934 resultados para GILLES DELEUZE


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El planteamiento general de este trabajo tiene todo que ver con un intento de clarificación referido a las concepciones lógicas y semióticas en virtud de las cuales es posible sostener la irreductibilidad al discurso científico tanto de la filosofía como del psicoanálisis. Tal discurso se constituye en la modernidad y, por cuanto encuentra un peculiar modo de inserción institucional y social como práctica científica de innovación y desarrollo, además de porque dicha inserción le confiere un papel especialmente relevante en los procesos de subjetivación requeridos y propiciados por la sociedad contemporánea, entendemos que la cuestión planteada reviste una relevancia digna de ser tenida en consideración. Ahora bien, muchos son los estudios dedicados a esta cuestión desde perspectivas muy diversas, si bien frecuentemente aquello que se sitúa como objeto principal de la investigación es extraído, bien del lado de la articulación de la ciencia con las condiciones de producción de la sociedad moderna, bien del de un hipotético sujeto (en cierto sentido moral o personal) que resulta violentado o sometido por dichas condiciones. Sin embargo, el propósito y proceder de este volumen pretende situarse en un ámbito intermedio, sirviéndose del modo en el que dos figuras representativas tanto de la filosofía como del psicoanálisis durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX reciben las consecuencias del llamado “giro lingüístico”, en especial por lo que toca a su vertiente estructuralista y a los debates que aparecen a partir de su surgimiento. Tomando como partida la propuesta de Gilles Deleuze de considerar la sintomatología como una práctica propiamente crítica que concierne al modo de reunión y disociación de síntomas mediante la cual se construyen síndromes o regímenes de signos conforme a los que puede tener lugar una evaluación de los sujetos, entendemos que resulta crucial disponer de un aparato conceptual suficiente para dar cuenta de qué concepción del lenguaje y del signo en general se pone en juego en el psicoanálisis y de hasta qué punto ésta es solidaria con respecto a aquella que es efectiva en el ámbito de la sociedad contemporánea...


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This dissertation aims at showing the importance of the Nietzsche s and Spinoza s philosophy in Deleuze thought, about body, force, and potency concepts. The search starts from Deleuze texts around two authors of his inspiration, reaching understand in the plan of immanence of the relationship between concepts and the way life as ethics and political affirmation. The first goal is the concept of rhizome; propose by Deleuze in what manner to walk the ways traced by philosophers and at the same time to create self ways. The second chapter examines the body in Nietzsche as force s relations. Find to show the genesis of the force in its determination as relative quantity strong or weak, and as absolute quality active or reactive; and for other side the genesis of the force from two poles of the will to power affirmation or negation, examining the consequences for life and thought. In the third chapter explained the definitions of body in Spinoza. The body, in Spinoza, defines itself complex relation of movement and repose, velocity and slowness and by it s to affect and be affecter s power. Find to show understanding the mediums for to amplify the power of to exist or the potency of to act, in what manner ethics of to live. The fourth chapter makes one parallel between the war and the thought in the constitution of socials body and collectives agenciamientos, for understand in the fifth chapter the body as war s machine of the thought, from the relationship between nomad way life and war s machine showed in Tractate of Nomadologia. Wait like this to show the importance of the ethics and political thought than affirm the existence in the world through active force from that body s power.


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There are competing accounts of the precise way in which the virtual and the actual are related in the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. As his philosophy gains a more
widespread readership, especially in a diverse range of disciplines, it is important to review differing interpretations put forward as to the precise meanings of Deleuze’s key concepts. Much interdisciplinary work that incorporates Deleuze’s philosophy does so by using the concept of the virtual, usually by offering different accounts of this very important concept. To confound this many readers of Deleuze present differing ‘standard’ definitions, as we will see. As such there is a lack of clarity within the wider academic community and within Deleuze scholarship that stems from a divergence of opinion at best, or an unfortunate misreading at worst. In light of the current landscape this paper will both investigate this lack of consensus, and more importantly, provide a more precise reading of the relationship between the virtual and the actual as presented by Deleuze in Difference and Repetition (1994). Through a close reading of the fourth and fifth chapters we will be able to account for the movement of virtual Ideas to their actualised form, as well as to describe the precise relationship between actualisation and the process of individuation. Ultimately we will find that intensity holds the key to uncovering the precise relationship between the virtual and the actual as the domain though which objects are both actualised and individuated.


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An increasing number of scholars, students and practitioners of psychology are becoming intrigued by the ideas of Gilles Deleuze and of Felix Guattari. This book aims to be a critical introduction to these ideas, which have so much to offer psychology in terms of new directions as well as critique.Deleuze was one of the most prominent philosophers of the 20th century and a figure whose ideas are increasingly influential throughout the humanities and social sciences. His work, particularly his collaborations with psychoanalyst Guattari, focused on the articulation of a philosophy of difference. Rejecting mainstream continental philosophy just as much as the orthodox analytical metaphysics of the English-speaking world, Deleuze proposed a positive and passionate alternative, bursting at the seams with new concepts and new transformations.This book overviews the philosophical contribution of Deleuze including the project he developed with Guattari. It goes on to explore the application of these ideas in three major dimensions of psychology: its unit of analysis, its method and its applications to the clinic.


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Mapping Multiple Literacies brings together the latest theory and research in the fields of literacy study and European philosophy, Multiple Literacies Theory (MLT) and the philosophical work of Gilles Deleuze. It frames the process of becoming literate as a fluid process involving multiple modes of presentation, and explains these processes in terms of making maps of our social lives and ways of doing things together. For Deleuze, language acquisition is a social activity of which we are a part, but only one part amongst many others. Masny and Cole draw on Deleuze's thinking to expand the repertoires of literacy research and understanding. They outline how we can understand literacy as a social activity and map the ways in which becoming literate may take hold and transform communities. The chapters in this book weave together theory, data and practice to open up a creative new area of literacy studies and to provoke vigorous debate about the sociology of literacy.


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This PhD practice-led research inquiry sets out to examine and describe how the fluid interactions between memory and time can be rendered via the remediation of my painting and the construction of a digital image archive. My abstract digital art and handcrafted practice is informed by Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizomics of becoming. I aim to show that the technological mobility of my creative strategies produce new conditions of artistic possibility through the mobile principles of rhizomic interconnection, multiplicity and diversity. Subsequently through the ongoing modification of past painting I map how emergent forms and ideas open up new and incisive engagements with the experience of a ‘continual present’. The deployment of new media and cross media processes in my art also deterritorialises the modernist notion of painting as a static and two dimensional spatial object. Instead, it shows painting in a postmodern field of dynamic and transformative intermediality through digital formats of still and moving images that re-imagines the relationship between memory, time and creative practice.


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This practice-based inquiry investigates the process of composing notated scores using improvised solos by saxophonists John Butcher and Anthony Braxton. To compose with these improvised sources, I developed a new method of analysis and through this method I developed new compositional techniques in applying these materials into a score. This method of analysis and composition utilizes the conceptual language of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari found in A Thousand Plateaus. The conceptual language of Deleuze and Guattari, in particular the terms assemblage, refrain and deterritorialization are discussed in depth to give a context for the philosophical origins and also to explain how the language is used in reference to improvised music and the compositional process. The project seeks to elucidate the conceptual language through the creative practice and in turn for the creative practice to clarify the use of the conceptual terminology. The outcomes of the research resulted in four notated works being composed. Firstly, Gravity, for soloist and ensemble based on the improvisational language of John Butcher and secondly a series of 3 studies titled Transbraxton Studies for solo instruments based on the improvisational-compositional language of Anthony Braxton. The implications of this research include the application of the analysis method to a number of musical contexts including: to be used in the process of composing with improvised music; in the study of style and authorship in solo improvisation; as a way of analyzing group improvisation; in the analysis of textural music including electronic music; and in the analysis of music from different cultures—particularly cultures where improvisation and per formative aspects to the music are significant to the overall meaning of the work. The compositional technique that was developed has further applications in terms of an expressive method of composing with non-metered improvised materials and one that merges well with the transcription method developed of notating pitch and sounds to a timeline. It is hoped that this research can open further lines of enquiry into the application of the conceptual ideas of Deleuze and Guattari to the analysis of more forms of music.


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Currently, across dance studies, choreographies are usually discussed as representational of the choreographer, with little attention focused on the dancers who also bring the work into being. As well as devaluing the contribution that the dancer makes to the choreographic process, the dancer’s elision from mainstream discourse deprives the art form of a rich source of insight into the incorporating practices of dance. This practice-based research offers a new perspective on choreographic process through the experiential viewpoint of the participating dancer. It involves encounters with contemporary choreographers Rosemary Butcher (UK), John Jasperse (US), Jodi Melnick (US) and Liz Roche (Ire). Utilizing a mixed-mode research structure, it covers the creative process and performance of three solo dance pieces in Dublin in 2008, as well as an especially composed movement treatise, all of which are documented on the attached DVD. The main hypothesis presented is that the dancer possesses a moving identity which is a composite of past dance experience, anatomical structures and conditioned human movement. This is supported by explorations into critical theory on embodiment, including Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of ‘the habitus’. The moving identity is identified as accumulative, altering through encounters with new choreographic movement patterns in independent contemporary dance practice. The interior space of the dancer’s embodied experience is made explicit in chapter 3, through four discussions that outline the dancer’s creative labour in producing each choreographic work. Through adopting a postmodern critical perspective on human subjectivity, supported by Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and Alain Badiou, among others, the thesis addresses the inherent challenges which face independent contemporary dancers within their multiple embodiments as they move between different choreographic processes. In identifying an emergent paradigmatic shift in the role of dancer within dance- making practices, this research forges a new direction that invites further dancer-led initiatives in practice-based research.


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Ranskalaisen uuden romaanin isän, Alain Robbe-Grillet'n romaani Djinn (1981) on alun perinilmestynyt ranskan kielen oppikirjana nimellä Le Rendez-vous (1981). Oppikirjaelementti tulee selkeimmin esiin siinä, että tarinan edetessä verbit esitellään helpoimmasta konjugaatiosta vaikeimpaan, eri aikamuodot ja modukset esitellään järjestelmällisesti indikatiivin preesensistä alkaen,jne. Tästä kieliopillisen kehityksen periaatteesta generoituu myös itse tarina. Ts. kieliopillinen aineisto ja didaktisuus tunkeutuvat vastustamattomasti myös tarinan tasolle. Viime kädessä Djinn on siis kertomus kielestä. Toisaalta, vaikka Djinn väistää kaikki genre-luokitukset, voisi sitä luonnehtia eräänlaiseksi salapoliisiromaaniksi tai mysteeriksi, sillä siinä päähenkilö Simon Lecœur saa vallankumoukselliselta organisaatiolta omituisen toimeksiannon. Tehtävän luonnetta ei kuitenkaan paljasteta, mutta vähitellen selviää, että kysymys on kielen arvoituksesta. Matkansa varrella romaanin päähenkilö ja lukija ikään kuin vihitään kieltä ja kirjallisuutta koskevaan pyhään tietoon. Mukaansavetävän kerronnan ja kertomuksen "takaa" paljastuu siis myös metakirjallinen ja (kirjallisuuden)filosofinen teos. Djinn-romaanissa toimiva vallankumouksellinen organisaatio taistelee ihmiskunnan koneistumista ja mekanisaatiota vastaan, sillä ne ovat vieraannuttaneet ihmisen todellisesta elämästä. Samalla tavalla koko romaani taistelee kielen jähmettyneisyyttä, atomisoitumista ja mekanisoitumista vastaan. Aivan kuten lingvistis-didaktinen elementti sekoittuu romaanissa fantastiseen fiktioon, sekoittuvat siinä vastaansanomattomasti toisiinsa myös länsimaisen populaarikulttuurin stereotypiat ja mytologinen aineisto, aika ja kielen aikamuodot, fiktio ja todellisuus, jne. Romaanissa purkautuvat myös monet dikotomiset oppositioparit - mm. mies vs. nainen, puhe vs. kirjoitus, järjestys vs. epäjärjestys ja jopa lukija vs. kirjailija. Teoksen vallankumouksellisuus on välitilassa, joka on kohtaamisen (rendez-vous) tila. Ts. romaani pyrkii kaikilta osin siihen kielen ja merkityksen syntymän tilaan, jossa mieli ja merkitys (sens) ei vielä ole erottautunut "mielettömyydestä" ja "merkityksettömyydestä" (non-sens). Välitilanvapaus on siinä, että ihmisen jähmettyneet käsitykset ja konstruktiot maailmasta rikkoutuvat ja korvautuvat sisäisellä liikkeellä, jossa ihminen ja maailma kohtaavat toisensa välittömällä tavalla. Pyrkimys välitilaan yhdistää Djinnin myös Gilles Deleuzen filosofiaan. Tässä välitilassa kieli ei ole enää todellisuudesta vieraantunutta. "Simulaatio" tai "kommunikaation ekstaasi" ei ole mahdollista kielellä, joka kieltäytyy kommunikoimasta, kieltäytyy olemasta pelkkä väline. Sen sijaan tämä kieli vaatii lähikosketusta, tuntoaistia, osallistumista. Tätä tapahtumaa välitilassa voi kutsua tanssiksi Möbiuksen renkaalla. Avainsanat: Alain Robbe-Grillet, Gilles Deleuze, Djinn, nouveau roman (uusi romaani)


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This dissertation inquires into the relationship between gender and biopolitics. Biopolitics, according to Michel Foucault, is the mode of politics that is situated and exercised at the level of life. The dissertation claims that gender is a technology of biopower specific to the optimisation of the sexual reproduction of human life, deployed through the scientific and governmental problematisation of declining fertility rates in the mid-twentieth century. Just as Michel Foucault claimed that sexuality became a scientific and political discourse in the nineteenth century, gender has also since emerged in these fields. In this dissertation, gender is treated as neither a representation of sex nor a cultural construct or category of identity. Rather, a genealogy of gender as an apparatus of biopower in conducted. It demonstrates how scientific and theoretical developments in the twentieth century marshalled gender into the sex/sexuality apparatus as a new technology of liberal biopower. Gender, I argue, has become necessary for the Western liberal order to recapture and re-optimise the life-producing functions of sex that reproduce the very object of biopolitics: life. The concept of the life function is introduced to analyse the life-producing violence of the sex/sexuality/gender apparatus. To do this, the thesis rereads the work of Michel Foucault through Gilles Deleuze for a deeper grasp of the material strategies of biopower and how it produces categories of difference and divides population according to them. The work of Judith Butler, in turn, is used as a foil against which to rearticulate the question of how to examine gender genealogically and biopolitically. The dissertation then executes a genealogy of gender, tracing the changing rationalities of sex/sexuality/gender from early feminist thought, through mid-twentieth century sexological, feminist, and demographic research, to current EU policy. According to this genealogy, in the mid-twentieth century demographers perceived that sexuality/sex, which Foucault observed as the life-producing biopolitical apparatus, was no longer sufficiently disciplining human bodies to reproduce. The life function was escaping the grasp of biopower. The analysis demonstrates how gender theory was taken up as a means of reterritorialising the life function: nature would be disciplined to reproduce by controlling culture. The crucial theoretical and genealogical argument of the thesis, that gender is a discourse with biopolitical foundations and a technology of biopower, radically challenges the premises of gender theory and feminist politics, as well as the emancipatory potential often granted to the gender concept. The project asks what gender means, what biopolitical function it performs, and what is at stake for feminist politics when it engages with it. In so doing, it identifies biopolitics and the problem of life as possibly the most urgent arena for feminist politics today.


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A questão que move esta dissertação é a noção do liame composto a partir do encontro entre duas redes conceituais: o método de ensino musical Pré-Figurativo, de Hans-Joachim Koellreutter, e o pensamento sem imagem, de Gilles Deleuze. Tais conceitos são tomados, aqui, como Multiplicidades em que um é constituído pelo outro, e vice-versa. Trata-se, no caso do ensino musical pré-figurativo, de um método que não se utiliza de modelos prévios e por isso coloca o pensamento em devir e, do pensamento sem imagem, a maneira como tal movimento da produção desse devir-pensar se desterritorializa sendo capaz de delinear algo que ainda não existe, mas que pode existir. Isso caracteriza uma zona de vizinhança, uma espécie de telhagem (tuilage), ou timbragem (no sentido musical do termo), como num telhado mesmo, em que as telhas se recobrem apenas em partes o existir no outro e pelo outro simultaneamente, o que permite que se diga de um devir-outro. O que é um quase outro, mas que não se efetiva no outro ou como outro. Contudo, é com o advento desse liame, ou desse fazer borda, como diria Deleuze, que a música, como ato de criação, acontece, se produz, se autoproduz.


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A partir da suspeita de que o pensamento e sua expressão não se limitam a uma única forma, o presente trabalho investiga de que modo podemos pensar, a partir de Fernando Pessoa, uma relação possível entre filosofia e literatura. Quais os pressupostos que permitem considerar o fenômeno heteronímico pessoano como um expediente trágico que diz respeito ao próprio pensamento, ou ainda, como entrever, no projeto pessoano, o lugar de embate trágico, por excelência entre aquilo que somos, enquanto sujeitos, e os processos que franqueiam à escrita a constituição de uma subjetividade outra? Desdobrada em heterônimos, a obra de Pessoa comportaria em si a justaposição de formas diversas de ver e compreender o mundo, mas o processo pelo qual este desdobramento se dá poderia ser tomado como anterior às formas constituídas das personalidades particulares, apresentando-se como uma disposição anti-dialética do pensamento. Privilegiando como ponto de partida os escritos do heterônimo louco e filósofo de Fernando Pessoa, António Mora, nosso intuito é analisar de que modo sua crítica à tradição metafísica ocidental, em ressonância com a filosofia francesa contemporânea de inspiração nietzschiana, pode se constituir como um intercessor capaz de dar a ver uma potência impessoal atuando entre a filosofia e a literatura, representada pelo verso de Alberto Caeiro: a natureza é partes sem um todo"


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Esta pesquisa tem como ponto de partida a abordagem que o filósofo francês Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) faz da pintura, e concentra-se na argumentação desenvolvida em seu livro Francis Bacon, logique de la sensation. Além da análise lógica e conceitual da sensação, privilegia-se aqui o enfoque deleuziano do processo pictórico de Francis Bacon, naquilo em que este envolve a manipulação do acaso , e busca-se relacioná-lo com a questão do enfrentamento do caos , tal como se apresenta no livro de Deleuze e Félix Guattari Quest- ce que la philosophie? Neste trabalho é de grande importância a compreens ão do problema da representação na obra deleuziana. Trata-se de pensar em como este problema se traduz na destruição dos clichês e da recognição, mas sobretudo na afirmação das forças da vida, da criação, da diferença e da liberdade.


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Ao entrarmos em contato com a obra de Gilles Deleuze, não podemos ignorar a influência de Antonin Artaud e da idéia de Crueldade no desenvolvimento de sua filosofia. Assim, cabe a pergunta: Qual é a importância de Antonin Artaud e do Teatro da Crueldade na constituição da Filosofia Contemporânea? A presente dissertação não pretende responder esta pergunta em toda sua complexidade, a sua pretensão é mais modesta, ela visa traçar algumas linhas que possam nos orientar nas relações complexas entre o pensamento de Artaud e a Filosofia, entre o Teatro da Crueldade e o Teatro Filosófico. Assim, partimos da idéia de uma Metafísica da Crueldade, tal como nos é apresentada por Camille Dumoulié, para uma Metafísica Cruel, uma metafísica que já é ela mesma uma experimentação. Pensar a crueldade como um teatro metafísico põe em crise o Sistema da Representação: tarefa do pensamento contemporâneo. Dessa forma, compreender a Filosofia e a Arte Contemporâneas torna Antonin Artaud uma passagem obrigatória.