73 resultados para Hymenolepis


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Hospital based studies were conducted to investigate the occurrence of Plasmodium/intestinal helminth co-infections among pregnant Nigerian women, and their effects on birthweights, anaemia and spleen size. From 2,104 near-term pregnant women examined, 816 (38.8%) were found to be infected with malaria parasites. Among the 816 parasitaemic subjects, 394 (48.3%) were also infected with intestinal helminths, 102 (12.5%) having mixed helminth infections. The prevalence of the helminth species found in stool samples of parasitaemic subjects examined was, Ascaris lumbricoides (19.1%), hookworm (14.2%), Trichuris trichiura (7%) Schistosoma mansoni (3.4%), Enterobius vermicularis (2%), Hymenolepis sp. (1.6%) and Taenia sp. (1%). Mothers with Plasmodium infection but without intestinal helminth infection had neonates of higher mean birthweights than those presenting both Plasmodium and intestinal helminth infections and this effect was more pronounced in primigravids. The mean haemoglobin values of malarial mothers with intestinal helminth infections were lower than those with Plasmodium infection but without intestinal helminth infections but these were not statistically significant. Severe splenomegaly was predominant among parasitaemic gravidae who also harboured S. mansoni infection in two of the hospitals studied.


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Almost all known human specific parasites have been found in ancient feces. A review of the paleoparasitological helminth and intestinal protozoa findings available in the literature is presented. We also report the new paleoparasitologic findings from the examination performed in samples collected in New and Old World archaeological sites. New finds of ancylostomid, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Enterobius vermicularis, Trichostrongylus spp., Diphyllobothrium latum, Hymenolepis nana and Acantocephalan eggs are reported. According to the findings, it is probable that A. lumbricoides was originally a human parasite. Human ancylostomids, A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura, found in the New World in pre-Columbian times, have not been introduced into the Americas by land via Beringia. These parasites could not supported the cold climate of the region. Nomadic prehistoric humans that have crossed the Bering Land Bridge from Asia to the Americas in the last glaciation, probably during generations, would have lost these parasites, which life cycles need warm temperatures in the soil to be transmitted from host to host. Alternative routes are discussed for human parasite introduction into the Americas.


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Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la Institut J.W. Jenkinson Laboratory for Evolution and Development of the University of Oxford, Regne Unit, entre 2010 i 2012. He estat membre del laboratori del Professor Peter W.H. Holland com a becari post-doctoral Beatriu de Pinós des de setembre de 2010 al setembre de 2012. El nostre projecte de recerca se centra en l'anàlisi genòmic comparatiu del Regne Animal, tot explorant el contingut dels genomes a través de totes les branques de l'arbre dels animals. Totes les referències a les meves publicacions durant aquest post-doc es poden trobar a http://about.me/jordi_paps. Crec que el nombre i la qualitat dels resultats del meu post-doc, un total de 8 publicacions incloent dos articles a la prestigiosa revista Nature, són prova de l'èxit d'aquest post-doc. Prof Peter W. H. Holland (Departament de Zoologia de la Universitat d'Oxford) i jo som coautors de tres articles de genòmica comparativa, resultats directes d'aquest projecte: 1) comparació de families gèniques entre vertebrats invertebrats (Briefings in Functional Genomics), 2) el genoma de l'ostra (publicat a la revista Nature), i 3) els genomes de 6 platihelmints paràsits (acceptat també a Nature). A més, tenim altres 2 treballs en preparació. Un d'ells analitza l'evolució, expressió i funció dels gens Hox al a la tènia Hymenolepis. El perfil fi d'aquests gens clau del desenvolupament esclareix els canvis d'estil de vida dels organismes. A més, durant aquest últim post-doc he participat en diverses col•laboracions, incloent anàlisi de gens d'envelliment a cucs plans, un estudi sobre la filogènia del grup Gastrotricha, una revisió de l'evolució phylum Platyhelminthes, així com un capítol d'un llibre sobre l'evolució dels animals bilaterals. Finalment, gràcies a la beca Beatriu de Pinós, el Prof. Peter W.H. Holland m'ha convidat a formar part del seu equip com un investigador post-doctoral en el seu projecte ERC Advance actual sobre duplicacions genòmiques.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to verify the prevalence of intestinal parasites and/or commensals in the neoplastic patients undergoing chemotherapy. Stool samples were analyzed by the method of Lutz (1919) and Rugai (1954), in triplicate. This work was composed of three groups, the first one (GI) formed by neoplastic patients that are not undergoing chemotherapy, the second (GII) comprised patients who were undergoing chemotherapy, and the third group (GIII) consisting of patients who completed chemotherapy. A total of 30 patients (GI-5, GII-18 and GIII-7) were screened at the Assis Regional Hospital of the Unified Health System of Assis, São Paulo. Additional information on antiparasitic treatment and tumor type were obtained by questionnaire. The positivity was 66.7% (20 cases) for intestinal parasites and/or commensals. The helminths were Ascaris lumbricoides (36.7%), Hookworms (20%) and Hymenolepis diminuta (3.3%). Among the highlights are protozoan Giardia lamblia (46.7%), Entamoeba coli (6.7%), E. histolytica/dispar (3.3%), Endolimax nana (3.3%) and Iodameba butschlii (3.3%). The high frequency of intestinal parasites and/or commensals in the neoplastic patients can be attributed to poor personal hygiene and lack of immunity to reinfection and poor knowledge of the prophylaxis of infection by protozoa and helminths. The results indicate the necessity of adopting a new criterion for neoplastic patients undergoing chemotherapy, primarily performing parasitological diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of cure of intestinal parasitic infections in this risk group.


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As infecções parasitárias apresentam-se de forma endêmica em diversas áreas do Brasil. A investigação estimou a prevalência de enteroparasitas em 200 crianças de 2 a 13 anos pertencentes a duas classes sócio-econômicas distintas, média e baixa, no período de abril a junho de 2001, na cidade de Porto Velho, RO. E também analisou os fatores contextuais de risco de maior importância epidemiológica. As amostras de fezes foram examinadas pelos métodos Direto e Sedimentação Espontânea. A população de nível sócio-econômico médio (A) composta por 100 indivíduos, apresentou um índice de positividade de 18%, sendo o parasita mais prevalente, Giardia lamblia (52,4%), seguido por Ascaris lumbricoides (19,0%), Trichuris trichiura (14,3%), Enterobius vermicularis (4,8%), Hymenolepis nana (4,8%) e Endolimax nana (4,8%). No grupo de nível sócio-econômico baixo (B), a positividade atingiu 56% dos indivíduos, sendo também Giardia lamblia (28,9%) o mais prevalente, seguido por Entamoeba calí (22,7%), A. lumbricoides (14,4%), T. Trichiura (8,3%), E. vermicularis (7,2%), H. nana (4,1%), E. nana (4,1%), E. histolytica (4,1%), Ancylostomidae (3,1%) e leveduras (3,1%). A ocorrência de mais de um parasito por indivíduo foi maior no grupo B (46,4%), sendo que o parasitismo foi mais prevalente entre as crianças com sintomas gastrintestinais em ambos os grupos A e B. As parasitoses intestinais afetaram igualmente meninos e meninas; negroides e caucasóides e ocorreram igualmente nas duas faixas etárias de crianças menores e maiores de cinco anos, contudo as crianças com menos de cinco anos de grupo A apresentaram predomínio de infecção por protozoários da espécie G. lamblia. A baixa renda salarial e residências com numero elevado de pessoas coabitando e sem rede de abastecimento de água se constituíram em fatores de risco socioeconômicos que favorecem a elevada prevalência das parasitoses intestinais. As condições de anemia e estado nutricional também foram avaliadas e não mostraram associação significantes com enteroparasitoses, nos diferentes grupos sócio-econômicos. Logo, a elevada prevalência de crianças, em especial de baixo nível sócio-econômico, com parasitismo intestinal, anemia e com desnutrição aguda moderada, refletem as precárias condições de saúde pública na cidade de Porto Velho-RO.


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The objective of this study was to verify the prevalence of intestinal parasites and/or commensals in the neoplastic patients undergoing chemotherapy. Stool samples were analyzed by the method of Lutz (1919) and Rugai (1954), in triplicate. This work was composed of three groups, the first one (GI) formed by neoplastic patients that are not undergoing chemotherapy, the second (GII) comprised patients who were undergoing chemotherapy, and the third group (GIII) consisting of patients who completed chemotherapy. A total of 30 patients (GI-5, GII-18 and GIII-7) were screened at the Assis Regional Hospital of the Unified Health System of Assis, São Paulo.Additional information on antiparasitic treatment and tumor type were obtained by questionnaire. The positivity was 66.7% (20 cases) for intestinal parasites and/or commensals. The helminths were Ascaris lumbricoides (36.7%), Hookworms (20%) and Hymenolepis diminuta (3.3%). Among the highlights are protozoan Giardia lamblia (46.7%), Entamoeba coli (6.7%), E. histolytica /dispar (3.3%), Endolimax nana (3.3%) and Iodameba butschlii (3.3%). The high frequency of intestinal parasites and/or commensals in the neoplastic patients can be attributed to poor personal hygiene and lack of immunity to reinfection and poor knowledge of the prophylaxis of infection by protozoa and helminths. The results indicate the necessity of adopting a new criterion for neoplastic patients undergoing chemotherapy, primarily performing parasitological diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of cure of intestinal parasitic infections in this risk group.


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An ecological and taxonomic study of the helminth parasites of voles (Microtus spp.) in the Jackson Hole region of Wyoming is reported. Nematospiroides microti n. sp. from Microtus montanus nanus and M. richardsoni macropus is described and figured. A cestode, Paranoplocephala infrequens, and a nematode, Syphacia obvelata, were generally distributed throughout the region in all habitats except the sage flats. A trematode, Quinqueserialis hassalli, was recovered only from voles collected near streams at low altitudes. This was presumably due to the localized distribution of the molluscan intermediate host. Four helminths, viz., Hymenolepis horrida, Heligmosomum costellatum, Nematospiroides microti and Trichuris opaca, were restricted in their distribution to the alpine and sub-alpine meadows. Of these parasites, H. horrida and H. costellatum are reported for the first time from North America. Most of the other host and locality records are new. Available data indicate that host specificity was not a factor in restricting the distribution of parasites. Although the greatest numbers of parasites, both qualitative and quantitative, occurred in habitats where host density was greatest, it seems unlikely that host density is the only factor involved.


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Among the cestodes, Echinococcus granulosus, Echinococcus multilocularis and Taenia solium represent the most dangerous parasites. Their larval stages cause the diseases cystic echinococcosis (CE), alveolar echinococcosis (AE) and cysticercosis, respectively, which exhibit considerable medical and veterinary health concerns with a profound economic impact. Others caused by other cestodes, such as species of the genera Mesocestoides and Hymenolepis, are relatively rare in humans. In this review, we will focus on E. granulosus and E. multilocularis metacestode laboratory models and will review the use of these models in the search for novel drugs that could be employed for chemotherapeutic treatment of echinococcosis. Clearly, improved therapeutic drugs are needed for the treatment of AE and CE, and this can only be achieved through the development of medium-to-high throughput screening approaches. The most recent achievements in the in vitro culture and genetic manipulation of E. multilocularis cells and metacestodes, and the accessability of the E. multilocularis genome and EST sequence information, have rendered the E. multilocularis model uniquely suited for studies on drug-efficacy and drug target identification. This could lead to the development of novel compounds for the use in chemotherapy against echinococcosis, and possibly against diseases caused by other cestodes, and potentially also trematodes.


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The successful use of helminths as therapeutic agents to resolve inflammatory disease was first recorded 40 years ago. Subsequent work in animal models and in humans has demonstrated that the organisms might effectively treat a wide range of inflammatory diseases, including allergies, autoimmune disorders and inflammation-associated neuropsychiatric disorders. However, available information regarding the therapeutic uses and effects of helminths in humans is limited. This study probes the practices and experiences of individuals 'self-treating' with helminths through the eyes of their physicians. Five physicians monitoring more than 700 self-treating patients were interviewed. The results strongly support previous indications that helminth therapy can effectively treat a wide range of allergies, autoimmune conditions and neuropsychiatric disorders, such as major depression and anxiety disorders. Approximately 57% of the self-treating patients observed by physicians in the study had autism. Physicians reported that the majority of patients with autism and inflammation-associated co-morbidities responded favourably to therapy with either of the two most popular organisms currently used by self-treaters, Hymenolepis diminuta and Trichuris suis. However, approximately 1% of paediatric patients experienced severe gastrointestinal pains with the use of H. diminuta, although the symptoms were resolved with an anti-helminthic drug. Further, exposure to helminths apparently did not affect the impaired comprehension of social situations that is the hallmark of autism. These observations point toward potential starting points for clinical trials, and provide further support for the importance of such trials and for concerted efforts aimed at probing the potential of helminths, and perhaps other biologicals, for therapeutic use.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Pós-graduação em Medicina Tropical, 2015.


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Realizou-se um estudo para determinar a prevalência da esquistossomose mansônica no município de Itaobim Minas Gerais, abrangendo a área urbana e rural do município, através de coletas de amostras de fezes e realização de exames coproscópicos pelo método Kato-Katz realizados pelo laboratório da vigilância epidemiológica de Itaobim, através do programa de controle da esquistossomose. Foram distribuídos 7.666 coletores de fezes que resultaram em 4.501 amostras a serem analisadas: 763 eram amostras de zonas rurais e 3.738 eram da zona urbana; 565 do total estavam contaminadas pela esquistossomose e outros parasitos encontrados nas amostras estão os Ancilostomídeos, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichiurus trichiura, Strongyloides stercoralis, Enterobius vermicularis, Taenia sp, Hymenolepis nana. Das amostras analisadas na zona rural foram confirmados como positivo para esquistossomose 150 (19,6%) amostras e 241 (6,4%) da zona urbana respectivamente, observando-se uma média de 9% de infectividade. Os casos positivos para esquistossomose foram mais significativos nos residentes em comunidades rurais do que em zona urbana, com resultado de 19,6% e 6,4% respectivamente. Observou-se também uma menor proporção entre os residentes da área urbana. Algumas hipóteses para tentar explicar são discutidas tais como: processo intenso de urbanização e a melhoria das condições socioeconômicas do município.