1000 resultados para Hospital Pedro Hispano
OBJETIVO: descrever e analisar os resultados da sorologia convencional para toxoplasmose em gestantes acompanhadas pelo pré-natal do Hospital Materno-Infantil Presidente Vargas em Porto Alegre. MÉTODOS: IgG e IgM específicas foram processadas por testes fluorométricos, sendo a IgM de captura. Nova coleta em duas a três semanas foi solicitada às gestantes IgM positivas e as que estavam no início da gestação tiveram realizada a avidez de IgG. IgM neonatal foi obtida nos partos realizados na instituição. A análise foi baseada na distribuição binomial, por meio do cálculo de uma proporção simples para estimar a prevalência de soropositividade e suscetibilidade à infecção pelo Toxoplasma gondii. RESULTADOS: a prevalência da infecção em 10.468 gestantes foi de 61,1 e 38,7% das gestantes eram suscetíveis. Entre as 272 gestantes IgG e IgM positivas, 87 retornaram para nova coleta e em 84 os níveis de anticorpos permaneceram inalterados. De nove gestantes com avidez, houve apenas uma gestante com avidez baixa e a IgM neonatal do recém-nascido foi positiva. Em 44 recém-nascidos na instituição, a IgM neonatal foi positiva em quatro. CONCLUSÕES: encontrou-se alta prevalência da infecção em gestantes e de toxoplasmose congênita, mesmo sem dados sobre soroconversão. A maioria das sorologias IgM positivas foi relacionada a infecção passada. A relação custo-benefício do pré-natal em amostras isoladas pode ser otimizada com a análise do risco de transmissão materno-fetal nas gestantes IgM positivas. Quando houver risco, deve-se solicitar teste de IgM do recém-nascido e acompanhá-lo durante o primeiro ano de vida.
El presente trabajo nace del interés en las posibles diferencias que pueden llegar a presentarse dentro del Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi, en torno a la calidad de servicio prestada por el centro médico, y la percepción de calidad percibida por el paciente.
Toda organización que realiza sus actividades dentro del sector salud, requiere de herramientas gerenciales, con las cuales debe buscar permanentemente la supervivencia, el crecimiento y el desarrollo organizacional, es precisamente el mercadeo
Resumen tomado de la publicación
As esplenopatias são doenças comuns em canídeos que tanto podem estar associadas com doenças benignas com excelente prognóstico, como doenças com alto grau de malignidade com elevada taxa de mortalidade. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar a população de canídeos esplenectomizados num hospital de referência na área da grande Lisboa. A população foi constituída por 73 indivíduos da espécie Canis familiaris sujeitos a esplenectomia total ou parcial. A população foi analisada e distribuída segundo vários parâmetros, como o a raça, o sexo, a idade, o diagnóstico pré-cirúrgico, o diagnóstico histopatológico, o hematócrito pré cirúrgico e por fim a sobrevida. Da análise total de canídeos, observou-se que, a maioria dos canídeos esplenectomizados eram do género masculino, de raça indeterminada e com uma média de 10 anos de idade. Constatou-se que cerca de metade dos canídeos esplenectomizados sobreviveram após um ano da cirurgia e que o diagnóstico histopatológico mais comum foi o hemangiossarcoma, seguido do hematoma esplénico. Através dos testes estatísticos conclui-se que o hematócrito não apresenta qualquer relação com a sobrevida dos animais, embora possa estar relacionado com o diagnóstico histopatológico. Este estudo visou ainda uma caracterização detalhada dos canídeos diagnosticados com hemangiossarcoma. Os animais mais afectados nesta amostra, eram do género masculino com 9anos de idade e eram da raça Boxer e Labrador. Confirmou-se ainda que esta é uma doença com mau prognóstico, apresentando uma taxa de mortalidade de 80%.
As infecções do trato urinário (ITU’s) são doenças infecciosas frequentes na prática clínica veterinária, sendo fundamental uma correta antibioterapia, principalmente pelo crescente desenvolvimento de resistências bacterianas aos antibióticos. Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo, englobando 86 animais admitidos no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo, submetidos a urocultura, com o objetivo de caracterizar as ITU’s microbianas neste hospital, avaliando a sua epidemiologia e susceptibilidade antibiótica das bactérias isoladas. Da totalidade das uroculturas realizadas (n=86), 28 foram positivas, 18 em canídeos e 10 em felídeos, sem predisposição racial, mais em fêmeas nos canídeos e em machos nos felídeos. A idade média dos animais com ITU foi 8 anos nos canídeos e 10 anos nos felídeos. Todas as ITU´s foram monobacterianas, sendo o microorganismo mais frequentemente isolado a Escherichia coli. Verificou-se multirresistência em 10 das 28 bactérias isoladas. A gentamicina foi o antibiótico com melhor perfil de sensibilidade global e o que apresentou mais resistências foi a tetraciclina. O antibiótico mais prescrito de forma empírica foi a enrofloxacina. Este estudo, especialmente se realizado de forma periódica, poderá ser um contributo para a elaboração de guias institucionais de antibioterapia adequada e minimização do aparecimento de resistências bacterianas.
Este trabalho trata do processo de transformação do sistema de gestão do Hospital Evandro Chagas/Fiocruz. Enfoca as características das organizações hospitalares públicas e os desafios de coordenação do trabalho médico e de pesquisa, tomando aquele Hospital como referência para reflexão. Apresenta e discute os princípios de organização de sistemas de gestão a partir das compreensões do planejamento estratégico-situacional e da teoria das macroorganizações de Carlos Matus. Finalmente, considera que o processo de desenvolvimento gerencial das organizações hospitalares, a partir da experiência em foco, deve ser compreendido em pelo menos duas dimensões mutuamente condicionantes: a primeira, ao nível do aperfeiçoamento das estruturas e métodos gerenciais; e a segunda, ao nível da profissionalização dos dirigentes hospitalares.
The purpose of this dissertation is the architectural project of the ambulatory complex of the Federal University of Pará in Belém. It is a health care establishment whose focus is sustainability, energy efficiency and humanization. This design went through the application of architectural concepts, the study of references (theorical and empirical ones), planning, examining the terrain and its conditions and the preliminay design and resulted in a preliminary architecture blueprint. The empirical research is based on the main building of the Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto in Belém, Hospital Sarah Kubitschek of Fortaleza (Architect João Filgueiras de Lima - Lelé) and Hospital e Maternity São Luiz of São Paulo (Architect Siegbert Zanettini). Part of the planning is based on the method "Problem Seeking of Pena and Parshal (2001)". During the development process I sought to incorporate sustainability criterias, energy efficiency and humanization. In relation to sustainability the dissertation focuses on the utilization of rainwater for non-potable usage
Objectives: To compare modes and sources of infection and clinical and biosafety aspects of accidental viral infections in hospital workers and research laboratory staff reported in scientific articles. Methods: PubMed, Google Scholar, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scirus, and Scielo were searched (to December 2008) for reports of accidental viral infections, written in English, Portuguese, Spanish, or German; the authors' personal file of scientific articles and references from the articles retrieved in the initial search were also used. Systematic review was carried out with inclusion criteria of presence of accidental viral infection's cases information, and exclusion criteria of absence of information about the viral etiology, and at least probable mode of infection.Results: One hundred and forty-one scientific articles were obtained, 66 of which were included in the analysis. For arboviruses, 84% of the laboratory infections had aerosol as the source; for alphaviruses alone, aerosol exposure accounted for 94% of accidental infections. of laboratory arboviral infections, 15.7% were acquired percutaneously, whereas 41.6% of hospital infections were percutaneous. For airborne viruses, 81% of the infections occurred in laboratories, with hantavirus the leading causative agent. Aerosol inhalation was implicated in 96% of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infections, 99% of hantavirus infections, and 50% of coxsackievirus infections, but infective droplet inhalation was the leading mode of infection for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and the mucocutaneous mode of infection was involved in the case of infection with influenza B. For blood-borne viruses, 92% of infections occurred in hospitals and 93% of these had percutaneous mode of infection, while among laboratory infections 77% were due to infective aerosol inhalation. Among blood-borne virus infections there were six cases of particular note: three cases of acute hepatitis following hepatitis C virus infection with a short period of incubation, one laboratory case of human immunodeficiency virus infection through aerosol inhalation, one case of hepatitis following hepatitis G virus infection, and one case of fulminant hepatitis with hepatitis B virus infection following exposure of the worker's conjunctiva to hepatitis B virus e antigen-negative patient saliva. of the 12 infections with viruses with preferential mucocutaneous transmission, seven occurred percutaneously, aerosol was implicated as a possible source of infection in two cases, and one atypical infection with Macacine herpesvirus 1 with fatal encephalitis as the outcome occurred through a louse bite. One outbreak of norovirus infection among hospital staff had as its probable mode of infection the ingestion of inocula spread in the environment by fomites.Conclusions: The currently accepted and practiced risk analysis of accidental viral infections based on the conventional dynamics of infection of the etiological agents is insufficient to cope with accidental viral infections in laboratories and to a lesser extent in hospitals, where unconventional modes of infection are less frequently present but still have relevant clinical and potential epidemiological consequences. Unconventional modes of infection, atypical clinical development, or extremely severe cases are frequently present together with high viral loads and high virulence of the agents manipulated in laboratories. In hospitals by contrast, the only possible association of atypical cases is with the individual resistance of the worker. Current standard precaution practices are insufficient to prevent most of the unconventional infections in hospitals analyzed in this study; it is recommended that special attention be given to flaviviruses in these settings. (C) 2011 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Avaliou-se a causa de internação por dengue no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto no período de 1997-2001, através de um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e comparativo no qual, foram investigadas entre outras variáveis, o quadro de sinais e sintomas apresentados pelos pacientes ao internar. Utilizou-se como fonte de dados os registros em prontuários de 144 casos internados com suspeita de febre do dengue. Os resultados demonstraram que 137 (95,1%), 117 (81,2%), 93 (64,4%) e 67 (46,5%) dos casos estudados apresentaram como sintoma clássico da doença a febre, cefaléia, mialgia e artralgia, respectivamente. Finalmente, observou-se que a internação por dengue poderia ter sido evitada e os pacientes tratados a nível ambulatorial. Nenhum caso de febre hemorrágica foi observado. Não obstante, a tendência observada é de diminuição do número de internação e do tempo médio de permanência hospitalar por dengue clássica.
Background: Burnout syndrome can be defined as long-term work stress resulting from the interaction between constant emotional pressure associated with intense interpersonal involvement for long periods of time and personal characteristics. We investigated the prevalence/propensity of Burnout syndrome in clinical nurses, and the factors related to Burnout syndrome-associated such as socio-demographic characteristics, work load, social and family life, leisure activities, extra work activities, physical activities, and work-related health problems. Method: We conducted a cross-sectional, quantitative, prospective epidemiological study with 188 surgical clinic nurses. We used the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which is a socio-demographic questionnaire and the most widely used instrument to assess Burnout syndrome (three basic dimensions: emotional exhaustion, despersonalization and professional underachievement). The socio-demographic profile questionnaire wascomposed of questions regarding identification, training, time at work, work characteristics and personal circumstances. Results: The prevalence of Burnout syndrome was higher (10.1%) and 55, 4% of subjects had a propensity to develop this syndrome. The analysis of the socio-demographic profile of the nurse sample studied showed that most nurses were childless married women, over 35 years of age, working the day shift for 36 hours weekly on average, with 2-6 years of post-graduation experience, and without extra employments. Factors such as marital status, work load, emotion and work related stress aggravated the onset of the syndrome. Conclusion: The prevalence and propensity of Burnout syndrome were high. Some factors identified can be useful for the adoption of preventive actions in order to decrease the prevalence of the clinical nurses Burnout syndrome.
The Lean Thinking is a method used by various industries in order to eliminate waste and ensure quality for the customer. In the current scenario, Lean has been used in other areas such as the hospital in which many tools are being adopted in order to improve its internal processes. One such tool is the Value Stream Mapping, which proved to be an effective tool in industrial environments, and is being adopted by several hospitals. Thus, this paper presents a case study on the use of this tool in a sector of a hospital in the Vale do Paraíba, evaluating its importance, its impacts, positive and negative points and future projections. This is in the context of Lean Healthcare, a new model based on the principles of Lean Thinking which has been adopted by several hospitals and clinics throughout Brazil successfully
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Purpose: To discharge a patient from the intensive care unit (ICU) is a complex decision-making process because in-hospital mortality after critical illness may be as high as up to 27%. Static C-reactive protein (CRP) values have been previously evaluated as a predictor of post-ICU mortality with conflicting results. Therefore, we evaluated the CRP ratio in the last 24 hours before ICU discharge as a predictor of in-hospital outcomes. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed in 409 patients from a 6-bed ICU of a university hospital. Data were prospectively collected during a 4-year period. Only patients discharged alive from the ICU with at least 72 hours of ICU length of stay were evaluated. Results: In-hospital mortality was 18.3% (75/409). Patients with reduction less than 25% in CRP concentrations at 24 hours as compared with 48 hours before ICU discharge had a worse prognosis, with increased mortality (23% vs 11%, P = .002) and post-ICU length of stay (26 [7-43] vs 11 [5-27] days, P = .036). Moreover, among hospital survivors (n = 334), patients with CRP reduction less than 25% were discharged later (hazard ratio, 0.750; 95% confidence interval, 0.602-0.935; P = .011). Conclusions: In this large cohort of critically ill patients, failure to reduce CRP values more than 25% in the last 24 hours of ICU stay is a strong predictor of worse in-hospital outcomes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: Scarce data are available on the occurrence of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage related to intravenous thrombolysis for acute stroke in South America. We aimed to address the frequency and clinical predictors of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage after stroke thrombolysis at our tertiary emergency unit in Brazil. METHOD: We reviewed the clinical and radiological data of 117 consecutive acute ischemic stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis in our hospital between May 2001 and April 2010. We compared our results with those of the Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke registry. Univariate and multiple regression analyses were performed to identify factors associated with symptomatic intracranial transformation. RESULTS: In total, 113 cases from the initial sample were analyzed. The median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score was 16 (interquartile range: 10-20). The median onset-to-treatment time was 188 minutes (interquartile range: 155-227). There were seven symptomatic intracranial hemorrhages (6.2%; Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke registry: 4.9%; p = 0.505). In the univariate analysis, current statin treatment and elevated National Institute of Health Stroke Scale scores were related to symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage. After the multivariate analysis, current statin treatment was the only factor independently associated with symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage. CONCLUSIONS: In this series of Brazilian patients with severe strokes treated with intravenous thrombolysis in a public university hospital at a late treatment window, we found no increase in the rate of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage. Additional studies are necessary to clarify the possible association between statins and the risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage after stroke thrombolysis.