830 resultados para Impacto na agricultura familiar


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Knowledge of quality of life is a very complex and rich in cultural and subjective dimensions, understood in a broad sense and multivariate theme. Considering the rural areas from agriculture, it is observed that the production standard defines significant changes in the environmental context and the quality of life of rural workers. To explain the relationship between quality of life and Family Organic Agriculture, we sought to analyze the quality of life of the organic family farmer, after change in agricultural management. The research, based on a procedure exploratory study supported the articulation theoretically constructed, showed their relevance and allowed to delimit with greater security, the central question of work. The WHOQOL - 100 treated the instrument of research on quality of life that directed the field study with organic farmers from the town of Lagoa Seca / PB. Farmers and family members are from rural regions Almeida, Alvinho, Lagoa de Barro, Lagoa Gravatá, Oiti and Pau Ferro. The average time is 39 years farming and organic family farm is 16 years. In the analysis work was found that the process of production of vegetables and fruits is divided into 08 steps and with respect to workloads observations showed the presence of: physical loads, mechanical stresses, psychological burden and ergonomic factors. Most farmers reported symptoms were fatigue and cramps in the legs . Regarding the quality of life was noticed that the Psychological Domain contributed positively to the quality of life with mean and standard deviation (17.83 ± 12.78) and Domain Environment negatively contributing to the quality of life of this group (9.00 ± 6.82). We conclude that the practice of Family Organic Agriculture should be seen as an effective strategy in promoting quality of life and social values in between, since it presents environmental sustainability with regard to life and socio-cultural diversity of populations


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This study examines peasant family farming from an agroecological perspective. It intends to analyze the changes resulting from the transition from conventional to agro-ecological agriculture in the daily practices of farmers articulated associated with the Network of Agroecological and Solidarity Farmers of the Curu and Aracatiaçu Valleys Territory, the locus of this empirical research, and a space which has highlighted the social dynamics of agroecological innovation, as well as articulating environmental exchanges and knowledge development. As a way to further that goal, we seek to identify the forms of social organization previously present in the daily lives of these subjects, in addition to grasping the determinants that lead or led them to adopt agroecology, noting the need to verify the forms of resistance, and the strategies adopted by farmers and how they articulate collectively. Through the historical and dialectical methods, we seek to take the implications of technical modernization of agriculture under the conditions of production and reproduction of peasants and thus situate the emergence of agroecology, a focus that is born as a counterpoint to conventional patterns of agricultural development based on the paradigm of the Green Revolution. We structured this study around the trajectory of agroecological farmers that developed and internalized agroecological practices, processes, and organizational forms. For the analysis, we used theoretical and methodological frameworks from literature related to field research. The systematization and analysis of experiments revealed that agroecological transition is a broad process of change, not restricted to technical matters. We observed changes in production practices, diversification of production and feeding practices, ecological awareness, production autonomy, and organizations formed to face the challenges resulting from the imposition of the dominant agricultural development model that combines environmental degradation, land ownership concentration, and wealth concentration


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At the semiarid regions of developing countries the rural population has always been vulnerable to the climatic variations e its consequences. The effects of the semiarid climate, together with other biophysics, social and political-economic factors, impair the agricultural production, generating a situation of food insecurity and poverty in the rural areas. With the occurrence of climate change, natural resources of the semiarid regions can became scarcer, what would directly affect the agricultural production and those who depend on it. Therefore, the present study sought to study one of the most susceptible areas to the effects of the semiarid climate and desertification of Rio Grande do Norte, the potiguar s Serido. The study aimed to analyze the socioeconomic and environmental factors that put farmers in a position of vulnerability to the effects of climate; assess their perceptions about climate variations that have already occurred and their knowledge about climate change and global warming, also to identify which adaptation strategies to climate they have adopted at the rural establishment. The survey was conducted in 29 communities of four counties of the potiguar s Serido Caico, Parelhas, Lagoa Nova and Acari. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with local leaders and 241 questionnaires were applied with the family farmers. It was found that in addition to environmental factors such as the scarcity of water resources and climatic conditions, other factors such as the environmental degradation, the small size of the properties, the lack of technical assistance and financial resources and also the low education levels reduce the resilience capacity of family farming to the effects of the Semiarid climate. With the occurrence of climate change, the challenges for family farming at Serido will intensify. If farmers cannot adapt, the impacts may preclude this category of agricultural production causing serious harm to food security and further increasing the vulnerability situation of these populations. Although the farmers perceived changes in climate, the lack resources and information appears as the main reasons preventing the adoption of adaptation strategies. The lack of knowledge about climate change and global warming and the impacts that these phenomena may cause are also limiting factors for adaptation. It is therefore essential to identify the factors that influence the adoption of adaptation strategies, and seek alternatives to living with the semiarid that can strengthen the resilience of family farming and social reproduction that allow agricultural segment, even in a climate change scenario


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It s an application about the development of the family agriculture integrated to the market in which is detected the development of the relation of partnership between settled of agrarian reform and the capitalist enterprise. It s shown initially, a conceptual discussion about family agriculture, watching the historical contexts that characterize the expropriation and subordination of the category. This way, the family agriculture is contextual zed in the moment of the modernization of the agriculture, he rising of the social tension in the area of the restructuration of production and the globalization. Finding to understand the agrarian question in Rio Grande do Norte, it s characterized the acting of the state in promoting agrarian reform politics and redistribution of lands. This way, the research demonstrate the reality of the settled of Vale do Lírio, with the partnership of the Caliman Company S. A. in this context, it s emphasized the social geographic transformation in the settler. This way it was realized the analysis of the survey of data in a lot of public department, and the research of the area with use of application form, in 90% percent of the researched group, with interviewing with the leaders of this group and with the manager of the Company. The research demonstrates an analysis of the reality lived by this group, in the perspective the interests of the government and the capital.


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Nova Alta Paulista region, with strong aptitude for agribusiness, is one of the poorest in the state of São Paulo. However, the development of agribusiness productive chains in the region is very heterogeneous. The study aimed at analyzing how the historical background and organizational arrangements in family farming have contributed to regional development by promoting improvements in social welfare at Nova Alta Paulista region. To this end, we analyzed the case of the Associação Agrícola de Junqueirópolis - AAJ, an organization that has been successful in the search for alternative of agricultural production. Integrated to local and global market, this organization has ensured the maintenance of many farmers and generated positive externalities for the entire region. Thus, this case shows the organizational arrangement based on cooperation can be an alternative for family farmers achieve higher levels of welfare and development.


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La desigualdad regional y productiva puede originarse a partir del proceso de modernización agrícola, donde una parte de los agentes son capaces de incorporar y absorber el contenido tecnológico, pero otros permanecen al margen no solo del entorno organizacional innovador, sino también de los procesos de aprendizaje y difusión de las nuevas técnicas y conocimientos productivos. Aquí se analiza la agricultura familiar, comparándola en términos regionales y por grupos de productores con alto, medio y bajo contenido tecnológico. Además, se calcula el índice de desigualdad productiva (Gini del ingreso bruto) de las regiones Norte, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste, Sudeste y Sur. Se argumenta que, frente a la diferenciación regional, la envergadura de los emprendimientos y los diversos niveles de incremento tecnológico, las políticas públicas deben tender a reducir las diferencias perjudiciales para la difusión de los nuevos conocimientos y el aumento de la productividad de los agentes, proporcionando una mayor inclusión productiva.


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La promoción de circuitos cortos en las cadenas agroalimentarias ha sido una tendencia emergente en los últimos años no solo en Europa y Estados Unidos sino también en América Latina. Los circuitos cortos son sistemas agroalimentarios alternativos que agrupan diferentes formas de distribución caracterizadas principalmente por un número reducido (o incluso inexistente) de intermediarios entre consumidores y productores o por una limitada distancia geográfica entre ambos. El objetivo del presente boletín es presentar algunas experiencias de circuitos cortos provenientes tanto de América Latina como de otras partes del mundo, que permita a su vez identificar factores de éxito y lecciones aprendidas. Estos ejemplos se basan en los casos analizados durante el seminario sobre circuitos cortos recientemente organizado por la CEPAL, la FAO y la OMS, cuya publicación extensa se encuentra disponible en http://bit.ly/1pqMZMj


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)