929 resultados para Glassy-carbon electrode
A study on the electrochemical behavior of histamine species in aqueous medium is described. A glassy carbon electrode chemically modified with copper (II) hexacyanoferrate (CuHCFe) film and covered with Nafion® film was employed. The interaction between the analyte and the CuHCFe film can be demonstrated by a decrease in both the cathodic and anodic peak currents at 0.68V (vs. Ag/AgCl), attributed to the film and the appearance of new peak current at 0.47V. Cyclic voltammetric parameters obtained for histamine indicate the formation of stable complex between histamine adsorbed at the electrode surface. The dependence of peak currents on the concentration of the analyte is not linear in the employed work range, indicating the presence of a coupled chemical reaction in the electrodic process. © 2010 by ESG.
This work presents a surface study of monolithic vitreous (or glassy) carbon - MVC - obtained from vitreous carbon powder. Defective MVC pieces are crushed in a ball mill and size classified by sifting. The MVC powder is mixed with furfuryl-alcohol resin and compacted in a mould using a hydraulic press. Samples with different powder granulometries are produced in this way and carbonized in a furnace under nitrogen atmosphere. Complete carbonization of the powder is achieved in only one day and losses due to breakage of the pieces is less than 5%. These results compare very favorably with respect to traditional MVC production methods where full carbonization may require up to seven days and losses due to breakage can be as high as 70%. After carbonization, samples are sanded and polished. Surface roughness and microstructure are characterized by light microscopy. Porosity is quantified from micrographs using ImageJ software and nanometric height variations are measured by atomic force microscopy. © 2012 Materials Research Society.
A glassy carbon electrode chemically modified with nickel oxyhydroxide from a nickel hexacyanoferrate (NiHCF) film was used to determine glycerol in biodiesel by cyclic voltammetry. The modified electrode exhibited a linear response to glycerol concentration in the range from 0.05 to 0.35mmol L-1, and a detection limit of 0.030mmol L-1. The glycerol concentration found in the biodiesel sample was 0.156mmol L-1. The method developed in this study showed a recovery of (100.3±5.0)%. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this work, an electrode chemically modified with polypyrrole (PCME) was employed for determination of sulfate in ethanol fuel using a FIA system. The PCME was prepared by polymerization of pyrrole at a glassy carbon electrode by means of cyclic voltammetry technique. An analytical curve from 1.0 x 10−5 to 8.0 x 10−5 mol L−1 was obtained in flow injection system based on the PCME. An amperometric sensibility of 2.3 x 10−3 A mol−1 L and a detection limit of 2.5 x 10−6 mol L−1 were achieved. The proposed method was employed for determination of sulfate ions in commercial samples of ethanol fuel. The results were in good agreement with those obtained by the ionic chromatographic method.
A glassy carbon electrode chemically modified with nickel nanoparticles coupled with reversed-phase chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection was used for the quantitative analysis of furanic aldehydes in a real sample of sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate. Chromatographic separation was carried out in isocratic conditions (acetonitrile/water, 1:9) with a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, a detection potential of -50 mV vs. Pd, and the process was completed within 4 min. The analytical curves presented limits of detection of 4.0 × 10(-7) mol/L and 4.3 × 10(-7) mol/L, limits of quantification of 1.3 × 10(-6) and 1.4 × 10(-6) mol/L, amperometric sensitivities of 2.2 × 10(6) nA mol/L and 2.7 × 10(6) nA mol/L for furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, respectively. The values obtained in this sample by the standard addition method were 1.54 ± 0.02 g/kg for 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and 11.5 ± 0.2 g/kg for furfural. The results demonstrate that this new proposed method can be used for the quick detection of furanic aldehydes without the interference of other electroactive species, besides having other remarkable merits that include excellent peak resolution, analytical repeatability, sensitivity, and accuracy.
A sensitive electrochemical acetylcholinesterase (AChE) biosensor was successfully developed on polyaniline (PANI) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) core-shell modified glassy carbon electrode (GC), and used to detect carbamate pesticides in fruit and vegetables (apple, broccoli and cabbage). The pesticide biosensors were applied in the detection of carbaryl and methomyl pesticides in food samples using chronoamperometry (CA). The GC/MWCNT/PANI/AChE biosensor exhibited detection limits of 1.4 and 0.95 mu mol L-1, respectively, for carbaryl and methomyl. These detection limits were below the allowable concentrations set by Brazilian regulation standards for the samples in which these pesticides were analysed. Reproducibility and repeatability values of 2.6% and 3.2%, respectively, were obtained in the conventional procedure. The proposed biosensor was successfully applied in the determination of carbamate pesticides in cabbage, broccoli and apple samples without any spiking procedure. The obtained results were in full agreement with those from the HPLC procedure. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The uptake of ascorbate by neuroblastoma cells using a ruthenium oxide hexacyanoferrate (RuOHCF)-modified carbon fiber disc (CFD) microelectrode (r = 14.5 mu m) was investigated. By use of the proposed electrochemical sensor the amperometric determination of ascorbate was performed at 0.0 V in minimum essential medium (MEM, pH = 7.2) with a limit of detection of 25 mu mol L(-1). Under the optimum experimental conditions, no interference from MEM constituents and reduced glutathione (used to prevent the oxidation of ascorbate during the experiments) was noticed. The stability of the RuOHCF-modified electrode response was studied by measuring the sensitivity over an extended period of time (120 h), a decrease of around 10% being noticed at the end of the experiment. The rate of ascorbate uptake by control human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells, and cells transfected with wild-type Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD WT) or with a mutant typical of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (SOD G93A), was in agreement with the level of oxidative stress in these cells. The usefulness of the RuOHCF-modified microelectrode for in vivo monitoring of ascorbate inside neuroblastoma cells was also demonstrated.
This work describes the coupling of a biomimetic sensor to a flow injection system for the sensitive determination of paracetamol. The sensor was prepared as previously described in the literature (M. D. P. T. Sotomayor, A. Sigoli, M. R. V. Lanza, A. A. Tanaka and L. T. Kubota, J. Braz. Chem. Soc., 2008, 19, 734) by modifying a glassy carbon electrode surface with a Nafion (R) membrane doped with iron tetrapyridinoporphyrazine (FeTPyPz), a biomimetic catalyst of the P450 enzyme. The performance of the sensor for paracetamol detection was investigated and optimized in a flow injection system (FIA) using a wall jet electrochemical cell. Under optimized conditions a wide linear response range (1.0 x 10(-5) to 5.0 x 10(-2) mol L(-1)) was obtained, with a sensitivity of 2579 (+/- 129) mu A L mu mol(-1). The detection and quantification limits of the sensor for paracetamol in the FIA system were 1.0 and 3.5 mu mol L(-1), respectively. The analytical frequency was 51 samples h(-1), and over a period of five days (320 determinations) the biosensor maintained practically the same response. The system was successfully applied to paracetamol quantification in seven pharmaceutical formulations and in water samples from six rivers in Sao Paulo State, Brazil.
In this paper, it was evaluated the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of beverages using an electrochemical biosensor. The biosensor consisted on the purine base (guanine or adenine) electro-immobilization on a glassy carbon electrode surface (GCE). Purine base damage was induced by the hydroxyl radical generated by Fenton-type reaction. Five antioxidants were applied to counteract the deleterious effects of the hydroxyl radical. The antioxidants used were ascorbic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid and resveratrol. These antioxidants have the ability to scavenger the hydroxyl radical and protect the guanine and adenine immobilized on the GCE surface. The interaction carried out between the purinebase immobilized and the free radical in the absence and presence of antioxidants was evaluated by means of changes in the guanine and adenine anodic peak obtained by square wave voltammetry (SWV). The results demonstrated that the purine-biosensors are suitable for rapid assessment of TAC in beverages.
O presente trabalho tem como objectivo o desenvolvimento de um método analítico, baseado na voltametria de onda quadrada (SWV), para a análise de ciprofloxacina (CIP) em produtos farmacêuticos e em processos de remediação. Para o desenvolvimento do método voltamétrico foram utilizadas duas células voltamétricas: a célula clássica (utilizando um eléctrodo de trabalho de carbono vítreo - GCE) e um eléctrodo de carbono impresso (SPCE). Após a optimização dos parâmetros da SWV, pH (3,04), frequência (400Hz), incremento de potencial (6 mV) e amplitude do impulso de potencial (40 mV), procedeu-se a validação dos métodos, obtendo-se zonas lineares entre a concentração de CIP e a intensidade de corrente de pico de 5,0×10-6 a 6,0×10-5 mol/L (GCE) e de 1,0×10-5 a 4,0×10-5 mol/L (SPCE) e limites de detecção de 9,48×10-6 mol/L (GCE) e 2,13×10-6 mol/L (SPCE). Verificou-se que a sensibilidade, a precisão e a selectividade são superiores para o SPCE, sendo por isso esta a célula mais adequada para proceder à análise da CIP em produtos farmacêuticos. O SPCE foi aplicado com sucesso à análise de CIP num produto farmacêutico. Para o tratamento de soluções aquosas contendo a CIP foram testados dois oxidantes: o permanganato de potássio e o peróxido de hidrogénio. Para o peróxido de hidrogénio os resultados obtidos foram inconclusivos. No caso do permanganato de potássio, os resultados mostram que a degradação da ciprofloxacina depende da concentração do oxidante. Para uma concentração de CIP de 3,00×10-4 mol/L uma degradação rápida foi obtida com o uso de 6,00×10-3 mol/L de permanganato de potássio. Na aplicação do permanganato na remediação de solos verificou-se que no caso de solos húmicos a ciprofloxacina é adsorvida pelo solo, não sendo possível confirmar a ocorrência da reacção de degradação. No caso de solos arenosos verificou-se que a ciprofloxacina foi rapidamente degradada pelo permanganato de potássio.
The electrochemical behavior of the hydrolysis products of oxadiazon was studied by cyclic and square-wave voltammetry using a glassy carbon electrode. Maximum currents were obtained at pH 12.8 in an aqueous electrolyte solution containing 30% ethanol and the current did not decrease with time showing that there was little adsorption of the reaction products on the electrode surface. The hydrolysis products of oxadiazon were identi®ed, after isolation and puri®cation, as 1-trimethylacetyl-2-(2,4-dichloro-5-isopropoxyphenyl)-2-ethoxycarbonylhydrazine (Oxa1) and 1-trimethylacetyl-2-(2,4-dichloro-5-isopropoxyphenyl) hydrazine (Oxa2) with redox potentials 0.6Vand 70.1V (vs. Ag=AgCl), respectively. Based on the electrochemical behavior of 1-trimethylacetyl-2-(2,4-dichloro-5-isopropoxyphenyl) hydrazine (Oxa2) a simple electroanalytical procedure was developed for the determination of oxadiazon in commercial products used in the treatment of rice crops in Portugal that contain oxadiazon as the active ingredient. The detection limit was 161074 M, the mean content and relative standard deviation obtained for seven samples of two different commercial products by the electrochemical method were 28.4 0.8% (Ronstar) and 1.9 0.2% (Ronstar GR), and the recoveries were 100.3 5.4% and 101.1 5.3 %, respectively.
The oxidation of codeine on glassy carbon electrodes has been studied in detail using differential pulse voltammetry. The results obtained using a glassy carbon electrode clearly show a much more complex oxidation mechanism than that previously reported when platinum and gold electrodes were used. To clarify the codeine oxidative profile, several metabolites and analogues of this alkaloid, codeine N-oxide, norcodeine, dihydrocodeine, acetylcodeine and 6- chlorodesoxycodeine, were synthesized and studied. It was deduced that the anodic waves observed in codeine oxidation are related to the presence of methoxy, hydroxy and tertiary amine groups. Due to the similarity of potentials at which these oxidative processes take place, at some pHs an overlap of peaks occurs and only one anodic wave is observed.