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There are common findings between Beh double dagger et`s disease (BD) and celiac disease (CD); however, association in the same patient is a rarity. We relate the third case in the literature of this overlap in a 40-year-old woman with history of obstipation since her childhood. She also presented asymmetric polyarthralgia, loss of weight, anemia, oral recurrent aphthas (> 3/year) and genital ulcerations, inflammatory lower back pain, bowel bleeding and abdominal colic. Afterwards, she presented episodes of erythema nodosum, superficial thrombophlebitis, pseudofolliculitis and aseptic meningitis, thus fulfilling criteria for BD. Due to persistence of the digestive complaints, a gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed. The biopsy showed chronic duodenitis with intraepithelial lymphocytosis, crypt hyperplasia, and villous atrophy. Endomysial antibody was positive. She fulfilled the diagnosis criteria for CD; a gluten-free diet was applied with clinical improvement. Ascertaining whether pathogenic mechanisms are common in these two conditions requires further investigation.
Study Design. Systematic Review. Objectives. To assess the effects of massage therapy for nonspecific low back pain. Summary of Background Data. Low back pain is one of the most common and costly musculoskeletal problems in modern society. Proponents of massage therapy claim it can minimize pain and disability, and speed return to normal function. Methods. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL from their beginning to May 2008. We also searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library 2006, issue 3), HealthSTAR and Dissertation abstracts up to 2006. There were no language restrictions. References in the included studies and in reviews of the literature were screened. The studies had to be randomized or quasi-randomized trials investigating the use of any type of massage (using the hands or a mechanical device) as a treatment for nonspecific low back pain. Two review authors selected the studies, assessed the risk of bias using the criteria recommended by the Cochrane Back Review Group, and extracted the data using standardized forms. Both qualitative and meta-analyses were performed. Results. Thirteen randomized trials were included. Eight had a high risk and 5 had a low risk of bias. One study was published in German and the rest in English. Massage was compared to an inert therapy (sham treatment) in 2 studies that showed that massage was superior for pain and function on both short- and long-term follow-ups. In 8 studies, massage was compared to other active treatments. They showed that massage was similar to exercises, and massage was superior to joint mobilization, relaxation therapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, and self-care education. One study showed that reflexology on the feet had no effect on pain and functioning. The beneficial effects of massage in patients with chronic low back pain lasted at least 1 year after the end of the treatment. Two studies compared 2 different techniques of massage. One concluded that acupuncture massage produces better results than classic (Swedish) massage and another concluded that Thai massage produces similar results to classic (Swedish) massage. Conclusion. Massage might be beneficial for patients with subacute and chronic nonspecific low back pain, especially when combined with exercises and education. The evidence suggests that acupuncture massage is more effective than classic massage, but this need confirmation. More studies are needed to confirm these conclusions, to assess the impact of massage on return-to-work, and to determine cost-effectiveness of massage as an intervention for low back pain.
Objective. To develop a questionnaire for the evaluation of sexuality of male patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Methods. A cohort of male patients with rheumatoid factor (RF)-negative polyarticular. JIA according to the 2004 revised ILAR criteria and inactive disease was Studied. The Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) was applied to all patients. As a control group, 120 age-matched males of the same socioeconomic status were evaluated. A self-administered Structured instrument, the Male Sexual Evaluation Questionnaire (MSEQ), was developed by multiprofessional experts to assess sexual life, including satisfaction, practice. and related functional aspects. Results. Thirty-two male patients with RF-negative polyarticular JIA [mean age 20.8 +/- 3.8 yrs (range 16-26), mean disease duration 15.4 +/- 3.6 yrs (range 13-20)] were studied. Mean HAQ score was 1.25 +/- 0.67 (range 0.1-2.1). Masturbation was practiced similarly by patients and controls (87.5% vs 91%; p > 0.999), although joint pain was observed in only 2 (7%) patients. Regular sexual intercourse (>= once/week) was reported by 78% of patients and 62% of controls (p = 0.86). Joint pain during intercourse was more frequent in patients (48% vs 3% in controls; p < 0.001). The mean HAQ score was higher in the 12 patients with,joint pain (hips = 3, knees = 5, and hips + knees = 4) during intercourse compared to the 13 patients without joint pain (1.82 +/- 0.27 vs 1.43 +/- 0.32; p < 0.05). Preserved desire and satisfaction were universal findings for all JIA patients and controls. Conclusion. The MSEQ was applicable to this cohort of male patients with RF-negative polyarticular JIA and showed that sexual life is preserved despite longterm disease, morbidity/functional dysfunction, and joint pain. (First Release May 1 2009: J Rheumatol 2009;36: 1337-42; doi: 10.3899/jrheum.080867)
Study Design. A clinical study was conducted on 39 patients with acute, first-episode, unilateral low back pain and unilateral, segmental inhibition of the multifidus muscle. Patients were allocated randomly to a control or treatment group. Objectives. To document the natural course of lumbar multifidus recovery and to evaluate the effectiveness of specific, localized, exercise therapy on muscle recovery. Summary of Background Data. Acute low back pain usually resolves spontaneously, but the recurrence rate is high. Inhibition of multifidus occurs with acute, first-episode, low back pain, and pathologic changes in this muscle have been linked with poor outcome and recurrence of symptoms. Methods. Patients in group 1 received medical treatment only. Patients in group 2 received medical treatment and specific, localized, exercise therapy. Outcome measures for both groups included 4 weekly assessments of pain, disability, range of motion, and size of the multifidus cross-sectional area. Independent examiners were blinded to group allocation. Patients were reassessed at a 10-week follow-up examination. Results. Multifidus muscle recovery was not spontaneous on remission of painful symptoms in patients in group 1. Muscle recovery was more rapid and more complete in patients in group 2 who received exercise therapy (P = 0.0001). Other outcome measurements were similar for the two groups at the 4-week examination. Although they resumed normal levels of activity, patients in group 1 still had decreased multifidus muscle size at the 10-week follow-up examination. Conclusions. Multifidus muscle recovery is not spontaneous on remission of painful symptoms. Lack of localized, muscle support may be one reason for the high recurrence rate of low back pain following the initial episode.
Objective. To assess health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in abatacept-treated children/adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Methods. In this phase III, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, subjects with active polyarticular course JIA and an inadequate response/intolerance to >= 1 disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (including biologics) received abatacept 10 mg/kg plus methotrexate (MTX) during the 4-month open-label period (period A). Subjects achieving the American College of Rheumatology Pediatric 30 criteria for improvement (defined ""responders"") were randomized to abatacept or placebo (plus MTX) in the 6-month double-blind withdrawal period (period B). HRQOL assessments included 15 Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) health concepts plus the physical (PhS) and psychosocial summary scores (PsS), pain (100-mm visual analog scale), the Children`s Sleep Habits Questionnaire, and a daily activity participation questionnaire. Results. A total of 190 subjects from period A and 122 from period B were eligible for analysis. In period A, there were substantial improvements across all of the CHQ domains (greatest improvement was in pain/discomfort) and the PhS (8.3 units) and PsS (4.3 units) with abatacept. At the end of period B, abatacept-treated subjects had greater improvements versus placebo in all domains (except behavior) and both summary scores. Similar improvement patterns were seen with pain and sleep. For participation in daily activities, an additional 2.6 school days/month and 2.3 parents` usual activity days/month were gained in period A responders with abatacept, and further gains were made in period B (1.9 versus 0.9 [P = 0.033] and 0.2 versus -1.3 [P = 0.109] school days/month and parents` usual activity days/month, respectively, in abatacept-versus placebo-treated subjects). Conclusion. Improvements in HRQOL were observed with abatacept, providing real-life tangible benefits to children with JIA and their parents/caregivers.
Single session repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the motor cortex (M1) is effective in the treatment of chronic pain patients but the analgesic effect of repeated sessions is still unknown We evaluated the effects of rTMS in patients with refractory pain due to complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) type I Twenty three patients presenting CRPS type I of 1 upper limb were treated with the best medical treatment (analgesics and adjuvant medications physical therapy) plus 10 daily sessions of either real (r) or sham (s) 10Hz rTMS to the motor cortex (M1) Patients were assessed daily and after 1 week and 3 months after the last session using the Visual Analogical Scale (VAS) the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) the Health Survey 36 (SF 36) and the Hamilton Depression (HDRS) During treatment there was a significant reduction in the VAS scores favoring the r rTMS group mean reduction of 4 65 cm (50 9%) against 2 18 cm (24 7%) in the s rTMS group The highest reduction occurred at the tenth session and correlated to improvement in the affective and emotional subscores of the MPQ and SF 36 Real rTMS to the M1 produced analgesic effects and positive changes in affective aspects of pain in CRPS patients during the period of stimulation Perspective This study shows an efficacy of repetitive sessions of high frequency rTMS as an add on therapy to refractory CAPS type I patients It had a positive effect in different aspects of pain (sensory discriminative and emotional affective) It opens the perspective for the clinical use of this technique (C) 2010 by the American Pain Society
Manipulative therapy is frequently used in the management of musculoskeletal pain. A frequently reported clinical feature of this treatment is the immediacy with which it appears to initiate improvement in pain and function. A randomised, double blind, placebo controlled, repeated measures design was employed to study the initial effects of a cervical spine treatment technique in a group of 15 patients with lateral epicondylalgia. Pressure pain threshold, pain-free grip strength, upper limb neurodynamics, pain and function were assessed prior to and following application of either a treatment, placebo or control condition. All subjects received all three conditions. Differences between the pre-post measures were used as indicators of change in subject's symptom profiles. The treatment condition produced significant improvement in pressure pain threshold, pain-free grip strength, neurodynamics and pain scores relative to placebo and control conditions (P < 0.05). In summary, this study demonstrates that manipulative therapy is capable of eliciting a rapid hypoalgesic effect.
This study analyzes the relationship between extracellular purines and pain perception in humans. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of purines and their metabolites were compared between patients displaying acute and/or chronic pain syndromes and control subjects. The CSF levels of IMP, inosine, guanosine and uric acid were significantly increased in the chronic pain group and correlated with pain severity (P<0.05). Patients displaying both chronic and acute pain presented similar changes in the CSF purines concentration (P<0.05). However, in the acute pain group, only CSF inosine and uric acid levels were significantly increased (P<0.05). These findings suggest that purines, in special inosine, guanosine and uric acid, are associated with the spinal mechanisms underlying nociception. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Arantes GM, Arantes VMN, Ashmawi HA, Posso IP To study the efficacy of tenoxicam for pain control, its potential for preemptive analgesia, and its influence on the orthodontic movement of upper canine teeth. This was a randomized controlled double-blind cross-over study. The patients were divided into three groups. Two groups received tenoxicam in daily doses of 20 mg orally for 3 days. Group A received the first dose of the drug before orthodontic activation and group B, just afterwards. Group C (control) received a placebo for 3 days. All groups had access to 750 mg of paracetamol up to four times a day. Three orthodontic activations were performed at 30-day intervals. Each patient belonged to two different groups. Pain intensity was assessed using a descriptive Pain Scale and a Visual Analog Scale. Private clinic; 36 patients undergoing bilateral canine tooth retraction. The statistical analysis did not show any difference in movement between the active groups and the control at any time. There was no statistical difference between the groups that received tenoxicam. Pain intensity in these groups was lower than in the placebo group. The difference in pain intensity between the active groups and the control was greatest at the assessment made 12 h after activation and it tended to zero, 72 h after activation. Tenoxicam did not influence orthodontic movement of the upper canines. It was effective for pain control and did not present any preemptive analgesic effect.
Cryoablative therapies have been proposed to palliate pain from soft-tissue or osteolytic bone tumors. A case of a patient with painful thoracic and sacral spine sclerotic metastases successfully treated by image-guided percutaneous cryoablation with the aid of insulation techniques and thermosensors is reported in this case report.
Background: Plantar fasciitis is the third most frequent injury in runners. Despite its high prevalence, its pathogenesis remains inconclusive. The literature reports overload as the basic mechanism for its development. However, the way that these plantar loads are distributed on the foot surface of runners with plantar fasciitis and the effects of pain on this mechanical factor has not yet been investigated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the plantar pressure distributions during running in runners with symptom or history of plantar fasciitis and runners without the disease. Methods: Forty-five recreational runners with plantar fasciitis (30 symptomatic and 15 with previous history of the disease) and 60 runners without plantar fasciitis (control group) were evaluated. Pain was assessed by a visual analogue scale. All runners were evaluated by means of the Pedar system insoles during running forty meters at a speed of 12(5%) km/h, using standard sport footwear. Two-way ANOVAS were employed to investigate the main and interaction effects between groups and plantar areas. Findings: No interaction effects were found for any of the investigated variables: peak pressure (P=0.61), contact area (P=0.38), contact time (P=0.91), and the pressure-time integral (P=0.50). Interpretation: These findings indicated that the patterns of plantar pressure distribution were not affected in recreational runners with plantar fasciitis when compared to control runners. Pain also did not interfere with the dynamic patterns of the plantar pressure distributions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between variables of physical assessment - muscular strength, flexibility and dynamic balance - with pain, pain threshold, and fibromyalgia symptoms (FM). Methods. Our sample consists of 55 women, with age ranging from 30 to 55 years (mean of 46.5, (standard deviation, SD=6.6)), mean body mass index (BMI) of 28.7(3.8) and diagnosed for FM according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria. Pain intensity was measured using a visual analogue scale (VAS) and pain threshold (PT) using Fisher`s dolorimeter. FM symptoms were assessed by the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ); flexibility by the third finger to floor test (3FF); the muscular strength index (MSI) by the maximum volunteer isometric contraction at flexion and extension of right knee and elbow using a force transducer, dynamic balance by the time to get up and go (TUG) test and the functional reach test (FRT). Data were analysed using Pearson`s correlation, as well as simple and multivariate regression tests, with significance level of 5%. Results. PT and FIQ were weakly but significantly correlated with the TUG, MSI and 3FF as well as VAS with the TUG and MSI (p<0.05). VAS, PT and FIQ was not correlated with FRT. Simple regression suggests that, alone, TUG, FR, MSI and 3FF are low predictors of VAS, PT and FIQ. For the VAS, the best predictive model includes TUG and MSI, explaining 12.6% of pain. variability. For TP and total symptoms, as obtained by the FIQ, most predictive model includes 3FF and MSI, which respectively respond by 30% and 21% of the variability. Conclusion. Muscular strength, flexibility and balance are associated with pain, pain threshold, and symptoms in FM patients.
Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic widespread pain (CWP) in community-dwelling elderly individuals living in Sao Paulo, to assess the spectrum of problems related to these diseases using the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) and to correlate the FIQ with the number of tender points and with pain threshold. Methods: Our sample consisted of 361 individuals (64% women, 36% men, mean age of 73.3 +/- 5.7 years). Individuals were classified into four groups: FM (according to American College of Rheumatology criteria), CWP, regional pain (RP) and no pain (NP). Pain characteristics and dolorimetry for 18 tender points and the FIQ were assessed. Results: The prevalence of FM was 5.5% [95% confidence interval (CI) = 5.4-5.7], and the prevalence of CWP was 14.1% (95% Cl: 10.5-17.7%). The frequency of RP was 52.6% and the prevalence of NP was 27.7%. FIQ scores were higher in people with FM (44.5), followed by CWP (31.4), RP (18.1) and NP (5.5) (p < 0.001). There was a positive correlation between the domains of the FIQ and the number of tender Points (p < 0.05), and a negative correlation between FIQ score and pain threshold (p < 0.05). Conclusion: In our elderly subjects, the prevalence of FM was slightly higher compared to previously reported studies, and CWP was around 14%. The spectrum of problems related to chronic pain was more severe in FM followed by CWP, strongly suggesting that these conditions should be diagnosed and adequately treated in older individuals. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background. The mechanical alterations related to the overload of respiratory muscles observed in adults with persistent asthma might lead to the development of chronic alterations in posture, musculoskeletal dysfunction and pain; however, these changes remain poorly understood. Objective. This study aimed to assess postural alignment, muscle shortening and chronic pain in adults with persistent asthma. Methods. This cross-sectional and controlled study enrolled 30 patients with mild (n = 17) and severe ( n = 13) persistent asthma. Fifteen non-asthmatic volunteers were also assessed. Asthma was classified by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) guidelines. Postural alignment and muscle shortening were evaluated by head and shoulder positions, chest wall mobility, and posterior ( trunk and lower limb) muscle flexibility. In addition, the measures used were previously tested for their reproducibility. Pain complaints were also assessed. Results. In comparison with non-asthmatic subjects, patients with mild or severe persistent asthma held their head and shoulders more forward and had lower chest wall expansion, decreased shoulder internal rotation, and decreased thoracic spine flexibility. Chronic lower thoracic, cervical, and shoulder pain was significantly increased in patients with mild or severe asthma compared with non-asthmatic subjects (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Adults with persistent asthma have musculoskeletal dysfunction and chronic pain that is independent of the severity of their disease but that might be related to their age at the onset of disease symptoms.
The construct of coping is explored in this paper utilising repertory grid technique with a small group of non-patients with chronic pain. Nineteen volunteers with low back pain completed a repertory grid with eight given elements signifying various self and illness-related roles. Two constructs were given and the remainder elicited using the triad method. The 19 participants rated themselves as being in less pain than those they typified as ill or disabled and considered themselves to be coping with their pain. The constructs elicited emphasised authenticity, the limitations of being a coper, mastery, active stoicism, cheerfulness, acceptance and maintaining acceptable social interactions and appearances. Copers were considered to not be in constant pain. Self, ideal-self and social-self constructs were closely related, The participants rated themselves more like copers than ill, pain-suffering, invalid or hypochondriacal persons. Being a coper, however, was less desirable than being pain free, In essence, these volunteers with low back pain see coping as a necessary evil. This ambivalent and ambiguous construing of coping needs to be further explored in community and patient groups if we are to improve the collaboration between patients and therapists in achieving good pain management. (C) 1997 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.