974 resultados para Hepatic-encephalopathy
Cassia occidentalis is a bush from the Leguminosae family, subfamily Caesalpinoideae, and is a toxic plant of veterinary interest due to the occasional contamination of animal rations. This report describes the clinical and histopathological findings of an outbreak of C.occidentalis poisoning in horses. Twenty mares were poisoned after consuming ground corn contaminated with 8% of C.occidentalis seeds. Of the 20 animals affected, 12 died: 8 mares were found dead, 2 died 6h after the onset of clinical signs compatible with hepatic encephalopathy and the 2 other animals were subjected to euthanasia 12h after the onset of the clinical signs. The remaining 8 mares presented with mild depression and decreased appetite, but improved with treatment and no clinical sequelae were observed. In 6 animals that underwent a necropsy, an enhanced hepatic lobular pattern was noted and within the large intestine, a large number of seeds were consistently observed. Hepatocellular pericentrolobular necrosis and cerebral oedema were the main histological findings. In one mare, there was mild multifocal semimembranosus rhabdomyocytic necrosis and haemorrhage. Seeds collected from intestinal contents and sifted from the culpable feedstuff were planted. Examination of the leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds of the resultant plants identified C.occidentalis. Horses poisoned by C.occidentalis seeds demonstrate clinical signs associated with hepatoencephalopathy and frequently die suddenly. Lesions primarily involve the liver and secondarily, the central nervous system. Cassia occidentalis poisoning should be considered a differential diagnosis in horses with hepatoencephalopathy and special caution should be taken with horse rations to avoid contamination with seeds of this toxic plant. © 2012 EVJ Ltd.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Portal hypertension (PH) is the pathological increase in portal vein pressure above normal limits. Two variables control the pressure in the portal system: the resistance to blood flow and blood flow volume in the portal system. If one these variables changes, PH may develop. Classification: Pre-hepatic (e. g. compression of the portal vein), intrahepatic (e. g. chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis) or post-hepatic (e. g. right heart failure). The invasive methods (intravenous catheter) were replaced by an indirect method of diagnosis: Doppler Ultrasound. This technique does not measure portal pressure, but indirectly allows the diagnosis of PH. Average speed of portal flow decrease (<10 cm/s) and hepatofugal flow have been reported in cirrhotic dogs with PH. Currently, the focus of the ultrasound is the detection of acquired collateral portal circulation (ACPC), closely correlated with hepatic encephalopathy. The characterization of these vessels is essential to differentiate them from congenital shunts. They are usually multiple vessels, small and tortuous, with turbulent flow, near to the kidneys, and/or a single and larger vessel, draining into the left renal vein (dilated gonadal vein). Gastric, esophageal and mesenteric varices may occur. After identifying the PH, it is important to determine its origin in order to treat the underlying disease. B-Mode Ultrasound and Doppler are the best choices in cases of suspected PH, because they may recognize not just the hypertension, but also its complications and origin.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Liver cirrhosis (LC) is a disease with high mortality rates and its only definitive treatment is the orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). Unfortunately, not all patients have access to OLT and many of them end up dying on the transplant waiting list. The use of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) is widely known as an effective treatment for improving the quality of life of these patients. For the first time, in this paper we documented a great improvement of clinical and laboratorial tests of a patient treated with BCAA, which allowed him to be out of the transplant waiting list. In addition to the increase of the MELD score, the patient achieved restabilization of body weight and recovery of the quality of life registered by the SF-36 questionnaire.
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a functional disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) associated with liver failure, either end-stage chronic liver disease or fulminant hepatic failure. Its pathogenesis remains complex and poorly understood. In view of recent advances in the management of HE, the Brazilian Society of Hepatology endorsed a monothematic meeting regarding HE in order to gather experts in the field to discuss related data and to draw evidence-based recommendations concerning: management of HE and intracranial hypertension in FHF, treatment of episodic HE in cirrhosis, controversies in the management of EH including difficult to treat cases and diagnostic and treatment challenges for minimal HE. The purpose of this review is to summarize the lectures and recommendations made by the panel of experts of the Brazilian Society of Hepatology.
Gli endocannabinoidi (EC) sono una classe di composti che mimano gli effetti del Δ9-tetraidrocannabinolo. Essi comprendono l’anandamide (AEA) ed il 2-arachidonoilglicerolo (2-AG), molecole che interagiscono preferenzialmente con due specifici recettori, il CB1 ed il CB2. Più recente è la scoperta di due molecole EC simili, il palmitoiletanolamide (PEA) e l’oleiletanolamide (OEA), che tuttavia agiscono legando recettori diversi tra cui il PPARα ed il TRVP1. Studi sperimentali dimostrano che il sistema degli EC è attivato in corso di cirrosi epatica ed è coinvolto nel processo fibrogenico e nella patogenesi delle alterazioni emodinamiche tipiche della malattia. Esso partecipa alla patogenesi di alcune delle maggiori complicanze della cirrosi quali ascite, encefalopatia, cardiomiopatia ed infezioni batteriche. Scopo del presente studio è stato quello di studiare il ruolo degli EC nella patogenesi delle infezioni batteriche in corso di cirrosi. A tale scopo sono stati eseguiti un protocollo clinico ed uno sperimentale. Nel protocollo sperimentale la cirrosi è stata indotta mediante somministrazione di CCl4 per via inalatoria a ratti maschi Wistar. In tale protocollo i livelli circolanti di tutti gli EC sono risultati significativamente aumentati a seguito della somministrazione di LPS. La somministrazione dell’antagonista del recettore CB1, Rimonabant, inoltre, è stata efficace nel ridurre del 50% la mortalità a 24 ore dei ratti trattati col farmaco rispetto ai ratti trattati col solo LPS. Parallelamente il Rimonabant ha determinato una riduzione dell’espressione genica di molecole pro-infiammatorie e sostanze vasoattive. Lo studio clinico, condotto su 156 pazienti, ha confermato l’attivazione del sistema degli EC in corso di cirrosi epatica. Inoltre è stata identificata una forte correlazione tra il PEA e l’OEA e l’emodinamica sistemica ed una associazione con alcune delle maggiori complicanze. L’analisi statistica ha inoltre individuato l’OEA quale predittore indipendente di insufficenza renale e di sopravvivenza globale.
Ascites and hyponatremia are frequent complications of advanced liver cirrhosis. Over 50 % of cirrhotic patients develop ascites and about one third gets hyponatremic. The development of ascites is due to an increased sodium retention in the kidneys, leading to expansion of extracellular volume and accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum. Hyponatremia is related to an impairment in the renal capacity to eliminate solute-free water that causes water retention that is disproportionate to the sodium retention, thus causing a reduction in serum sodium concentration. The exact pathogenesis of sodium retention is not clear, yet. The main pathogenic factor responsible for hyponatremia is a nonosmotic hypersecretion of vasopressin from the neurohypophysis. There is evidence suggesting that hyponatremia predisposes to hepatic encephalopathy. Impairment in glomerular filtration rate in hepatorenal syndrome is due to renal vasoconstriction. Treatment of ascites consists of potassium sparing diuretics, loop diuretics, and/or paracentesis. The current standard of care of hyponatremia based on fluid restriction is unsatisfactory. Currently, a new family of drugs, known as vaptans, which act by specifically antagonizing the effects of vasopressin on the V2 receptors located in the kidney, is evaluated for their role in the management of hyponatremia. Because data on long-term administration are still incomplete, they cannot be used routinely, yet. Liver transplantation is the treatment of choice for hepatorenal syndrome. As bridge to transplantation long-term administration of intravenous albumin and vasoconstrictors can be used.
Bacterial infections are very common and represent one of the most important reasons of progression of liver failure, development of liver-related complications, and mortality in patients with cirrhosis. In fact, bacterial infections may be a triggering factor for the occurrence of gastrointestinal bleeding, hypervolemic hyponatremia, hepatic encephalopathy, kidney failure, and development of acute-on-chronic liver failure. Moreover, infections are a very common cause of repeated hospitalizations, impaired health-related quality of life, and increased healthcare costs in cirrhosis. Bacterial infections develop as a consequence of immune dysfunction that occurs progressively during the course of cirrhosis. In a significant proportion of patients, infections are caused by gram-negative bacteria from intestinal origin, yet gram-positive bacteria are a frequent cause of infection, particularly in hospitalized patients. In recent years, infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria are becoming an important clinical problem in many countries. The reduction of the negative clinical impact of infections in patients with cirrhosis may be achieved by a combination of prophylactic measures, such as administration of antibiotics, to reduce the occurrence of infections in high-risk groups together with early identification and management of infection once it has developed. Investigation on the mechanisms of altered gut microflora, translocation of bacteria, and immune dysfunction may help develop more effective and safe methods of prevention compared to those that are currently available. Moreover, research on biomarkers of early infection may be useful in early diagnosis and treatment of infections. The current manuscript reports an in-depth review and a position statement on bacterial infections in cirrhosis.
Regular physical activity beneficially impacts the risk of onset and progression of several chronic diseases. However, research regarding the effects of exercising on chronic liver diseases is relatively recent. Most authors focused on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), in which increasing clinical and experimental data indicate that skeletal muscle cross-talking to the adipose tissue and the liver regulates intrahepatic fat storage. In this setting physical activity is considered required in combination with calories restriction to allow an effective decrease of intrahepatic lipid component, and despite that evidence is not conclusive, some studies suggest that vigorous activity might be more beneficial than moderate activity to improve NAFLD/NASH. Evidence regarding the effects of exercise on the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma is scarce; some epidemiological studies indicate a lower risk in patients regularly and vigorously exercising. In compensated cirrhosis exercise acutely increases portal pressure, but in longer term it has been proved safe and probably beneficial. Decreased aerobic capacity (VO2) correlates with mortality in patients with decompensated cirrhosis, who are almost invariably sarcopenic. In these patients VO2 is improved by physical activity, which might also reduce the risk of hepatic encephalopathy through an increase in skeletal muscle mass. In solid organ transplantation recipients exercise is able to improve lean mass, muscle strength and as a consequence, aerobic capacity. Few data exist in liver transplant recipients, in whom exercise should be object of future studies given its high potential of providing long-term beneficial effects. Despite evidence is far from complete, physical activity should be seen as an important part of the management of patients with liver disease in order to improve their clinical outcome. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
beta-Oxidation of long-chain fatty acids provides the major source of energy in the heart. Defects in enzymes of the beta-oxidation pathway cause sudden, unexplained death in childhood, acute hepatic encephalopathy or liver failure, skeletal myopathy, and cardiomyopathy. Very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [VLCAD; very-long-chain-acyl-CoA:(acceptor) 2,3-oxidoreductase, EC] catalyzes the first step in beta-oxidation. We have isolated the human VLCAD cDNA and gene and determined the complete nucleotide sequences. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of VLCAD mRNA and genomic exons defined the molecular defects in two patients with VLCAD deficiency who presented with unexplained cardiac arrest and cardiomyopathy. In one, a homozygous mutation in the consensus dinucleotide of the donor splice site (g+1-->a) was associated with universal skipping of the prior exon (exon 11). The second patient was a compound heterozygote, with a missense mutation, C1837-->T, changing the arginine at residue 613 to tryptophan on one allele and a single base deletion at the intron-exon 6 boundary as the second mutation. This initial delineation of human mutations in VLCAD suggests that VLCAD deficiency reduces myocardial fatty acid beta-oxidation and energy production and is associated with cardiomyopathy and sudden death in childhood.
Chronic alcohol misuse leads to both widespread and localized damage in human cerebral cortex. The latter, as neuronal loss, is marked in superior frontal cortex (SFC) but milder in primary motor cortex (PMC) and elsewhere. Quantitative morphometry by Harper et al showed that neuronal loss is greater in alcoholics with comorbidity (Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome, liver cirrhosis). Previous work revealed a paradox: the marked differences in GABAA receptor density, pharmacology, and expression between alcoholics without cormorbidity and controls are muted or absent in cirrhotic alcoholics. This concurs with work by the Butterworth group on hepatic encephalopathy cases — most of whom had an alcoholic ætiology — who show only minor differences from controls. Glutamate receptor differences are muted in many autopsy studies, though we have evidence that NMDA site pharmacology may vary in cirrhotic alcoholics. Here we used Real-Time PCR normalized to GAPDH deltaCT to quantify NMDA NR1, NR2A and NR2B subunit expression in SFC and PMC samples obtained at autopsy from alcoholics with and without comorbid cirrhosis and matched controls. Overall subunit transcript expression was signifi cantly lower in alcoholic cirrhotics than in either of the other groups (F2,42 = 12.942, P < 0.001). The effect was most marked for the NR1 subunit; males differed from females, particularly in SFC. The data suggest that if excitotoxicity mediates neuronal loss in SFC, it may be implemented differently: passively in uncomplicated alcoholics, by altered GABAergic transmission; actively in cirrhotic alcoholics, by altered glutamatergic transmission. We also subdivided cases on a panel of genetic markers. Different genotypes interacted with NMDA and GABAA pharmacology and expression. Cirrhotic and uncomplicated alcoholics may differ pathogenically because of inherent characteristics in addition to possible neurotoxic sequelæ to the liver damage.
La derivación portosistémica intrahepática transyugular (TIPS) es una técnica importante en el manejo de las complicaciones de la hipertensión portal, en especial en aquellos pacientes candidatos a trasplante hepático. Se trata de un estudio observacional analítico, sin riesgo, en el cual se emplearon técnicas y métodos de investigación documental retrospectivo, y no se realizó ningún tipo de intervención sobre las variables fisiológicas, psicológicas y sociales de la población incluida. Se realizó la descripción demográfica de los pacientes, características clínicas, hallazgos imageneológicos y aspectos técnicos asociados al procedimiento de los pacientes con hipertensión portal que han sido manejados con TIPS en la Fundación CardioInfantil desde Enero 1 de 2007 hasta Junio 30 de 2016. Se incluyeron 54 pacientes de los cuales el 66,7% no presentaron complicaciones inmediatas, tenidas en cuenta desde la terminación del procedimiento y hasta las siguientes 24 horas; sin embargo, 16,9% debutaron con encefalopatía durante este periodo. De las complicaciones tardías, la más frecuente fue la ascitis con un 66,7%, con una mortalidad de 20,4% de los cuales, el 45% de estos fue por shock séptico y falla orgánica secundaria. Aunque el porcentaje de complicaciones asociadas al procedimiento fue alto en nuestros pacientes, se encuentra dentro de los valores reportados en la literatura. Los resultados presentados son un punto de partida para la evaluación del procedimiento en nuestra población y permiten implementar estrategias de mejora que conlleven a incidir de manera positiva en el porcentaje de complicaciones y mortalidad derivadas del procedimiento.
Previous investigations showed that Schistosoma mansoni infection aggravates protein malabsorption in undernourished mice and this can be reverted by administration of casein hydrolysate. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of ingestion of casein hydrolysate for long periods. Albino Swiss mice were divided into eight groups. Diets contained 5% (undernourished ) or 20% (controls) casein levels. For each group there were sub-groups ingesting whole or hydrolysed casein for 12 weeks. Infection with S. mansoni developed in half of the animals under each diet. All undernourished mice developed malabsorption. Low albuminemia was detected in infected animals independently of the protein level in the diet. However, albuminemia was lower in infected controls than in undernourished non-infected mice, suggesting a deficient liver protein synthesis. Infected mice fed on a 20% protein hydrolysed diet exhibited low weight gain and high mortality rates. On the other hand, non-infected mice ingesting the same diet had the highest body weights. We are investigating the hypothesis that infected mice, even when fed normal diets, are unable to metabolise large amounts of amino acids due to the liver lesions related to schistosomiasis and as a result die of hepatic coma. In some of them, the excessive accumulation of ammonia in the blood enhances the outcome of an encephalopathy.