994 resultados para HSV-1
A radioterapia para tratamento das neoplasias malignas em região de cabeça e pescoço é acompanhada de diversas complicações, decorrentes do comprometimento dos tecidos radiossensíveis localizados próximos ao tumor. Entre essas complicações a mucosite é a que merece maior destaque. A mucosite é uma reação tóxica inflamatória da mucosa oral causada pelo tratamento citorredutivo induzido pela radioterapia (RT) ou pela quimioterapia (QT). Ela manifesta-se com sinais de edema, eritema, úlcera e formação pseudomembrana, resultando em sintomas de ardência, que pode progredir para dor intensa e consequente prejuízo na alimentação e comunicação verbal. Infecções bacterianas, fúngicas ou virais podem acometer a mucosa bucal irradiada e exacerbar a manifestação da mucosite oral por meio da ativação de fatores de transcrição da resposta inflamatória. Existem poucos dados na literatura sobre a participação dos herpesvirus humanos na mucosite oral induzida pela radioterapia. A proposta desse trabalho foi avaliar a excreção oral dos herpesvirus humanos (HSV-1, HSV-2, EBV, CMV, VZV, HHV6, HHV7 e HHV8) e sua possível associação com o desenvolvimento e agravamento da mucosite oral, em pacientes diagnosticados com carcinoma epidermoide (CEC) de boca e orofaringe, submetidos à radioterapia associado à quimioterapia. Nesse estudo foram analisadas 158 amostras de lavado bucal, de 20 pacientes, submetidos à radioterapia para CEC em região de cabeça e pescoço, coletadas semanalmente, durante todo o tratamento. Foi realizada a extração do DNA dessas amostras e em seguida sua amplificação através da PCR utilizando dois conjuntos de primers: HSVP1/P2 para os subtipos HSV-1, HSV-2, EBV, CMV e HHV-8 e o VZVP1/P2 para os subtipos VZV, HHV-6 e HHV-7. As amostras positivas foram submetidas à digestão enzimática com enzimas de restrição BamHI e BstUI para determinação específica de cada um dos oito herpesvirus. Foi também avaliada clinicamente, a mucosite oral, em cada uma das coletas, seguindo os critérios da OMS e NCIC. As análises da amostra mostraram a excreção do EBV, HHV-6 e HHV-7, em todas as semanas de tratamento radioterápico, enquanto que a excreção do HSV1 não pode ser observada no momento da triagem. Considerando-se todos os períodos em conjunto (Triagem, semanas de radioterapia e Controle), a maior frequência foi de pacientes que excretaram EBV (55,0%), seguida daqueles que excretaram HHV-7 (20,5%). A frequência de excreção de EBV foi significativamente maior do que a dos demais vírus (Teste ?2, p<0.001 para todos os cruzamentos). A frequência de excreção de HHV-7 foi significativamente maior do que a de HSV-1 (5,9%) e HHV-6 (5,5%) (Teste ?2, p=0.001 para ambos os cruzamentos). Não houve diferenças estatísticas significantes entre as frequências de HSV-1 e HHV-6. Como conclusão, verificou-se uma correlação positiva entre a excreção oral do EBV e a presença de mucosite induzida pela associação de radioterapia e quimioterapia com graus >=2, sobretudo se considerarmos as três últimas semanas de radioterapia, período este em que a severidade da mucosite foi estatisticamente maior. Esses achados nos possibilitam inferir que o ambiente inflamatório local de mucosites com grau >=2 seja mais favorável para excreção oral do EBV.
There have been many studies pertaining to the management of herpetic meningoencephalitis (HME), but the majority of them have focussed on virologically unconfirmed cases or included only small sample sizes. We have conducted a multicentre study aimed at providing management strategies for HME. Overall, 501 adult patients with PCR-proven HME were included retrospectively from 35 referral centres in 10 countries; 496 patients were found to be eligible for the analysis. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis using a PCR assay yielded herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 DNA in 351 patients (70.8%), HSV-2 DNA in 83 patients (16.7%) and undefined HSV DNA type in 62 patients (12.5%). A total of 379 patients (76.4%) had at least one of the specified characteristics of encephalitis, and we placed these patients into the encephalitis presentation group. The remaining 117 patients (23.6%) had none of these findings, and these patients were placed in the nonencephalitis presentation group. Abnormalities suggestive of encephalitis were detected in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 83.9% of the patients and in electroencephalography (EEG) in 91.0% of patients in the encephalitis presentation group. In the nonencephalitis presentation group, MRI and EEG data were suggestive of encephalitis in 33.3 and 61.9% of patients, respectively. However, the concomitant use of MRI and EEG indicated encephalitis in 96.3 and 87.5% of the cases with and without encephalitic clinical presentation, respectively. Considering the subtle nature of HME, CSF HSV PCR, EEG and MRI data should be collected for all patients with a central nervous system infection.
Detection of point mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is important in relation to disease susceptibility or detection in pathogens of mutations determining drug resistance or host range. There is an emergent need for rapid detection methods amenable to point-of-care applications. The purpose of this study was to reduce to practice a novel method for SNP detection and to demonstrate that this technology can be used downstream of nucleic acid amplification. The authors used a model system to develop an oligonucleotide-based SNP detection system on nitrocellulose lateral flow strips. To optimize the assay they used cloned sequences of the herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) DNA polymerase gene into which they introduced a point mutation. The assay system uses chimeric polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers that incorporate hexameric repeat tags ("hexapet tags"). The chimeric sequences allow capture of amplified products to predefined positions on a lateral flow strip. These "hexapet" sequences have minimal cross-reactivity and allow specific hybridization-based capture of the PCR products at room temperature onto lateral flow strips that have been striped with complementary hexapet tags. The allele-specific amplification was carried out with both mutant and wild-type primer sets present in the PCR mix ("competitive" format). The resulting PCR products carried a hexapet tag that corresponded with either a wild-type or mutant sequence. The lateral flow strips are dropped into the PCR reaction tube, and mutant sequence and wild-type sequences diffuse along the strip and are captured at the corresponding position on the strip. A red line indicative of a positive reaction is visible after 1 minute. Unlike other systems that require separate reactions and strips for each target sequence, this system allows multiplex PCR reactions and multiplex detection on a single strip or other suitable substrates. Unambiguous visual discrimination of a point mutation under room temperature hybridization conditions was achieved with this model system in 10 minutes after PCR. The authors have developed a capture-based hybridization method for the detection and discrimination of HSV-1 DNA polymerase genes that contain a single nucleotide change. It has been demonstrated that the hexapet oligonucleotides can be adapted for hybridization on the lateral flow strip platform for discrimination of SNPs. This is the first step in demonstrating SNP detection on lateral flow using the hexapet oligonucleotide capture system. It is anticipated that this novel system can be widely used in point-of-care settings.
The phosphosulfomannan 1 (PI-88) is a mixture of highly sulfated oligosaccharides that is currently undergoing clinical evaluation in cancer patients. As well as it's anticancer properties, 1 displays a number of other interesting biological activities. A series of analogues of 1 were synthesized with a single carbon (pentasaccharide) backbone to facilitate structural characterization and interpretation of biological results. In a fashion similar to 1, all compounds were able to inhibit heparanase and to bind tightly to the proangiogenic growth factors FGF-1, FGF-2, and VEGF. The compounds also inhibited the infection of cells and cell-to-cell spread of herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). Preliminary pharmacokinetic data indicated that the compounds displayed different pharmacokinetic behavior compared with 1. Of particular note was the n-octyl derivative, which was cleared 3 times less rapidly than 1 and may provide increased systemic exposure.
Background. Genital ulcer disease (GUD) is commonly caused by pathogens for which suitable therapies exist, but clinical and laboratory diagnoses may be problematic. This collaborative project was undertaken to address the need for a rapid, economical, and sensitive approach to the detection and diagnosis of GUD using noninvasive techniques to sample genital ulcers. Methods. The genital ulcer disease multiplex polymerase chain reaction (GUMP) was developed as an inhouse nucleic acid amplification technique targeting serious causes of GUD, namely, herpes simplex viruses (HSVs), Haemophilus ducreyi, Treponema pallidum, and Klebsiella species. In addition, the GUMP assay included an endogenous internal control. Amplification products from GUMP were detected by enzyme linked amplicon hybridization assay (ELAHA). Results. GUMP-ELAHA was sensitive and specific in detecting a target microbe in 34.3% of specimens, including 1 detection of HSV-1, three detections of HSV-2, and 18 detections of T. pallidum. No H. ducreyi has been detected in Australia since 1998, and none was detected here. No Calymmatobacterium ( Klebsiella) granulomatis was detected in the study, but there were 3 detections during ongoing diagnostic use of GUMP-ELAHA in 2004 and 2005. The presence of C. granulomatis was confirmed by restriction enzyme digestion and nucleotide sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene for phylogenetic analysis. Conclusions. GUMP-ELAHA permitted comprehensive detection of common and rare causes of GUD and incorporated noninvasive sampling techniques. Data obtained by using GUMP-ELAHA will aid specific treatment of GUD and better define the prevalence of each microbe among at-risk populations with a view to the eradication of chancroid and donovanosis in Australia.
International audience
Purpose: This study was aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of Euphorbia spinidens (Euphorbiaceae) and its effect on Herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) replication. Methods: The methanol extract of aerial parts of E. spinidens collected from Khorasan State in North- Eastern part of Iran was used in this study. Total phenolic, flavonoid contents and the antioxidant activity were evaluated using Folin-Ciocalteu method, aluminum chloride colorimetric method and β- carotene-linoleate model system, respectively. Both the cytotoxic and antiviral effects of the crude extract on Vero cell line were determined by quantifying the viability of Vero cells using 3-(4,5- dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)2H-tetrazolium (MTS) assay. Results: Total phenolic and flavonoid contents of E.spinidens were 70 ± 1 mg of gallic acid equivalent/g of dry extract (mg GAE/g extract) and 49.66 ± 1.00 mg rutin equivalent/g of dry extract (mg RTN/g extract), respectively. Antioxidant activity was 44 ± 1 % compared with the standard, buthylated hydroxytuloene (BHT). The 50 % cytotoxic concentration (CC50) of the extract on Vero cells was 5.072 ± 0.063 mg/ml and its antiviral concentration of 50 % effectiveness (EC50) value was 0.34 ± 0.003 mg/ml. Conclusion: The findings of this study show that the methanol extract of E. spinidens has high content of phenolic and flavonoid compounds with good antioxidant activity. Furthermore, this extract has significant antiviral effect on HSV-1 probably due to the inhibition of viral replication.
A bottlenose dolphin, stranded in the Canary Islands in 2001 exhibited non-suppurative encephalitis. No molecular detection of cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV) was found, but a herpesviral-specific band of 250 bp was detected in the lung and brain. The sequenced herpesviral PCR product was compared with GenBank sequences, obtaining 98% homology (p-distance of 0.02) with Human herpesvirus 1 (herpes simplex virus 1 or HSV-1). This is the first report of a herpes simplex-like infection in a stranded dolphin.
La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es la demencia más frecuente y su prevalencia continúa en aumento tanto en Colombia como en el mundo. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo explorar si las actitudes hacia la EA varían según la edad y género de 450 personas adultas colombianas. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio de corte transversal en el que se aplicó un cuestionario autodiligenciado. Se encontró que efectivamente hay algunas diferencias según la edad y el género en el componente cognoscitivo (creencias y conocimiento) y conductual (intención conductual y conducta) de las actitudes; y diferencias según el género en el componente afectivo. Se concluye que los conocimientos sobre la EA son escasos, que la tristeza es la emoción predominante hacia la EA y que es un tema de interés en el que predomina la idea de que afecta especialmente la memoria. Se discutieron los resultados reconociendo que esta es una aproximación inicial a las actitudes hacia la EA.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that can result in rare opportunistic infections occurring in humans. The onset of these infections is known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Sexual transmission is responsible for the majority of infections 1, resulting in transmission of HIV due to infected semen or vaginal and cervical secretions containing infected lymphocytes. HIV microbicides are formulations of chemical or biological agents that can be applied to the vagina or rectum with the intention of reducing the acquisition of HIV. Tenofovir is an NRTI that is phosphorylated by adenylate kinase to tenofovir diphosphate, which in turn competes with deoxyadeosine 5’-triphosphate for incorporation into newly synthesized HIV DNA. Once incorporated, tenofovir diphosphate results in chain termination, thus inhibiting viral replication. Tenofovir has been formulated into a range of vaginal formulations, such as rings, tablets gels and films. It has been shown to safe and effective in numerous animal models, while demonstrating safety and acceptability in numerous human trials. The most encouraging results came from the CAPRISA 004 clinical trial which demonstrated that a 1% Tenofovir vaginal gel reduced HIV infection by approximately 39%.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Sodium rutin sulfate (SRS) is a sulfated rutin modified from the natural flavonol glycoside rutin. Here, we investigated its in vitro anti-HIV and -HSV activities and its cytotoxic profile. Fifty percent inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of SRS against HIV-1 X4 virus IIIB, HIV-1 R5 isolates Ada-M and Ba-L were 2.3 +/- 0.2, 4.5 +/- 2.0 and 8.5 +/- 3.8 mu M with a selectivity index (SI) of 563, 575 and 329, respectively. Its IC50 against primary R5 HIV-1 isolate from Yunnan province in China was 13.1 +/- 5.5 mu M, with a Sl of 197. In contrast, unsulfated rutin had no activity against any of the HIV-1 isolates tested. Further study indicated that SRS blocked viral entry and virus-cell fusion likely through interacting with the HIV- I envelope glycoprotein. SRS also demonstrated some activity against human herpes simplex virus (HSV) with an IC50 of 88.3 +/- 0.1 mu M and a Sl of 30. The 50% cytotoxicity concentration (CC50) of SRS was >3.0 mM, as determined in human genital ME 180, HeLa and primary human foreskin fibroblast cells. Minimum inhibitory concentration of SRS for vaginal lactobacilli was >3.0 mM. These results collectively indicate that SRS represents a novel candidate for anti-HIV-1/HSV microbicide development. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study has investigated the effects of herpes simplex thymidine kinase gene (HSV-tk) transfer followed by ganciclovir treatment as adjuvant gene therapy to surgical resection in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). The study was open and single-arm, and aimed at assessing the feasibility and safety of the technique and indications of antitumor activity. In 48 patients a suspension of retroviral vector-producing cells (VPCs) was administered by intracerebral injection immediately after tumor resection. Intravenous ganciclovir was infused daily 14 to 27 days after surgery. Patients were monitored for adverse events and for life by regular biosafety assaying. Tumor changes were monitored by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Reflux during injection was a frequent occurrence but serious adverse events during the treatment period (days 1-27) were few and of a nature not unexpected in this population. One patient experienced transient neurological disorders associated with postganciclovir MRI enhancement. There was no evidence of replication-competent retrovirus in peripheral blood leukocytes or in tissue samples of reresection or autopsy. Vector DNA was shown in the leukocytes of some patients but not in autopsy gonadal samples. The median survival time was 8.6 months, and the 12-month survival rate was 13 of 48 (27%). On MRI studies, tumor recurrence was absent in seven patients for at least 6 months and for at least 12 months in two patients, one of whom remains recurrence free at more than 24 months. Treatment-characteristic images of injection tracks and intracavity hemoglobin were apparent. In conclusion, the gene therapy is feasible and appears to be satisfactorily safe as an adjuvant to the surgical resection of recurrent GBM, but any benefit appears to be marginal. Investigation of the precise effectiveness of this gene therapy requires prospective, controlled studies.
Tese de mestrado, Biologia Molecular e Genética, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015
Somatostatin-receptor 1 (sst1) is an autoreceptor in the central nervous system that regulates the release of somatostatin. Sst1 is present intracellularly and at the cell surface. To investigate sst1 trafficking, rat sst1 tagged with epitope was expressed in rat insulinoma cells 1046-38 (RIN-1046-38) and tracked by antibody labeling. Confocal microscopic analysis revealed colocalization of intracellularly localized rat sst1-human simplex virus (HSV) with Rab5a-green fluorescent protein and Rab11a-green fluorescent protein, indicating the distribution of the receptor in endocytotic and recycling organelles. Somatostatin-14 induced internalization of cell surface receptors and reduction of binding sites on the cell surface. It also stimulated recruitment of intracellular sst1-HSV to the plasma membrane. Confocal analysis of sst1-HSV revealed that the receptor was initially transported within superficial vesicles. Prolonged stimulation of the cells with the peptide agonist induced intracellular accumulation of somatostatin-14. Because the number of cell surface binding sites did not change during prolonged stimulation, somatostatin-14 was internalized through a dynamic process of continuous endocytosis, recycling, and recruitment of intracellularly present sst1-HSV. Accumulated somatostatin-14 bypassed degradation via the endosomal-lysosomal route and was instead rapidly released as intact and biologically active somatostatin-14. Our results show for the first time that sst1 mediates a dynamic process of endocytosis, recycling, and re-endocytosis of its cognate ligand.