921 resultados para HLA-DRB1 SHARED EPITOPE
1 Abstract Sleep is a vital necessity, yet its basic physiological function is still unknown, despite numerous studies both in healthy humans and animal models. The study of patients with sleep disorders may help uncover major biological pathways in sleep regulation and thus shed light on the actual function of sleep. Narcolepsy is a well defined but rare sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy, thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The aim of this work was to identify genes or genetic variants, which contribute to the pathogenesis of sporadic and familial narcolepsy. Sporadic narcolepsy is the disorder with the strongest human leukocyte antigen (HLA) association ever reported. Since the associated HLA-DRB1 *1501-DQB1 *0602 haplotype is common in the general population (15-25%), it has been suggested that it is necessary but not sufficient for developing narcolepsy. To further define the genetic basis of narcolepsy risk, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in 562 European individuals with narcolepsy (cases) and 702 ethnically matched controls, with independent replication in 370 cases and 495 controls, all heterozygous for DRB1*1501-DQB1*0602. We found association with a protective variant near HLA-DQA2. Further analysis revealed that the identified SNP is strongly linked to DRB1*03-DQB1*02 and DRBΠ 301-DQB1*0603. Cases almost never carried a trans DRB1*1301-DQB1*0603 haplotype. This unexpected protective HLA haplotype suggests a causal involvement of the HLA region in narcolepsy susceptibility. Familial cases of narcolepsy account for 10% of all narcolepsy cases. However, due to low number of affected family members, narcolepsy families are usually not eligible for genetic linkage studies. We identified and characterized a large Spanish family with 11 affected family members representing the largest ever reported narcolepsy family. We ran a genetic linkage analysis using DNA of 11 affected and 15 unaffected family members and hereby identified a chromosomal candidate region on chromosome 6 encompassing 163 kb with a maximum multipoint LOD score of 5.02. The coding sequences of 4 genes within this haplotype block as well as 2 neighboring genes were screened for pathogenetic mutations in 2 affected and 1 healthy family members. So far no pathogenic mutation could be identified. Further in-depth sequencing of our candidate region as well as whole genome exome sequencing are underway to identify the pathogenic mutation(s) in this family and will further improve our understanding of the genetic basis of narcolepsy. 2 Résumé Le sommeil est un processus vital, dont la fonction physiologique est encore inconnue, malgré de nombreuses études chez des sujets humains sains ainsi que dans des modèles animaux. L'étude de patients souffrant de troubles du sommeil peut permettre la découverte de voies biologiques jouant un rôle majeur dans la régulation du sommeil. L'un de ces troubles, la narcolepsie, est une maladie rare mais néanmoins bien définie, caractérisée par une somnolence diurne excessive accompagnée de cataplexies. Les connaissances actuelles suggèrent qu'une combinaison de facteurs génétiques et environnementaux en est à l'origine. Le but du présent travail était d'identifier !e(s) gène(s) ou les polymorphismes constituant des facteurs de risque dans les formes sporadique et familiale de narcolepsie. La narcolepsie sporadique est la maladie possédant la plus forte association avec le complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité humain (HLA) jamais reportée. La fréquence au sein de la population générale de l'haplotype associé HLA-DRB1*1501- DQB1*0602 (15-25%) suggère que ce dernier est nécessaire, mais pas suffisant, pour (e développement de la maladie. Nous avons voulu approfondir la recherche de facteurs génétiques augmentant le risque de la narcolepsie. A cette fin, nous avons entrepris une étude d'association à l'échelle du génome (genome-wide association study, GWAS) parmi 562 sujets narcoleptiques européens (cas) et 702 individus contrôle de même origine ethnique et nous avons trouvé une association avec un variant protecteur près du gène HLA- DQA2. Ce résultat a été répliqué indépendamment dans 370 cas et 495 contrôles, tous hétérozygotes au locus DRB1*1501-DQB1*0602. Une analyse plus fine montre que le polymorphisme identifié est fortement lié aux allèles DRB1*03-DQB1*02 et DRB1*1301-DQB1*0603. Nous notons que seul un cas était porteur d'un haplotype en trans DRB1*1301-DQBr0603. La découverte de cet allele HLA protecteur suggère que la région HLA joue un rôle causal dans la susceptibilité à la narcolepsie. Dix pourcents des cas de narcolepsie sont familiaux. Cependant, le faible nombre de membres affectés rend ces familles inéligibles pour des études de liaison génétique. Nous avons identifié et caractérisé une grande famille espagnole, dont 11 membres sont atteints par la maladie, ce qui représente la plus grande famille narcoleptique rapportée jusqu'à ce jour. A partir de l'ADN de 11 membres atteints et 15 non- atteints, nous avons identifié par étude de liaison une région candidate de 163 kîlobases (kb) sur le chromosome 6, correspondant à un LOD score multipoints de 5.02. Nous avons cherché, sans succès, des mutations pathogéniques dans la séquence codante de deux gènes situés à l'intérieur de ce segment, ainsi que 4 gènes adjacents. Un séquençage plus approfondi de la région ainsi que le séquençage des exons de tout le génome est en cours et doit s'avérer plus fructueux et révéler la ou tes mutation(s) pathogénique(s) dans cette famille, ce qui contribuerait à une meilleure compréhension des causes génétiques de la narcolepsie. 3 Résumé pour un large public Le sommeil est une nécessité vitale, dont le rôle physiologique exact reste inconnu malgré de nombreuses études sur des sujets humains sains ainsi que sur des modèles animaux. C'est pourquoi les troubles du sommeil intéressent les chercheurs, car l'élucidation des mécanismes responsables peut permettre de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement du sommeil normal. La narcolepsie est une maladie du sommeil caractérisée par une somnolence diurne excessive. Les personnes atteintes peuvent s'endormir involontairement à tout moment de la journée, et souffrent également de pertes du tonus musculaire (cataplexie) lors de fortes émotions, par exemple un fou rire. La narcolepsie est une maladie rare, apparaissant dans 1 personne sur 2000. Les connaissances actuelles suggèrent qu'une combinaison de facteurs génétiques et environnementaux en est à l'origine. Nous avons voulu identifier les facteurs génétiques influençant le déclenchement de la maladie, d'abord dans sa forme sporadique, puis dans une famille comptant de nombreux membres atteints. En comparant les variations génétiques de près de 1000 sujets narcoleptiques européens avec ceux de 1200 individus sains, nous avons trouvé chez 30% de ces derniers un variant protecteur, qui diminue de 50 fois le risque de développer la maladie, ce qui constitue le plus puissant facteur génétique protecteur décrit à ce jour. Nous avons ensuite étudié une grande famille espagnole comptant une trentaine de membres, dont 11 sont atteints de narcolepsie. De nouveau, nous avons comparé les variations génétiques des membres atteints avec ceux des membres sains. Nous avons ainsi pu identifier une région dans le génome où se trouverait le(s) gène(s) impliqué(s) dans la maladie dans cette famille, mais n'avons pas encore trouvé le(s) variant(s) exact(s). Une étude plus approfondie devrait permettre de P(les) identifier et ainsi contribuer à l'élucidation des mécanismes menant au développement de la narcolepsie.
Endemic pemphigus foliaceus (EPF) is an autoimmune bullous skin disease characterized by acantholysis and antibodies against a desmosomal protein, desmoglein 1. Genetic and environmental factors contribute to development of this multifactorial disease. HLA class II and some cytokine gene polymorphisms are the only genetic markers thus far known to be associated with susceptibility to or protection from EPF. The cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 gene (CTLA4) encodes a key immunoreceptor molecule that regulates and inhibits T-cell proliferation. It participates in the regulatory process controlling autoreactivity and therefore has been considered a strong candidate gene in autoimmune diseases. In the search for genes that might influence EPF pathogenesis, we analyzed variants of the CTLA4 gene in a sample of 118 patients and 291 controls from a Brazilian population. This is the first study investigating the possible role of polymorphisms of the 2q33 chromosomal region in differential susceptibility to pemphigus foliaceus. Promoter region and exon 1 single nucleotide polymorphisms -318 (C,T) and 49 (A,G) were genotyped using sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes after amplification by the polymerase chain reaction. The allelic and genotypic frequencies did not differ significantly between the patient and the control groups (-318T: 9.8 and 10.9%, 49G: 33.0 and 35.2% were the allelic frequencies in patients and controls, respectively). In addition, no significant difference was found when the patient and control population samples were stratified by the presence of HLA-DRB1 alleles. We conclude that the CTLA4 -318 (C,T) and 49 (A,G) polymorphisms do not play a major role in EPF development.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a global medical problem. The current standard of treatment consists of the combination of peginterferon plus ribavirin. This regimen eradicates HCV in 55% of cases. The immune response to HCV is an important determinant of disease evolution and can be influenced by various host factors. HLA class II may play an important role in immune response against HCV. The objective of the present study was to determine the distribution of HLA class II (DRB1 and DQB1) alleles, their association with chronic HCV infection and their response to interferon therapy. One hundred and two unrelated white Brazilian patients with chronic HCV infection, 52 responders (45 males and 7 females) and 50 non-responders (43 males and 7 females) to antiviral treatment, were included in the study. Healthy Brazilian bone marrow donors of Caucasian origin from the same geographic area constituted the control group (HLA-DRB1, N = 99 and HLA-DQB1, N = 222 individuals). HLA class II genotyping was performed using a low-resolution DRB1, DQB1 sequence-specific primer amplification. There were higher frequencies of HLA-DRB1*13 (26.5 vs 14.1%) and HLA-DQB1*02 (52.9 vs 38.7%) in patients compared with controls; however, these were not significantly different after P correction (Pc = 0.39 and Pc = 0.082, respectively). There was no significant difference between the phenotypic frequencies of HLA-DRB1 (17.3 vs 14.0%) and HLA-DQB1 alleles in responder and non-responder HCV patients. The HLA-DRB1*07 allele was significantly more common in HCV patients (33.3 vs 12.1%) than in controls (Pc = 0.0039), suggesting that the HLA-DRB1*07 allele is associated with chronic HCV infection.
Pós-graduação em Genética - IBILCE
PURPOSE: To evalulate the applicability of the Revised Diagnostic Criteria for Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) disease to Brazilian patients and to verify the association between different disease categories, clinical parameters, and the presence of HLA-DRB1*0405. DESIGN: A retrospective observational case series. METHODS: Medical charts of 67 patients (10 to 64 years in age; 12 men and 55 women), from the Uveitis Service, Hospital das Clinicas, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine (HCFMUSP), Sao Paulo, Brazil were reviewed. Patients, previously diagnosed with VKH disease using criteria proposed by the American Uveitis Society, underwent retrospective classification based on the Revised Diagnostic Criteria. The degree of concordance was assessed. At presentation, 46 patients (69%) were in the early phase. In this group, the mean time from disease onset to treatment was 15 days (range, one to 30 days). Forty-eight patients (72%) were typed for HLA-DRB1*0405 by polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primer and polymerase chain reaction,sequence, specific oligonucleotides primer. Disease categories, phase at initial presentation, and ocular complications were analyzed. RESULTS: There was a 100% of concordance between the two criteria. Disease was classified as complete in 10 patients (15%), incomplete in 37 patients (55%), and probable in 20 patients (30%). In each group, respectively, 90%, 76%, and 45% were in the early phase at presentation (P = .017). There was no association between disease categories, the presence of HLA-DRB1*0405, and clinical parameters. CONCLUSION. The Revised Diagnostic Criteria proved useful for diagnosis of VKH disease in Brazilian patients. The present retrospective study did not find any association between disease category and severity parameters. To better understand the relevance of disease categories, a minimum follow-up period to categorize patients should be included in future prospective studies. (Am J Ophthalmol 2009;147:339-345. (C) 2009 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
Objective. We aimed to evaluate whether the differential gene expression profiles of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) could distinguish responders from nonresponders to methotrexate (MTX) and, in the case of MTX nonresponders, responsiveness to MTX plus anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha (anti-TNF) combined therapy. Methods. We evaluated 25 patients with RA taking MTX 15-20 mg/week as a monotherapy (8 responders and 17 nonresponders). All MTX nonresponders received intliximab and were reassessed after 20 weeks to evaluate their anti-TNF responsiveness using the European League Against Rheumatism response criteria. A differential gene expression analysis from peripheral blood mononuclear cells was performed in terms of hierarchical gene clustering, and an evaluation of differentially expressed genes was performed using the significance analysis of microarrays program. Results. Hierarchical gene expression clustering discriminated MTX responders from nonresponders, and MTX plus anti-TNF responders from nonresponders. The evaluation of only highly modulated genes (fold change > 1.3 or < 0.7) yielded 5 induced (4 antiapoptotic and CCL4) and 4 repressed (4 proapoptotic) genes in MTX nonresponders compared to responders. In MTX plus anti-TNF nonresponders, the CCL4, CD83, and BCL2A1 genes were induced in relation to responders. Conclusion. Study of the gene expression profiles of RA peripheral blood cells permitted differentiation of responders from nonresponders to MTX and anti-TNF. Several candidate genes in MTX non-responders (CCL4, HTRA2, PRKCD, BCL2A1, CAV1, TNIP1 CASP8AP2, MXD1, and BTG2) and 3 genes in MTX plus anti-TNF nonresponders (CCL4, CD83, and BCL2A1) were identified for further study. (First Release July 1 2012; J Rheumatol 2012;39:1524-32; doi:10.3899/jrheum.120092)
Untersuchungen zur autoimmunen Genese der thrombotisch thrombozytopenischen Purpura. rnEinführung: Die idiopathische thrombotisch thrombozytopenische Purpura (TTP) ist eine lebensbedrohliche Mikroangiopathie und wird durch ein Autoantikörper-induziertes Defizit der ADAMTS13-Protease ausgelöst. Eine Assoziation zwischen Krankheitsprädisposition und Vorliegen bestimmter humaner Leukozytenantigene (HLA) wird vermutet. Untersuchungen zu diesem Zusammenhang stellen einen Teil dieser Arbeit dar. rnAutoimmunkrankheiten tendieren zum gemeinsamen Auftreten innerhalb eines Individuums. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, ob eine solche Kookkurrenz verschiedener Autoimmunkrankheiten auch bei Patienten mit idiopathischer TTP beobachtet werden kann.rnMethodik: Zur Untersuchung der ersten Fragestellung werden die HLA-Klasse I und II-Merkmale von 54 deutschen TTP-Patienten bestimmt. Alle Patienten weisen Autoantikörper gegen ADAMTS13 und eine Protease-Aktivität <5% vor. Die Blutproben werden mittels Sequence Specific Primer-Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) und Sequence Specific Oligonucleotid-PCR auf HLA-DRB1, -DRB3-5 und –DQB1 untersucht. Als Referenz dienen die Werte deutscher Knochenmark- und Blutspender, erhalten über www.allelefrequencies.net. Die statistische Auswertung erfolgt mittels zweiseitigem Binomialtest und die resultierenden p-Werte werden nach Benjamini-Hochberg korrigiert.rnZur Beantwortung der zweiten Fragestellung werden 76 deutsche TTP-Patienten anhand eines standardisierten Fragebogens nach Begleiterkrankungen befragt. Als Vergleichswerte dient die Prävalenz der jeweiligen Erkrankung in der Allgemeinbevölkerung. Die statistische Auswertung erfolgt mittels zweiseitigem Binomialtest. Da die p-Werte nicht korrigiert werden, sind die Ergebnisse nur deskriptiv zu verstehen.rnErgebnis: Der Vergleich der HLA-Frequenzen ergibt ein signifikant gehäuftes Vorkommen von HLA-DQB1*02:02 (p<0,001) und -DRB1*11 (p=0,003) innerhalb des Patientenkollektivs. 20% (DQB1*02:02) bzw. 48,1% (DRB1*11) der TTP-Patienten sind im Gegensatz zu nur 1,2% (DQB1*02:02) bzw. 23,5% (DRB1*11) innerhalb der Vergleichsgruppe für das jeweilige HLA-Merkmal positiv.rnDie Befragung der TTP-Patienten bezüglich weiterer Erkrankungen ergab im Vergleich mit der Allgemeinbevölkerung fünf auffällig häufig im Patientenkollektiv vorkommende Autoimmunkrankheiten: Hashimoto Thyreoiditis (23,5% in der Patientengruppe zu 0,7% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung; p<0,001), systemischer Lupus erythematodes (6,5% der Patienten im Gegensatz zu 0,025% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung, p<0,001), Immunthrombozytopenie (6,3% der Patienten zu 0,02% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung; p<0,001), Psoriasis (9,4% der Patienten zu 2,5% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung; p=0,005) und glutensensitive Enteropathie (3,1% der Patienten zu 0,2% in der Allgemeinbevölkerung; p=0,007). rnSchlussfolgerung: Das vermehrte Vorkommen bestimmter HLA-Merkmale im Patientenkollektiv spricht für eine prädisponierende Wirkung dieser Antigene im Krankheitsgeschehen. Eine mögliche HLA-vermittelte Assoziation zwischen TTP und den genannten Autoimmunkrankheiten wird vermutet, kann jedoch nicht in allen Fällen die beobachtete Kookkurrenz ausreichend erklären. Insgesamt bestätigt die vorliegende Arbeit die Assoziation verschiedener Autoimmunkrankheiten untereinander und spricht für eine genetische Prädisposition zur Ausbildung autoimmuner Störungen. rn
Although the nature of the blood groups A and B has been comprehensively studied for a long time, it is still unclear as to what exactly is the epitope that is recognized by antibodies having AB specificity, i.e. monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies which are capable of interacting equally well with the antigens GalNAcalpha 1-3(Fucalpha 1-2)Gal (A trisaccharide) and Galalpha 1-3(Fucalpha 1-2)Gal (B trisaccharide), but do not react with their common fragment Fucalpha 1-2Gal. We have supposed that besides Fucalpha 1-2Gal, A and B antigens have one more shared epitope. The trisaccharides A and B are practically identical from the conformational point of view, the only difference being situated at position 2 of Galalpha residue, i.e. trisaccharide A has a NHAc group, whereas trisaccharide B has a hydroxyl group (see formulas). We have hypothesized that the AB-epitope should be situated in the part of the molecule that is opposite to the NHAc group of GalNAc residue. In order to test this hypothesis we have synthesized a polymeric conjugate in such a way that de-N-acetylated A-trisaccharide is attached to a polymer via the nitrogen in position C-2 of the galactosamine residue. In this conjugate the supposed AB-epitope should be maximally accessible for antibodies from the solution, whereas the discrimination site of antigens A and B by the antibodies should be maximally hidden due to the close proximity of the polymer. Interaction with several anti-AB monoclonal antibodies revealed that a part of them really interacted with the synthetic AB-glycotope, thus confirming our hypothesis. Moreover, similar antibodies were revealed in the blood of healthy blood group 0 donors. Analysis of spatial models was performed in addition to identify the hydroxyl groups of Fuc, Galalpha, and Galbeta residues, which are particularly involved in the composition of the AB-glycotope.
Approximately 40% of patients who survive acute episodes of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) associated with severe acquired ADAMTS13 deficiency experience one or more relapses. Risk factors for relapse other than severe ADAMTS13 deficiency and ADAMTS13 autoantibodies are unknown. ADAMTS13 autoantibodies, TTP episodes following infection or type I interferon treatment and reported ensuing systemic lupus erythematosus in some patients suggest immune dysregulation. This cross-sectional study asked whether autoantibodies against RNA-binding proteins or peripheral blood gene expression profiles measured during remission are associated with history of prior relapse in acquired ADAMTS13-deficient TTP. Peripheral blood from 38 well-characterized patients with autoimmune ADAMTS13-deficient TTP in remission was examined for autoantibodies and global gene expression. A subset of TTP patients (9 patients, 24%) exhibited a peripheral blood gene signature composed of elevated ribosomal transcripts that associated with prior relapse. A non-overlapping subset of TTP patients (9 patients, 24%) displayed a peripheral blood type I interferon gene signature that associated with autoantibodies to RNA-binding proteins but not with history of relapse. Patients who had relapsed bimodally expressed higher HLA transcript levels independently of ribosomal transcripts. Presence of any one potential risk factor (ribosomal gene signature, elevated HLA-DRB1, elevated HLA-DRB5) associated with relapse (OR = 38.4; p = 0.0002) more closely than any factor alone or all factors together. Levels of immune transcripts typical of natural killer (NK) and T lymphocytes positively correlated with ribosomal gene expression and number of prior episodes but not with time since the most recent episode. Flow cytometry confirmed elevated expression of cell surface markers encoded by these transcripts on T and/or NK cell subsets of patients who had relapsed. These data associate elevated ribosomal and immune transcripts with relapse history in acquired, ADAMTS13-deficient TTP.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
A functional immune system requires a tight control over major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene transcription, as the abnormal MHC expression patterns of severe immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases demonstrate. Although the regulation of MHC expression has been well documented in humans and mice, little is known in other species. In this study, we detail the level of polymorphism in wolf and dog MHC gene promoters. The promoter regions of the DRB, DQA and DQB locus were sequenced in 90 wolves and 90 dogs. The level of polymorphism was high in the DQB promoters, with variation found within functionally relevant regions, including binding sites for transcription factors. Clear associations between DQB promoters and exon 2 alleles were noted in wolves, indicating strong linkage disequilibrium in this region. Low levels of polymorphism were found within the DRB and DQA promoter regions. However, a variable site was identified within the T box, a TNF-alpha response element, of the DQA promoter. Furthermore, we identified a previously unrecognised 18-base-pair deletion within exon 1 of the DQB locus.
The MFG test is a family-based association test that detects genetic effects contributing to disease in offspring, including offspring allelic effects, maternal allelic effects and MFG incompatibility effects. Like many other family-based association tests, it assumes that the offspring survival and the offspring-parent genotypes are conditionally independent provided the offspring is affected. However, when the putative disease-increasing locus can affect another competing phenotype, for example, offspring viability, the conditional independence assumption fails and these tests could lead to incorrect conclusions regarding the role of the gene in disease. We propose the v-MFG test to adjust for the genetic effects on one phenotype, e.g., viability, when testing the effects of that locus on another phenotype, e.g., disease. Using genotype data from nuclear families containing parents and at least one affected offspring, the v-MFG test models the distribution of family genotypes conditional on offspring phenotypes. It simultaneously estimates genetic effects on two phenotypes, viability and disease. Simulations show that the v-MFG test produces accurate genetic effect estimates on disease as well as on viability under several different scenarios. It generates accurate type-I error rates and provides adequate power with moderate sample sizes to detect genetic effects on disease risk when viability is reduced. We demonstrate the v-MFG test with HLA-DRB1 data from study participants with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and their parents, we show that the v-MFG test successfully detects an MFG incompatibility effect on RA while simultaneously adjusting for a possible viability loss.
El desarrollo de una vacuna contra malaria es un área de exploración activa pero con enormes retos debido especialmente a la complejidad del ciclo del parásito. Así, es necesario bloquear las diferentes etapas de la invasión que tiene el Plasmodium falciparum y extraer de ellas la mayor información posible de la artillería que utiliza para su ataque. Para esto, péptidos de las proteínas STARP, CelTOS y TRSP (del esporozoito) y SERA 5 (del merozoito) que tienen alta afinidad de unión a células HepG2 y a glóbulos rojos respectivamente (conocidos como cHABPs), han sido modificados (conocidos como mHABPs), sintetizados y evaluados a nivel de respuesta inmune en monos Aotus así como estudiados en su conformación estructural por RMN de 1H. Los resultados muestran que los péptidos nativos no son inmunogénicos, pero pueden inducir altos títulos de anticuerpos cuando sus residuos críticos o sus vecinos son reemplazados por otro con un volumen y masa similar, pero diferente polaridad. El estudio conformacional pone de manifiesto que las estructuras de los péptidos nativos son diferentes de sus péptidos modificados ya sea que muestren regiones estructuradas más cortas o más largas o que no presenten ninguna, en comparación con sus análogos modificados altamente inmunogénicos. Las características estereoquímicas particulares en las cadenas laterales de algunos residuos de aminoácidos de estos péptidos modificados así como los rasgos fisicoquímicos parecen jugar un rol importante en la respuesta inmune apropiada cuando estos fueron inmunizados en grupos de monos Aotus confiriendo un avance al diseño de una vacuna contra malaria totalmente eficaz.
Streptococcus pyogenes infections remain a health problem in several countries due to poststreptococcal sequelae. We developed a vaccine epitope (StreptInCor) composed of 55 amino acids residues of the C-terminal portion of the M protein that encompasses both T and B cell protective epitopes. The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structure of the StreptInCor peptide showed that the structure was composed of two microdomains linked by an 18-residue alpha-helix. A chemical stability study of the StreptInCor folding/unfolding process using far-UV circular dichroism showed that the structure was chemically stable with respect to pH and the concentration of urea. The T cell epitope is located in the first microdomain and encompasses 11 out of the 18 alpha-helix residues, whereas the B cell epitope is in the second microdomain and showed no alpha-helical structure. The prediction of StreptInCor epitope binding to different HLA class II molecules was evaluated based on an analysis of the 55 residues and the theoretical possibilities for the processed peptides to fit into the P1, P4, P6, and P9 pockets in the groove of several HLA class II molecules. We observed 7 potential sites along the amino acid sequence of StreptInCor that were capable of recognizing HLA class II molecules (DRB1*, DRB3*, DRB4*, and DRB5*). StreptInCoroverlapping peptides induced cellular and humoral immune responses of individuals bearing different HLA class II molecules and could be considered as a universal vaccine epitope.
The prevalence and genetic susceptibility of autoimmune diseases (ADs) may vary depending on latitudinal gradient and ethnicity. The aims of this study were to identify common human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles that contribute to susceptibility to six ADs in Latin Americans through a meta-analysis and to review additional clinical, immunological, and genetic characteristics of those ADs sharing HLA alleles. DRB1∗03:01 (OR: 4.04; 95%CI: 1.41–11.53) was found to be a risk factor for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjogren’s syndrome (SS), and type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). DRB1 ¨ ∗04:05 (OR: 4.64; 95%CI: 2.14–10.05) influences autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and T1D; DRB1∗04:01 (OR: 3.86; 95%CI: 2.32–6.42) is a susceptibility factor for RA and T1D. Opposite associations were found between multiple sclerosis (MS) and T1D. DQB1∗06:02 and DRB1∗15 alleles were risk factors for MS but protective factors for T1D. Likewise, DQB1∗06:03 allele was a risk factor for AIH but a protective one for T1D. Several common autoantibodies and clinical associations as well as additional shared genes have been reported in these ADs, which are reviewed herein. These results indicate that in Latin Americans ADs share major loci and immune characteristics.