74 resultados para Hydrodistillation


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The volatile and non-volatile constituents of the unripe fruits of Magnolia ovata (A. St.-Hil.) Spreng. (Magnoliaceae) were studied. The essential oils were obtained by hydrodistillation of the fruit of two plant populations (A and B) and analyzed by GC/FID and GC/MS. The oil of sample A was rich in sesquiterpenes, mainly spathulenol (19.3%), while the oil of sample B showed a predominance of aliphatic compounds, mainly hexadecanoic acid (52.0%). Extracts of the dried fruit contained fourteen known compounds including nine lignoids (magnovatin A, magnovatin B, acuminatin, licarin A, oleiferin A, oleiferin C, kadsurenin M, 4-O-demethylkadsurenim M and 7-epi-virolin), two sesquiterpene lactones (parthenolide and michelenolide) and three alkaloids (lysicamine, lanuginosine and O-methylmoschatoline). Michelenolide, 7-epi-virolin and lisycamine are reported for the first time in the species, while the remaining compounds have already been reported in the leaves and/or trunk bark of Magnolia ovata. Acetylation of oleiferin A yielded a new compound, acetyl oleiferin A, whose NMR data and that of michelenolide are furnished.


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This study aimed to evaluate the activity of essential oils (EOs) against Streptococcus mutans biofilm by chemically characterizing their fractions responsible for biological and antiproliferative activity. Twenty EO were obtained by hydrodistillation and submitted to the antimicrobial assay (minimum inhibitory (MIC) and bactericidal (MBC) concentrations) against S. mutans UA159. Thin-layer chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry were used for phytochemical analyses. EOs were selected according to predetermined criteria and fractionated using dry column; the resulting fractions were assessed by MIC and MBC, selected as active fractions, and evaluated against S. mutans biofilm. Biofilms formed were examined using scanning electron microscopy. Selected EOs and their selected active fractions were evaluated for their antiproliferative activity against keratinocytes and seven human tumor cell lines. MIC and MBC values obtained for EO and their active fractions showed strong antimicrobial activity. Chemical analyses mainly showed the presence of terpenes. The selected active fractions inhibited S. mutans biofilm formation (P < 0.05) did not affect glycolytic pH drop and were inactive against keratinocytes, normal cell line. In conclusion, EO showed activity at low concentrations, and their selected active fractions were also effective against biofilm formed by S. mutans and human tumor cell lines.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the gamma radiation effects on odor volatiles in oolong tea at doses of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 kGy. The volatile organic compounds were extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC/MS. The irradiation has a large influence on oolong tea odor profile, once it was identified 40% of new compounds after this process, the 5 kGy and 20 kGy were the doses that degraded more volatiles found naturally in this kind of tea and the dose of 10 kGy was the dose that formed more new compounds. Statistical difference was found between the 5 kGy and 15 kGy volatile profiles, however the sensorial analysis showed that the irradiation at dose up 20 kGy did not interfere on consumer perception. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study we report the characterization of the volatile compounds of Laurencia dendroidea. Solvent extracts (dichloromethane and methanol), hydrodistillation extracts and headspace solid-phase microextraction samples were obtained and analyzed by GC-MS. Forty-six volatile components were identified in L. dendroidea, among them hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, acids, esters and terpenes.


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Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a major horticultural insect pest in Australia which significantly limits domestic and international market access for Australian horticultural produce. Citrus is one of the industries seriously affected by the fruit fly problem in Australia. This research investigated the effect of citrus peel essential oil chemicals on B. tryoni larval survival in five different commercially important Citrus species and cultivars as a way of better understanding fruit susceptibility. The fruits used were Murcott Mandarin, Navel orange, Eureka lemon, Valencia orange and yellow grapefruit. The essential oils of each citrus type were extracted using hydrodistillation and then mixed, at different concentrations, with artificial larval diets to which B. tryoni eggs were added. Surviving larvae were counted after five trial days. The same process was repeated for six essential oil components. Regression analysis of increasing oil concentration against larval survival showed that the crude oil blends of Navel orange, Eureka lemon and yellow grapefruit had significant negative effects on B. tryoni larval survival, but no such effects were seen for Murcott Mandarin and Valencia orange. Of the individual essential oil fractions, only D-limonene had a significant effect on B. tryoni larval survival, with this chemical being highly toxic at very low concentrations. The results of this study open up opportunities for incorporating B. tryoni resistance mechanisms into citrus through minor peel property changes which would not impact on the eating attributes of the fruit.


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The Baccharis oreophila Malme belongs to the Asteraceae family. In Brazil are reported 120 species of Baccharis, most located in the South and Southeast regions, the latter presents the highest prevalence, especially in the state of São Paulo. Asteraceae is well known for the production of essential oils, which are liquid, volatile and aromatic substances produced by plants specialized for metabolism possess antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties. Thus, this study aimed, perform chemical and evaluate the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of essential oil from dried leaves of B. oreophila collected in winter in Piraquara, Paraná. Obtaining essential oil was given by hydrodistillation in Clevenger apparatus, in triplicate, and the analysis was done using a gas chromatograph coupled to mass spectrometry GC / MS. The identification of the components was made based on retention indices calculated from the co-injection of a series of n-alkanes, followed by comparison of their mass spectra with literature. The antimicrobial activity was assessed by disk diffusion method and microdilution. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the methods DPPH equivalent Trolox, ABTS and FRAP equivalent Trolox equivalent ferrous sulfate. The essential oil showed 0.47% yield. They identified 57 components (89.38%), 1.51% were classified as hydrogenated monoterpenes, oxygenated monoterpenes 15.14%, 34.84% and 37.87% hydrogenated sesquiterpenes sesquiterpenes oxygenates. As the major components were detected kusimono (16.37%), spathulenol (16.12%), the δ-cadinene (5.68%) and bicyclogermacrene (4.09%). The antimicrobial activity of essential oil was performed for the microorganisms Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Candida albicans ATCC 18804 and Candida tropicalis ATCC 13803, the results showed that the essential oil showed activity against S. aureus Inhibitory Concentration minimum (CIM) 1250 g/mL. In the evaluation of antioxidant activity essential oil showed antioxidant potential for the three methods evaluated, with values of 1,468 m.mol.L-1, 7.126 m.mol.L-1 and 45.515 m.mol.L-1 for ABTS, DPPH and FRAP, respectively. These results demonstrate that the essential oil of B. oreophila showed antimicrobial potential against S. aureus and interesting antioxidant activity, especially for the reducing power of iron ion, demonstrating their potential for future industrial applications. It is important to emphasize that were not observed in the literature reports highlighting such biological properties of B. oreophila oil.


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A espécie Myrocarpus frondosus é nativa da região sul do Brasil, onde é conhecida como cabreúva. É uma árvore de grande porte, e sua madeira é utilizada como reservatório de bebidas destiladas, principalmente a cachaça. Na medicina popular a espécie é utilizada no tratamento de varizes. Neste trabalho pioneiro, o óleo essencial foi extraído das folhas de três árvores de cabreúva, mensalmente no período de um ano. A determinação da composição química foi realizada através das técnicas cromatográficas CG-DIC e GC-EM, identificando trinta e cinco compostos no óleo essencial, sendo o β-pineno, biciclogermacreno e D-germacreno os terpenos majoritários. O rendimento do óleo, extraído por hidrodestilação, foi diretamente proporcional à temperatura ambiente e à radiação solar na maioria dos períodos. A espécie M. frondosus apresentou o máximo de 66,91% de atividade antioxidante para concentração 250 µg/mL do óleo essencial, utilizando o método do DPPH, e máximo de 1660,74 µM FeSO4/g de óleo essencial pelo método FRAP, e os compostos β- cariofileno, α-humuleno, D-germacreno e biciclogermacreno apresentaram maior relação com essa atividade.


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The essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of fresh leaves of Psidium cattleianum Sabine, collected in the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil, was analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The oil had the main constituents alpha-thujene (25.2%), 1,8-cineole (16.4%) and beta-caryophyllene (10.2%).


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La presente investigación se planteó reemplazar el uso de insecticidas sintéticos, formulando un champú bioinsecticida de aplicación canina mediante la acción biocida del aceite esencial deAmbrosia arborescens Mill (Altamisa). La planta se recolectó en las laderas del rio Tomebamba, cercanas al Campus Balzay de la Universidad de Cuenca Parroquia San Joaquín. La recolección se realizó durante los meses de Enero a Marzo del 2016. El desarrollo y formulación del producto se realizó en el Laboratorio de Biotecnología, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad de Cuenca. La obtención del aceite esencial de A. arborescens se realizó mediante hidrodestilación por el método Clevenger, con un rendimiento del 0,14%. La actividad biocida se estableció en un ensayo “in vitro” ante el nematodo Panagrellus redivirus, determinándose la dosis letal (DL50) de 250 uL/mL. Debido a la moderada DL50y bajo rendimiento, se planteó como estrategia, determinar el DL50 del extracto orgánico de A. arborescens, el cual se obtuvo mediante una extracción con metanol, consiguiendo un rendimiento del 2 % y DL50de 31,25 uL/mL. De acuerdo estos resultados se procedió a realizar pruebas en pulgas de perros(Ctenocephalides canis) con el extracto de A. arborescens, estableciendo una efectividad del 100 % a la concentración de 46,875 mg/mL en el periodo de tiempo más corto, siendo esta la dosis aplicada para la formulación del champú. El extracto metanólico de A. arborescens presentó elevada actividad biocida, comparado con el aceite esencial. Esta sustancia activa es promisoria en la formulación de bioinsecticidas para mascotas.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicological properties of EOs of F. vulgare and C. nepeta, widespread in Mediterranean agrosilvopastoral systems and often used as food condiments in Alentejo. EOs were obtained from aerial part of plants by hydrodistillation and chemical composition was evaluated by GC-FID. Toxicity of essential oils was evaluated by the estimation of LC50 in brine shrimp and LD50 in mice. Oral toxicity assays were performed in mice. Histological analyses and quantification of biomarkers aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma glutamyltransferase (γ-GT), bilirubin, creatinine and urea were performed for monitoring liver and kidney functions. the EOs of C. nepeta and F. vulgare showed very low toxicity suggesting their potential use as food supplement. Additionally, our studies point out the importance of the integration of C. nepeta and F. vugare in silvopastoral agroforestry systems, contributing to the animal health and profitability of livestock.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate the chemical composition and the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of EOs of C. nepeta collected in two different seasons, spring (leaves) and autumn (leaves and flowers) and to understand the relationship between seasonality composition and these biological activities. EOs were extracted by hydrodistillation of aerial parts of the plants wild grown in Évora (Alentejo) and their chemical composition was evaluated by GC-FID and GC-MS. Antioxidant activity was determined by β -carotene/linoleic acid system, total reducing power assay and DPPH radical methods [1]. Antimicrobial activity was assessed against Gram-negative and Gram-positive clinical isolates and food spoilage fungi [2,3].