894 resultados para Healthy Eating Index


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Purpose. To assess the impact of a six-month stage-based intervention on fruit and vegetable intake, regarding perceived benefits and barriers, and self-efficacy among adolescents. Design. Randomized treatment-control, pre-post design. Subjects/ Setting. Schools were randomized between control and experimental groups. 860 adolescents from ten public schools in Bras ' ilia, Federal District, Brazil were evaluated at baseline; 771 (81%) completed the study. Intervention. Experimental group received monthly magazines and newsletters aimed at promotion of healthy eating. Measures. Self-reported fruit and vegetable intake, stages of change, self-efficacy and decisional balance scores were evaluated at baseline and post-intervention in both groups. Analysis. The effectiveness of the intervention was evaluated using the analysis of covariance model (ANCOVA) and repeated measurement analysis by means of weighted least squares. Comparison between the proportions of adolescents who advanced through the stages during the intervention was performed using the Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test. Results. After adjusting for sex and age, study variables showed no modifications through the proposed intervention. There was no statistical difference in participant mobility in the intervention and control groups between the stages of change, throughout the study. Conclusion. A nutritional intervention based exclusively on distribution of stage-matched printed educational materials was insufficient to change adolescents' dietary behavior.


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Advances in medical technology, in genetics, and in clinical research have led to early detection of cancer, precise diagnosis, and effective treatment modalities. Decline in cancer incidence and mortality due to cancer has led to increased number of long-term survivors. However, the ethnic minority population has not experienced this decline and still continues to carry a disparate proportion of the cancer burden. Majority of the clinical research including survivorship studies have recruited and continue to recruit a convenient sample of middle- to upper-class Caucasian survivors. Thus, minorities are underrepresented in cancer research in terms of both clinical studies and in health related quality of life (HRQOL) studies. ^ Life style and diet have been associated with increased risk of breast cancer. High vegetable low fat diet has been shown to reduce recurrence of breast cancer and early death. The Women's Healthy Eating and Living Study is an ongoing multi-site randomized controlled trial that is evaluating the high-vegetable low fat diet in reducing the recurrence of breast cancer and early death. The purpose of this dissertation was to (1) compare the impact of the modified diet on the HRQOL during the first 12-month period on specific Minorities and matched Caucasians; (2) identify predictors that significantly impact the HRQOL of the study participants; and (3) using the structural equation modeling assess the impact of nutrition on the HRQOL of the intervention group participants. Findings suggest that there are no significant differences in change in HRQOL between Minorities and Caucasians; between Minorities in the intervention group and those in the comparison group; and between women in the intervention group and those in the comparison group. Minority indicator variable and Intervention/Comparison group indicator variable were not found to be good predictors of HRQOL. Although the structural equation models suggested viable representation of the relationship between the antecedent variables, the mediating variables and the two outcome variables, the impact of nutrition was not statistically significant to be included in the model. This dissertation, by analyzing the HRQOL of minorities in the WHEL Study, attempted to add to the knowledge base specific to minority cancer survivors. ^


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Background. This culminating experience project was inspired by an independent study conducted at The University of Texas School of Public Health with Dr. Andrew Springer, DrPH, who works on the evaluation of the Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) program in Travis County, Texas. It was indicated that a social marketing plan could enhance current efforts for the CATCH program. The aims of the project were to (1) review and synthesize literature on social marketing, with a specific focus on diet, physical activity, and obesity prevention; and (2) apply the gained knowledge toward a practical solution – a social marketing plan for the CATCH program.^ Methods. The literature review aimed to answer the following questions: (1) What audiences (ethnic and age groups), settings, health behaviors, and behavioral science theories have been used in social marketing campaigns? (2) What features of social marketing were used (e.g. formative research, segmentation, and the marketing mix - including promotional strategies and communication channels)? (3) What were the outcomes of the social marketing campaigns? The search aimed to identify studies that met the following inclusion criteria: (a) The study explicitly stated that social marketing was used; (b) The intervention promoted physical activity and/or healthy eating; (c) The population was children, adolescents, young adults, and/or parents; (d) Results of the intervention were available in the published literature The literature review includes studies from the past five years (2004 to 2009). After reviewing the social marketing literature, the insight and knowledge gained was applied to develop a social marketing plan for the CATCH program. The plan was guided by Hands-on Social Marketing, A Step-by-Step Guide and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Social Marketing web course.^


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This paper describes the first 4-year period (2012–2015) of implementation of the Portuguese National Programme for the Promotion of Healthy Eating (PNPAS). PNPAS was approved in 2012 and emerged as a preventive programme for noncommunicable diseases, aiming to improve the nutritional status of the population; it represents the first national strategy in Portugal for the promotion of healthy eating. To accomplish its mission, and taking into account its overall principles, PNPAS has five main goals: (i) to increase knowledge about the food intake of the Portuguese population and about its determinants and consequences; (ii) to modify the availability of certain foods (high in sugar, salt and fat), in schools, workplaces and public spaces; (iii) to inform and empower the population for the purchase, preparation and storage of healthy food, especially the most vulnerable groups; (iv) to identify and promote crosssectoral actions that encourage the consumption of foods of good nutritional quality in an articulate and integrated way with other sectors, namely agriculture, sport, environment, education, social security and local authorities; and (v) to improve the qualifications and conduct of the different professionals who, owing to their roles, may influence nutritional knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. The design of PNPAS followed the latest strategic lines suggested by WHO and the European Commission, proposing a crosssectoral mix of interventions to ensure physical and economic access to healthy eating by creating healthy environments and empowering individuals and communities. Several actions were implemented at different levels during the first 4-year period of implementation of PNPAS; two were especially relevant. The first concerned the empowerment of citizens regarding healthy eating, where the most important aspect was introduction of a digital strategy through development of a website and a blog dedicated to healthy eating. The second concerned the development of documents for health care and other professionals, including several guidelines in new areas, such as anthropometric measures and intervention in preobesity. Process and output indicators were defined to monitor and evaluate the programme. Among those considered as output indicators were the evaluation of childhood obesity, salt consumption and intake of breakfast by school-aged children.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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While numerous studies have investigated the efficacy of interventions at increasing children's vegetable consumption, little research has examined the effect of individual characteristics on intervention outcomes. In previous research, interventions consisting of modelling and rewards have been shown to increase children's vegetable intake, but differences were identified in terms of how much children respond to such interventions. With this in mind, the current study investigated the role of parental feeding practices, child temperament, and child eating behaviours as predictors of intervention success. Parents (N = 90) of children aged 2-4 years were recruited from toddler groups across Leicestershire, UK. Parents completed measures of feeding practices, child eating behaviours and child temperament, before participating in one of four conditions of a home-based, parent led 14 day intervention aimed at increasing their child's consumption of a disliked vegetable. Correlations and logistic regressions were performed to investigate the role of these factors in predicting intervention success. Parental feeding practices were not significantly associated with intervention success. However, child sociability and food fussiness significantly predicted intervention success, producing a regression model which could predict intervention success in 61% of cases. These findings suggest that future interventions could benefit from being tailored according to child temperament. Furthermore, interventions for children high in food fussiness may be better targeted at reducing fussiness in addition to increasing vegetable consumption.


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Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewer, staff at the Health Economics Research Unit and the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health for helpful comments on the manuscript. Funding This work was supported by the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) division.


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Acknowledgements The research leading to these results has been funded by a Tandem Grant from the European Health Psychology Society/CREATE, awarded to the first and second author. The funder had no involvement in the study design, collection or analysis of data, writing the report, or the decision to submit this manuscript for publication.


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Introduction: Adiponectin, an adipocyte derived peptide, has anti-inflammatory and antiatherogenic effects, and improves insulin sensitivity. However, little is known about dietary predictors and their interactions with lifestyle on adiponectin concentrations, in apparently healthy young adults. Objective: To evaluate the associations between plasma concentrations of adiponectin with dietary components and lifestyle in apparently healthy young adults. Methods: Anthropometric and body composition, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, diet and lifestyle data of 157 healthy young adults, aged 18 and 35, were collected and analyzed. Blood samples were collected after fasting for 12 hours to determine adiponectin concentrations. Dietary and anthropometric indexes were calculated and analyzed. Results: Adiponectin concentrations were significantly higher for women compared to men; and there was an indirect and significant correlation between adiponectin concentrations with BMI. There was a significant association between adiponectin concentrations with the healthy eating index, calories, lipids, proteins, fibers, riboflavin, and phosphorus, among others; and a tendency with carbohydrates and niacin. In multiple linear regression analysis, fiber and riboflavin (r² = 0.0928; p = 0.0013) and carbohydrates and phosphorus were associated with the concentrations of adiponectin. The association with carbohydrates and phosphorus suffered interaction with gender (r²= 0.2400; p < 0.0001), as well as the association with phosphorus also suffered interaction with physical activity (r²= 0.1275; p = 0.0003). Conclusion: Plasma concentrations of adiponectin, in healthy young adults, seem to be modulated by components of diet depending on gender and physical activity.


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We sought to evaluate the feasibility of conducting a randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of a preschool/kindergarten curriculum intervention designed to increase 4-year-old children's knowledge of healthy eating, active play and the sustainability consequences of their food and toy choices. Ninety intervention and 65 control parent/child dyads were recruited. We assessed the study feasibility by examining recruitment and participation, completion of data collection, realization of the intervention and early childhood educators’ experiences of implementing the study protocol; our findings suggest the intervention was feasible to deliver. In addition, children's sustainability awareness of non-compostable and recyclable items increased. Children in the intervention group significantly reduced their sugary drink consumption and increased their vegetable intake at follow-up compared to control. We conclude with recommendations for revisions to the child interview and parent questionnaire delivery to ensure the roll out of the randomized trial is conducted efficiently and rigorously.


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In many developed countries fish and shellfish are increasingly promoted as healthy alternatives to other animal protein. We analysed how much fish was available to UK and global populations after accounting for processing losses, and compared this to recommended levels of fish consumption. In 2012, UK domestic fish landings per capita fell 81% below the recommended intake, although declines were masked by increased imports and aquaculture from the 1970s onwards. Global wild fish supply per capita declined by 32% from its peak in 1970. However, overall fish supplies per capita increased by 10% over the same period due to rapidly expanding aquaculture production. Whilst aquaculture has so far prevented a downturn in global fish supplies, many developed nations continue to aspire to consume more fish than they produce. Until demand is balanced with sustainable methods of production governments should consider carefully the social and environmental implications of greater fish consumption.


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O número de pacientes idosos iniciando tratamento dialítico aumentou de maneira importante nas últimas duas décadas. Por esse motivo, é importante conhecer sobre aspectos nutricionais desse segmento de pacientes. Poucos trabalhos até o momento investigaram a ingestão alimentar de pacientes idosos em hemodiálise (HD) com foco na qualidade da dieta. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo é investigar o padrão alimentar de idosos em HD, verificar se o dia de tratamento dialítico pode alterar o padrão alimentar, avaliar se o padrão alimentar se associa com marcadores do estado nutricional e averiguar se o padrão alimentar de pacientes idosos em HD difere do de idosos sem doença renal crônica (DRC). Métodos: Este trabalho tem desenho observacional e transversal. Foram avaliados 153 pacientes idosos (> 60 anos) em tratamento crônico de HD (Grupo Estudo: 70,8 7,2 anos) e 47 idosos sem DRC (Grupo Controle: 73,2 7,9 anos). A avaliação do estado nutricional, no Grupo Estudo, foi feita por medidas antropométricas, impedância bioelétrica, força de preensão manual, albumina sérica e avaliação subjetiva global de 7 pontos. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado a partir do registro alimentar de 3 dias, sendo 1 dia do final de semana sem diálise (FS), 1 dia da semana com diálise (HD) e 1 dia da semana sem diálise (SHD) para o Grupo Estudo; e 1 dia do final de semana (FS) e um dia da semana (dia 1) para o Grupo Controle. O padrão alimentar foi avaliado pelo índice de qualidade da dieta revisado (IQD-R), com 12 componentes e pontuação máxima de 100 pontos, indicando melhor qualidade da dieta. Para avaliar o consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados, os alimentos foram categorizados em três grupos (in natura, ingredientes de adição e ultraprocessados). Resultados: Não houve diferença estatística na pontuação total do IQD-R entre os três dias avaliados no Grupo Estudo. No entanto, observou-se diferença quando avaliado os componentes do IQD-R. Notou-se menor consumo de frutas integrais (2,66 0,18 vs. 3,28 0,18 pontos), vegetais verde-escuros e alaranjados (2,99 0,19 vs. 3,55 0,16 pontos) no dia HD comparado ao dia SHD, respectivamente. Quanto ao consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados, apenas no dia HD a contribuição energética desse grupo alimentar (41,6 17,6%) foi similar à de alimentos in natura (41,7 15,9%), enquanto nos dias FS e SHD a contribuição de alimentos in natura foi maior. Não foram observadas associações clinicamente significantes entre a pontuação total do IQD-R e parâmetros nutricionais no Grupo Estudo. Ao comparar o Grupo Estudo com o Grupo Controle, notou-se que a pontuação total do IQD-R foi menor no Grupo Estudo em todos os três dias avaliados e as maiores diferenças foram encontradas no dia HD. O mesmo se repete quanto à contribuição energética dos alimentos ultraprocessados, que foi maior no dia HD (41,6 17,6%) quando comparado ao dia 1 do Grupo Controle (33,4 15,9%). Essa diferença não foi observada quando o dia 1 do Grupo Controle foi comparado ao dia SHD. Conclusão: Pacientes idosos em HD apresentam pior padrão alimentar no dia HD e pior do que de idosos sem DRC. Fica clara a importância de rever as orientações alimentares voltadas a esse grupo de pacientes, de forma a favorecer um padrão alimentar compatível com uma boa saúde.


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Au Canada, la proportion de la population âgée de 65 ans et plus a augmenté depuis 1980. Bien que la dénutrition ne soit pas inévitable avec le vieillissement, certains changements et facteurs physiopathologiques, environnementaux et psycho socio-économiques peuvent entraîner une détérioration des choix alimentaires et donc, de la qualité de vie des aînés [1]. Plusieurs études font le lien entre l’état nutritionnel et la morbidité ainsi qu’avec les capacités fonctionnelles [2]. Ces observations expliquent l'intérêt de la prévention et du traitement de la dénutrition afin d’optimiser la prise alimentaire et un meilleur état de santé de cette population. Objectifs :1) Explorer les barrières individuelles et socio-environnementales, réelles et perçues, qui peuvent mener à la détérioration des choix et de la qualité alimentaires et entraîner une dénutrition chez les personnes âgées vivant à domicile. 2) Examiner la distribution de ces facteurs dans la population à l’étude. 3) Étudier la relation entre ces facteurs afin de dresser un portrait plus éclairé des déterminants négatifs de l’alimentation chez les adultes âgés pour mieux comprendre les barrières à la prise alimentaire saine. Méthodologie : Il s'agit d'une analyse secondaire réalisée à partir des données recueillies auprès des participants (n=1 602), âgés entre 67 et 84 ans,de l’Étude longitudinale québécoise sur la nutrition et le vieillissement réussi (NuAge) débutée en 2003 et dont le suivi était prévu sur cinq ans [3]. Le but principal de NuAge était de déterminer le rôle de la nutrition dans l’accomplissement d’un vieillissement réussi. Les données comprennent des mesures socio-démographiques, nutritionnelles, fonctionnelles, sociales de même que biologiques et médicales. À partir d'un modèle théorique des déterminants de la prise alimentaire chez la population âgée, ces données ont été mises en lien avec la qualité alimentaire. Cette dernière a été déterminée selon l’adaptation canadienne de l’indice d’alimentation saine (C-HEI), calculé à partir des données alimentaires et nutritionnelles obtenues par le questionnaire de fréquence alimentaire administré aux participants au T1, soit à leur entrée dans l'étude. Résultats : Les barrières qui pourraient freiner la qualité alimentaire des femmes incluent un statut affectif fragile et un fonctionnement social limité. Ce qui ressort, comme étant des barrières au C-HEI chez les hommes, est un revenu perçu comme étant insuffisant pour satisfaire les besoins, le port de prothèses dentaires et le fait de manger souvent au restaurant. Étonnamment, le nombre d’attitudes positives relatives à l’alimentation et un score plus élevé de la composante mentale du SF-36 prédisent un C-HEI plus faible. La nature des réponses auto rapportées pourrait expliquer ces résultats. Conclusion : Les résultats de cette recherche permettent de mieux comprendre les barrières d’une saine alimentation au sein d’une population bien-portante. Il est souhaité que les résultats contribueront au développement d’interventions efficaces ciblant les personnes âgées pour favoriser un apport nutritionnel et un état de santé optimal.