551 resultados para Hipertrofia arteriolar
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
The hypertrophy of the mandibular coronoid process is a rare condition, progressive and of unknown etiology, characterized by the over development of the coronoid process determining their size increased, resulting in progressive and painful limitation of mouth opening. The mandibular hypomobility is a present symptom in several diseases and associates it to a specific cause requires detailed clinical and imaginologic examination. The cone-beam computed tomography has the potential to provide complementary informations above than conventional radiography. It also has the advantage of eliminate overlaps, provide high resolution image, helping not only in diagnosis, but also in planning the surgical procedure. Here we report a case of male patient, who appeared at the clinic for an evaluation of a trismus. He had no pain, only discomfort for progressive limitation of mouth opening. On physical examination, only a limited mouth opening has been found. Although the movements of laterality and protrusión were posible, they were very limited. Cone-beam computed tomography examination was performed, that showed an image compatible with bilateral hypertrophy of the mandibular coronoid process.
Currently individuals are affected by a routine busy and they don't have time for physical activity, highlighting the sedentary lifestyle, a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, it focuses too much on cardiovascular diseases and the importance of physical practice. With the largest divulgation and variety of physical activities, activities that were not as practiced became popular, as is the case of resistive exercise. Much is said of the influence of resistance exercise in physical strength, in muscle development and in the quest for a more defined body. However, studies have shown beneficial contributions of resistance exercise on the cardiovascular system. During the physical effort, some changes occur in the body in order to meet the increased demand for oxygen. Among them is the increase in heart rate (HR), which varies with the intensity of effort. Thus, this research sought to contribute with an analysis of the HR behavior before, during and after 3 sets of hypertrophy, as far for the flexor group of the elbow as to the extensor group. It was observed that, although the HR has increased in the course of the series, the variations of HR were not significant between the flexor group and extensor group of the elbow joint. Also were not significant the differences between the variations of the HR from the 1ª to the 2ª series between the flexor group and extensor group, as well as to the variations from the 2ª to the 3ª series
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
This study assessed the effects of Water training on the lipid profile and left ventricular structures in hyperlipidemic mice. Twenty-eight male LDLr-/- mice were randomly separated into 4 groups: sedentary, fed a standard diet (C); exercising, fed a standard diet (C+TRE); sedentary, fed a hyperlipidic diet (C+HL); and exercising, fed a hyperlipidic diet (E+HL). The exercising mice trained daily for 60 minutes during 60 days. After 48 hours of the end of the training period and 12 hours of rest fasting the animals were underwent euthanasia and the blood was collected for measuring the plasma levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol and its fractions (LDL, HDL, VLDL). The heart was removed and the left ventricle was weighed fresh to calculate the ratio left-ventricle weight (mg)/body weight (g). The results showed that the training was more effective in improving lipid plasma levels when combined with a balanced diet, thereby confirming that it is essential to associate physical exercise and diet. The training protocol resulted in eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy in the standard-diet group and decreased interstitial collagen deposition in the myocardium of the high-fat-diet animals, which may indicate an improved diastolic function with consequent improvement in the systolic function. It was concluded that regular moderate aerobic exercise induce beneficial and prophylactic adaptations to heart which promoted a better health condition and prevention to diseases.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
INTRODUCTION: This study was designed to examine differences in the arteriolar vasoconstrictive response between arginine vasopressin (AVP) and norepinephrine (NE) on the microcirculatory level in the hamster window chamber model in unanesthetized, normotonic hamsters using intravital microscopy. It is known from patients with advanced vasodilatory shock that AVP exerts strong additional vasoconstriction when incremental dosage increases of NE have no further effect on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). METHODS: In a prospective controlled experimental study, eleven awake, male golden Syrian hamsters were instrumented with a viewing window inserted into the dorsal skinfold. NE (2 microg/kg/minute) and AVP (0.0001 IU/kg/minute, equivalent to 4 IU/h in a 70 kg patient) were continuously infused to achieve a similar increase in MAP. According to their position within the arteriolar network, arterioles were grouped into five types: A0 (branch off small artery) to A4 (branch off A3 arteriole). RESULTS: Reduction of arteriolar diameter (NE, -31 +/- 12% versus AVP, -49 +/- 7%; p = 0.002), cross sectional area (NE, -49 +/- 17% versus AVP, -73 +/- 7%; p = 0.002), and arteriolar blood flow (NE, -62 +/- 13% versus AVP, -80 +/- 6%; p = 0.004) in A0 arterioles was significantly more pronounced in AVP animals. There was no difference in red blood cell velocities in A0 arterioles between groups. The reduction of diameter, cross sectional area, red blood cell velocity, and arteriolar blood flow in A1 to A4 arterioles was comparable in AVP and NE animals. CONCLUSION: Within the microvascular network, AVP exerted significantly stronger vasoconstriction on large A0 arterioles than NE under physiological conditions. This observation may partly explain why AVP is such a potent vasopressor hormone and can increase systemic vascular resistance even in advanced vasodilatory shock unresponsive to increases in standard catecholamine therapy.
Early loss of arteriolar smooth muscle cells: more than just a pericyte loss in diabetic retinopathy
Incipient diabetic retinopathy is characterized by increased capillary permeability and progressive capillary occlusion. The earliest structural change is the loss of pericytes (PC) from the retinal capillaries. With the availability of the XLacZ mouse, which expresses the LacZ reporter in a PC/vascular smooth muscle cell (vSMC) specific fashion, we quantitatively assessed the temporal dynamics of smooth muscle cells in arterioles under hyperglycemic conditions. We induced stable hyperglycemia in XLacZ mice. After 4, 8, and 12 weeks of diabetes retinae were isolated and beta-galactosidase/lectin stained. The numbers of smooth muscle cells were counted in retinal whole mounts, and diameters of retinal radial and branching arterioles and venules were analyzed at different distances apart from the center of the retina. After eight weeks of diabetes, the numbers of vSMCs were significantly reduced in radial arterioles 1000 microm distant from the optic disc. At proximal sites of branching arterioles (400 microm distant from the center), and at distal sites (1000 microm), vSMC were significantly reduced already after 4 weeks (to a maximum of 31 %). These changes were not associated with any measurable variation in vessel diameters. These data indicate quantitatively that hyperglycemia not only causes pericyte loss, but also loss of vSMCs in the retinal vasculature. Our data suggest that arteriolar vSMC in the eye underlie similar regulations which induce early pericyte loss in the diabetic retina.
Las pruebas de valoración de la condición física y de la condición anatómica tienen como objetivo determinar el estado físico de una persona y su composición corporal o estatus nutricional. Por ello, en este Trabajo Fin de Grado se utilizan varios tests para conocer el progreso y el efecto de un programa de entrenamiento de hipertrofia. El deportista realizará un programa de hipertrofia durante cuatro meses y se le realizarán dos test de flexibilidad, seat and reach y flexión profunda de tronco; tres test de fuerza, 1RM en press banca, dominadas y salto vertical; una prueba de valoración de la condición anaeróbica, como es el test de Burpee; otro test de aptitud cardiovascular, test de Ruffier-Dickson; y un test de velocidad en 50 metros lisos. Además, para valorar la ganancia de masa muscular, se realizará una antropometría al inicio y al final del macrociclo. Las pruebas de valoración de la condición física se realizarán antes, durante y al final del programa de entrenamiento. Por último, se han analizado y comparado los resultados observando incrementos en la fuerza, mejoras en la resistencia anaeróbica y la capacidad de adaptación del corazón al esfuerzo; así como incrementos en el peso, fundamentalmente en la masa muscular.
El trabajo pretende mostrar la planificación, programación y periodización de un programa de entrenamiento para el desarrollo de la hipertrofia muscular en un jugador de baloncesto en postemporada. El objeto para el desarrollo de esta propuesta teórica es un jugador con un perfil joven, cuya experiencia en la liga ACB de baloncesto es de aproximadamente un año. El objetivo para este jugador es la ganancia de masa muscular durante la postemporada, es decir, durante el periodo comprendido entre el final de una temporada y el comienzo de la pretemporada de la temporada siguiente.
O presente estudo investigou o efeito de diferentes intensidades do treinamento de força (TF), aplicadas com volume total de treino (VTT) equalizado, nos ganhos de força dinâmica máxima (1RM) e massa muscular dos membros superiores e inferiores. Trinta voluntários do sexo masculino, com idade entre 18 e 30 anos, participaram de 12 semanas de TF com uma frequência semanal de duas sessões. Foi utilizado um protocolo de treinamento unilateral com um dos lados do corpo realizando o exercício com intensidade equivalente a 20% 1RM (G20) e o lado contralateral utilizando uma das três intensidades 40%, 60% ou 80% 1RM (G40, G60 e G80, respectivamente). O grupo G20 realizava três séries compostas de repetições até a falha concêntrica e o VTT era calculado e replicado para os demais grupos. A força dinâmica máxima e a área de secção transversa (AST) dos músculos flexores do cotovelo e do vasto lateral foram avaliadas nos momentos pré, 6 semanas e pós-treinamento. Os resultados demonstraram que os grupos G40, G60 e G80 apresentaram ganhos similares de AST (25%, 25,1% e 25%, flexores do cotovelo e 20,5%, 20,4% e 19,5% vasto lateral, respectivamente, p<0,05). Somente o grupo G80 demonstrou diferença significante com o grupo G20 na comparação do período pós-treinamento (25% e 14,4%, respectivamente para os flexores do cotovelo e 19,5% e 7,9%, respectivamente para vasto lateral, p<0,05). Para os ganhos de 1RM o grupo G80 demonstrou maiores aumentos após 12 semanas de TF para a flexão unilateral do cotovelo na posição em pé (54,2% p<0,05) e para o leg press 45º os grupos G60 e G80 demonstraram os maiores aumentos (55,4% e 45,7%, respectivamente, p<0,05). Assim, quando o VTT foi equalizado entre diferentes intensidades (40, 60 e 80% 1RM) os ganhos da AST tanto dos flexores do cotovelo quanto o vasto lateral foram semelhantes e a intensidade de 20% 1RM não causou aumento significante da AST. No que diz respeito a força muscular as intensidades mais elevadas (60% e 80% 1RM) foram superiores em promover ganhos de força do que as demais intensidades utilizadas. Esses dados sugerem que ao equalizar o VTT os ganhos de massa muscular são semelhantes para as intensidades de treinamento entre 40- 80% 1RM. Além disso, a intensidade de 20% 1RM, mesmo com o VTT equalizado com as intensidades maiores, não promove aumentos de massa muscular para ambos os segmentos corporais. Por outro lado, intensidades altas de treinamento produzem os maiores ganhos de força máxima em membros superiores e inferiores
Purpose: To to evaluate the benefit of bilinear and linear fitting to characterize the retinal vessel dilation to flicker light stimulation for the purpose of risk stratification in cardiovascular disease. Methods: Forty-five patients (15 with coronary artery disease (CAD), 15 with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and 15 with CAD and DM) all underwent contact tonometry, digital blood pressure measurement, fundus photography, retinal vessel oximetry, static retinal vessel analysis and continous retinal diameter assessment using the retinal vessel analyser (and flicker light provocation). In addition we measured blood glucose (HbA1c) and keratinin levels in DM patients. Results: With increased severity of cardiovascular disease a more linear reaction profile of retinal arteriolar diameter to flicker light provocation can be observed. Conclusion: Absolute values of vessel dilation provide only limited information on the state of retinal arteriolar dilatory response to flicker light. The approach of bilinear fitting takes into account the immediate response to flicker light provocation as well as the maintained dilatory capacity during prolonged stimulation. Individuals with cardiovascular disease however show a largely linear reaction profile indicating an impairment of the initial rapid dilatory response as usually observed in healty individuals
OBJETIVE: Investigate the cardiopulmonary responses of one strength training session in young women. METHOD: Twenty-three women aged between 18 and 29 years participated in this study. All the volunteers were submitted to the following tests: cardiopulmonary and one-repetition maximum (1-RM). The strength training protocol had emphasis on muscular hypertrophy, three sets from eight to twelve repetitions under 70% of 1-RM, with a one minute thirty-second break between sets. During the training session, the cardiopulmonary variables were measured with a metabolic gas analyzer and a telemetry module. RESULTS: The results of the oxygen consumption in the training session were from 8.43 + 1.76 ml/kg/min and of the heart rate of 108.08 + 15.26 bpm. The results of the oxygen consumption and of the heart rate in the training were lower (p < 0.01) than in the ventilatory threshold and of the oxygen consumption and the heart rate reserves. CONCLUSION: The obtained data show that the present protocol of strength training provided low overload to the cardiopulmonary system of young women.