84 resultados para Glioblastomas multiformes
Thirty-eight tumors (five grade I-II astrocytomas, three grade III astrocytomas, four glioblastomas, one oligodendroglioma, four ependymomas, one pineocytoma, three medulloblastomas, four acoustic nerve neurinomas, one intraspinal neurinoma, one neurofibroma, 10 meningiomas, and one craniopharyngioma) and three benign lesions of the nervous system were evaluated cytogenetically after in vitro culture. Sex chromosome loss was detected in 56% of the cases (-X in 13 of the 25 female patients and -Y in nine of the 16 male patients). The objective of the present report was to study the role of this abnormality in cells of the nervous system.
Microvascular density (MVD) may be an additional prognostic marker for astrocytomas, but the heterogeneity of these tumors limits its use. Thus, imaging examinations such as SPECT-MIBI (2-methoxyisobutyl isonitrile) may take on an indirect role in astrocytoma evaluation. The aim of this study was to evaluate MVD in astrocytomas using immunohistochemistry with anti-CD34 monoclonal antibodies. The relationship between the immunohistochemical data and the parameters obtained from SPECT-MIBI was evaluated. This cross-sectional study evaluated 48 patients with brain tumors including low-grade astrocytomas (LGAs), anaplastic astrocytomas (AAs) and glioblastoma multiformes (GBMs). Patients had been admitted to the Hospital de Cancer de Barretos - Fundação Pio XII, and underwent brain SPECT-MIBI prior to any treatment. MVD was determined under an optical microscope by counting microvessels on slides from each case. SPECT-MIBI images were analyzed visually and semiquantitatively. GBMs, AAs and LGAs represented 50, 16.7 and 33.3% of the total sample, respectively. There were 13 normal and 35 abnormal SPECT-MIBI images. Significant differences in MVD were found between AA and LGA cases (p=0.040), but not between normal and abnormal SPECT-MIBI. The mean counts from SPECT-MIBI were not correlated with MVD. Among the GBM cases, there were no significant findings, except for an increased likelihood of abnormal histological test results. MVD was related to histological grade (in AA and LGA cases) but was not correlated with SPECT-MIBI.
Some modifying factors may determine the risk of brain tumors. Until now, it could not be attempted to identify people at risk and also to improve significantly disease progression. Current therapy consists of surgical resection, followed by radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Despite of these treatments, the prognosis for patients is poor. In this review, we highlight general aspects concerning genetic alterations in brain tumors, namely astrocytomas, glioblastomas, oligodendrogliomas, medulloblastomas and ependymomas. The influence of these genetic alterations in patients' prognosis is discussed. Mutagen sensivity is associated with cancer risk. The convincing studies that linked DNA damages and DNA repair alterations with brain tumors are also described. Another important modifying factor is immunity. General immune response against cancer, tumor microenvironment and immune response, mechanisms of tumor escape, CNS tumor immunology, immune defects that impair anti-tumor systemic immunity in brain tumor patients and local immunosuppressive factors within CNS are also reviewed. New hope to treatment perspectives, as dendritic-cell-based vaccines is summarized too. Concluding, it seems well established that there is association between brain tumor risk and mutagen sensivity, which is highly heritable. Primary brain tumors cause depression in systemic host immunity; local immunosuppressive factors and immunological characteristics of tumor cells may explain the poor prognosis and DNA damages responses can alert immune system. However, it is necessary to clarify if individuals with both constitutional defects in immune functions and genetic instability have higher risk of developing brain tumors. Cytogenetic prospective studies and gene copy number variations analysis also must be performed in peripheral lymphocytes from brain tumor patients. © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
O estudo da proposta foucaultiana sobre o poder possibilita focalizar as diferenças sociais de gênero como “multiformes e integradas” com outros pontos de poder, os quais não podem ser reduzidos à estrutura binária dominante/dominado, na relação homem/mulher. Portanto, não existe uma estrutura de “opressão de gênero” universal e mono-causal, pois os diferentes contextos discursivos geram campos atravessados por relações de forças muito diversas e variadas, e uma dinâmica de posições de sujeito que também é regulada e aberta a contingências. Por um lado, pensando nas diferenças de gênero e no posicionamento do sujeito dentro do marco de referência nas primeiras décadas do século XX, no qual há a afirmação do papel da mulher como um sujeito social, público, intelectual e artista, mas também assumindo sua categoria de Mãe e Mulher em uma sociedade patriarcalmente estruturada e, por outro lado, vislumbradas a partir das contribuições teóricas da crítica feminista, da crítica literária feminista e, especialmente, da crítica pós-feminista, denominada pósfoucaultiana por July Cháneton (2007), no sentido em que estas teóricas incorporam critica e produtivamente as idéias de Foucault sobre gênero, subjetividade e poder, verificamos como o discursivo-literário de Alfonsina Storni representa a construção de uma subjetividade feminina de posição identitária “múltipla e contraditória”, como parte constitutiva de uma diversidade de posições-sujeito feminina.
Mutations in the critical chromatin modifier ATRX and mutations in CIC and FUBP1, which are potent regulators of cell growth, have been discovered in specific subtypes of gliomas, the most common type of primary malignant brain tumors. However, the frequency of these mutations in many subtypes of gliomas, and their association with clinical features of the patients, is poorly understood. Here we analyzed these loci in 363 brain tumors. ATRX is frequently mutated in grade II-III astrocytomas (71%), oligoastrocytomas (68%), and secondary glioblastomas (57%), and ATRX mutations are associated with IDH1 mutations and with an alternative lengthening of telomeres phenotype. CIC and FUBP1 mutations occurred frequently in oligodendrogliomas (46% and 24%, respectively) but rarely in astrocytomas or oligoastrocytomas (<10%). This analysis allowed us to define two highly recurrent genetic signatures in gliomas: IDH1/ATRX (I-A) and IDH1/CIC/FUBP1 (I-CF). Patients with I-CF gliomas had a significantly longer median overall survival (96 months) than patients with I-A gliomas (51 months) and patients with gliomas that did not harbor either signature (13 months). The genetic signatures distinguished clinically distinct groups of oligoastrocytoma patients, which usually present a diagnostic challenge, and were associated with differences in clinical outcome even among individual tumor types. In addition to providing new clues about the genetic alterations underlying gliomas, the results have immediate clinical implications, providing a tripartite genetic signature that can serve as a useful adjunct to conventional glioma classification that may aid in prognosis, treatment selection, and therapeutic trial design.
Gliomas are the most common primary brain tumours. Despite advances in surgical techniques, postoperative supportive care, radiation and adjuvant systemic therapy, the life expectancy of patients with high grade glioma has remained essentially poor. Furthermore differential diagnosis among astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas is very challenging and subject to inter-observer variability. The purpose of the research was: 1) to investigate a series of high grade and low grade gliomas at gene and protein (immunohistochemistry) levels to disclose possible genetic portraits of malignancy; 2) to verify the utility of Nogo-A, Olig-2 and synaptophysin in providing a correct histological diagnosis of oligodendroglioma and to investigate a possible complementary role in selecting the best areas suitable for detecting 1p/19q codeletion using FISH analysis; 3) to study the role of microRNA in high grade gliomas. In order to obtain these goals large series of brain tumors were studied with DNA microarrays, immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR The results demonstrated that: - Overexpression of IGFBP-2 and CDC20 is highly related to glioblastomas and their immunopositivity can be useful for the identification of glioblastoma in small biopsies. - Nogo-A is the most useful and specific marker in differentiating oigodendrogliomas from other gliomas. Furthermore, using a Nogo-A driven FISH analysis, it is possible to identify a larger number of 1p19q codeletions in gliomas. - microRNAs can be studied in paraffin embedded tissues better than in fresh tissues. A series of six microRNA, significatively deregulated in glioblastomas, may represent a genetic signature with prognostic and predictive value and could constitute candidates for novel anti-cancer therapeutics.
Das Glioblastoma multiforme zählt zu den häufigsten glialen Neoplasien des Menschen und weist zudem unter den Gliomen die höchste Malignität auf. Glioblastompatienten haben trotz aggressiver therapeutischer Ansätze eine mittlere Überlebenszeit von weniger als einem Jahr. Die diffuse Invasion in das umliegende Hirngewebe ist einer der Hauptgründe für die Rezidivbildung und die infauste Prognose von Glioblastompatienten. Neuere Untersuchungen lassen vermuten, dass die starke Invasion auch einer der Gründe für die beobachtete anti-angiogene Resistenz bei der Behandlung von Glioblastomen ist. Das bidirektionale EphB/Ephrin-B-System wurde bei der axonalen Wegfindung als Vermittler repulsiver Signale identifiziert und auch im Zusammenhang der Migration und Invasion von Zellen überprüft. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte daher die Funktion der bidirektionalen Eph- und Ephrin-Signaltransduktion in Bezug auf die Glioblastominvasion und Progression untersucht werden. rn Genetische und epigenetische Untersuchungen der EphB/Ephrin-B-Familie in einer Kohorte von Gliompatienten unterschiedlicher Malignitätsgrade identifizierten Ephrin-B2 als mögliches Tumorsuppressorgen. In Übereinstimmung damit führte die Inaktivierung von Ephrin-B2 in einem murinen Gliommodell zu einer verstärkten Invasion und einem erhöhtem Tumorwachstum in vivo. Dies konnte in verschiedenen Invasion-Assays in vitro bestätigt werden. Weiterhin zeigten unsere Untersuchungen, dass Ephrin-B2 transkriptionell durch das hypoxische Mikromilieu HIF-1α-vermittelt reprimiert wird. Da HIF-1α als transkriptioneller Aktivator Ephrin-B2 nicht direkt reprimieren kann, wurden potentielle HIF-1α-regulierte Repressoren untersucht, die für die Ephrin-B2 Herunterregulation verantwortlich sein könnten. Dabei wurde anhand von Ephrin-B2-Promotoranalysen und ChIP-Assays ZEB2 als HIF-1α-induzierbarer Repressor von Ephrin-B2 identifiziert. Zur Bestätigung der Hypothese, dass ZEB2 ein wichtiger Regulator der Tumorinvasion ist, wurden humane ZEB2-Knockdown-Glioblastomzellen generiert und in vitro sowie in vivo untersucht. Im Hinblick auf mögliche therapeutische Anwendungen wurden die ZEB2-Knockdown-Glioblastomzellen zusätzlich im Zusammenhang anti-Angiogenese-induzierter Invasion analysiert. Der Verlust von ZEB2 führte dabei zu einer verringerten Glioblastominvasion und Progression in einem Maus-Xenograft Modell. Die Behandlung der Tumoren mit dem anti-VEGF-Antikörper Avastin resultierte in einer stark erhöhten Invasion, die durch die Inaktivierung von ZEB2 und der dadurch reaktivierten repulsiven Signale von Ephrin-B2 wieder aufgehoben werden konnte. Zusammenfassend konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals gezeigt werden, dass Ephrin-B2 als Tumorsuppressor in Gliomen agiert und durch verschiedene Mechanismen wie der genetischen und epigenetischen Kontrolle, aber auch der HIF-1α-vermittelten, ZEB2-abhängigen Repression inaktiviert wird. Dies resultiert in einer Blockade repulsiver Signale, so dass Tumorzellen diffus in das Parenchym und zu den Blutgefäßen migrieren können. Der in dieser Arbeit neu identifizierte Signalweg stellt ein attraktives therapeutisches Ziel zur Inhibition der Tumorzellinvasion dar und ermöglicht darüber hinaus der Ausbildung von Resistenzen gegenüber anti-angiogener Behandlung entgegenzuwirken. rn
OBJECTIVES: Diffusion-weighted MRI is sensitive to molecular motion and has been applied to the diagnosis of stroke. Our intention was to investigate its usefulness in patients with brain tumor and, in particular, in the perilesional edema. METHODS: We performed MRI of the brain, including diffusion-weighted imaging and mapping of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), in 16 patients with brain tumors (glioblastomas, low-grade gliomas and metastases). ADC values were determined by the use of regions of interest positioned in areas of high signal intensities as seen on T2-weighted images and ADC maps. Measurements were taken in the tumor itself, in the area of perilesional edema and in the healthy contralateral brain. RESULTS: ADC mapping showed higher values of peritumoral edema in patients with glioblastoma (1.75 x 10(-3)mm(2)/s) and metastatic lesions (1.61 x 10(-3)mm(2)/s) compared with those who had low-grade glioma (1.40 x10(-3)mm(2)/s). The higher ADC values in the peritumoral zone were associated with lower ADC values in the tumor itself. CONCLUSIONS: The higher ADC values in the more malignant tumors probably reflect vasogenic edema, thereby allowing their differentiation from other lesions.
Peptide receptors are often overexpressed in tumors, and they may be targeted in vivo. We evaluated neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor expression in 131 primary human brain tumors, including gliomas, embryonal tumors, meningiomas, and pituitary adenomas, by in vitro receptor autoradiography using the 125I-labeled NPY receptor ligand peptide YY in competition with NPY receptor subtype-selective analogs. Receptor functionality was investigated in selected cases using [35S]GTPgammaS-binding autoradiography. World Health Organization Grade IV glioblastomas showed a remarkably high expression of the NPY receptor subtype Y2 with respect to both incidence (83%) and density (mean, 4,886 dpm/mg tissue); astrocytomas World Health Organization Grades I to III and oligodendrogliomas also exhibited high Y2 incidences but low Y2 densities. In glioblastomas, Y2 agonists specifically stimulated [35S]GTPgammaS binding, suggesting that tumoral Y2 receptors were functional. Furthermore, nonneoplastic nerve fibers containing NPY peptide were identified in glioblastomas by immunohistochemistry. Medulloblastomas, primitive neuroectodermal tumors of the CNS, and meningiomas expressed Y1 and Y2 receptor subtypes in moderate incidence and density. In conclusion, Y2 receptors in glioblastomas that are activated by NPY originating from intratumoral nerve fibers might mediate functional effects on the tumor cells. Moreover, identification of the high expression of NPY receptors in high-grade gliomas and embryonal brain tumors provides the basis for in vivo targeting.
PURPOSE: Glioblastomas are notorious for resistance to therapy, which has been attributed to DNA-repair proficiency, a multitude of deregulated molecular pathways, and, more recently, to the particular biologic behavior of tumor stem-like cells. Here, we aimed to identify molecular profiles specific for treatment resistance to the current standard of care of concomitant chemoradiotherapy with the alkylating agent temozolomide. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Gene expression profiles of 80 glioblastomas were interrogated for associations with resistance to therapy. Patients were treated within clinical trials testing the addition of concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide to radiotherapy. RESULTS: An expression signature dominated by HOX genes, which comprises Prominin-1 (CD133), emerged as a predictor for poor survival in patients treated with concomitant chemoradiotherapy (n = 42; hazard ratio = 2.69; 95% CI, 1.38 to 5.26; P = .004). This association could be validated in an independent data set. Provocatively, the HOX cluster was reminiscent of a "self-renewal" signature (P = .008; Gene Set Enrichment Analysis) recently characterized in a mouse leukemia model. The HOX signature and EGFR expression were independent prognostic factors in multivariate analysis, adjusted for the O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) methylation status, a known predictive factor for benefit from temozolomide, and age. Better outcome was associated with gene clusters characterizing features of tumor-host interaction including tumor vascularization and cell adhesion, and innate immune response. CONCLUSION: This study provides first clinical evidence for the implication of a "glioma stem cell" or "self-renewal" phenotype in treatment resistance of glioblastoma. Biologic mechanisms identified here to be relevant for resistance will guide future targeted therapies and respective marker development for individualized treatment and patient selection.
Black molds or dematiaceous fungi are rare etiologic agents of intracerebral abscesses and such infections carry a high mortality of up to 70% despite combined surgical and antifungal therapy. While the growing use of immunosuppressive therapies and organ transplantation have caused an increase in the incidence of rare fungal cerebral infections, occurrence in immunocompetent hosts is also possible. We describe a 60-year-old female patient with a cerebral abscess caused by Cladophialophora bantiana. The case illustrates the clinical and radiological similarities between glioblastomas and brain abscesses and emphasizes the need to perform histological and microbiological studies prior to the initiation of any form of therapy. Long-term survival from cerebral black mold abscesses has been reported only when complete surgical resection was possible. The recommended antifungal treatment involves the use of amphotericin B combined with a triazole and, if possible, flucytosine. Highly-active new generation triazole antifungal compounds (voriconazole or posaconazole) are likely to offer improved survival rates for patients with rare mold infections. In particular, posaconazole could be a new therapeutic option given its better tolerance, lower toxicity and fewer drug-drug interactions. We discuss clinical, microbiological and practical pharmacological aspects and review current and evolving treatment options.
In adults, glioblastomas are the most lethal and most frequent malignant brain tumors, and the poor prognosis despite aggressive treatment indicates the need to establish novel targets for molecular intervention. The secreted growth factor pleiotrophin (PTN, HB-GAM, HBNF, OSF-1) shows mitogenic, chemotactic, and transforming activity. Whereas PTN expression is tightly regulated during embryogenesis and is very limited in normal adult tissues, a marked PTN up-regulation is seen in tumors including glioblastomas. Likewise, the PTN receptor anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) has been shown previously to be upregulated and functionally relevant in glioblastoma. In this study, we explore the antitumorigenic effects of the simultaneous ribozyme-mediated knockdown of both receptor and ligand. Various glioblastoma cell lines are analyzed for PTN and ALK expression. Beyond the individual efficacies of several specific ribozymes against PTN or ALK, respectively, antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of a single gene targeting approach are strongly enhanced on double knockdown of both genes in vitro. More importantly, this results in the abolishment of tumor growth in an in vivo subcutaneous tumor xenograft model. Finally, the analysis of various downstream signaling pathways by antibody arrays reveals a distinct pattern of changes in the activation of signal transduction molecules on PTN/ALK double knockdown. Beyond the already known ones, it identifies additional pathways relevant for PTN/ALK signaling. We conclude that double targeting of PTN and ALK leads to enhanced antitumorigenic effects over single knockdown approaches, which offers novel therapeutic options owing to increased efficacy also after prolonged knockdown.
We previously found that FoxM1B is overexpressed in human glioblastomas and that forced FoxM1B expression in anaplastic astrocytoma cells leads to the formation of highly angiogenic glioblastoma in nude mice. However, the molecular mechanisms by which FoxM1B enhances glioma angiogenesis are currently unknown. In this study, we found that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a direct transcriptional target of FoxM1B. FoxM1B overexpression increased VEGF expression, whereas blockade of FoxM1 expression suppressed VEGF expression in glioma cells. Transfection of FoxM1 into glioma cells directly activated the VEGF promoter, and inhibition of FoxM1 expression by FoxM1 siRNA suppressed VEGF promoter activation. We identified two FoxM1-binding sites in the VEGF promoter that specifically bound to the FoxM1 protein. Mutation of these FoxM1-binding sites significantly attenuated VEGF promoter activity. Furthermore, FoxM1 overexpression increased and inhibition of FoxM1 expression suppressed the angiogenic ability of glioma cells. Finally, an immunohistochemical analysis of 59 human glioblastoma specimens also showed a significant correlation between FoxM1 overexpression and elevated VEGF expression. Our findings provide both clinical and mechanistic evidence that FoxM1 contributes to glioma progression by enhancing VEGF gene transcription and thus tumor angiogenesis.
A patient diagnosed with a glioma, generally, has an average of 14 months year to live after implementation of conventional therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Glioblastomas are highly lethal because of their aggressive nature and resistance to conventional therapies and apoptosis. Thus other avenues of cell death urgently need to be explored. Autophagy, which is also known as programmed cell death type II, has recently been identified as an alternative mechanism to kill apoptosis- resistant cancer cells. Traditionally, researchers have studied how cells undergo autophagy during viral infection as an immune response mechanism, but recently researchers have discovered how viruses have evolved to manipulate autophagy for their benefit. Extensive studies of viral-induced autophagy provide a rationale to investigate other viruses, such as the adenovirus, which may be developed as part of a therapy against cancers resistant to apoptosis. Despite the present and relatively poor understanding of the mechanisms behind adenoviral-induced autophagy, adenovirus is a promising candidate, because of its ability to efficiently eradicate tumors. A better understanding of how the adenovirus induces autophagy will allow for the development of viruses with increased oncolytic potency. We hypothesized that adenovirus induces autophagy in order to aid in lysis. We found that replication, not infection, was required for adenovirus-mediated autophagy. Loss of function analysis of early genes revealed that, of the early genes tested, no single gene was sufficient to induce autophagy alone. Examination of cellular pathways for their role in autophagy during adenovirus infection revealed a function for the eIF2α pathway and more specifically the GCN2 kinase. Cells lacking GCN2 are more resistant to adenovirus-mediated autophagy in vitro; in vivo we also found these cells fail to undergo autophagy, but display more cell death. We believe that autophagy is a protective mechanism the cell employs during adenoviral infection, and in the in vivo environment, cells cannot recover from virus infection and are more susceptible to death. Congruently, infected cells deficient for autophagy through deletion of ATG5 are not able undergo productive cell lysis, providing evidence that the destruction of the cytoplasm and cell membrane through autophagy is crucial to the viral life cycle. This project is the first to describe a gene, other than a named autophagy gene, to be required for adenovirus- mediated autophagy. It is also the first to examine autophagic cell death as a means to aid in viral-induced cell lysis.
A patient diagnosed with a glioma, generally, has an average of 14 months year to live after implementation of conventional therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Glioblastomas are highly lethal because of their aggressive nature and resistance to conventional therapies and apoptosis. Thus other avenues of cell death urgently need to be explored. Autophagy, which is also known as programmed cell death type II, has recently been identified as an alternative mechanism to kill apoptosis- resistant cancer cells. Traditionally, researchers have studied how cells undergo autophagy during viral infection as an immune response mechanism, but recently researchers have discovered how viruses have evolved to manipulate autophagy for their benefit. Extensive studies of viral-induced autophagy provide a rationale to investigate other viruses, such as the adenovirus, which may be developed as part of a therapy against cancers resistant to apoptosis. Despite the present and relatively poor understanding of the mechanisms behind adenoviral-induced autophagy, adenovirus is a promising candidate, because of its ability to efficiently eradicate tumors. A better understanding of how the adenovirus induces autophagy will allow for the development of viruses with increased oncolytic potency. We hypothesized that adenovirus induces autophagy in order to aid in lysis. We found that replication, not infection, was required for adenovirus-mediated autophagy. Loss of function analysis of early genes revealed that, of the early genes tested, no single gene was sufficient to induce autophagy alone. Examination of cellular pathways for their role in autophagy during adenovirus infection revealed a function for the eIF2α pathway and more specifically the GCN2 kinase. Cells lacking GCN2 are more resistant to adenovirus-mediated autophagy in vitro; in vivo we also found these cells fail to undergo autophagy, but display more cell death. We believe that autophagy is a protective mechanism the cell employs during adenoviral infection, and in the in vivo environment, cells cannot recover from virus infection and are more susceptible to death. Congruently, infected cells deficient for autophagy through deletion of ATG5 are not able undergo productive cell lysis, providing evidence that the destruction of the cytoplasm and cell membrane through autophagy is crucial to the viral life cycle. This project is the first to describe a gene, other than a named autophagy gene, to be required for adenovirus- mediated autophagy. It is also the first to examine autophagic cell death as a means to aid in viral-induced cell lysis.