, no contexto de redemocratização da sociedade e do Estado. Os Consórcios Intermunicipais no Brasil foram baseados na experiência italiana e "a idéia de consorciamento estava presente já na primeira Constituição paulista de 1891"
A proposta deste trabalho é avaliar a adoção da EC n° 37, de 12 de junho de 2002, regulada pela LC 116, em 31 de julho de 2003, como instrumentos de contenção da guerra fiscal entre os municípios. Desse modo, procura-se avaliar os impactos da adoção de uma alíquota de piso para o ISSQN sobre a arrecadação dos municípios, tomando os municípios que compõem a RMSP como principal objeto de análise. A importância do tema é identificada na relação entre entes federativos, a discussão em torno da autonomia financeira e tributária na federação brasileira e como estas questões impactam a oferta de bens públicos. Este trabalho se vale de um modelo simples elaborado para compreender a arrecadação tributária via ISSQN e procura inferir os resultados ocasionados pela adoção de uma medida externa de harmonização de alíquotas tributárias, resultados positivos e significantes são encontrados para tais efeitos. Espera-se que este trabalho contribua e aponte novas perspectivas de estudos na área de federalismo fiscal, especialmente para estudos voltados para governos locais no Brasil. Ao mesmo tempo, espera-se contribuir para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas em torno das alíquotas, da arrecadação, do modelo tributário nacional e para as discussões sobre alocação de competências entre os entes federativos.
Trata do processo de planejamento municipal no Brasil a partir de 1988, período esse em que se estabeleceu no país um novo contexto político-institucional marcado pelas mudanças na ordem constitucional e por uma nova interação entre os setores público, privado e um terceiro setor na implementação de políticas públicas. Aborda a influência desse novo contexto no processo de planejamento municipal dado o desequilíbrio na distribuição espacial da população e do sistema de cidades brasileiro. Analisa um conjunto de iniciativas de governos municipais em políticas públicas, na última década, e aponta um conjunto de temas e problemas para pesquisa futura.
Analisa a criação de pólos de alta tecnologia á luz do processo de reestruturação capitalista, ocorrida após as crises estruturais de 1973 e 1980/82, quando ocorre a ascensão de novos processos de trabalho e a crise do estado Keynesiano. Aborda a instalação e fortalecimento do pólo de alta tecnologia de São Carlos no contexto da interiorização da industrialização no estado de São Paulo, a partir do final dos anos 60. Verifica-se a emergência do pólo de São Carlos foi fruto de estímulos governamentais. Mapeia os agentes envolvidos na implantação do pólo em questão, destacando a ação dos empreendedores locais (os empresários de alta tecnologia )