954 resultados para HRM practices


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Aim of the paper: The purpose of this paper is to examine human resources management practices (HRM practices) in small firms and to improve the understanding of the relationship between this kind of practices and business growth. This exploratory study is based on the resource-based view of the firm and empirical work carried out in two small firms by relating HRM practices with the firms’ results. Contribution to the literature: This is an in-depth study of HRM practices and its impact on performance growth in micro firms, isolating and controlling for most of the contextual and internal variables considered in the literature that relate HRM to growth. Firm growth analysis was broadened by the use of several dependent variables: employment growth and operational and financial performance growth. Some hypotheses for further research in identifying HRM practices in small business and its relation with firm growth are suggested. Methodology: Case study methodology was used to study two firms. The techniques used to collect data were semi-structured interviews to the owner and all the employees, unstructured observation at the firms’ facilities (during two days), entrepreneur profile definition (survey answer) and document data collection (on demographic characterization and performance results). Data was analyzed through content analysis methodology, and categories derived from the interviews’ protocols and literature. Results and implications: Results revealed that despite the firms’ organizational characteristics similarities, they differ significantly in owners’ motivation to grow, HRM practices and organizational performance and growth. Future studies should pay special attention to owner willingness to grow, to firms’ years of experience in business, to staff’s years of experience in their field of work and turnover. HRM practices in micro/small firms should be better defined and characterized. The external image of management posture relating to longitudinal financial results and growth should also be explored.


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This work project addresses the importance of succession planning in family-owned Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This is directly related with Human Resources Management (HRM) given that there is an HRM long term vision in order for the succession to be planned on time and benefit the companies. This study focused on SMEs since these are the entities that have a minor focus on HRM practices. A total of 22 in-depth interviews were conducted and analyzed. Selected SMEs owners/managers and successors/antecessors were interviewed with the purpose of acquiring more insight on the level of succession planning, using a qualitative methodology from which the process of succession was derived. This study unveils that the first step in this process is related to the definition of criteria to be a good successor, followed by the choice of possible successors, being the children the natural successors, but also considering other potential ones, and finally some considerations on the future of these companies.


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This study examined the use of human resource management (HRM) practices with volunteers in Canadian Community Sport Organizations (CSOs). Using the Volunteer Management Inventory (VMI; Cuskelly, Taylor, Hoye & Darcy, 2006), 219 leaders of associations in basketball, curling, ice hockey, skating, skiing, swimming, and volleyball participated in this study and identified current trends in HRM practices and perceived issues in the retention of volunteers. Data collected was analyzed using mean and descriptive statistics, T-tests, ANOVAs, and regression analyses. Results indicate that there is a varying use of HRM practices amongst the organizations, and also a significant correlation between the use of HRM practices and the retention of volunteers, particularly board members. Implications and future research directions are discussed regarding how HRM practices and principles may be applied to CSOs.


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Les dirigeants-propriétaires des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) sont de plus en plus intéressés par la gestion des ressources humaines (GRH); certains y voient un avantage concurrentiel face à la pénurie de main-d’œuvre actuelle. Considérant que la compatibilité entre les caractéristiques des travailleurs et celles de l’organisation peut générer des résultats positifs (Kristof-Brown et Guay, 2011), notre étude s’intéresse aux pratiques de GRH associées aux valeurs au travail de la génération Y ainsi que leur effet sur la capacité des PME à attirer et retenir cette cohorte. Cette étude qualitative s’est réalisée grâce à des données primaires colligées à la suite d’entrevues avec des dirigeants de quatre PME du secteur de la construction et seize employés appartenant à la génération Y œuvrant au sein de ces entreprises. Par nos résultats, nous avons relevé que la qualité des relations, autant avec les collègues que les superviseurs, demeure généralement la principale source d’attraction et de rétention des Y dans les PME. Nos résultats soutiennent aussi que leur attraction et rétention peut être très fortement favorisée grâce à des pratiques de communication bidirectionnelle et illimitée, une communication stratégique et une liberté dans la gestion du temps et des méthodes de travail. La conciliation travail et vie personnelle, les défis variés, les possibilités d’avancement, la gestion des ressources humaines socialement responsable, la reconnaissance des compétences ainsi que la gestion participative sont aussi des pratiques pouvant être fortement liées à l’attraction et la rétention de cette génération. Nos résultats montrent aussi que l’attraction et la rétention des Y dans les PME sont modérément favorisées par le travail d’équipe, les conditions de travail équitables et objectives et la rémunération globale concurrentielle. À l’inverse, la présence de technologies de l’information et des communications et la formation continue sont des sources plus faibles d’attraction et de rétention en comparaison aux autres pratiques abordées dans cette étude. En somme, cette étude contribue à la littérature sur la GRH dans les PME, puisque les spécificités relatives à ces entreprises ont été peu considérées jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Elle permet aussi la recommandation de pratiques utiles aux dirigeants-propriétaires et professionnels en ressources humaines œuvrant avec le défi d’attraction et de rétention de la génération Y au sein de leur entreprise.


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El bienestar de los trabajadores es un imperativo categórico para las organizaciones tanto por razones éticas como por razones de competitividad. La creación de organizaciones o entornos laborales que promuevan el bienestar de los trabajadores constituye un gran reto para las organizaciones y un ámbito de estudio académico. En el presente artículo se describe la relación que existe entre un conjunto de factores organizacionales y su impacto en el bienestar de un grupo de trabajadores, expresado a través del engagement, la satisfacción con el trabajo y la ansiedad relacionada con el trabajo. Para probar las relaciones hipotetizadas se empleó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y los resultados obtenidos señalan que las acciones de promoción de la salud organizacional tiene un impacto significativo en los valores culturales y en la adopción de prácticas organizacionales


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es formular, mediante una profunda revisión documental, bibliográfica y empírica, una fundamentación teórica sobre si existe o no incidencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos sobre el bienestar laboral de los empleados, y el que grado en que esta se presenta sobre aspecto como el engagement y la satisfacción laboral. Se realizó la revisión de múltiples estudios empíricos que aportaran evidencia sobre la relación que se presenta entre las principales prácticas de recursos humanos – provisión de personal, formación y desarrollo, promoción de personal, evaluación de desempeño, compensación y pago, y balance trabajo-familia – y el bienestar laboral, representado en el engagement y satisfacción en el trabajo de los empleados. Los resultados de este trabajo indican la existencia de una relación e incidencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos, el bienestar laboral, el engagement y la satisfacción laboral. De igual forma se encontró que estas relaciones son principalmente de carácter positivo, lo cual indica que las organizaciones que desarrollan este tipo de prácticas en su interior, fomentan tanto el desarrollo y la presencia de bienestar laboral en sus empleados, como su perdurabilidad.


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This paper reports on an important subgroup of international boundary-spanners – immigrants and second or third generation migrants from the MNC's home country living in the subsidiary host country. We take as our example the Nikkeijin (Japanese immigrants and their descendants) in Brazil. Such bi-cultural people are a largely unexplored source of boundary-spanning internationally competent talent for multinational enterprises. Using two different surveys, we find that this group is recognized as a source of talent by Japanese MNCs, but that their HRM practices are not appropriate to attract and use them in their global talent management programmes.


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This chapter discusses how international assignment was used as tool to expand knowledge within the organisation using the example of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we focus in particularly on the case of repatriation and problems with subsequent staff turnover, among repatriates in Saudi Arabia’s private sector. Before doing so, the chapter provides a background to the Saudi labour market and the impact of Saudization policies that aimed to reduce relying on foreign labour. Following this, the chapter discusses the Saudi government attempt create a national knowledgeable labour force through international assignment. Finally, using the example of an organisation in Saudi Arabia, this chapter illustrates the possible role of Wasta - a prevalent form of nepotism that permeates organizational life in Saudi Arabia - in repatriates managers turnover intention. Our focus is on unravelling the impact of Wasta on HRM practices with a particular focus on the management of the repatriation process of Saudi employees upon their completion of international assignments.


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This paper investigates the extent to which the technical and social contexts of organizations independently affect levels of workplace trust. We argue that, in an organizational context, trust is not just a relationship between an individual subject (the truster) and an object (the trustee) but is subject to effects from the conditions of the work relationship itself. We describe the organizational context as comprising both a technical system of production (where work gets done through the specification of tasks) and a social system of work (where problems of effort, compliance, conformity and motivation are managed). We analyse the relationship between trust and these two aspects of workplace context (technical and social systems). We also operationalize this in terms of differences between industries,  occupational composition and human resource management practices. The model is tested using data drawn from the 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey. The results confirm that differences in industry, occupational composition and HRM practices all impact on levels of workplace trust. We review these results in terms of their implications for future research into the problem of analysing variation in trust at both the workplace and individual levels.


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Purpose – Increasingly, organizations in the Asia-Pacific region are recognizing the importance of cross-cultural management to the sustainability of their competitive edge. Although the literature is replete with cross-cultural studies of individualism and collectivism, little information is available on the factors that foster effective individualist–collectivist interaction (ICI) within organizations. This paper attempts to provide a theoretical description of individualists and collectivists at the individual
level of analysis, which offers specific testable hypotheses about the effect of self-representation on prejudice between individualists and collectivists (ICs).

– In this paper, a theoretical model is presented in which intergroup prejudices and interpersonal prejudices mediate the effects of ICI and bicultural orientation toward cross-cultural experiences and, in which, the dissimilarity openness of the climate
moderates the level and outcome of prejudices flowing from ICI.

Findings – The model depicts that the outcomes of ICI are mediated by the intergroup prejudices of collectivists and the interpersonal prejudices of individualists, which are moderated by the extent of diversity-oriented HRM policies and practices and individuals’ orientation to cross-cultural experiences. When workforces become culturally diverse, organizations should modify HRM practices to enable the full use of the range of skills and talents available from the diversity, and to ensure affective and behavioral costs are minimized. As globalization and international competition will continue to increase, organizations including those in the Asia-Pacific region, should seriously reevaluate their HRM policies to adapt and take advantage of an increasingly culturally diverse workforce.

– The model provides a useful basis upon which organization researchers and practitioners can base their respective agendas.


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In an era of globalized information, Internet usage has profound implications for human resource management (HRM). Cultural diversity and technology literature imply that cross-cultural online communication emphasises cultural fault-lines, while simultaneously, building bridges of understanding between members of different cultures. The key tenet of this paper is that diversity oriented HRM (namely the combined use of individualist and collectivist HRM practices) is expected to reduce the cultural fault-lines between individualists and collectivists cultures, positively moderating the cross-cultural online communication effects. Although it is acknowledged that distinguishing values of I/C can increasingly be found within any given culture, the key tenet of the paper is to examine the effect of Hofstede's definition of I/C within the context of cross-cultural online communication.


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Incorporating Human Resource Management policies within the regulatory and institutional framework that governs contemporary industrial relations has always been problematic. This paper details the nature and causes of this problem, noting the different conceptual and practical understandings that underpin each form of labour management when being applied in organisational settings. It then looks at a range of industrial relations realities confronting managers when trying to apply HRM practices, and how these practices might be accommodated within the context of such realities as a means of improving organisational effectiveness. In so doing it delineates four approaches an organisation might take in its relations with trade unions when bargaining and concluding labour contracts, and which of these are consistent and inconsistent with the coexistence of HRM and industrial relations practices. It then looks at the issue of workplace change involving trade unions and collective bargaining in terms of three categorical models—the management-driven model, the trade union gatekeeper model, and the management-union alliance model, the intention again being to show which are consistent and inconsistent with the coexistence of these different forms of labour management. The paper concludes by drawing on these conceptual models to outline the issues and policies that need to be considered when applying HRM practices within an industrial relations setting.


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With increasing levels of export intensity, firms begin to face new demands. The first set of resources brought to bear on the issues, and those resources that are most quickly mobilised, are the employees. Indeed, higher levels of exporting require activating relatively less mobile resources through the building of organisational structures and mechanisms for managing repositories of knowledge (particularly organisational specialisation and selectively hiring appropriately skilled staff). This paper explores the management of human capital across different levels of export activity in Australian manufacturing firms. Analyses were based on 90 Australian-headquartered manufacturing exporters that responded to a survey. Overall, the results support the notion that firms need to accumulate knowledge as they internationalise. These results are discussed in terms of their consequences for HRM practices.


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This book discusses the contextual factors such as cultural and institutional settings that impact on effective people management practices in Asia. The challenges of multinational companies (MNCs) in the particular areas of attraction and retention, training and career development of the local skilled labour workforce are analyzed using the data of 529 MNCs in six Asian countries (namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand). The degree of challenges varies by country and sector. This book draws conclusions from the empirical research stating that cultural and institutional theories, as well as the convergence and divergence theses can explain at best, partially, reasons behind the different outcomes of people management or human resource management (HRM) practices across MNCs in different operations in the region.


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Purpose – Skill shortages worldwide have intensified the need for talent management. Few papers examine the pattern of human resource (HR) and talent management practices that help retain competent employees among service multinational companies (MNCs) in Asia. The purpose of this paper is to map out a number of HR practices used by service companies and to examine the effect of talent retention as perceived by MNC managers on service delivery capacity and business growth.

Design/methodology/approach – A survey data of 281 service MNCs in six Asian countries (namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand) are used to compare country and sectoral differences. Standard multiple regression analysis is conducted to test the link between HR practices, employee retention, and service firm performance.

Findings – The results confirm that there are statistically significant linkages between HR practices, talent retention and firm performance. In particular, various skill training and development programs are seen to be significantly associated with capacity to deliver quality service and on firm growth as perceived by managers surveyed. Informal recruitment methods that are used more by Asian-bred firms have contributed to better retention rates. Not all formalised HR practices lead to talent retention; and the degree to which HR is perceived to have impacted on firm performance varies.

Research limitations/implications – The paper focuses on examining the perceptual impacts of human resource management (HRM) practices on firm performance, rather than actual HRM impacts. The interpretation of results should be taken with caution.

Originality/value – Talent management is influenced by country specific variables. This paper shows how important it is for service firms to focus on strategic selection of both formal and informal HR practices in order to deliver high quality service and to drive service firm growth.