Genomic Signatures Predict Poor Outcome in Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcomas and Leiomyosarcomas
Undifferentiated high-grade pleomorphic sarcomas (UPSs) display aggressive clinical behavior and frequently develop local recurrence and distant metastasis. Because these sarcomas often share similar morphological patterns with other tumors, particularly leiomyosarcomas (LMSs), classification by exclusion is frequently used. In this study, array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) was used to analyze 20 UPS and 17 LMS samples from untreated patients. The LMS samples presented a lower frequency of genomic alterations compared with the UPS samples. The most frequently altered UPS regions involved gains at 20q13.33 and 7q22.1 and losses at 3p26.3. Gains at 8q24.3 and 19q13.12 and losses at 9p21.3 were frequently detected in the LMS samples. Of these regions, gains at 1q21.3, 11q12.2-q12.3, 16p11.2, and 19q13.12 were significantly associated with reduced overall survival times in LMS patients. A multivariate analysis revealed that gains at 1q21.3 were an independent prognostic marker of shorter survival times in LMS patients (HR = 13.76; P = 0.019). Although the copy number profiles of the UPS and LMS samples could not be distinguished using unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis, one of the three clusters presented cases associated with poor prognostic outcome (P = 0.022). A relative copy number analysis for the ARNT, SLC27A3, and PBXIP1 genes was performed using quantitative real-time PCR in 11 LMS and 16 UPS samples. Gains at 1q21-q22 were observed in both tumor types, particularly in the UPS samples. These findings provide strong evidence for the existence of a genomic signature to predict poor outcome in a subset of UPS and LMS patients. © 2013 Silveira et al.
A bounded upwinding scheme for numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws and Navier-Stokes equations is presented. The scheme is based on convection boundedness criterion and total variation diminishing stability criteria and developed by employing continuously differentiable functions. The accuracy of the scheme is verified by assessing the error and observed convergence rate on 1-D benchmark test cases. A comparative study between the new scheme and conventional total variation diminishing/convection boundedness criterion-based upwind schemes to solve standard nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws is also accomplished. The scheme is then examined in the simulation of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid flows of increasing complexity; a satisfactory agreement has been observed in terms of the overall behavior. Finally, the scheme is used to study the hydrodynamics of a gas-solid flow in a bubbling fluidized bed. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A significant proportion (up to 62) of oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs) may arise from oral potential malignant lesions (OPMLs), such as leukoplakia. Patient outcomes may thus be improved through detection of lesions at a risk for malignant transformation, by identifying and categorizing genetic changes in sequential, progressive OPMLs. We conducted array comparative genomic hybridization analysis of 25 sequential, progressive OPMLs and same-site OSCCs from five patients. Recurrent DNA copy number gains were identified on 1p in 20/25 cases (80) with minimal, high-level amplification regions on 1p35 and 1p36. Other regions of gains were frequently observed: 11q13.4 (68), 9q34.13 (64), 21q22.3 (60), 6p21 and 6q25 (56) and 10q24, 19q13.2, 22q12, 5q31.2, 7p13, 10q24 and 14q22 (48). DNA losses were observed in 20 of samples and mainly detected on 5q31.2 (35), 16p13.2 (30), 9q33.1 and 9q33.29 (25) and 17q11.2, 3p26.2, 18q21.1, 4q34.1 and 8p23.2 (20). Such copy number alterations (CNAs) were mapped in all grades of dysplasia that progressed, and their corresponding OSCCs, in 70 of patients, indicating that these CNAs may be associated with disease progression. Amplified genes mapping within recurrent CNAs (KHDRBS1, PARP1, RAB1A, HBEGF, PAIP2, BTBD7) were selected for validation, by quantitative real-time PCR, in an independent set of 32 progressive leukoplakia, 32 OSSCs and 21 non-progressive leukoplakia samples. Amplification of BTBD7, KHDRBS1, PARP1 and RAB1A was exclusively detected in progressive leukoplakia and corresponding OSCC. BTBD7, KHDRBS1, PARP1 and RAB1A may be associated with OSCC progression. Proteinprotein interaction networks were created to identify possible pathways associated with OSCC progression.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Xylella fastidiosa comparative genomic database is a scientific resource with the aim to provide a user-friendly interface for accessing high-quality manually curated genomic annotation and comparative sequence analysis, as well as for identifying and mapping prophage-like elements, a marked feature of Xylella genomes. Here we describe a database and tools for exploring the biology of this important plant pathogen. The hallmarks of this database are the high quality genomic annotation, the functional and comparative genomic analysis and the identification and mapping of prophage-like elements. It is available from web site http://www.xylella.lncc.br.
Nierenkarzinome (NZK) des Erwachsenenalters weisen nebenhistologisch-zytologischen Merkmalen typische genetischeCharakteristika auf, die mit dem biologischen Verhalten derTumorzellen korrelieren. Der Nachweis genomischerVeränderungen wird zur Diagnostik und Prognoseeinschätzungvon Tumoren herangezogen. Für die untersuchtenNierentumorerkrankungen wurden lediglich das vonHippel-Lindau Tumorsuppressorgen (VHL) auf Chromosom 3 oderdas MET Proto-Onkogen auf Chromosom 7 als gesichertepathogenetische Faktoren in der Entstehung von NZKidentifiziert. Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet einen Beitragzur molekularen Charakterisierung derNierentumor-Pathogenese. Die gewählten Ansätze umfassen: (A)Die Analyse 91 primärer Nierentumoren mit CGH (comparativegenomic hybridization), (B) die Untersuchung chromosomalerBruchpunkte eines komplex rearrangierten, familiärenNZK-Falles und (C) die Charakterisierung umschriebenerGenomveränderungen im Bereich des VHL-Lokus auf Chromosom 3p25 .(A) Chromosomen-Aberrationen wurden identifiziert undeingegrenzt. Das Auftreten spezifischer chromosomalerAberrationen konnte mit dem dokumentierten Krankheitsverlaufassoziiert werden. Die als progressionsassoziiert oderprognoserelevant identifizierten Chromosomen(bereiche)5(q22-qter), 4, 10, 14q, 17, 6, 8, 9, 12 können alsAusgangspunkte für eine Suche nach subtypspezifischen,relevanten Tumorgenen dienen. (B) Chromosomenanalysen einerFamilie mit Veranlagung für das klarzellige NZK belegteneine Translokation zwischen den Chromosomen 3 und 8 imperipheren Patientenblut. Weitere molekularzytogenetischeUntersuchungen deckten ein komplexes chromosomalesRearrangement t(3;8)(q13.1;p21.1) auf. (C) DieFeinkartierung der Region um den VHL-Genlokus istinsbesondere bei Tumoren ohne molekulargenetischnachzuweisenden VHL-Verlust erforderlich. Zur Identifikationweiterer in dieser Region kartierender, evtl. ko-deletierterTumorsuppressor-Kandidatengene, wurden genomische(PAC)-Sonden isoliert, charakterisiert und zurDeletionskartierung eingesetzt.
Nineteen benign [World Health Organization (WHO) grade I; MI], 21 atypical (WHO grade II; MII), and 19 anaplastic (WHO grade III; MIII) sporadic meningiomas were screened for chromosomal imbalances by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). These data were supplemented by molecular genetic analyses of selected chromosomal regions and genes. With increasing malignancy grade, a marked accumulation of genomic aberrations was observed; i.e., the numbers (mean ± SEM) of total alterations detected per tumor were 2.9 ± 0.7 for MI, 9.2 ± 1.2 for MII, and 13.3 ± 1.9 for MIII. The most frequent alteration detected in MI was loss on 22q (58%). In MII, aberrations most commonly identified were losses on 1p (76%), 22q (71%), 14q (43%), 18q (43%), 10 (38%), and 6q (33%), as well as gains on 20q (48%), 12q (43%), 15q (43%), 1q (33%), 9q (33%), and 17q (33%). In MIII, most of these alterations were found at similar frequencies. However, an increase in losses on 6q (53%), 10 (68%), and 14q (63%) was observed. In addition, 32% of MIII demonstrated loss on 9p. Homozygous deletions in the CDKN2A gene at 9p21 were found in 4 of 16 MIII (25%). Highly amplified DNA sequences were mapped to 12q13–q15 by CGH in 1 MII. Southern blot analysis of this tumor revealed amplification of CDK4 and MDM2. By CGH, DNA sequences from 17q were found to be amplified in 1 MII and 8 MIII, involving 17q23 in all cases. Despite the high frequency of chromosomal aberrations in the MII and MIII investigated, none of these tumors showed mutations in exons 5–8 of the TP53 gene. On the basis of the most common aberrations identified in the various malignancy grades, a model for the genomic alterations associated with meningioma progression is proposed.
We describe a novel high resolution DNA based typing approach for HLA class I alleles, which identifies the recombinational motifs present in exons 2 and 3 of the HLA class I genes. Unique identification patterns for 201 known HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-Cw alleles were generated by the use of only 40 probes, which were targeted at these common motifs. The unambiguous identification of the alleles was achieved by the development of a new and powerful allelic separation technique that allows isolation of single alleles after amplification. To validate the method, we have used locus-specific primers to amplify exons 2 and 3 of HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-Cw loci from 22 heterozygous and 41 homozygous cell lines. After amplification, the allelic fragments from each locus were separated, blotted, and hybridized with the 40 probes. In all cases, the allelic products could be separated and 81 different class I alleles, 33 HLA-A, 30 HLA-B, and 18 HLA-Cw, were identified according to the predicted probe hybridization patterns.
Various types of physical mapping data were assembled by developing a set of computer programs (Integrated Mapping Package) to derive a detailed, annotated map of a 4-Mb region of human chromosome 13 that includes the BRCA2 locus. The final assembly consists of a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig with 42 members spanning the 13q12-13 region and aligned contigs of 399 cosmids established by cross-hybridization between the cosmids, which were selected from a chromosome 13-specific cosmid library using inter-Alu PCR probes from the YACs. The end sequences of 60 cosmids spaced nearly evenly across the map were used to generate sequence-tagged sites (STSs), which were mapped to the YACs by PCR. A contig framework was generated by STS content mapping, and the map was assembled on this scaffold. Additional annotation was provided by 72 expressed sequences and 10 genetic markers that were positioned on the map by hybridization to cosmids.
The ability to carry out high-resolution genetic mapping at high throughput in the mouse is a critical rate-limiting step in the generation of genetically anchored contigs in physical mapping projects and the mapping of genetic loci for complex traits. To address this need, we have developed an efficient, high-resolution, large-scale genome mapping system. This system is based on the identification of polymorphic DNA sites between mouse strains by using interspersed repetitive sequence (IRS) PCR. Individual cloned IRS PCR products are hybridized to a DNA array of IRS PCR products derived from the DNA of individual mice segregating DNA sequences from the two parent strains. Since gel electrophoresis is not required, large numbers of samples can be genotyped in parallel. By using this approach, we have mapped > 450 polymorphic probes with filters containing the DNA of up to 517 backcross mice, potentially allowing resolution of 0.14 centimorgan. This approach also carries the potential for a high degree of efficiency in the integration of physical and genetic maps, since pooled DNAs representing libraries of yeast artificial chromosomes or other physical representations of the mouse genome can be addressed by hybridization of filter representations of the IRS PCR products of such libraries.
We analysed the molecular genetic profiles of breast cancer samples before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy with combination doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide (AC). DNA was obtained from microdissected frozen breast core biopsies from 44 patients before chemotherapy. Additional samples were obtained before the second course of chemotherapy (D21) and after the completion of the treatment (surgical specimens) in 17 and 21 patients, respectively. Microarray-based comparative genome hybridisation was performed using a platform containing approx5800 bacterial artificial chromosome clones (genome-wide resolution: 0.9 Mb). Analysis of the 44 pretreatment biopsies revealed that losses of 4p, 4q, 5q, 12q13.11–12q13.12, 17p11.2 and 17q11.2; and gains of 1p, 2p, 7q, 9p, 11q, 19p and 19q were significantly associated with oestrogen receptor negativity. 16q21–q22.1 losses were associated with lobular and 8q24 gains with ductal types. Losses of 5q33.3–q4 and 18p11.31 and gains of 6p25.1–p25.2 and Xp11.4 were associated with HER2 amplification. No correlations between DNA copy number changes and clinical response to AC were found. Microarray-based comparative genome hybridisation analysis of matched pretreatment and D21 biopsies failed to identify statistically significant differences, whereas a comparison between matched pretreatment and surgical samples revealed a statistically significant acquired copy number gain on 11p15.2–11p15.5. The modest chemotherapy-driven genomic changes, despite profound loss of cell numbers, suggest that there is little therapeutic selection of resistant non-modal cell lineages.
Purpose: Deletions of chromosome 1 have been described in 7% to 40% of cases of myeloma with inconsistent clinical consequences. CDKN2C at 1p32.3 has been identified in myeloma cell lines as the potential target of the deletion. We tested the clinical impact of 1p deletion and used high-resolution techniques to define the role of CDKN2C in primary patient material.Experimental Design: We analyzed 515 cases of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM), and newly diagnosed multiple myeloma using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for deletions of CDKN2C. In 78 myeloma cases, we carried out Affymetrix single nucleotide polymorphism mapping and U133 Plus 2.0 expression arrays. In addition, we did mutation, methylation, and Western blotting analysis.Results: By FISH we identified deletion of 1p32.3 (CDKN2C) in 3 of 66 MGUS (4.5%), 4 of 39 SMM (10.3%), and 55 of 369 multiple myeloma cases (15%). We examined the impact of copy number change at CDKN2C on overall survival (OS), and found that the cases with either hemizygous or homozygous deletion of CDKN2C had a worse OS compared with cases that were intact at this region (22 months versus 38 months; P = 0.003). Using gene mapping we identified three homozygous deletions at 1p32.3, containing CDKN2C, all of which lacked expression of CDKN2C. Cases with homozygous deletions of CDKN2C were the most proliferative myelomas, defined by an expression-based proliferation index, consistent with its biological function as a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor.Conclusions: Our results suggest that deletions of CDKN2C are important in the progression and clinical outcome of myeloma.
To overcome limitations of conventional approaches for the identification of Eimeria species of chickens, we have established high resolution electrophoretic procedures using genetic markers in ribosomal DNA. The first and second internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1 and ITS-2) regions of ribosomal DNA were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from genomic DNA samples representing five species of Eimeria (E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. maxima, E. necatrix and E. tenella), denatured and then subjected to denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (D-PAGE) or single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Differences in D-PAGE profiles for both the ITS-1 and ITS-2 fragments (combined with an apparent lack of variation within individual species) enabled the unequivocal identification of the five species, and SSCP allowed the detection of population variation between some isolates representing E. acervulina, which remained undetected by D-PAGE. The establishment of these approaches has important implications for controlling the purity of laboratory lines of Eimeria, for diagnosis and for studying the epidemiology of coccidiosis.
BACKGROUND Lactococcus garvieae is a bacterial pathogen that affects different animal species in addition to humans. Despite the widespread distribution and emerging clinical significance of L. garvieae in both veterinary and human medicine, there is almost a complete lack of knowledge about the genetic content of this microorganism. In the present study, the genomic content of L. garvieae CECT 4531 was analysed using bioinformatics tools and microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) experiments. Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 and Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4 were used as reference microorganisms. RESULTS The combination and integration of in silico analyses and in vitro CGH experiments, performed in comparison with the reference microorganisms, allowed establishment of an inter-species hybridization framework with a detection threshold based on a sequence similarity of >or= 70%. With this threshold value, 267 genes were identified as having an analogue in L. garvieae, most of which (n = 258) have been documented for the first time in this pathogen. Most of the genes are related to ribosomal, sugar metabolism or energy conversion systems. Some of the identified genes, such as als and mycA, could be involved in the pathogenesis of L. garvieae infections. CONCLUSIONS In this study, we identified 267 genes that were potentially present in L. garvieae CECT 4531. Some of the identified genes could be involved in the pathogenesis of L. garvieae infections. These results provide the first insight into the genome content of L. garvieae.