912 resultados para Fuzzy K Nearest Neighbor
The efficacy of fluorescence spectroscopy to detect squamous cell carcinoma is evaluated in an animal model following laser excitation at 442 and 532 nm. Lesions are chemically induced with a topical DMBA application at the left lateral tongue of Golden Syrian hamsters. The animals are investigated every 2 weeks after the 4th week of induction until a total of 26 weeks. The right lateral tongue of each animal is considered as a control site (normal contralateral tissue) and the induced lesions are analyzed as a set of points covering the entire clinically detectable area. Based on fluorescence spectral differences, four indices are determined to discriminate normal and carcinoma tissues, based on intraspectral analysis. The spectral data are also analyzed using a multivariate data analysis and the results are compared with histology as the diagnostic gold standard. The best result achieved is for blue excitation using the KNN (K-nearest neighbor, a interspectral analysis) algorithm with a sensitivity of 95.7% and a specificity of 91.6%. These high indices indicate that fluorescence spectroscopy may constitute a fast noninvasive auxiliary tool for diagnostic of cancer within the oral cavity. (C) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Métodos quimiométricos (estatísticos) são empregados para classificar um conjunto de compostos derivados de neolignanas com atividade biológica contra a Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. O método AM1 (Austin Model 1) foi utilizado para calcular um conjunto de descritores moleculares (propriedades) para os compostos em estudo. A seguir, os descritores foram analisados utilizando os seguintes métodos de reconhecimento de padrões: Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA), Análise Hierárquica de Agrupamentos (HCA) e o método de K-vizinhos mais próximos (KNN). Os métodos PCA e HCA mostraram-se bastante eficientes para classificação dos compostos estudados em dois grupos (ativos e inativos). Três descritores moleculares foram responsáveis pela separação entre os compostos ativos e inativos: energia do orbital molecular mais alto ocupado (EHOMO), ordem de ligação entre os átomos C1'-R7 (L14) e ordem de ligação entre os átomos C5'-R6 (L22). Como as variáveis responsáveis pela separação entre compostos ativos e inativos são descritores eletrônicos, conclui-se que efeitos eletrônicos podem desempenhar um importante papel na interação entre receptor biológico e compostos derivados de neolignanas com atividade contra a Paracoccidioides brasiliensis.
Soil organic matter (SOM) constitutes an important reservoir of terrestrial carbon and can be considered an alternative for atmospheric carbon storage, contributing to global warming mitigation. Soil management can favor atmospheric carbon incorporation into SUM or its release from SOM to atmosphere. Thus, the evaluation of the humification degree (HD), which is an indication of the recalcitrance of SOM, can provide an estimation of the capacity of carbon sequestration by soils under various managements. The HD of SOM can be estimated by using various analytical techniques including fluorescence spectroscopy. In the present work, the potential of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to estimate the HD of SUM was evaluated for the first time. Intensities of emission lines of Al, Mg and Ca from LIBS spectra showing correlation with fluorescence emissions determined by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIFS) reference technique were used to obtain a multivaried calibration model based on the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) method. The values predicted by the proposed model (A-LIBS) showed strong correlation with LIFS results with a Pearson's coefficient of 0.87. The HD of SUM obtained after normalizing A-LIBS by total carbon in the sample showed a strong correlation to that determined by LIFS (0.94), thus suggesting the great potential of LIBS for this novel application. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Model-based calibration of steady-state engine operation is commonly performed with highly parameterized empirical models that are accurate but not very robust, particularly when predicting highly nonlinear responses such as diesel smoke emissions. To address this problem, and to boost the accuracy of more robust non-parametric methods to the same level, GT-Power was used to transform the empirical model input space into multiple input spaces that simplified the input-output relationship and improved the accuracy and robustness of smoke predictions made by three commonly used empirical modeling methods: Multivariate Regression, Neural Networks and the k-Nearest Neighbor method. The availability of multiple input spaces allowed the development of two committee techniques: a 'Simple Committee' technique that used averaged predictions from a set of 10 pre-selected input spaces chosen by the training data and the "Minimum Variance Committee" technique where the input spaces for each prediction were chosen on the basis of disagreement between the three modeling methods. This latter technique equalized the performance of the three modeling methods. The successively increasing improvements resulting from the use of a single best transformed input space (Best Combination Technique), Simple Committee Technique and Minimum Variance Committee Technique were verified with hypothesis testing. The transformed input spaces were also shown to improve outlier detection and to improve k-Nearest Neighbor performance when predicting dynamic emissions with steady-state training data. An unexpected finding was that the benefits of input space transformation were unaffected by changes in the hardware or the calibration of the underlying GT-Power model.
We present observations of total cloud cover and cloud type classification results from a sky camera network comprising four stations in Switzerland. In a comprehensive intercomparison study, records of total cloud cover from the sky camera, long-wave radiation observations, Meteosat, ceilometer, and visual observations were compared. Total cloud cover from the sky camera was in 65–85% of cases within ±1 okta with respect to the other methods. The sky camera overestimates cloudiness with respect to the other automatic techniques on average by up to 1.1 ± 2.8 oktas but underestimates it by 0.8 ± 1.9 oktas compared to the human observer. However, the bias depends on the cloudiness and therefore needs to be considered when records from various observational techniques are being homogenized. Cloud type classification was conducted using the k-Nearest Neighbor classifier in combination with a set of color and textural features. In addition, a radiative feature was introduced which improved the discrimination by up to 10%. The performance of the algorithm mainly depends on the atmospheric conditions, site-specific characteristics, the randomness of the selected images, and possible visual misclassifications: The mean success rate was 80–90% when the image only contained a single cloud class but dropped to 50–70% if the test images were completely randomly selected and multiple cloud classes occurred in the images.
This dissertation develops and tests a comparative effectiveness methodology utilizing a novel approach to the application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in health studies. The concept of performance tiers (PerT) is introduced as terminology to express a relative risk class for individuals within a peer group and the PerT calculation is implemented with operations research (DEA) and spatial algorithms. The analysis results in the discrimination of the individual data observations into a relative risk classification by the DEA-PerT methodology. The performance of two distance measures, kNN (k-nearest neighbor) and Mahalanobis, was subsequently tested to classify new entrants into the appropriate tier. The methods were applied to subject data for the 14 year old cohort in the Project HeartBeat! study.^ The concepts presented herein represent a paradigm shift in the potential for public health applications to identify and respond to individual health status. The resultant classification scheme provides descriptive, and potentially prescriptive, guidance to assess and implement treatments and strategies to improve the delivery and performance of health systems. ^
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-Receptor Associated Factors (TRAFs) are a family of signal transducer proteins. TRAF6 is a unique member of this family in that it is involved in not only the TNF superfamily, but the toll-like receptor (TLR)/IL-1R (TIR) superfamily. The formation of the complex consisting of Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor κ B (RANK), with its ligand (RANKL) results in the recruitment of TRAF6, which activates NF-κB, JNK and MAP kinase pathways. TRAF6 is critical in signaling with leading to release of various growth factors in bone, and promotes osteoclastogenesis. TRAF6 has also been implicated as an oncogene in lung cancer and as a target in multiple myeloma. In the hopes of developing small molecule inhibitors of the TRAF6-RANK interaction, multiple steps were carried out. Computational prediction of hot spot residues on the protein-protein interaction of TRAF6 and RANK were examined. Three methods were used: Robetta, KFC2, and HotPoint, each of which uses a different methodology to determine if a residue is a hot spot. These hot spot predictions were considered the basis for resolving the binding site for in silico high-throughput screening using GOLD and the MyriaScreen database of drug/lead-like compounds. Computationally intensive molecular dynamics simulations highlighted the binding mechanism and TRAF6 structural changes upon hit binding. Compounds identified as hits were verified using a GST-pull down assay, comparing inhibition to a RANK decoy peptide. Since many drugs fail due to lack of efficacy and toxicity, predictive models for the evaluation of the LD50 and bioavailability of our TRAF6 hits, and these models can be used towards other drugs and small molecule therapeutics as well. Datasets of compounds and their corresponding bioavailability and LD50 values were curated based, and QSAR models were built using molecular descriptors of these compounds using the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) method, and quality of these models were cross-validated.
This paper discusses a novel hybrid approach for text categorization that combines a machine learning algorithm, which provides a base model trained with a labeled corpus, with a rule-based expert system, which is used to improve the results provided by the previous classifier, by filtering false positives and dealing with false negatives. The main advantage is that the system can be easily fine-tuned by adding specific rules for those noisy or conflicting categories that have not been successfully trained. We also describe an implementation based on k-Nearest Neighbor and a simple rule language to express lists of positive, negative and relevant (multiword) terms appearing in the input text. The system is evaluated in several scenarios, including the popular Reuters-21578 news corpus for comparison to other approaches, and categorization using IPTC metadata, EUROVOC thesaurus and others. Results show that this approach achieves a precision that is comparable to top ranked methods, with the added value that it does not require a demanding human expert workload to train
The increasing demand of security oriented to mobile applications has raised the attention to biometrics, as a proper and suitable solution for providing secure environment to mobile devices. With this aim, this document presents a biometric system based on hand geometry oriented to mobile devices, involving a high degree of freedom in terms of illumination, hand rotation and distance to camera. The user takes a picture of their own hand in the free space, without requiring any flat surface to locate the hand, and without removals of rings, bracelets or watches. The proposed biometric system relies on an accurate segmentation procedure, able to isolate hands from any background; a feature extraction, invariant to orientation, illumination, distance to camera and background; and a user classification, based on k-Nearest Neighbor approach, able to provide an accurate results on individual identification. The proposed method has been evaluated with two own databases collected with a HTC mobile. First database contains 120 individuals, with 20 acquisitions of both hands. Second database is a synthetic database, containing 408000 images of hand samples in different backgrounds: tiles, grass, water, sand, soil and the like. The system is able to identify individuals properly with False Reject Rate of 5.78% and False Acceptance Rate of 0.089%, using 60 features (15 features per finger)
Multi-dimensional Bayesian network classifiers (MBCs) are probabilistic graphical models recently proposed to deal with multi-dimensional classification problems, where each instance in the data set has to be assigned to more than one class variable. In this paper, we propose a Markov blanket-based approach for learning MBCs from data. Basically, it consists of determining the Markov blanket around each class variable using the HITON algorithm, then specifying the directionality over the MBC subgraphs. Our approach is applied to the prediction problem of the European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) from the 39-item Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) in order to estimate the health-related quality of life of Parkinson’s patients. Fivefold cross-validation experiments were carried out on randomly generated synthetic data sets, Yeast data set, as well as on a real-world Parkinson’s disease data set containing 488 patients. The experimental study, including comparison with additional Bayesian network-based approaches, back propagation for multi-label learning, multi-label k-nearest neighbor, multinomial logistic regression, ordinary least squares, and censored least absolute deviations, shows encouraging results in terms of predictive accuracy as well as the identification of dependence relationships among class and feature variables.
El presente proyecto tiene el objetivo de facilitar la composición de canciones mediante la creación de las distintas pistas MIDI que la forman. Se implementan dos controladores. El primero, con objeto de transcribir la parte melódica, convierte la voz cantada o tarareada a eventos MIDI. Para ello, y tras el estudio de las distintas técnicas del cálculo del tono (pitch), se implementará una técnica con ciertas variaciones basada en la autocorrelación. También se profundiza en el segmentado de eventos, en particular, una técnica basada en el análisis de la derivada de la envolvente. El segundo, dedicado a la base rítmica de la canción, permite la creación de la percusión mediante el golpe rítmico de objetos que disponga el usuario, que serán asignados a los distintos elementos de percusión elegidos. Los resultados de la grabación de estos impactos serán señales de corta duración, no lineales y no armónicas, dificultando su discriminación. La herramienta elegida para la clasificación de los distintos patrones serán las redes neuronales artificiales (RNA). Se realizara un estudio de la metodología de diseño de redes neuronales especifico para este tipo de señales, evaluando la importancia de las variables de diseño como son el número de capas ocultas y neuronas en cada una de ellas, algoritmo de entrenamiento y funciones de activación. El estudio concluirá con la implementación de dos redes de diferente naturaleza. Una red de Elman, cuyas propiedades de memoria permiten la clasificación de patrones temporales, procesará las cualidades temporales analizando el ataque de su forma de onda. Una red de propagación hacia adelante feed-forward, que necesitará de robustas características espectrales y temporales para su clasificación. Se proponen 26 descriptores como los derivados de los momentos del espectro: centroide, curtosis y simetría, los coeficientes cepstrales de la escala de Mel (MFCCs), y algunos temporales como son la tasa de cruces por cero y el centroide de la envolvente temporal. Las capacidades de discriminación inter e intra clase de estas características serán evaluadas mediante un algoritmo de selección, habiéndose elegido RELIEF, un método basado en el algoritmo de los k vecinos mas próximos (KNN). Ambos controladores tendrán función de trabajar en tiempo real y offline, permitiendo tanto la composición de canciones, como su utilización como un instrumento más junto con mas músicos. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is to make song composition easier by creating each MIDI track that builds it. Two controllers are implemented. In order to transcribe the melody, the first controler converts singing voice or humming into MIDI files. To do this a technique based on autocorrelation is implemented after having studied different pitch detection methods. Event segmentation has also been dealt with, to be more precise a technique based on the analysis of the signal's envelope and it's derivative have been used. The second one, can be used to make the song's rhythm . It allows the user, to create percussive patterns by hitting different objects of his environment. These recordings results in short duration, non-linear and non-harmonic signals. Which makes the classification process more complicated in the traditional way. The tools to used are the artificial neural networks (ANN). We will study the neural network design to deal with this kind of signals. The goal is to get a design methodology, paying attention to the variables involved, as the number of hidden layers and neurons in each, transfer functions and training algorithm. The study will end implementing two neural networks with different nature. Elman network, which has memory properties, is capable to recognize sequences of data and analyse the impact's waveform, precisely, the attack portion. A feed-forward network, needs strong spectral and temporal features extracted from the hit. Some descriptors are proposed as the derivates from the spectrum moment as centroid, kurtosis and skewness, the Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, and some temporal features as the zero crossing rate (zcr) and the temporal envelope's centroid. Intra and inter class discrimination abilities of those descriptors will be weighted using the selection algorithm RELIEF, a Knn (K-nearest neighbor) based algorithm. Both MIDI controllers can be used to compose, or play with other musicians as it works on real-time and offline.
Os motores de indução trifásicos são os principais elementos de conversão de energia elétrica em mecânica motriz aplicados em vários setores produtivos. Identificar um defeito no motor em operação pode fornecer, antes que ele falhe, maior segurança no processo de tomada de decisão sobre a manutenção da máquina, redução de custos e aumento de disponibilidade. Nesta tese são apresentas inicialmente uma revisão bibliográfica e a metodologia geral para a reprodução dos defeitos nos motores e a aplicação da técnica de discretização dos sinais de correntes e tensões no domínio do tempo. É também desenvolvido um estudo comparativo entre métodos de classificação de padrões para a identificação de defeitos nestas máquinas, tais como: Naive Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machine (Sequential Minimal Optimization), Rede Neural Artificial (Perceptron Multicamadas), Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction e C4.5 Decision Tree. Também aplicou-se o conceito de Sistemas Multiagentes (SMA) para suportar a utilização de múltiplos métodos concorrentes de forma distribuída para reconhecimento de padrões de defeitos em rolamentos defeituosos, quebras nas barras da gaiola de esquilo do rotor e curto-circuito entre as bobinas do enrolamento do estator de motores de indução trifásicos. Complementarmente, algumas estratégias para a definição da severidade dos defeitos supracitados em motores foram exploradas, fazendo inclusive uma averiguação da influência do desequilíbrio de tensão na alimentação da máquina para a determinação destas anomalias. Os dados experimentais foram adquiridos por meio de uma bancada experimental em laboratório com motores de potência de 1 e 2 cv acionados diretamente na rede elétrica, operando em várias condições de desequilíbrio das tensões e variações da carga mecânica aplicada ao eixo do motor.
This paper proposes a new feature representation method based on the construction of a Confidence Matrix (CM). This representation consists of posterior probability values provided by several weak classifiers, each one trained and used in different sets of features from the original sample. The CM allows the final classifier to abstract itself from discovering underlying groups of features. In this work the CM is applied to isolated character image recognition, for which several set of features can be extracted from each sample. Experimentation has shown that the use of CM permits a significant improvement in accuracy in most cases, while the others remain the same. The results were obtained after experimenting with four well-known corpora, using evolved meta-classifiers with the k-Nearest Neighbor rule as a weak classifier and by applying statistical significance tests.
Prototype Selection (PS) algorithms allow a faster Nearest Neighbor classification by keeping only the most profitable prototypes of the training set. In turn, these schemes typically lower the performance accuracy. In this work a new strategy for multi-label classifications tasks is proposed to solve this accuracy drop without the need of using all the training set. For that, given a new instance, the PS algorithm is used as a fast recommender system which retrieves the most likely classes. Then, the actual classification is performed only considering the prototypes from the initial training set belonging to the suggested classes. Results show that this strategy provides a large set of trade-off solutions which fills the gap between PS-based classification efficiency and conventional kNN accuracy. Furthermore, this scheme is not only able to, at best, reach the performance of conventional kNN with barely a third of distances computed, but it does also outperform the latter in noisy scenarios, proving to be a much more robust approach.