902 resultados para HEALTH LITERACY


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RESUMO: A saúde mental é influenciada pelos comportamentos tanto como estes são influenciados pela saúde mental. Por isso é importante compreender quer a saúde mental quer os comportamentos adoptados pelo indivíduo em qualquer momento do seu ciclo vital para melhor poder actuar quando e sempre que necessário. Nos estudantes universitários, não sendo uma população de risco, a saúde mental e os comportamentos de risco afectam não só o próprio estudante e quem com ele convive mas também as próprias instituições que o acolhem. O presente estudo teve como objectivos: nos estudantes universitários 1) caracterizar a saúde mental global; 2) caracterizar os níveis de sintomatologia depressiva e ansiosa; 3) identificar os padrões de comportamentos de risco; 4) analisar a relação entre saúde mental global, depressão, ansiedade e comportamentos de risco. Para tal realizou-se um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, correlacional, transversal e exploratório com 1968 estudantes do 1º ciclo da Universidade da Beira Interior e dos Institutos Politécnicos da Guarda, Castelo Branco e Portalegre. Foram utilizados como instrumentos de investigação uma ficha de Caracterização Socio-Demográfica; o Mental Health Inventory-5; o Patient Health Questionnaire-9; Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7; e o Questionário de Comportamentos de Risco em Estudantes Universitários. Os principais resultados mostraram que 18,3% (n=360) apresentavam saúde mental negativa; 17,7% sintomatologia depressiva moderada a severa; 15,6% sintomatologia ansiosa moderada a severa; e que apenas 15% dos que apresentavam saúde mental global negativa recorreu a ajuda profissional. As mulheres, os alunos de 1ª e 4º ano, e os alunos dos cursos de Artes e Letras apresentavam níveis de saúde mental global inferiores. O Consumo de álcool foi superior nos homens, nos estudantes das áreas de Ciências e Ciências da Saúde e nos estudantes deslocados. Os estudantes com mais de 3 unidades curriculares em atraso apresentavam maior sintomatologia depressiva e ansiosa. Os resultados mostraram ainda que quanto mais positiva a saúde mental global maior o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e menor a sintomatologia depressiva e ansiosa. As variáveis Curso e Sexo influenciam significativamente a saúde mental global, a depressão e a ansiedade. Apesar de a maioria dos estudantes inquiridos não revelar problemas de saúde mental nem apresentar comportamentos de risco, as principais conclusões apontam para a necessidade de programas de educação para a saúde assim como de programas de literacia de saúde mental para as instituições poderem identificar precocemente as situações problemáticas e ajudar os próprios estudantes a reconhecer em si o sofrimento psicológico e a necessidade de procurar apoio profissional.---------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Mental health is influenced by behaviours as much as behaviours are influenced by mental health. Thus, it is important to understand not only the mental health but also the behaviours adopted by an individual at any stage of its vital cycle in order to accurately intervene whenever and always deemed necessary. Regarding college students, despite not being deemed as a population at risk, mental health and risk behaviours affect not only the student itself and whoever interacts with him but also the institutions that host them. The main purposes of this study were regarding college students 1) characterize the overall mental health; 2) characterize the levels of depression and anxiety symptoms; 3) identify the risk behaviours patterns; and 4) analyse the relation between overall mental health, depression, anxiety and risk behaviours. With that scope a quantitative, descriptive, correlated, transversal and exploratory study has been conducted with 1968 students of the 1st cycle of the University of Beira Interior and of the Polytechnic Institutions of Guarda, Castelo Branco and Portalegre. The investigation instruments used were a chart of Socio-Demographic Characterization; the Mental Health Inventory-5; the Patient Health Questionnaire-9; the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7; and one Questionnaire of Risk Behaviours in College Students. The main results showed that 18.3% (n=360) revealed negative mental health; 17.7% moderated to severe depression symptoms; 15.6% moderated to severe anxiety symptoms; and that only 15% of those revealing negative overall mental health have seek for professional help. Females, students of the 1st and 4th years and students of the Artes and Letras courses revealed inferior levels of overall mental health. Alcohol consumption is higher in males, in the Sciences and Health Sciences’ students and on displaced students. Students with more than 3 curricular units in delay revealed higher depression and anxiety symptoms. The results also showed that the more positive overall mental health the higher alcohol consumption and the lower depression and anxiety symptoms. The Course and Sex variations significantly influence the overall mental health, the depression and the anxiety. Although the majority of the enquired students did not reveal mental health issues or present risk behaviours, the main conclusions indicate the need to implement health education and mental health literacy programmes in order to enable the institutions to prematurely identify problematic situations and help students to recognize the psychological suffering and the need to seek for professional help.


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RESUMO - Contexto: As desigualdades sociais em saúde são uma questão central de justiça social. No contexto de forte envelhecimento populacional em Portugal, as desigualdades nos idosos representam um desafio crucial para o futuro, sobre as quais existe pouca evidência. Este estudo pretende investigar a existência de desigualdades socioeconómicas em saúde nos idosos, em Portugal. Metodologia: Foram utilizados os dados para Portugal, da quarta vaga do Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe. O estudo engloba 2017 indivíduos com 50 ou mais anos. Foram utilizados quatro indicadores de saúde: problemas de saúde, saúde auto-reportada, doenças de longa duração e atividade limitada. Foi utilizado o nível de educação como indicador socioeconómico. As desigualdades socioeconómicas foram avaliadas através de regressões logísticas multivariadas. Resultados: Existem desigualdades socioeconómicas em saúde nos idosos favoráveis aos mais educados. Os indivíduos com menor educação estão em maior risco de reportar má saúde (OR=5,5); maior risco em ter problemas de saúde, existindo um gradiente social na Hipertensão Arterial (OR=2,4) e na Artrite (OR=7,0); maior risco de doenças de longa duração (OR=1,6) e maior risco de limitação nas atividades diárias (OR=5,1). As desigualdades socioeconómicas diminuem com a idade. Conclusão: De forma a melhorar a saúde e reduzir as desigualdades socioeconómicas em saúde nos idosos, os resultados apontam para a necessidade de implementar medidas no âmbito dos problemas de saúde em que existe um gradiente social, melhorar o nível de educação da população geral e implementar medidas de educação para a saúde, aumentando a literacia em saúde nos idosos mais jovens.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Estatística


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An information briefing produced by the Department of Health - South East, based at the Government Office for the South East. The briefing acts as a signpost to public health and social care resources, evidence, policy, news and events.


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La littératie en santé est un concept prenant en compte les compétences et les ressources que chacun doit posséder pour gérer l'information nécessaire au maintien d'un bon état de santé. Néanmoins, il n'y pas de consensus sur une définition unique, ce qui complique une intégration adéquate de cette thématique dans le domaine de la santé. Un faible niveau de littératie en santé est un problème fréquent et concernerait près de 50% de la population Suisse (OCDE 2005). Cette problématique est d'une importance majeure car les individus avec un niveau de littératie insuffisant sont plus à risque d'un mauvais état de santé (AMA 1999) et ce phénomène représenterait 3 à 6% des coûts de la santé en Suisse selon une estimation basée sur les chiffres d'études américaines. (Spycher 2006). Les médecins de famille, considérés comme l'une des principales sources d'information en santé pour la population en Suisse, jouent un rôle central dans la promotion d'un bon niveau de santé. L'idée de ce travail vient à la suite des résultats du travail de Maîtrise de de Lara Van Leckwyck qui s'est intéressée à la perception que les médecins de famille de la région lausannoise ont du niveau de littératie de leurs patients. Ces derniers considèrent posséder les ressources nécessaires pour prendre en charge leurs patients avec un faible niveau de littératie mais ils sont ouverts à de nouveaux outils. Nous avons alors voulu tenter l'expérience et créer un outil sous la forme d'une brochure A6 contenant quatre faces dans le but d'aider ces médecins. Les objectifs sont les suivants : 1) sensibiliser et informer les médecins de famille à la problématique de la littératie en santé ; 2) offrir une aide au dépistage du niveau de littératie en santé de leurs patients ; 3) proposer une aide à la prise en charge des patients avec un faible niveau de littératie en fournissant une liste de moyens pratiques basés sur une revue de la littérature pour aider les médecins généralistes internistes dans leur prise en charge et 4) proposer une sélection d'adresses internet utiles en lien avec la problématique de la littératie en santé. Cet outil a été présenté à 15 assistants et chefs de clinique de la Policlinique médicale universitaire (PMU) de Lausanne ainsi qu'à 30 médecins internistes généralistes installés dans la région de Lausanne qui évalueront son utilité dans le cadre d'un prochain travail de Maîtrise. Les limites principales concernant un tel projet sont le format choisi pour l'outil et le fait de récolter et de transcrire des informations sur un sujet principalement étudié dans les pays anglo-saxons. Nous pouvons déjà prévoir que des adaptations sur la traduction de certains éléments de l'outil (notamment les questions de dépistage) seront certainement relevées par les médecins qui auront testé l'outil. Un travail supplémentaire mené de manière différente pourra également faire l'objet d'un futur travail.


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[...] L'objectif de ce travail est d'exposer les notions de "compétence sanitaire" (Health Literacy) et d' "autonomisation" (Empowerment) dans un contexte de prise en charge pédiatrique des enfants de migrants. Nous sommes convaincus que ces deux concepts émergeants dans le domaine de la santé et appliqués au contexte migratoire constituent, sur les plans économiques et de management, des éléments qui peuvent mener à terme à : i) une réduction mesurable des coûts de la santé et ii) une porte d'entrée efficace dans un processus d'intégration - dont l'importance est reconnue sur le plan économique - des migrants dans leur pays d'accueil. Tout au long de ce travail, il apparaîtra comme évident que des données propres à la prise en charge sanitaire pédiatrique des enfants de migrants font actuellement souvent défaut, a fortiori l'application des concepts de compétence sanitaire et d'autonomisation pour cette part de la société. Nous le percevons comme une opportunité de mettre en place les conditions cadres pour combler ce vide. Nous poserons tout d'abord le cadre de ce mémoire au travers de la présentation des concepts de compétence sanitaire et d'autonomisation, en mettant en avant leurs aspects économiques dans les systèmes de santé actuels, en particulier en Suisse. Nous présenterons dans les chapitres 2 et 3 d'une part des données concernant l'état de santé de la population migrante en Suisse et d'autre part la stratégie mise en place au niveau fédéral dans le domaine " migration et santé 2008-2013 ". Le chapitre 4 nous permettra de présenter un "case study" que nous avons intégré à notre travail afin d'apporter des éléments plus concrets aux notions théoriques abordées dans ce mémoire. Nous avons choisi de nous concentrer sur l'Hôpital de l'Enfance de Lausanne (HEL) parce que l'HEL nous semble présenter un cas de structure hospitalière qui fait un effort remarquable de prise en charge médico-psycho-sociale des enfants de migrants. Le chapitre 5, en conclusion, aura pour objectif principal de soutenir que l'inclusion d'une dimension de management/gestion de la santé (représenté ici par l'autonomisation et la compétence sanitaire) introduirait une valeur ajoutée remarquable à l'effort constructif consenti sur le plan médico-social décrit au chapitre précédent. [Auteure, p. 4-5]


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Réalisé en collaboration avec l'équipe de l'Unité de jour de diabète de l'Hôtel-Dieu du CHUM: Hortensia Mircescu M.D., Françoise Desrochers, Michelle Messier et Stéphanie Chanel Lefort.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third largest cause of cancer death in the United States. While the disease burden is high, there are proven methods to screen for CRC and detect it at a stage that is amenable to cure. Patients with low health literacy have difficulty navigating the health care system and are at increased risk to not receive preventive care services such as colorectal cancer screening (CRCS). To address this need, an exam-room based video was developed to be played for patients in the privacy of the exam room, while they are waiting to be seen by their medical provider. In roughly 2 minutes, the video informs the patient about CRC and CRCS and how they can successfully complete CRCS. One of the key barriers to completing CRCS is the need to increase patients' knowledge and improve attitudes surrounding CRCS. This study examines the impact of the video on patients' knowledge and attitudes about CRC and CRCS in a medically underserved patient population in Houston, Texas. ^ Sixty-one patients presenting for routine medical care were enrolled in the study. Depending on their randomization, the patients either received routine information about CRC and CRCS or they watched the video. We found that the patients who did watch the video did have improvements in their knowledge and improved attitudes about CRC and CRCS. Future studies will be needed to examine whether the video improves the patients' completion of CRCS.^


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El acceso al alfabetismo en salud es considerado un elemento esencial para la eliminación de las desigualdades y la búsqueda de la equidad, resultando en un verdadero empoderamiento en salud, individual y colectivo. Mediante la estrategia de promoción para la salud, nuestro objetivo fue contribuir con el Alfabetismo en aalud bucal de comunidades vulnerables de la provincia de Mendoza. Sólo cuando la gente se siente escuchada y comprendida puede ser motivada y acepta el cambio; por ello, la educación para la salud se ha transformado en una herramienta esencial para la adquisición de hábitos salutogénicos (generadores de salud).


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Although a relatively high percentage of Australian adolescents experience mental health problems, many disturbed adolescents do not receive the help they require, and only a small proportion of adolescents seek professional psychological help. The present study examined adolescents' willingness to seek help and investigated factors that promote and prevent adolescents from seeking help for a mental illness from both formal and informal sources. Secondary school students (254 in number) from schools in Brisbane, Australia completed a questionnaire that examined the relationship between demographic and psychological variables, attitudes toward mental illness, and willingness to seek help for a mental illness. Results suggest that adolescents with greater adaptive functioning, fewer perceived barriers to help seeking, and higher psychological distress were more willing to seek help from formal and informal sources for a mental illness. Greater social support also predicted willingness to seek help from informal sources. Although attitudes toward mental illness did not influence willingness to seek help, less stigmatising attitudes were related to higher knowledge of mental illness, being female, and higher levels of social support. Implications for the present study focus on enhancing the ability of mental health interventions to increase adolescents' willingness to seek psychological help.


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Background: Community surveys have found that some people believe that it is better to deal with depression alone rather than seek help. However, there has been little research into the characteristics of this group. Methods: Data were drawn from three Australian surveys: (1) a national survey of 1001 adults aged 18+ years; (2) a school survey of 552 students aged 14-16 years from two regions; (3) a survey of 577 young people aged 12-17 years from the Melbourne region. In all three surveys, participants who believed it would be helpful to deal with depression alone were contrasted with those who believed it would be harmful in terms of sociodemographic characteristics, recognition of depression in a vignette, contact with people who experienced depression, beliefs about treatments, beliefs about using substances, beliefs about long-term outcomes, and beliefs about causes. Results: In both adolescents and adults, belief in dealing with depression alone was associated with male gender, less favourable views about mental health professionals, more favourable views about using substances to deal with depression, and a more positive expectation about the outcome if treatment is not sought. Adolescents believing in dealing with depression alone had more favourable views about some potential helpers, such as church workers and pharmacists. In adults, but not adolescents, there was an association with the belief that depression is caused by personal weakness. Limitations: The surveys did not directly ask about reasons for believing that dealing with depression alone would be helpful and did not assess actual help-seeking. Conclusions: Factors encouraging dealing with depression alone are a belief that it is a self-limiting disorder, that substances are an effective way to deal with it and, in adults, that depression is due to personal weakness. Consistent with previous research, males are an important target group for encouraging seeking help to deal with depression. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.