144 resultados para HSLA-stål


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Using a physically based model, the microstructural evolution of Nb microalloyed steels during rolling in SSAB Tunnplåt’s hot strip mill was modeled. The model describes the evolution of dislocation density, the creation and diffusion of vacancies, dynamic and static recovery through climb and glide, subgrain formation and growth, dynamic and static recrystallization and grain growth. Also, the model describes the dissolution and precipitation of particles. The impeding effect on grain growth and recrystallization due to solute drag and particles is accounted for. During hot strip rolling of Nb steels, Nb in solid solution retards recrystallization due to solute drag and at lower temperatures strain-induced precipitation of Nb(C,N) may occur which effectively retard recrystallization. The flow stress behavior during hot rolling was calculated where the mean flow stress values were calculated using both the model and measured mill data. The model showed that solute drag has an essential effect on recrystallization during hot rolling of Nb steels.


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The report examines the factors which may be a contributing cause to the problems that are present when ferritic stainless steel are eddy current tested in a warm condition. The work is carried out at Fagersta Stainless AB in Fagersta which manufactures stainless steel wire. In the rolling mill there is an eddy current equipment for detection of surface defects on the wire. The ferritic stainless steels cause a noise when testing and this noise complicates the detection of defects.Because of this, a study was made of how the noise related to factors such as steel grade, temperature, size and velocity. By observing the signal and with the possibilities to change the equipment settings the capability to let a signal filter reduce the noise level were evaluated. Theories about the material's physical properties have also been included, mainly the magnetic properties, electrical conductivity and the material's tendency to oxidize.Results from the tests show that a number of factors do not affect the inductive test significantly and to use a filter to reduce the noise level does not seem to be a viable option. The level of noise does not relate to the presence of superficial particles in form of oxides.The ferritic stainless steels showed some difference in noise level. Which noise level there was did match well with the steels probability for a precipitation of a second phase, and precipitation of austenite may in this case contribute to noise when using an eddy current instrument.The noise is probably due to some physical material property that varies within the thread.


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Projektet omfattade en jämförelsestudie avseende stomsystem. Studien undersökte ramverk och fackverk/balk/pelar-system och genomfördes självständigt med stöttning av Ramböll AB´s kontor i Falun. Syftet var främst att undersöka vilka skillnader det finns mellan tvåledsramar och fackverk/balk/pelar-system för lätta hallbyggnader och försöka få klarhet i varför fackverk/balk/pelar-system är det dominerande systemet i Sverige eftersom övriga Europa har tagit en annan utveckling och domineras av tvåledsramar. Studien undersöker skillnaderna mellan systemen i en hallbyggnad med förutbestämda mått i stål.Inledningsvis gjordes en litteraturstudie för att få en bredare bakgrund av systemen och en bättre förståelse om förutsättningarna för varje system. Efter litteraturstudien kunde sedan ett typhus och beräkningsunderlag för jämförelsestudien tas fram. Även en enkätstudie gjordes med syftet att skapa en tydlig bild av vilket stomsystem konstruktörer i Sverige oftast väljer och varför. Resultatet av studien visade att tvåledsramar ger en ökad kostnad jämfört med fackverk/balk/pelar-system i materialåtgång och framställning samt att beräkningarna blir mer komplicerade. Skulle fortsatta studier göras med dessa system i byggnader med andra mått skulle det kanske gå att få fram speciella mått på byggnader där kostnaden för tvåledsramar blir densamma som för fackverk/balk/pelar-system och därför är ett likvärdigt alternativ som stomsystem.En viktig slutsats från projektet är att tvåledsramar används mycket mer sällan än fackverk/balk/pelar-system som stomsystem i lätta hallbyggnader i Sverige på grund av att kostnaderna blir mycket högre med tvåledsramar och att det är ett mer komplicerat system i beräkningsarbetet. De viktigaste slutsatserna från jämförelsestudien går att sammafatta som följande: Tvåledsramar är dyrare att använda. Tvåledsramar är ett mer komplicerat system beräkningsmässigt. Traditionen av att använda tvåledsramar finns inte och därför används inte systemet.


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Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka föreställningar som kommer till uttryck då rekryterare inom stål- och verkstadsindustrin talar om jämställdhet, kompetens samt rekrytering. Syftet är också att kritiskt granska vilka konsekvenser dessa föreställningar kan få för rekryteringsprocessen. En hermeneutiskt ansats har valts, och sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med rekryterare inom stål- och verkstadsindustrin har genomförts. Av studien framgår att rekryterarna anser att jämställdhetsfrågor är viktiga att ta hänsyn till. Det framgår också att företagen, enligt rekryterarna, inte har någon uttalad definition på kompetens. Rekryterarna menar också att magkänsla spelar roll vid valet av kandidat. Studiens resultat visar också att rekryterarna har omedvetna könsstereotypa föreställningar. En konsekvens av detta skulle,enligt författarna, kunna bli att föreställningarna ligger till grund för rekryterarnas magkänsla som också skulle kunna påverka deras definition på kompetens. Detta skulle kunna leda till att bedömningen av en kandidat blir subjektiv, vilket innebär att kompetensen inte enbart är avgörande i en rekryteringsprocess.


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Car manufacturers are under pressure to reduce vehicle mass while maintaining comfort and passenger safety for current and future vehicles. To meet this demand the steel industry has developed Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) that promise higher strength and improved formability compared to conventional steel grades. Even though significant research has already been performed to evaluate the material properties and forming behaviour of most AHSS types, only a limited literature is available on their necking and fracture behaviour and the effect on formability. This paper examines and compares the thinning, necking and fracture behaviour of two AHSS and one conventional steel type, namely TRIP, DP and HSLA. Uniaxial, plane and biaxial strain conditions are investigated by tensile, cup drawing and stretch forming tests and by using numerical methods. The test results indicate that significant differences exist in necking and fracture behaviour between all three steel types.


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In the present paper the effect of grain refinement on the dynamic response of ultra fine-grained (UFG) structures for C–Mn and HSLA steels is investigated. A physically based flow stress model (Khan-Huang-Liang, KHL) was used to predict the mechanical response of steel structures over a wide range of strain rates and grain sizes. However, the comparison was restricted to the bcc ferrite structures. In previous work [K. Muszka, P.D. Hodgson, J. Majta, A physical based modeling approach for the dynamic behavior of ultra fine-grained structures, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 177 (2006) 456–460] it was shown that the KHL model has better accuracy for structures with a higher level of refinement (below 1 μm) compared to other flow stress models (e.g. Zerrili-Armstrong model). In the present paper, simulation results using the KHL model were compared with experiments. To provide a wide range of the experimental data, a complex thermomechanical processing was applied. The mechanical behavior of the steels was examined utilizing quasi-static tension and dynamic compression tests. The application of the different deformation histories enabled to obtain complex microstructure evolution that was reflected in the level of ferrite refinement.


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The response of HSLA steel, 590R, and dual-phase steel, DP-600, to non-uniform deformation imposed in a laboratory Bending-Under-Tension (BUT) test apparatus was evaluated. Samples were deformed with both low and high back tension forces at bend angles of 45 and 90 degrees, and evaluated to determine the ""side-wall curl,"" i.e., the curvature in the sheet section in contact with the die. The results indicate that there are no consistent differences between the two steels, 590R and DP-600. It was found that back tension, tensile strength and sheet thickness were the primary factors affecting curl. The bend angle has an influence on curl, with the curl radius at a 90ø bend angle being greater than the curl radius at a 45\mD bend angle.


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The microstructure-property relationship in conventional high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel was evaluated using data obtained from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atom probe tomography (APT). Atom probe tomography allowed the characterisation of fine TiC particles with average radius of 3±1·2 nm that were not observed by TEM. The increase in the yield strength of steel due to the presence of fine precipitates was calculated to be 128 MPa.


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This dataset is comprised of a spreadsheet of simulation result files, cross-section geometries of stamped parts, strain results of cross-section of stamped parts, simulation data (strain stress displacement energies), and variation data of material properties of a single coil. This data is a collection of both experimental and simulation results from industrial and laboratory stamping of advanced high strength steels (AHSS). The steels that were stamped were a typical high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel, a transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel, a super HSLA steel, and a dual phase (DP) steel. The selected part was an automatic Ford Falcon front cross-member component using the Ford Geelong stamping plant. The variation of the material and stamped parts was also collected.


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Low cost ferrite and bainite(FB) steels offer the prospect of high ultimate tensile strength combined with high hole expansion ratio. The enhanced strain hardening and formabilityof FB steels were primarily associated with the fine ferrite matrix, the low residual stresses and dislocation densityand compatible deformation between both phases.This overview describes the various techniques to produce FB steels, and comparestheresulting microstructure, tensile propertiesand tretchflangeabilitywith conventional HSLA and DP steels.A new generation of ultrafine ferrite and nano-scalebainiteautomotive steelsisunder development forthe futuredemands of extremely high strength and ductilitythroughthe fabricationtechnologiesinvolvingphase transformationsandplastic deformation.


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The aim of the work is development of industry guidance concerning production of ultrafine-grained (UFG) High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) steels using strain-induced dynamic phase transformations during advanced thermomechanical processing. In the first part of the work, the effect of processing parameters on the grain refinement was studied. Based on the obtained results, a multiscale computer model was developed in the second part of the work that was subsequently used to predict the mechanical response of studied structures. As an overall outcome, a process window was established for the production of UFG steels that can be adopted in existing hot rolling mills. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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o objetivo deste estudo é desenvolver um modelo avaliação fundamentado na teoria das opções reais, que permita avaliar a garantia de recomr~::. de franquias oferecida por alguns franqueadores. A metodologia das opções reais procura entender os métodos de avaliação de ativos financeiros a ativos não-financeiros, utilizando-~·;. principalmente, de metodologias amplamente conhecidas para o cálculo de opções financeiras, como a fórmula desenvolvida por Black-Scholes-Merton e o modelo de precificação 'Jinomial desenvolvido por Cox-Ross-Rubinstein. Nos processos de avaliação tradicionalmente realizados no contexto das finanças corporativas. as avaliações financeiras costurr:~lramente não incorporam variáveis econômico-financeiras com características de opções. bem como não valorizam a possibilidade de se pagar um prêmio para ter o direito de decidir. posteriormente, se a empresa deve ou não desenvolver um projeto ou realizar um investimento. O~tra situação, normalmente nào considerada pelas técnicas tradicionais de avaliação de negócios e de projetos, é o direito de abandonar um projeto; este direito de abandono é denominado opção de abandono. na temlinologia das opções reais. A metodologia das opções reais visa complementar os métodos tradicionais de avaliação de empresas e/ou de projetos, buscando identificar e precificar a obtençào de direitos de decidir ex poslJelclo. A metodologia das opções reais pode também ser aplicada à valorização do patrimônio líquido das empresas, aplicando o conceito de que o investidor se beneficia do fato de seu prejuízo limitar-se ao investimento já realizado, em caso de liquidação da empresa. podendo, por outro lado, beneficiar-se de uma possível valorização (lei infinitum do patrimônio líquido da empresa. A opção de abandono é tecnicamente uma opção de venda. podendo-se aplicar a metodologia das opções reais para situações em que o investidor poderá decidir. em algum tempo futuro. se lhe é mais conveniente continuar no seu negócio ou abandoná-lo conforme condições previamente estabelecidas. Esta assimetria de direitos, típica das oI': :.:s financeiras, é assim incorporada ao processo de valorização de empresas e de proJetos. ~;:-egando variáveis econômico-financeiras não consideradas pelos métodos tradicic:1ais .:.: avaliação que se haseiam, primordialmente, no cálculo do valor presente líquido dos :·.JXOS de caixa descontados. Este trabalho está estruturado em quatro capítulos: O Primeiro Capítulo trata da Introdução aos temas em estudo. cc:"'.tendo uma explicação da importância da Teoria das Opções Reais e de sua inserção no un:·,erso de metodologias de avaliação de projetos e de investimentos. A Teoria das Opções R~ais é associada ao contexto das relações existentes entre franqueadores e franqueados. mais especificamente, em relação à garantia de recompra que alguns franqueadores ofer~cem aos seus fi'anqueados; O Segundo Capítulo explica a Metodologia utilizada no desen\"oivimento deste estudo; O Terceiro Capítulo trata do Referencial Teórico, que explica. aIos princípios básicos da Teoria das Opções. mostrando as principais técnicas já desen\"ohtdas para o cálculo do valor justo de opções; b) os conceitos de avaliação de empresas C) a Teoria das Opções Reais; d) a interaçào entre estes conceitos; e e) os conceitos de franquia. O Quarto Capítulo desenvolve um Modelo de Garantia de Recompra, estabelecendo um referencial teórico-prático que identifica como esta situação comercial pode ser analisada sob a ótica da Teoria das Opções Reais. É descrito um caso prático. com sua solução específica através de diversas técnicas diferentes, mostrando as abordagens disponíveis na Teoria das Opções Reais; e, Ao final, apresentamos nossas conclusões.


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O gênero Edessa Fabricius, 1803 pertence à subfamília Edessinae de Pentatomidae e possui um grande número de espécies já descritas (259), sendo provavelmente o maior de Heteroptera e um dos menos estudados desta família. Neste trabalho foi revisado o grupo denominado Edessa rufomarginata com base em caracteres morfológicos, principalmente da genitália de ambos os sexos. Para análise cladística do grupo foi montada uma matriz de dados com 25 caracteres da morfologia geral e da genitália. A polarização dos caracteres foi realizada através do método de comparação com grupo externo. Para análise dos dados obtidos foi utilizado o programa Hennig86, os algoritimos empregados foram “ie*” e “ne”, sendo que como interface gráfica com Windows®, foi utilizado o programa Tree Gardener V.2.2. A metodologia empregada propiciou o estudo das variações morfológicas em Edessa rufomarginata (De Geer, 1773), o que resultou na revalidação de Edessa marginalis (Dallas, 1951) e Edessa albomarginatus (Stål, 1855). Estas espécies foram redescritas bem como outras cinco a saber: Edessa abdominalis Erichson, 1848; Edessa corallipes Erichson, 1848; Edessa aulacosterna Stål, 1872; Edessa ovalis Stål, 1872 e Edessa nigropunctata Berg, 1884. Sete novas espécies foram descritas: Edessa brasiliensis sp. nov., Edessa castaneolineata sp. nov., Edessa cerradensis sp. nov., Edessa chapadensis sp. nov., Edessa luteovenulata sp. nov., Edessa rufodorsata sp. nov. e Edessa viridisdorsata sp. nov. Na análise cladística um único cladograma foi obtido, com 45 passos; Índice de Consistência = 60 e Índice de Retenção = 80; a monofilia do grupo foi corroborada por sete sinapomorfias.


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This article presents a detailed study of the application of different additive manufacturing technologies (sintering process, three-dimensional printing, extrusion and stereolithographic process), in the design process of a complex geometry model and its moving parts. The fabrication sequence was evaluated in terms of pre-processing conditions (model generation and model STL SLI), generation strategy and physical model post-processing operations. Dimensional verification of the obtained models was undertook by projecting structured light (optical scan), a relatively new technology of main importance for metrology and reverse engineering. Studies were done in certain manufacturing time and production costs, which allowed the definition of an more comprehensive evaluation matrix of additive technologies.