335 resultados para GAIA


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Oleaginous microorganisms have potential to be used to produce oils as alternative feedstock for biodiesel production. Microalgae (Chlorella protothecoides and Chlorella zofingiensis), yeasts (Cryptococcus albidus and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa), and fungi (Aspergillus oryzae and Mucor plumbeus) were investigated for their ability to produce oil from glucose, xylose and glycerol. Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and preference ranking organization method for the enrichment of evaluations (PROMETHEE) with graphical analysis for interactive aid (GAIA), was used to rank and select the preferred microorganisms for oil production for biodiesel application. This was based on a number of criteria viz., oil concentration, content, production rate and yield, substrate consumption rate, fatty acids composition, biomass harvesting and nutrient costs. PROMETHEE selected A. oryzae, M. plumbeus and R. mucilaginosa as the most prospective species for oil production. However, further analysis by GAIA Webs identified A. oryzae and M. plumbeus as the best performing microorganisms.


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This study explores the potential use of empty fruit bunch (EFB) residues from palm oil processing residues, as an alternative feedstock for microbial oil production. EFB is a readily available, lignocellulosic biomass that provides cheaper substrates for oil production in comparison to the use of pure sugars. In this study, potential oleaginous microorganisms were selected based on a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) framework which utilised Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) aided by Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid (GAIA). The MCA framework was used to evaluate several strains of microalgae (Chlorella protothecoides and Chlorella zofingiensis), yeasts (Cryptococcus albidus and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa) and fungi (Aspergillus oryzae and Mucor plumbeus) on glucose, xylose and glycerol. Based on the results of PROMETHEE rankings and GAIA plane, fungal strains A. oryzae and M. plumbeus and yeast strain R. mucilaginosa showed great promise for oil production from lignocellulosic hydrolysates. The study further cultivated A. oryzae, M. plumbeus and R. mucilaginosa on EFB hydrolysates for oil production. EFB was pretreated with dilute sulfuric acid, followed by enzymatic saccharification of solid residue. Hydrolysates tested in this study are detoxified liquid hydrolysates (LH) and enzymatic hydrolysate (EH).


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The study monitored the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the exhaust of cars fuelled by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and unleaded petrol (ULP). Six cars, four fuelled by LPG and two by ULP, were tested on a chassis dynamometer at two different cruising modes of operation (60 km h−1 and 80 km h−1) and idle. A total of 33 VOCs were identified in the exhaust of both types of fuels by the use of GC/MS. Due to the complexity of the dataset, Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) software PROMETHEE and GAIA was used to rank the least polluting mode and fuel. The 60 km h−1 driving speed was identified as the cleaner mode of driving as was LPG fuel. The Ozone Formation Potential (OFP) of the VOCs was also calculated by using the incremental reactivity scale. Priority VOCs leading to ozone formation were identified according to the three incremental reactivity scales: MIR, MOIR and EBIR. PROMETHEE was applied to assess the most preferred scale of reactivity for predicting ozone formation potential under different scenarios. The results enhance the understanding of the environmental value of using LPG to power passenger cars.


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Recently, second-generation (non-vegetable oil) feedstocks for biodiesel production are receiving significant attention due to the cost and social effects connected with utilising food products for the production of energy products. The Beauty leaf tree (Calophyllum inophyllum) is a potential source of non-edible oil for producing second-generation biodiesel because of its suitability for production in an extensive variety of atmospheric condition, easy cultivation, high fruit production rate, and the high oil content in the seed. In this study, oil was extracted from Beauty leaf tree seeds through three different oil extraction methods. The important physical and chemical properties of these extracted Beauty leaf oils were experimentally analysed and compared with other commercially available vegetable oils. Biodiesel was produced using a two-stage esterification process combining of an acid catalysed pre-esterification process and an alkali catalysed transesterification process. Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles and important physicochemical properties were experimentally measured and estimated using equations based on the FAME analysis. The quality of Beauty leaf biodiesels was assessed and compared with commercially available biodiesels through multivariate data analysis using PROMETHEE-GAIA software. The results show that mechanical extraction using a screw press produces oil at a low cost, however, results in low oil yields compared with chemical oil extraction. High pressure and temperature in the extraction process increase oil extraction performance. On the contrary, this process increases the free fatty acid content in the oil. A clear difference was found in the physical properties of Beauty leaf oils, which eventually affected the oil to biodiesel conversion process. However, Beauty leaf oils methyl esters (biodiesel) were very consistent physicochemical properties and able to meet almost all indicators of biodiesel standards. Overall this study found that Beauty leaf is a suitable feedstock for producing second-generation biodiesel in commercial scale. Therefore, the findings of this study are expected to serve as the basis for further development of Beauty leaf as a feedstock for industrial scale second-generation biodiesel production.


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Impervious surfaces in an urban catchment are the primary stormwater pollutant contributing areas. Appropriate treatment of stormwater runoff from these impervious surfaces is essential to safeguard the urban water environment. While urban roads have received significant research attention in this regard, roofs have not been well investigated. Key pollutant processes such as build-up on roads and roofs can be different due to the different surface characteristics. This entails different treatment strategies being needed for road and roofs. The research study characterized roof pollutants build-up by differentiating with road surfaces. It was noted that pollutants are more highly concentrated on particles and particularly finer particles in the case of roof surfaces, compared to road surfaces. Additionally, pollutants built-up on roof surfaces tend to be relatively more variable from one day to another in terms of pollutant loads. These results highlight the significance of roofs as a stormwater pollutant source and the important need for a specific stormwater treatment strategy rather than the application of a combined approach for treating stormwater runoff from both, roads and roofs.


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Duración (en horas): De 31 a 40 horas. Nivel educativo: Grado


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Iker bilduma = Colección Iker, nº 17


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Monografia (especialização) -- Curso de Extensão Formação de Secretário de Comissão, Câmara dos Deputados, Centro de Formação, Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento (Cefor), 2002.


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Helburuak: Liburu honek Gailuen Elektronika irakasgaian azken urteotan egin diren azterketak jasotzen ditu. Hortaz, ikasleek azterketak prestatzeko eta, oro har, elektronika ikasteko oso baliagarritzat jotzen dugu. Irakasgaiaren helburu nagusia diren oinarrizko osagaien ezaugarriak eta funtzionamenduaren printzipioak lantzen dira. Norentzat izan daiteke baliagarria: Testua Ingeniaritza Eskolako Lehenengo Ikasturteko ikasleentzat bereziki prestatu da, baina gailuen funtzionamendua eta anplikazio-sistema sinpleak aztertzen dituzten ariketak jasotzen dituenez, oso baliagarria gerta daiteke, orobat, edozein maila eta titulazioko Elektronika-ikasleentzat -edota ikasle horiei irakatsi behar dietenentzat.


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Helburuak: Testu-liburu honen helburua bikoitza da, 'Telekomunikazio-sare eta zerbitzuak' (2001eko ikasketa-planetako Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza Teknikoetako 2. mailan irakasten zena) eta 'Telekomunikazio-sare eta zerbitzuak I' (1995eko ikasketa-planetako Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzako 2. mailan irakasten zena) irakasgaietako ikasleentzat (hortaz, ikasketarako) zein irakasleentzat (hots, irakaskuntzarako) lagungarri izatea. Horregatik, ikasgelan azaldutako kontzeptuen kontsultarako testu-liburutzat har daiteke. Norentzat izan daiteke baliagarria: 2001eko ikasketa-planetako Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza Teknikoetako 2. mailan irakasten zen 'Telekomunikazio-sare eta zerbitzuak' eta 1995eko ikasketa-planetako Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzako 2. mailan irakasten zen 'Telekomunikazio-sare eta zerbitzuak I' irakasgaietako ikasleentzat zein irakasleentzat.


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Helburuak. Egun,denon ahoan dagoen energia baliabideen murriztasunak prozesu termikoen energia-efizientziaren garrantzia goratu du zalantzarik gabe. Ingeniaritza ikasketetan , energia eraldakuntzarekin erlazionaturik dagoen edozein ikasgai edo alorrean, funtsezkoa da energia-trukatzeko mekanismoak ondo ezagutzea ekipoen diseinu efiziente eta egokia lortzeko. Material honen bitartez "bero-transmisioa" gaia irakasteko aurkezpen informatikoak garatu dira, klasean zein sare elektronikoan erabili ahal direnak. Irakaskuntzarako material hau aurkezpen informatikoetan gauzatzen da. Aurkezpen informatikoek gaiaren azalpenerako oso egoki suertatzen den dinamismoa eskaintzeaz gain, fenomeno fisikoaren eta ebazpen matematikoaren ulerpenerako oso lan-tresna boteretsua eskaintzen dute. Norentzat da baliagarria. Material hau, bereziki, Donostiako Unibertsitate Eskola Politeknikoko bi titulaziotan erabiltzen da: Ingeniaritza Mekanikoko "Ingeniaritza Termikoa" ikasgaian eta Ingeniaritza Elektrikoko "Termoteknia eta Sorkuntza Termoelektrikoa" ikasgaian. Oro ohar, Ingeniaritza ikasketetan beroaren transmisiorako kondukzio eta konbekzio mekanismoak aztertzeko baliagarria da.


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Helburuak. Zentral termikoen funtzionamenduaren analisirako, lurrun bidezko potentzia zikloen ulermena beharrezkoa du ikasleak. Zikloaren oinarrizko prozesuak aztertuz, oinarrizko ziklotik habiatzen gara eta bere etekinaren hobekuntzarako egiten diren aldaketek emaitzat daukaten ziklo konplexuetara joaten gara. Material honen bitartez "lurrun bidezko potentzia-zikloak" gaia irakasteko aurkezpen informatikoak garatu dira, klasean zein sare elektronikoan erabili ahal direnak. Irakaskuntzarako material hau aurkezpen informatikoetan gauzatzen da. Aurkezpen informatikoek gaiaren azalpenerako oso egoki suertatzen den dinamismoa eskaintzeaz gain, fenomeno fisikoaren eta ebazpen matematikoaren ulerpenerako oso lan-tresna boteretsua eskaintzen dute. Norentzat da baliagarria. Material hau, bereziki, Donostiako Unibertsitate Eskola Politeknikoko bi titulaziotan erabiltzen da: Ingeniaritza Mekanikoko "Ingeniaritza Termikoa" ikasgaian eta Ingeniaritza Elektrikoko "Termoteknia eta Sorkuntza Termoelektrikoa" ikasgaian. Oro ohar, Ingeniaritza ikasketetan beroaren transmisiorako kondukzio eta konbekzio mekanismoak aztertzeko baliagarria da.


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Lan honekin Gizarte Ekonomia sustatzera eta indartzera zuzenduta dauden Euskal Herriko politika publikoen mapa islatu nahi da. Lana Europako ongizate eredu desberdinetan burututako politika publiko nagusien tipologia bat aurkeztuz hasten da. Jarraian, euskal Gizarte Ekonomiaren errealitatea islatzen duen azterketa deskriptiboa egiten da. Hirugarren atalean euskal Gizarte Ekonomiako politika publikoen gaia lantzen da, eta bertan, sektorearen euskarria diren erakunde eta tresna nagusiak aipatzen dira, bakoitzean burututako politikak zehaztuz. Azkenik, ondorio modura, Gizarte Ekonomiari zuzendutako politiken garapenerako ildo nagusiak azpimarratzen dira.


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Duración (en horas): De 31 a 40 horas. Destinatario: Estudiante y Docente