855 resultados para Fuzzy rules


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A fuzzy logic system is developed for helicopter rotor system fault isolation. Inputs to the fuzzy logic system are measurement deviations of blade bending and torsion response and vibration from a "good" undamaged helicopter rotor. The rotor system measurements used are flap and lag bending tip deflections, elastic twist deflection at the tip, and three forces and three moments at the rotor hub. The fuzzy logic system uses rules developed from an aeroelastic model of the helicopter rotor with implanted faults to isolate the fault while accounting for uncertainty in the measurements. The faults modeled include moisture absorption, loss of trim mass, damaged lag damper, damaged pitch control system, misadjusted pitch link, and damaged flap. Tests with simulated data show that the fuzzy system isolates rotor system faults with an accuracy of about 90-100%. Furthermore, the fuzzy system is robust and gives excellent results, even when some measurements are not available. A rule-based expert system based on similar rules from the aeroelastic model performs much more poorly than the fuzzy system in the presence of high levels of uncertainty.


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In this paper, a method for the tuning the membership functions of a Mamdani type Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) using the Clonal Selection Algorithm(CSA) a model of the Artificial Immune System(AIS) paradigm is examined. FLC's are designed for two problems, firstly the linear cart centering problem and secondly the highly nonlinear inverted pendulum problem. The FLC tuned by AIS is compared with FLC tuned by GA. In order to check the robustness of the designed PLC's white noise was added to the system, further, the masses of the cart and the length and mass of the pendulum are changed. The PLC's were also tested in the presence of faulty rules. Finally, Kruskal Wallis test was performed to compare the performance of the GA and AIS. An insight into the algorithms are also given by studying the effect of the important parameters of GA and AIS.


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Multi temporal land use information were derived using two decades remote sensing data and simulated for 2012 and 2020 with Cellular Automata (CA) considering scenarios, change probabilities (through Markov chain) and Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE). Agents and constraints were considered for modeling the urbanization process. Agents were nornmlized through fiizzyfication and priority weights were assigned through Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) pairwise comparison for each factor (in MCE) to derive behavior-oriented rules of transition for each land use class. Simulation shows a good agreement with the classified data. Fuzzy and AHP helped in analyzing the effects of agents of growth clearly and CA-Markov proved as a powerful tool in modelling and helped in capturing and visualizing the spatiotemporal patterns of urbanization. This provided rapid land evaluation framework with the essential insights of the urban trajectory for effective sustainable city planning.


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Fuzzification is introduced into gray-scale mathematical morphology by using two-input one-output fuzzy rule-based inference systems. The fuzzy inferring dilation or erosion is defined from the approximate reasoning of the two consequences of a dilation or an erosion and an extended rank-order operation. The fuzzy inference systems with numbers of rules and fuzzy membership functions are further reduced to a simple fuzzy system formulated by only an exponential two-input one-output function. Such a one-function fuzzy inference system is able to approach complex fuzzy inference systems by using two specified parameters within it-a proportion to characterize the fuzzy degree and an exponent to depict the nonlinearity in the inferring. The proposed fuzzy inferring morphological operators tend to keep the object details comparable to the structuring element and to smooth the conventional morphological operations. Based on digital area coding of a gray-scale image, incoherently optical correlation for neighboring connection, and optical thresholding for rank-order operations, a fuzzy inference system can be realized optically in parallel. (C) 1996 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Esta dissertaçãoo investiga a utilização de Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) para a obtenção automática de sistemas fuzzy do tipo Mamdani, tendo como insumo apenas as definições das variáveis do problema, seus domínios e a função objetivo. Neste trabalho utilizam-se algumas técnicas conhecidas na tentativa de minimizar a obtenção de sistemas fuzzy que não sejam coerentes. As principais técnicas usadas são o método de Wang e Mendell, chamado de WM, para auxiliar na obtenção de regras, e os conceitos de clusterização para obtenção das funções de pertinência. Na função de avaliação proposta, considera-se não somente a acurácia do sistema fuzzy, através da medida do erro, mas também a sua interpretabilidade, através da medida da compacidade, que consiste da quantidade de regras e funções membro, da distinguibilidade, que permite evitar que as funções membro não se confundam, e da completude, que permite avaliar que as funções membro abranjam o máximo do domínio. O propósito deste trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um algoritmo baseado em PSO, cuja função de avaliação congregue todos esses objetivos. Com parâmetros bem definidos, o algoritmo pode ser utilizado em diversos tipos de problemas sem qualquer alteração, tornando totalmente automática a obtenção de sistemas fuzzy. Com este intuito, o algoritmo proposto é testado utilizando alguns problemas pré-selecionados, que foram classificados em dois grupos, com base no tipo de função: contínua ou discreta. Nos testes com funções contínuas, são utilizados sistemas tridimensionais, com duas variáveis de entrada e uma de saída, enquanto nos testes com funções discretas são utilizados problemas de classificação, sendo um com quatro variáveis e outro com seis variáveis de entrada. Os resultados gerados pelo algoritmo proposto são comparados com aqueles obtidos em outros trabalhos.


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Esta dissertação apresenta um sistema de indução de classificadores fuzzy. Ao invés de utilizar a abordagem tradicional de sistemas fuzzy baseados em regras, foi utilizado o modelo de Árvore de Padrões Fuzzy(APF), que é um modelo hierárquico, com uma estrutura baseada em árvores que possuem como nós internos operadores lógicos fuzzy e as folhas são compostas pela associação de termos fuzzy com os atributos de entrada. O classificador foi obtido sintetizando uma árvore para cada classe, esta árvore será uma descrição lógica da classe o que permite analisar e interpretar como é feita a classificação. O método de aprendizado originalmente concebido para a APF foi substituído pela Programação Genética Cartesiana com o intuito de explorar melhor o espaço de busca. O classificador APF foi comparado com as Máquinas de Vetores de Suporte, K-Vizinhos mais próximos, florestas aleatórias e outros métodos Fuzzy-Genéticos em diversas bases de dados do UCI Machine Learning Repository e observou-se que o classificador APF apresenta resultados competitivos. Ele também foi comparado com o método de aprendizado original e obteve resultados comparáveis com árvores mais compactas e com um menor número de avaliações.


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A extração de regras de associação (ARM - Association Rule Mining) de dados quantitativos tem sido pesquisa de grande interesse na área de mineração de dados. Com o crescente aumento das bases de dados, há um grande investimento na área de pesquisa na criação de algoritmos para melhorar o desempenho relacionado a quantidade de regras, sua relevância e a performance computacional. O algoritmo APRIORI, tradicionalmente usado na extração de regras de associação, foi criado originalmente para trabalhar com atributos categóricos. Geralmente, para usá-lo com atributos contínuos, ou quantitativos, é necessário transformar os atributos contínuos, discretizando-os e, portanto, criando categorias a partir dos intervalos discretos. Os métodos mais tradicionais de discretização produzem intervalos com fronteiras sharp, que podem subestimar ou superestimar elementos próximos dos limites das partições, e portanto levar a uma representação imprecisa de semântica. Uma maneira de tratar este problema é criar partições soft, com limites suavizados. Neste trabalho é utilizada uma partição fuzzy das variáveis contínuas, que baseia-se na teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy e transforma os atributos quantitativos em partições de termos linguísticos. Os algoritmos de mineração de regras de associação fuzzy (FARM - Fuzzy Association Rule Mining) trabalham com este princípio e, neste trabalho, o algoritmo FUZZYAPRIORI, que pertence a esta categoria, é utilizado. As regras extraídas são expressas em termos linguísticos, o que é mais natural e interpretável pelo raciocício humano. Os algoritmos APRIORI tradicional e FUZZYAPRIORI são comparado, através de classificadores associativos, baseados em regras extraídas por estes algoritmos. Estes classificadores foram aplicados em uma base de dados relativa a registros de conexões TCP/IP que destina-se à criação de um Sistema de Detecção de Intrusos.


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Choosing a project manager for a construction project—particularly, large projects—is a critical project decision. The selection process involves different criteria and should be in accordance with company policies and project specifications. Traditionally, potential candidates are interviewed and the most qualified are selected in compliance with company priorities and project conditions. Precise computing models that could take various candidates’ information into consideration and then pinpoint the most qualified person with a high degree of accuracy would be beneficial. On the basis of the opinions of experienced construction company managers, this paper, through presenting a fuzzy system, identifies the important criteria in selecting a project manager. The proposed fuzzy system is based on IF-THEN rules; a genetic algorithm improves the overall accuracy as well as the functions used by the fuzzy system to make initial estimates of the cluster centers for fuzzy c-means clustering. Moreover, a back-propagation neutral network method was used to train the system. The optimal measures of the inference parameters were identified by calculating the system’s output error and propagating this error within the system. After specifying the system parameters, the membership function parameters—which by means of clustering and projection were approximated—were tuned with the genetic algorithm. Results from this system in selecting project managers show its high capability in making high-quality personnel predictions


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Z. Huang and Q. Shen. Preserving Piece-wise Linearity in Fuzzy Interpolation. Proceedings of the 2005 UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, pages 105-112.


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Z. Huang and Q. Shen. Scale and move transformation-based fuzzy interpolative reasoning: A revisit. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 623-628, 2004.


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M. Galea and Q. Shen. Linguistic hedges for ant-generated rules. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 9105-9112, 2006.


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Fuzzy-neural-network-based inference systems are well-known universal approximators which can produce linguistically interpretable results. Unfortunately, their dimensionality can be extremely high due to an excessive number of inputs and rules, which raises the need for overall structure optimization. In the literature, various input selection methods are available, but they are applied separately from rule selection, often without considering the fuzzy structure. This paper proposes an integrated framework to optimize the number of inputs and the number of rules simultaneously. First, a method is developed to select the most significant rules, along with a refinement stage to remove unnecessary correlations. An improved information criterion is then proposed to find an appropriate number of inputs and rules to include in the model, leading to a balanced tradeoff between interpretability and accuracy. Simulation results confirm the efficacy of the proposed method.


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The majority of reported learning methods for Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy neural models to date mainly focus on the improvement of their accuracy. However, one of the key design requirements in building an interpretable fuzzy model is that each obtained rule consequent must match well with the system local behaviour when all the rules are aggregated to produce the overall system output. This is one of the distinctive characteristics from black-box models such as neural networks. Therefore, how to find a desirable set of fuzzy partitions and, hence, to identify the corresponding consequent models which can be directly explained in terms of system behaviour presents a critical step in fuzzy neural modelling. In this paper, a new learning approach considering both nonlinear parameters in the rule premises and linear parameters in the rule consequents is proposed. Unlike the conventional two-stage optimization procedure widely practised in the field where the two sets of parameters are optimized separately, the consequent parameters are transformed into a dependent set on the premise parameters, thereby enabling the introduction of a new integrated gradient descent learning approach. A new Jacobian matrix is thus proposed and efficiently computed to achieve a more accurate approximation of the cost function by using the second-order Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method. Several other interpretability issues about the fuzzy neural model are also discussed and integrated into this new learning approach. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the resultant structure of the fuzzy neural models and the effectiveness of the proposed new algorithm, and compared with the results from some well-known methods.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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This paper develops fuzzy methods for control of the rotary inverted pendulum, an underactuated mechanical system. Two control laws are presented, one for swing up and another for the stabilization. The pendulum is swung up from the vertical down stable position to the upward unstable position in a controlled trajectory. The rules for the swing up are heuristically written such that each swing results in greater energy build up. The stabilization is achieved by mapping a stabilizing LQR control law to two fuzzy inference engines, which reduces the computational load compared with using a single fuzzy inference engine. The robustness of the balancing control is tested by attaching a bottle of water at the tip of the pendulum.