914 resultados para General Surgery -- education


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The two main themes of the conference centre around teaching experiences in legal education and theme and international and European perspectives in legal education.


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This article explores the experience of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) by supervisory-level clinical staff in the National Health Service. Four main themes are highlighted in the literature, namely the nature and experience of CPD, its relationship with human resource management practices and in particular in career development and planning. These themes are examined utilising sources of (triangulated) empirical data based on a 2500 sample survey conducted across five NHS Trusts. A key finding was that responsibility for learning and development was perceived as belonging to the individual rather than the organisation. Other findings concern a lack of resource-based commitment by the organisation to CPD for clinical staff undertaking supervisory-level roles and evidence of 'credentialism' with its emphasis on seeking certificated qualifications. The findings raise concerns about the potential for clinical staff to become disillusioned and to perceive a potential breach in their psychological contract because of problems in reconciling their own interests with those of their professional body, and that of their employer in relation to CPD.


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BACKGROUND: Open angle glaucoma (OAG) is the commonest cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. OBJECTIVES: To study the relative effects of medical and surgical treatment of OAG. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library Issue 1, 2005), MEDLINE (1966 to February 2005), EMBASE (1988 to February 2005), and reference lists of articles. We also contacted researchers in the field. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials comparing medications to surgery in adults. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data. We contacted trial investigators for missing information. MAIN RESULTS: Four trials involving 888 participants with previously untreated OAG were included. Surgery was Scheie's procedure in one trial and trabeculectomy in three trials. In three trials, primary medication was usually pilocarpine, in one trial a beta-blocker.In the most recent trial, participants with mild OAG, progressive visual field (VF) loss, after adjustment for cataract surgery, was not significantly different for medications compared to trabeculectomy (Odds ratio (OR) 0.74; 95% CI 0.54 to 1.01). Reduction of vision, with a higher risk of developing cataract (OR 2.69, 95%% CI 1.64 to 4.42), and more patient discomfort was more likely with trabeculectomy than medication.There is some evidence, from three trials, for people with moderately advanced glaucoma that medication is associated with more progressive VF loss and 6 to 8 mmHg less intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering than surgery, either by a Scheie's procedure or trabeculectomy. There was a trend towards an increased risk of failed IOP control over time for initial pilocarpine treatment compared to trabeculectomy. In the longer-term (two trials) the risk of failure was significantly greater with medication than trabeculectomy (OR 3.90, 95% CI 1.60 to 9.53; HR 7.27, 95% CI 2.23 to 25.71). Medicine and surgery have evolved since these trials were undertaken, and additionally the evidence is potentially subject to detection and attrition bias. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Evidence from one trial suggests, for mild OAG, that VF deterioration up to five-years is not significantly different whether treatment is initiated with medication or trabeculectomy. Reduced vision, cataract and eye discomfort are more likely with trabeculectomy. There is some evidence, for more severe OAG, that initial medication (pilocarpine, now rarely used as first line medication) is associated with greater VF deterioration than surgery. In general, surgery lowers IOP more than medication.There was no evidence to determine the effectiveness of contemporary medication (prostaglandin analogues, alpha2-agonists and topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors) compared to surgery in severe OAG, and in people of black African ethnic origin who have a greater risk of more severe open angle glaucoma. More research is required.


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O nosso estudo debruça-se sobre o uso de estruturadores do discurso na interacção verbal, em contexto pedagógico. As nossas referências teóricas estão vinculadas à Análise do Discurso, quer à escola francesa (com origem na Linguística), quer à escola anglo-saxónica (com origem na Antropologia). Em relação à área da Linguística, buscámos os pressupostos da Pragmática, Sociolinguística e Psicolinguística; relativamente à Antropologia, seguimos as abordagens etnográficas, etnometodológicas e interaccionistas. Nesta pesquisa participaram 15 professores e 778 alunos de cinco escolas do ensino secundário/equiparado da cidade da Beira e da região de Maputo (Moçambique), que integravam, nomeadamente, as turmas do 1.º e 2.º ano do ramo comercial e 9.ª e 10.ª classe do ensino secundário geral. Observámos 40 aulas, das quais foram transcritas e analisadas 10 aulas. A transcrição e a anotação foram realizadas com o auxílio do programa Transcriber. Usámos métodos qualitativos e quantitativos e, predominantemente, procedimentos descritivos. Identificámos 4700 marcadores discursivos distribuídos nas seguintes subcategorias: marcadores discursivos directivos, marcadores discursivos de confirmação, marcadores discursivos de natureza fáctica e de concordância e as interjeições como marcadores discursivos. Os resultados da nossa pesquisa permitiram-nos concluir que os marcadores discursivos e as disfluências desempenham funções ligadas à estruturação textual-interactiva. Estes fenómenos linguísticos, ao estruturarem o discurso de professores e alunos, contribuem para a produção/compreensão de sentido das frases.


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My paper will focus on the generative potential of categorising asynchronous discussion threads as one strategy for improving the quality of students’ learning in a blended learning module. The approach to categorisation is based on social network analysis using intuitively simple descriptors of message posting patterns e.g. passive facilitator, dominant facilitator, unresponsive star and formulaic discussion. The intention is to produce descriptively vivid illustrative examples of the categories and to begin to suggest affordances of the different participation patterns. Looking forward to the beginning of the next module, it is anticipated that discussion during the module of approaches to participating in asynchronous discussion will contribute to effective engagement patterns and deeper learning.


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Purpose This research investigates the relationship between students’ entrepreneurial attitudes and traits and their classification of employment six months after university graduation. It aims to identify what specific attitudes and traits of entrepreneurial graduates are linked to employability in a professional or managerial field. Design/Methodology The research adopts a quantitative approach to measure the entrepreneurial drive of final-year undergraduate business school students and regresses this measurement against the employment level of the same students six months after their graduation. The employment classification of each respondent was classified as ‘professional/managerial’ or ‘non-professional/non-managerial’, in line with the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 2010. Findings The research found that both proactive disposition and achievement motivation were statistically linked to the likelihood of graduates being employed in a professional or managerial position six months after graduation. Originality/Value This research goes beyond existing literature linking entrepreneurship to employability to quantitatively examine what specific attitudes and traits can be linked to employability in recent graduates. By identifying the aspects of entrepreneurialism that have a relationship with employability, more information is available for educators who are designing entrepreneurial education programs and allows for greater focus on aspects that may be of greatest benefit to all students.


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En salle d’opération, les tâches de l’anesthésiste sont nombreuses. Alors que l’utilisation de nouveaux outils technologiques l’informe plus fidèlement sur ce qui se passe pour son patient, ces outils font que ses tâches deviennent plus exigeantes. En vue de diminuer cette charge de travail, nous avons considérer l’administration automatique d’agents anesthésiques en se servant de contrôle en boucle fermée. À cette fin, nous avons développé un système d’administration d’un agent anesthésique (le propofol) visant à maintenir à un niveau optimal la perte de conscience du patient pendant toute la durée d’une chirurgie. Le système comprend un ordinateur, un moniteur d’anesthésie et une pompe de perfusion. L’ordinateur est doté d’un algorithme de contrôle qui, à partir d’un indice (Bispectral IndexTM ou BIS) fournit par le moniteur d’anesthésie détermine le taux d’infusion de l’agent anesthésiant. Au départ, l’anesthésiste choisit une valeur cible pour la variable de contrôle BIS et l’algorithme, basé sur système expert, calcule les doses de perfusion de propofol de sorte que la valeur mesurée de BIS se rapproche le plus possible de la valeur cible établie. Comme interface-utilisateur pour un nouveau moniteur d’anesthésie, quatre sortes d’affichage ont été considérés: purement numérique, purement graphique, un mélange entre graphique et numérique et un affichage graphique intégré (soit bidimensionnel). À partir de 20 scenarios différents où des paramètres normaux et anormaux en anesthésie étaient présentés à des anesthésistes et des résidents, l’étude des temps de réaction, de l’exactitude des réponses et de la convivialité (évaluée par le NASA-TLX) a montré qu’un affichage qui combine des éléments graphiques et numériques était le meilleur choix comme interface du système. Une étude clinique a été réalisée pour comparer le comportement du système d’administration de propofol en boucle fermée comparativement à une anesthésie contrôlée de façon manuelle et conventionnelle où le BIS était aussi utilisé. Suite à l’approbation du comité d’éthique et le consentement de personnes ayant à subir des chirurgies générales et orthopédiques, 40 patients ont été distribués également et aléatoirement soit dans le Groupe contrôle, soit dans le Groupe boucle fermée. Après l’induction manuelle de propofol (1.5 mg/kg), le contrôle en boucle fermée a été déclenché pour maintenir l’anesthésie à une cible de BIS fixée à 45. Dans l’autre groupe, le propofol a été administré à l’aide d’une pompe de perfusion et l’anesthésiste avait aussi à garder manuellement l’indice BIS le plus proche possible de 45. En fonction du BIS mesuré, la performance du contrôle exercé a été définie comme excellente pendant les moments où la valeur du BIS mesurée se situait à ±10% de la valeur cible, bonne si comprise de ±10% à ±20%, faible si comprise de ±20% à ±30% ou inadéquate lorsque >±30%. Dans le Groupe boucle fermée, le système a montré un contrôle excellent durant 55% du temps total de l’intervention, un bon contrôle durant 29% du temps et faible que pendant 9% du temps. Le temps depuis l’arrêt de la perfusion jusqu’à l’extubation est de 9 ± 3.7 min. Dans le Groupe contrôle, un contrôle excellent, bon, et faible a été enregistré durant 33%, 33% et 15% du temps respectivement et les doses ont été changées manuellement par l’anesthésiste en moyenne 9.5±4 fois par h. L’extubation a été accomplie après 11.9 ± 3.3 min de l’arrêt de la perfusion. Dans le Groupe boucle fermée, un contrôle excellent a été obtenu plus longtemps au cours des interventions (P<0.0001) et un contrôle inadéquat moins longtemps (P=0.001) que dans le Groupe contrôle. Le système en boucle fermée d’administration de propofol permet donc de maintenir plus facilement l’anesthésie au voisinage d’une cible choisie que l’administration manuelle.


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Cette recherche porte sur la pertinence et la faisabilité d’un programme de formation continue à distance des enseignants qualifiés de l’enseignement secondaire général public du Bénin. Elle a deux objectifs spécifiques : l’identification et l’analyse des besoins de formation continue des enseignants du secondaire du Bénin et l’étude des modalités administratives, pédagogiques et techniques de mise en place d’un tel programme dans le contexte béninois. Les recherches sont effectuées sur la base de la mise en œuvre de la technique du groupe nominal (TGN) qui a permis de générer un premier questionnaire soumis à un échantillon de 278 enseignants représentatifs des 1 488 enseignants qualifiés de l’enseignement secondaire général public du Bénin et trois autres questionnaires, basés sur la technique Delphi, adressés à 13 experts du système éducatif béninois. Il apparaît qu’un futur programme de formation continue à distance des enseignants du secondaire devrait comporter, principalement, les trois thèmes ci-après, classés par ordre de priorité : «Technologies de l’information et de la communication »; «Méthodes pédagogiques» et « Matière de spécialité ». L’utilisation de la technique Delphi a permis d’établir une liste de 23 items correspondant aux modalités administratives, pédagogiques et techniques pour la mise en œuvre de la formation. L’analyse des résultats de la technique Delphi et celle des réponses au questionnaire adressé aux enseignants ont permis d’opérer un choix de médias à utiliser et/ou à intégrer pour transmettre le savoir et soutenir l’apprentissage. Il ressort des résultats de la recherche que les enseignants béninois du secondaire ont d’importants besoins de formation continue et que la conception et la mise en œuvre d’un programme de formation à distance axée sur l’utilisation des TIC sont pertinentes et faisables au Bénin. Un modèle organisationnel de formation continue à distance a été proposé.


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Introduction : The acute care surgery (ACS) units are dedicated to the prompt management of surgical emergencies. It is a systemic way of organizing on-call services to diminish conflict between urgent care and elective obligations. The aim of this study was to define the characteristics of an ACS unit and to find common criteria in units with reported good functioning. Methods : As of July 1st 2014, 22 Canadian hospitals reported having an ACS unit. A survey with questions about the organization of the ACS units, the population it serves, the number of emergencies and trauma cases treated per year, and the satisfaction about the implementation of this ACS unit was sent to those hospitals. Results : The survey’s response rate was 73%. The majority of hospitals were tertiary or quaternary centers, served a population of more than 200 000 and had their ACS unit for more than three years. The median number of surgeons participating in an ACS unit was 8.5 and the majority were doing seven day rotations. The median number of operating room days was 2.5 per week. Most ACS units (85%) had an estimated annual volume of more than 2500 emergency consultations (including both trauma and non-trauma) and 80% operated over 1000 cases per year. Nearly all the respondents (94%) were satisfied with the implementation of the ACS unit in their hospital. Conclusion : Most surgeons felt that the implementation of an ACS unit resulted in positive outcomes. However, there should be a sizeable catchment population and number of surgical emergencies to justify the resulting financial and human resources.


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Objective: To evaluate the flexible program implemented for the medical internship at School of Medicine, Universidad del Rosario during the period 1997-2002. Methodology: A descriptive study was performed to summarize the choices of medical clerkships made by the interns during the whole studied period. The coincidence with the further choice of a determined medical specialty was assessed. Conclusions: Most of the last year’s students remain preferring a conservative approach to their career, by choosing clerkships in a basic area, such as internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics or general surgery. The coincidence between the type of internship or clerkships a student performs and the future election of a specialty is high.


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Objective: To use a population-level, public-hospital approach to compare the prevalence and cost of musculoskeletal diseases (MSD) with other clinical specialties.

Methods: A healthcare utilization survey of 4 million individual records over 4 years, from all major public hospitals in the state of Victoria (estimated population 4.8 million residents in 2000/01) from 1997/98 to 2000/01. Main outcome measures were inpatient episodes of care, bed-days, and outpatient clinic encounters. MSD was defined as the combination of orthopedics and rheumatology.

Results: After obstetrics, MSD was the most frequent outpatient service, with orthopedics accounting for 9.9% of all visits in 2000/01. The proportion of MSD outpatient encounters (on average 11.6% of the total) was constant over the study period. Among 26 medical specialties, MSD had the sixth highest number of inpatient episodes (6.2% in 2000/01), following renal dialysis (14.6%), general surgery (8.2%), obstetrics (7.6%), gastroenterology (7.1%), and general medicine (6.7%). MSD was the fifth highest consumer of bed-days, occupying on average 7.7% of all beds per annum in the period 1997/98 to 2000/01, behind psychiatry (10.1%), respiratory medicine (8.5%), rehabilitation (8.3%), and general medicine (7.8%). MSD was the third most-costly discipline in 2000/01, with total costs of over A dollars 169 million (9.7% of total inpatient costs that year), behind respiratory medicine (11.6%) and general surgery (11.5%).

Compared to other diseases, MSD consumes a substantial proportion of healthcare resources in Victorian public hospitals. These data have important implications for allocation of healthcare resources, clinical care pathways, and prevention strategies.


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While the role of religion in Australian schools has been vigorously debated since the 1870s, it has recently generated considerable controversy, particularly in the State of Victoria. Despite the Victorian Government’s positive record of promoting multifaith engagement, Christian volunteers – provided by ACCESS Ministries - currently teach 96% of students enrolled in Special Religious Instruction (SRI) classes in Victoria’s Government schools.


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There are well-described benefits to separating emergency and elective surgery. Geelong Hospital lacked the resources to implement a separate acute surgical unit, but instituted daily dedicated emergency general surgery operating sessions, managed by an on-site consultant. This study aims to assess the impact of this on service delivery and surgeons' job satisfaction.
From 1 February 2011, daily half-day operating lists were allocated for general surgical emergencies. Patients treated on these lists were studied prospectively until 31 December 2011. Theatre waiting times and hospital stay were compared with the previous year. A quality-of-life questionnaire was administered to participating surgeons before the project commenced and after 6 months.
A total of 966 patients underwent surgery during an emergency general surgery admission in the control period, and 984 underwent surgery during the study period. The median time from arrival in the emergency department (ED) to surgery was reduced from 19 (18–21) h in the control group to 18 (17–19) h in the study group (P = 0.033). The time from booking surgery to operation was reduced from 4.8 (4.3–5.4) h to 3.9 (3.5–4.3) h (P < 0.0001). For patients undergoing emergency laparotomy, the time from booking to surgery was reduced from 3.1 (2.2–4.1) to 2.4 (1.8–2.9) h, and hospital stay was reduced from 13 (11–15) to 10 (9–12) days (P = 0.0089). The surgeons' responses to the questionnaires showed improvement in job satisfaction (P < 0.0001).
This intervention has improved service delivery for emergency surgery patients, and improved the participating surgeons' job satisfaction.