978 resultados para Hip Fractures


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Introducción: La fractura de cadera se presenta predominantemente en población mayor; se espera que para el año 2050 se presenten alrededor de 6 millones de fracturas de cadera a nivel global. Parkkari et al (1). Dado que el sistema de salud colombiano dificulta el seguimiento adecuado de los pacientes y su manejo posoperatorio integral, desconocen las estadísticas reales de los desenlaces funcionales, mortalidad y complicaciones asociadas a la fractura de cadera. Método: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal. Mediante una encuesta telefónica cuyo objetivo fue determinar el manejo intra y extra hospitalario por los servicios de rehabilitación y ortopedia, describir la mortalidad y la recuperación funcional percibidos por los encuestados. Resultados: De 286 pacientes intervenidos, 116 aceptaron participar (24% hombres y 76% mujeres). Edades entre 65 y 99 años (media: 81.3 años). En el primer año después de la cirugía, el 29% de los pacientes presento al menos un reingreso hospitalario; la mortalidad en el grupo femenino fue de 23% frente a un 43% en el grupo masculino. El 98% de los pacientes deambulaba previo a la cirugía, frente a un 78% de los pacientes a un año del procedimiento, 83 pacientes refirieron complicaciones pos-operatorias. En el grupo entre 65 y 74 años la capacidad de deambular posterior al procedimiento fue de 84%, para las edades entre 75 a 84 años fue del 82% y en los mayores de 85 años del 75%. Conclusiones: La recuperación funcional de los pacientes intervenidos por fractura de cadera, difícilmente llegan a alcanzar el estado funcional previo a la fractura, lo cual se traduce en situaciones de dependencia, riesgo de caída y complicaciones médicas.


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La osteoporosis es una de las condiciones patológicas en mayor crecimiento a medida que la población de tercera edad aumenta, esto se traduce en fracturas por fragilidad como lo son las fracturas de radio distal y las fracturas de cadera, actualmente no se cuentas con datos de la población a estudio que correlacione este tipo de fracturas. Es un estudio retrospectivo de casos y controles donde se obtuvo un grupo de pacientes con fractura de cadera que consultaron a un hospital universitario de alta complejidad en la ciudad de Bogotá, se evaluó la presencia de antecedente de fractura de radio distal y se comparó con un grupo control de trauma en cadera. Se obtuvo un total de 325 casos (72,5%) y 123 (25%) controles. El promedio de edad fue de 81 años, el 70% de los pacientes en ambos grupos correspondió a mujeres. No hubo diferencia en cuanto a la prevalencia de tabaquismo, hipertensión arterial o diabetes en los grupos. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a niveles de glicemia, calcio, vitamina D. La presencia de antecedente de fractura de radio distal en grupo con fractura de cadera fue del 7,1% encontrando un OR de 3,91 IC 95%(1,17– 13,10). La presencia de fractura de radio distal como antecedente es un predictor para la fractura de cadera en pacientes mayores. Se necesitan más estudios que correlacionen otras variables que pueden influir en la asociación para fractura de cadera y radio, para así identificar una población específica que se beneficie de un tratamiento temprano.


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Las fracturas intertrocantericas son una importante causa de la morbimortalidad en los adultos mayores. Requieren la mayoria manejo quirurgico. No se ha logrado definir si es mejor el tratamiento con osteosintesis o artoplastia de cadera. Por esta razon decidimos realizar un estudio identificando los resultados en cada uno de los tratamientos con poblacion colombiana en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Mederi. Metodos: Estudio de serie de casos. Se analizó una cohorte retrospectiva de pacientes mayores de 59 años con fractura intertrocantérica en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi. Resultados: Se reportaron un total de 179 pacientes con diagnóstico de fractura intertrocantérica. De los cuales se realizaron 100 osteosíntesis , 20 reemplazos totales de cadera y 59 hemiartroplastias. La mortalidad fueron 11 pacientes que corresponde al 6.1%, 3 fueron hombres y 8 mujeres, en cuanto al procedimiento realizado a 7 pacientes se les realizo osteosíntesis y a los 4 restantes se les realizo hemiartroplastia. En total 7 infecciones las cuales se presentaron respectivamente en 6 osteosíntesis y 1 hemiartroplastia. Discusión: La mortalidad fue mayor en la osteosíntesis con 7 pacientes que equivale al 63,6 % de la mortalidad total del estudio. Los porcentajes de infección postoperatoria fueron mayores en la osteosíntesis , encontrándose que del total de pacientes intervenidos 3,9% se infectaron y de estos el 85,7 % corresponden a osteosíntesis versus 14,3% de hemiartroplastia. El sangrado postoperatorio fue mayor a 500 cc en un 39% de las osteosíntesis y en un 44% en las hemiartroplastias. Conclusión: el tratamiento de las fracturas intertrocantéricas tuvo menor mortalidad y menor porcentaje de infección cuando los pacientes fueron tratados con hemiartroplastia y reemplazo total de cadera.


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BACKGROUND: While strict criteria have been developed for defining osteoporosis in women (bone mineral density measurements more than 2.5 standard deviations below the mean for young adult normal women, i.e. t-score value < -2.5), there still remains a controversy regarding the definition in men. Spinal fractures occur in 5% and hip fractures in 6% of men older than 50 years. There are significant differences between men and women with respect to the pathogenesis of osteoporosis, underlying medical conditions and postfracture sequelae.

To provide an overview of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and prevention of osteoporosis in men.

DISCUSSION: Osteoporosis is increasingly recognised. Data from the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study suggests that 30% of men in Australia aged over 60 years will suffer from an osteoporotic fracture. It is estimated that 30-60% of men presenting with spinal fractures will have another illness contributing to their bone loss. Osteoporotic fractures in men are associated with higher morbidity and mortality than in women. Lifestyle changes together with daily calcium supplementation should be implemented and vitamin D3 should be considered in men with osteopenia.


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Background : Little is known about the personal burden of fracture across the age spectrum, particularly in men. This study aimed to document the impact of clinical fracture on men's participation in employment, sports and outdoor recreation, mobility, handiwork, activities of daily living, home modification, and utilisation of community and health services.

Methods : This prospective study followed 196 men with incident fracture identified from radiology reports at the Geelong Hospital during the period July 2006 to December 2007 and examined personal and psychosocial impacts 12 months post-fracture, using a self-report questionnaire.

Results : Of all men identified with fracture, 40% took time off work. All fractures, except those to the upper limbs, had considerable impact on mobility. Inability to drive was associated with all fractures, but was most common with ankle fractures and most prolonged with hip fractures. Loss of confidence was reported by over one-third of all fracture cases, even 12 months after the fracture event. All fractures affected activities of daily living, and this was generally most prolonged for fractures of the hip. Similarly, all men with fracture utilised community and health services, even for the relatively minor fractures of the finger/thumb.

Conclusions : This study supports previous reports of the personal impact of hip fracture, and presents data about the consequences of upper and lower limb fractures and the generally poorly described sequelae of fractures of the finger/thumb and foot/toe. These observations have important implications for post-fracture care and rehabilitation in men.


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To examine fracture incidence in women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for an entire geographical region of south-eastern Australia.

Women aged 35 years and older, resident in the Barwon Statistical Division (BSD) and clinically diagnosed with RA 1994–2001 were eligible for inclusion as cases (n =1,008). The control population (n = 172,422) comprised the entire female BSD population aged 35 years and older, excluding those individuals identified as cases. Incident fractures were extracted from the prospective Geelong Osteoporosis Study Fracture Grid. We calculated rate ratios (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) to compare the age- adjusted rate of fracture between the RA and non-RA populations, and used a chi-square test to compare proportions of fractures between women with and without RA, and a two-sided Mann–Whitney U-test to examine age-differences.

Among 1,008 women with RA, 19 (1.9%) sustained a fracture, compared to 1,981 fractures sustained by the 172,422 women without RA (1.2%). Fracture rates showed a trend for being greater among women diagnosed with RA (age-adjusted RR 1.43, 95%CI 0.98-2.09, p= 0.08). Women with RA sustained vertebral fractures at twice the expected frequency, whereas hip fractures were underrepresented in the RA population (p< 0.001). RA status was not associated with the likelihood of sustaining a fracture at sites adjacent to joints most commonly affected by RA (p= 0.22).

Given that women with RA have a greater risk of fracture compared to women without RA, these patients may be a suitable target population for anti-resorptive agents; however, larger studies are warranted.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Impairment of postural control is a common consequence of Parkinson's disease (PD) that becomes more and more critical with the progression of the disease, in spite of the available medications. Postural instability is one of the most disabling features of PD and induces difficulties with postural transitions, initiation of movements, gait disorders, inability to live independently at home, and is the major cause of falls. Falls are frequent (with over 38% falling each year) and may induce adverse consequences like soft tissue injuries, hip fractures, and immobility due to fear of falling. As the disease progresses, both postural instability and fear of falling worsen, which leads patients with PD to become increasingly immobilized. The main aims of this dissertation are to: 1) detect and assess, in a quantitative way, impairments of postural control in PD subjects, investigate the central mechanisms that control such motor performance, and how these mechanism are affected by levodopa; 2) develop and validate a protocol, using wearable inertial sensors, to measure postural sway and postural transitions prior to step initiation; 3) find quantitative measures sensitive to impairments of postural control in early stages of PD and quantitative biomarkers of disease progression; and 4) test the feasibility and effects of a recently-developed audio-biofeedback system in maintaining balance in subjects with PD. In the first set of studies, we showed how PD reduces functional limits of stability as well as the magnitude and velocity of postural preparation during voluntary, forward and backward leaning while standing. Levodopa improves the limits of stability but not the postural strategies used to achieve the leaning. Further, we found a strong relationship between backward voluntary limits of stability and size of automatic postural response to backward perturbations in control subjects and in PD subjects ON medication. Such relation might suggest that the central nervous system presets postural response parameters based on perceived maximum limits and this presetting is absent in PD patients OFF medication but restored with levodopa replacement. Furthermore, we investigated how the size of preparatory postural adjustments (APAs) prior to step initiation depend on initial stance width. We found that patients with PD did not scale up the size of their APA with stance width as much as control subjects so they had much more difficulty initiating a step from a wide stance than from a narrow stance. This results supports the hypothesis that subjects with PD maintain a narrow stance as a compensation for their inability to sufficiently increase the size of their lateral APA to allow speedy step initiation in wide stance. In the second set of studies, we demonstrated that it is possible to use wearable accelerometers to quantify postural performance during quiet stance and step initiation balance tasks in healthy subjects. We used a model to predict center of pressure displacements associated with accelerations at the upper and lower back and thigh. This approach allows the measurement of balance control without the use of a force platform outside the laboratory environment. We used wearable accelerometers on a population of early, untreated PD patients, and found that postural control in stance and postural preparation prior to a step are impaired early in the disease when the typical balance and gait intiation symptoms are not yet clearly manifested. These novel results suggest that technological measures of postural control can be more sensitive than clinical measures. Furthermore, we assessed spontaneous sway and step initiation longitudinally across 1 year in patients with early, untreated PD. We found that changes in trunk sway, and especially movement smoothness, measured as Jerk, could be used as an objective measure of PD and its progression. In the third set of studies, we studied the feasibility of adapting an existing audio-biofeedback device to improve balance control in patients with PD. Preliminary results showed that PD subjects found the system easy-to-use and helpful, and they were able to correctly follow the audio information when available. Audiobiofeedback improved the properties of trunk sway during quiet stance. Our results have many implications for i) the understanding the central mechanisms that control postural motor performance, and how these mechanisms are affected by levodopa; ii) the design of innovative protocols for measuring and remote monitoring of motor performance in the elderly or subjects with PD; and iii) the development of technologies for improving balance, mobility, and consequently quality of life in patients with balance disorders, such as PD patients with augmented biofeedback paradigms.


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With increasing life expectancy and a growing proportion of elderly in the Swiss population, the burden of osteoporosis increases continuously. Every other woman and every fifth man aged 50 years or older will suffer an osteoportic fracture during her or his remaining lifetime. While the absolute number of hospitalizations for hip fractures has stabilized between year 2000 and 2007, the total number of hospitalizations for osteoporotic fractures has increased to 16'200 (+ 16 %) and 5'600 (+ 20 %) in women and men, respectively. Thus, osteoporosis continues belonging to those chronic diseases imposing the highest economic burden to the Swiss healthcare system, trend increasing. In addition, the risk of subsequent fractures as well as the adjusted mortality risk increases significantly after a first osteoporotic fracture. Should appropriate measures not be implemented in the near future, so will osteoporosis become one of the key challenges for the Swiss healthcare system within the coming years.


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There are two main types of bone in the human body, trabecular and cortical bone. Cortical bone is primarily found on the outer surface of most bones in the body while trabecular bone is found in vertebrae and at the end of long bones (Ross 2007). Osteoporosis is a condition that compromises the structural integrity of trabecular bone, greatly reducing the ability of the bone to absorb energy from falls. The current method for diagnosing osteoporosis and predicting fracture risk is measurement of bone mineral density. Limitations of this method include dependence on the bone density measurement device and dependence on type of test and measurement location (Rubin 2005). Each year there are approximately 250,000 hip fractures in the United States due to osteoporosis (Kleerekoper 2006). Currently, the most common method for repairing a hip fracture is a hip fixation surgery. During surgery, a temporary guide wire is inserted to guide the permanent screw into place and then removed. It is believed that directly measuring this screw pullout force may result in a better assessment of bone quality than current indirect measurement techniques (T. Bowen 2008-2010, pers. comm.). The objective of this project is to design a device that can measure the force required to extract this guide wire. It is believed that this would give the surgeon a direct, quantitative measurement of bone quality at the site of the fixation. A first generation device was designed by a Bucknell Biomedical Engineering Senior Design team during the 2008- 2009 Academic Year. The first step of this project was to examine the device, conduct a thorough design analysis, and brainstorm new concepts. The concept selected uses a translational screw to extract the guide wire. The device was fabricated and underwent validation testing to ensure that the device was functional and met the required engineering specifications. Two tests were conducted, one to test the functionality of the device by testing if the device gave repeatable results, and the other to test the sensitivity of the device to misalignment. Guide wires were extracted from 3 materials, low density polyethylene, ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, and polypropylene and the force of extraction was measured. During testing, it was discovered that the spring in the device did not have a high enough spring constant to reach the high forces necessary for extracting the wires without excessive deflection of the spring. The test procedure was modified slightly so the wires were not fully threaded into the material. The testing results indicate that there is significant variation in the screw pullout force, up to 30% of the average value. This significant variation was attributed to problems in the testing and data collection, and a revised set of tests was proposed to better evaluate the performance of the device. The fabricated device is a fully-functioning prototype and further refinements and testing of the device may lead to a 3rd generation version capable of measuring the screw pullout force during hip fixation surgery.


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More than 250,000 hip fractures occur annually in the United States and the most common fracture location is the femoral neck, the weakest region of the femur. Hip fixation surgery is conducted to repair hip fractures by using a Kirschner (K-) wire as a temporary guide for permanent bone screws. Variation has been observed in the force required to extract the K-wire from the femoral head during surgery. It is hypothesized that a relationship exists between the K-wire pullout force and the bone quality at the site of extraction. Currently, bone mineral density (BMD) is used as a predictor for bone quality and strength. However, BMD characterizes the entire skeletal system and does not account for localized bone quality and factors such as lifestyle, nutrition, and drug use. A patient’s BMD may not accurately describe the quality of bone at the site of fracture. This study aims to investigate a correlation between the force required to extract a K-wire from femoral head specimens and the quality of bone. A procedure to measure K-wire pullout force was developed and tested with pig femoral head specimens. The procedure was implemented on 8 human osteoarthritic femoral head specimens and the average pullout force for each ranged from 563.32 ± 240.38 N to 1041.01 ± 346.84 N. The data exhibited significant variation within and between each specimen and no statistically significant relationships were determined between pullout force and patient age, weight, height, BMI, inorganic to organic matter ratio, and BMD. A new testing fixture was designed and manufactured to merge the clinical and research environments by enabling the physician to extract the K-wire from each bone specimen himself. The new device allows the physician to gather tactile feedback on the relative ease of extraction while load history is recorded similar to the previous procedure for data acquisition. Future work will include testing human bones with the new device to further investigate correlations for predicting bone quality.


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The study systematically describes the frequency and geographic variability of major surgical interventions for musculoskeletal disorders in Switzerland. Age- and sex-standardized rates for joint replacements, arthroscopies, spine surgery and hip fracture repair were calculated for hospital service regions. Various statistical analyses were used to measure the extent of variation. The authors argue that the surgery of hip fractures can be used as index surgery in the context of analyzing variations in orthopedic surgery. Temporal trends imply that patient demand and supply factors related to clinical ambiguity and non-medical incentives of providers are far more important components leading to increased use than the sole effect of an aging population.


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Data concerning the link between severity of abdominal aortic calcification (AAC) and fracture risk in postmenopausal women are discordant. This association may vary by skeletal site and duration of follow-up. Our aim was to assess the association between the AAC severity and fracture risk in older women over the short- and long term. This is a case-cohort study nested in a large multicenter prospective cohort study. The association between AAC and fracture was assessed using Odds Ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) for vertebral fractures and using Hazard Risks (HR) and 95%CI for non-vertebral and hip fractures. AAC severity was evaluated from lateral spine radiographs using Kauppila's semiquantitative score. Severe AAC (AAC score 5+) was associated with higher risk of vertebral fracture during 4 years of follow-up, after adjustment for confounders (age, BMI, walking, smoking, hip bone mineral density, prevalent vertebral fracture, systolic blood pressure, hormone replacement therapy) (OR=2.31, 95%CI: 1.24-4.30, p<0.01). In a similar model, severe AAC was associated with an increase in the hip fracture risk (HR=2.88, 95%CI: 1.00-8.36, p=0.05). AAC was not associated with the risk of any non-vertebral fracture. AAC was not associated with the fracture risk after 15 years of follow-up. In elderly women, severe AAC is associated with higher short-term risk of vertebral and hip fractures, but not with the long-term risk of these fractures. There is no association between AAC and risk of non-vertebral-non-hip fracture in older women. Our findings lend further support to the hypothesis that AAC and skeletal fragility are related.


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Should we be screening for eye disorders in the elderly population? Visual impairment in the elderly can be associated with reduced functional status and quality of life, low social contact, depression, and falls and hip fractures (Dargent-Molina et al, 1996). It therefore would seem sensible to identify those elderly patients who have or are at risk of developing sight-threatening eye disorders, and offer them treatment. However, screening for disease of any kind raises a number of issues.