967 resultados para Hippocampal Slice
The Purpose of this Work Project is to develop a Marketing plan, with a special focus on promotional activities and partnerships’ developments, for the Big Slice, a fast food Pizzeria that is currently operating in Lisbon, where I'm currently working in the marketing and promotion department. The project aims at developing promotions and key partnerships that maximize the opportunity. For that, I have analyzed the major trends in the food sector in Portugal, and I have conducted several qualitative interviews among young individuals. Finally I have developed and implemented various alternative promotions and established important key partnerships.
Los procesos neuronales adaptativos que se observan como consecuencia de la administración crónica de drogas de abuso, son similares a los procesos plásticos que subyacen al aprendizaje y la memoria. Por otra parte, el hipocampo forma parte del circuito neuronal responsable de los cambios conductuales observados como consecuencia de la administración crónica de diferentes drogas de abuso. De acuerdo con esto, resultados previos de nuestro laboratorio demostraron que la plasticidad sináptica en el hipocampo y las claves contextuales relacionadas con la administración de la droga, son relevantes para el incremento de la plasticidad hipocampal por la administración crónica de diazepam. Específicamente en el gyrus dentado hipocampal se han descripto fenómenos plásticos relacionados con la exposición crónica a psicofármacos, tales como facilitación en la transmisión sináptica, disminución de la proliferación celular y el aumento del factor de transcripción ?Fos B. Debido a la correlación existente entre los mecanismos de plasticidad neuronal, los aprendizaje asociativos y formación de memorias y aquellos responsables de la adicción, el objetivo general de este trabajo es caracterizar los cambios inducidos por la exposición repetida de cocaína y durante el periodo de abstinencia, en la excitabilidad neuronal de las células del gyrus dentado hipocampal, los canales iónicos afectados y los posibles mecanismos bioquímicos involucrados en dichos cambios, que podrían explicar las alteraciones conductuales observadas después de dicho tratamiento. Con este propósito, se estudiará: 1) la plasticidad sináptica (potenciación a largo plazo, LTP y depotenciación a largo plazo, LTD) en el gyrus dentado, mediante registros electrofisiológios multiunitarios; 2)la excitabilidad de las células granulares del gyrus dentado y la actividad de los canales iónicos, utilizando la técnica de patch clamp; 3) las alteraciones en la neurotransmisión glutamatergica, midiendo los niveles del neurotransmisor in vivo, utilizando la técnica de microdiálisis; el tráfico de receptores glutamatérgicos, utilizando la técnica de western-blott, 4) la participación del óxido nítrico en los cambios adaptativos observados como consecuencia de la sensibilización a cocaína. Además, mediante la utilización de técnicas comportamentales (avoidance inhibitorio), se estudiarán las posibles alteraciones de conductas que se sabe dependen de la integridad funcional del hipocampo.En relación a los resultados del presente proyecto se espera obtener un incremento en la plasticidad sináptica, en la excitabilidad neuronal de las células granulares del gyrus dentado de la formación hipocámpica, en la liberación extracelular de glutamato in vivo, como así también en el tráfico de receptores glutamatérgicos. Además se espera obtener un aumento de las vías de señalización activadas por la acción de glutamato, como la de óxido nítrico/GMPc, como consecuencia de la administración crónica de cocaína. Con este aumento global de la plasticidad sináptica hipocampal, las conductas dependientes de esta estructura debieran estar facilitadas, demostrando así una participación activa del hipocampo en los procesos de sensibilización y posiblemente en la adicción a psicoestimulantes. La caracterización del impacto del desarrollo de sensibilización a cocaína en la excitabilidad neuronal en el hipocampo, sobre los sistemas de neurotransmisión y las vías de señalización involucradas contribuirían a dilucidar los mecanismos que contribuyen al desarrollo de sensibilización a cocaína, los cuales podrían representar potenciales blancos terapéuticos para el tratamiento de la adicción, considerando principalmente aspectos específicos de la actividad eléctrica neuronal y la plasticidad sináptica asociada con las diferentes fases del ciclo de la adicción.
LTP, synaptic plasticity, hippocampus, organotypic cultures, CREB
Synaptic plasticity, long-term potentiation, long-term depression, depotentiation, PKM zeta
Synaptic tagging, Cross-tagging, LTP, LTD, rolipram
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2010
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2013
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2015
Glutamate and the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor ligand D-serine are putative gliotransmitters. Here, we show by immunogold cytochemistry of the adult hippocampus that glutamate and D-serine accumulate in synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) in the perisynaptic processes of astrocytes. The estimated concentration of fixed glutamate in the astrocytic SLMVs is comparable to that in synaptic vesicles of excitatory nerve terminals (∼45 and ∼55 mM, respectively), whereas the D-serine level is about 6 mM. The vesicles are organized in small spaced clusters located near the astrocytic plasma membrane. Endoplasmic reticulum is regularly found in close vicinity to SLMVs, suggesting that astrocytes contain functional nanodomains, where a local Ca(2+) increase can trigger release of glutamate and/or D-serine.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promotes synaptic plasticity via an enhancement in expression of specific synaptic proteins. Recent results suggest that the neuronal monocarboxylate transporter MCT2 is a postsynaptic protein critically involved in synaptic plasticity and long-term memory. To investigate in vivo whether BDNF can modulate the expression of MCT2 as well as other proteins involved in synaptic plasticity, acute injection of BDNF was performed in mouse dorsal hippocampal CA1 area. Using immunohistochemistry, it was found that MCT2 expression was enhanced in part of the CA1 area and in the dentate gyrus 6 h after a single intrahippocampal injection of BDNF. Similarly, expression of the immediate early genes Arc and Zif268 was enhanced in the same hippocampal areas, in accordance with their role in synaptic plasticity. Immunoblot analysis confirmed the significant enhancement in MCT2 protein expression. In contrast, no changes were observed for the glial monocarboxylate transporters MCT1 and MCT4. When other synaptic proteins were investigated, it was found that postsynaptic density 95 (PSD95) and glutamate receptor 2 (GluR2) protein levels were significantly enhanced while no effect could be detected for synaptophysin, synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP25), αCaMKII and GluR1. These results demonstrate that MCT2 expression can be upregulated together with other key postsynaptic proteins in vivo under conditions related to synaptic plasticity, further suggesting the importance of energetics for memory formation.
It is now widely accepted that adult neurogenesis plays a fundamental role in hippocampal function. Neurons born in the adult dentate gyrus of the hippocampus undergo a series of events before they fully integrate in the network and eventually become undistinguishable from neurons born during embryogenesis. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is strongly regulated by neuronal activity and neurotransmitters, and the synaptic integration of adult-born neurons occurs in discrete steps, some of which are very different from perinatal synaptogenesis. Here, we review the current knowledge on the development of the synaptic input and output of neurons born in the adult hippocampus, from the stem/progenitor cell to the fully mature neuron. We also provide insight on the regulation of adult neurogenesis by some neurotransmitters and discuss some specificities of the integration of new neurons in an adult environment. The understanding of the mechanisms regulating the synaptic integration of adult-born neurons is not only crucial for our understanding of brain plasticity, but also provides a framework for the manipulation and monitoring of endogenous adult neurogenesis as well as grafted cells, for potential therapeutic applications.
The respective roles of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures in memory are controversial. Some authors put forward a modular account according to which episodic memory and recollection-based processes are crucially dependent on the hippocampal formation whereas semantic acquisition and familiarity-based processes rely on the adjacent parahippocampal gyri. Others defend a unitary view. We report the case of VJ, a boy with developmental amnesia of most likely perinatal onset diagnosed at the age of 8. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including quantitative volumetric measurements of the hippocampal formation and of the entorhinal, perirhinal, and temporopolar cortices, showed severe, bilateral atrophy of the hippocampal formation, fornix and mammillary bodies; by contrast, the perirhinal cortex was within normal range and the entorhinal and temporopolar cortex remained within two standard deviations (SDs) from controls' mean. We examined the development of his semantic knowledge from childhood to teenage as well as his recognition and cued recall memory abilities. On tasks tapping semantic memory, VJ increased his raw scores across years at the same rate as children from large standardisation samples, except for one task; he achieved average performance, consistent with his socio-educational background. He performed within normal range on 74% of recognition tests and achieved average to above average scores on 42% of them despite very severe impairment on 82% of episodic recall tasks. Both faces and landscapes-scenes gave rise to above average scores when tested with coloured stimuli. Cued recall, although impaired, was largely superior to free recall. This case supports a modular account of the MTL with episodic, but not semantic memory depending on the hippocampal formation. Furthermore, the overall pattern of findings is consistent with evidence from both brain-damaged and neuroimaging studies indicating that recollection requires intact hippocampal formation and familiarity relies, at least partly, on the adjacent temporal lobe cortex.
Presenilin 1 (PS1) mutations are responsible for a majority of early onset familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) cases, in part by increasing the production of Abeta peptides. However, emerging evidence suggests other possible effects of PS1 on synaptic dysfunction where PS1 might contribute to the pathology independent of Abeta. We chose to study the L286V mutation, an aggressive FAD mutation which has never been analyzed at the electrophysiological and morphological levels. In addition, we analyzed for the first time the long term effects of wild-type human PS1 overexpression. We investigated the consequences of the overexpression of either wild-type human PS1 (hPS1) or the L286V mutated PS1 variant (mutPS1) on synaptic functions by analyzing synaptic plasticity and associated spine density changes from 3 to 15 months of age. We found that mutPS1 induces a transient increase observed only in 4- to 5-month-old mutPS1 animals in NMDA receptor (NMDA-R)-mediated responses and LTP compared with hPS1 mice and nontransgenic littermates. The increase in synaptic functions is concomitant with an increase in spine density. With increasing age, however, we found that the overexpression of human wild-type PS1 progressively decreased NMDA-R-mediated synaptic transmission and LTP, without neurodegeneration. These results identify for the first time a transient increase in synaptic function associated with L286V mutated PS1 variant in an age-dependent manner. In addition, they support the view that the PS1 overexpression promotes synaptic dysfunction in an Abeta-independent manner and underline the crucial role of PS1 during both normal and pathological aging.
In vivo imaging of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled neurons in the intact brain is being used increasingly to study neuronal plasticity. However, interpreting the observed changes as modifications in neuronal connectivity needs information about synapses. We show here that axons and dendrites of GFP-labeled neurons imaged previously in the live mouse or in slice preparations using 2-photon laser microscopy can be analyzed using light and electron microscopy, allowing morphological reconstruction of the synapses both on the imaged neurons, as well as those in the surrounding neuropil. We describe how, over a 2-day period, the imaged tissue is fixed, sliced and immuno-labeled to localize the neurons of interest. Once embedded in epoxy resin, the entire neuron can then be drawn in three dimensions (3D) for detailed morphological analysis using light microscopy. Specific dendrites and axons can be further serially thin sectioned, imaged in the electron microscope (EM) and then the ultrastructure analyzed on the serial images.
PURPOSE: To study the clinical outcome in hippocampal deep brain stimulation (DBS) for the treatment of patients with refractory mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) according to the electrode location. METHODS: Eight MTLE patients implanted in the hippocampus and stimulated with high-frequency DBS were included in this study. Five underwent invasive recordings with depth electrodes to localize ictal onset zone prior to chronic DBS. Position of the active contacts of the electrode was calculated on postoperative imaging. The distances to the ictal onset zone were measured as well as atlas-based hippocampus structures impacted by stimulation were identified. Both were correlated with seizure frequency reduction. RESULTS: The distances between active electrode location and estimated ictal onset zone were 11±4.3 or 9.1±2.3mm for patients with a >50% or <50% reduction in seizure frequency. In patients (N=6) showing a >50% seizure frequency reduction, 100% had the active contacts located <3mm from the subiculum (p<0.05). The 2 non-responders patients were stimulated on contacts located >3mm to the subiculum. CONCLUSION: Decrease of epileptogenic activity induced by hippocampal DBS in refractory MTLE: (1) seems not directly associated with the vicinity of active electrode to the ictal focus determined by invasive recordings; (2) might be obtained through the neuromodulation of the subiculum.