872 resultados para Futures contracts
The field of contemporary youth-specific theatre in Australia is one of change and, in some cases, anxiety. While Drama Studies continue to grow in popularity in schools, previously conventional developmental paradigms have become less mandatory for theatre, for, by, and about young people outside the school context. Instead, 'new generation' approaches in youth-specific performance are placing greater value on young people's own preferences in cultural activity. Yet this development is being tempered and further complicated by a cultural 'generationalism', particularly in larger arts organization as the youth sector becomes a more integral part of marketing strategies for the future. The resulting ambiguity in the representation, value, and positioning of young people and youth-specific arts in Australia's theatre industry is considered by focusing on Magpie2, a former youth-specific company attached to the State Theatre Company of South Australia. Magpie2 ceased operation in 1998 after experimenting with a 'new generation' approach to theatre for young people in the State Theatre realm. Both the artistic policy of Magpie2 Director, Benedict Andrews, and the critical reception of his two productions in 1997, Future Tense and Features of Blown Youth, demonstrate how competing systems of cultural value characterize the field of youth-specific theatre in Australia.
Figures on the relative frequency of synthetic and composite future forms in Ouest-France are presented and compared with those of earlier studies on the passé simple and passé composé. The synthetic future is found to be dominant. Possible formal explanations for distribution are found to be inconclusive. Distribution across different text-types is found to be more promising, since contrastive functions of the two forms can be identified in texts where they co-occur. The composite future typically reports new proposals or plans as current news, while the synthetic future outlines details that will be realised at the time of implementation. Both functions are important in dailies, but current news is more often expressed in the present tense at the expense of the composite future.
“Procuradoria aconselha levar swaps a tribunal”. Referindo-se com maior especificidade: “A Procuradoria-Geral da República manteve contactos informais com o Ministério das Finanças para avaliar a possibilidade de o Estado levar a tribunal os contratos de alto risco assinados por empresas públicas de transporte. E deu indicações ao Governo de que há condições para conseguir a anulação dos swaps, se o Estado optar pela via litigiosa – o que ainda não aconteceu. Para isso, o Executivo tem de dar essa indicação ao Ministério Público”. Abstract: "Attorney advises swaps take the court." Referring with greater specificity: "The Attorney General's Office had informal contacts with the Ministry of Finance to evaluate the possibility of the state to prosecute high-risk contracts signed by public transport companies. And has directed the Government that there are conditions to achieve the cancellation of swaps if the state chooses the remedy litigation - which has not happened yet. For this, the Executive must provide that information to the prosecutor. "
Revista Lusófona de Ciências Sociais
A área de comercialização de energia eléctrica conheceu uma profunda mudança após a liberalização do sector eléctrico, que levou à criação de algumas entidades, as quais gerem os mercados de electricidade europeus. Relativamente a Portugal e Espanha, durante esse processo de liberalização, deu-se também um acordo que os levou à criação de um mercado conjunto, um mercado Ibérico (MIBEL). Dentro deste mercado estão contemplados dois operadores, sendo que um deles representa o pólo Português (OMIP) e o outro representa o pólo Espanhol (OMEL). O OMIP contempla os mercados a prazo, ou futuros, normalmente apresenta contratos de energia comercializada com durabilidade de semanas, meses, trimestres, semestres ou mesmo anos. Diariamente estes contratos poderão vencer no OMEL, que engloba os mercados, diário e intradiário. Este, ao contrário do OMIP negoceia para o dia seguinte (mercado diário) ou para uma determinada altura do dia (mercado intra diário). O mercado diário será o exemplo usado para a criação do simulador interactivo do mercado de energia eléctrica. Este será composto por diversos utilizadores (jogadores), que através de uma plataforma HTML irão investir em centrais de energia eléctrica, negociar licitações e analisar o funcionamento e resultados deste mercado. Este jogo subdividir-se-á então em 3 fases: 1. Fase de investimento; 2. Fase de venda (licitações); 3. Fase de mercado. Na fase do investimento, o jogador terá a possibilidade de adquirir unidades de geração de energia eléctrica de seis tipos de tecnologia: 1. Central a Carvão; 2. Central de Ciclo Combinado; 3. Central Hídrica; 4. Central Eólica; 5. Central Solar; 6. Central Nuclear. Com o decorrer das jogadas o jogador poderá aumentar a sua capacidade de investimento, com a venda de energia, sendo o vencedor aquele que mais saldo tiver no fim do número de jogadas previamente definidos, ou aquele que mais depressa atingir o saldo definido como limite pelo administrador do jogo. A nível pedagógico este simulador é muito interessante pois para além de o utilizador ficar a conhecer as tecnologias em causa e as vantagens e desvantagens das centrais de energia renovável e das centrais a combustíveis fósseis, este ganha igualmente uma sensibilidade para questões de nível ambiental, tais como o aumento dos gases de estufa e o degelo resultante do aquecimento global provocado por esses gases. Para além do conhecimento adquirido na parte de energia eléctrica este jogo dará a conhecer ao utilizador o funcionamento do mercado da energia eléctrica, bem como as tácticas que este poderá usar a seu favor neste tipo de mercado.
In this paper we analyze the relationship between volatility in index futures markets and the number of open and closed positions. We observe that, although in general both positions are positively correlated with contemporaneous volatility, in the case of S&P 500, only the number of open positions has influence over the volatility. Additionally, we observe a stronger positive relationship on days characterized by extreme movements of these contracting movements dominating the market. Finally, our findings suggest that day-traders are not associated to an increment of volatility, whereas uninformed traders, both opening and closing their positions, have to do with it.
Portugal had only very few foresight exercises on the automobile sector, and the most recent one was a survey held in a project on work organisation systems in the automobile industry, its recent historical paths and the special strategies of location of companies (the WorTiS project). This involved several teams with different disciplinary backgrounds and from two Portuguese universities. The provisional main results of the first round of a Delphi survey held in Portugal on the automotive sector were already published, but a further analysis was not yet done. This foresight survey was done under the WorTiS project, developed in 2004 by IET – Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Innovation (at FCT-UNL), and financed by the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology. Some of this experience on foresight analysis is also been transferred to other projects, namely the WORKS project on work organisation restructuring in the knowledge society that received the support from EC and still is running. The majority of experts considered having an average of less knowledge in almost all the scenario topics presented. This means that information on the automotive industry is not spread enough among academics or experts in related fields (regional scientists, innovation economists, engineers, sociologists). Some have a good knowledge but in very specialised fields. Others have expertise on foresight, or macroeconomics, or management sciences, but feel insecure on issues related with futures of automobile sector. Nevertheless, we considered specially the topics where the experts considered themselves to have some knowledge. There were no “irrelevant” topics considered as such by the expert panel. There are also no topics that are not considered a need for co-operation. The lack of technological infrastructures was not considered as a hindered factor for the accomplishment of any scenario. The experts’ panel considered no other international competence besides US, Japan or Germany in these topics. Special focus will be made in this paper on the topic 2. Public policy and automobile industries, and more specifically on the technological and/or research policies issues, where one can specify the automobile’s role in transport policies with further implications like environment, safety, energy, mobility.
The Knowledge-based society brought a new way of living and working. The increasing decline of work in primary sector and traditional industries, related with the significant increase of employment in the service sector and in the knowledge work, changed the way companies and individuals establish their relations, the way work and life is organised. These changes are usual and fast and so the feeling of insecurity and unpredictability become more and more sharp. In this context, foresight exercises are necessary tools helping in the identification of the key variables and main trends of evolution. This report will present some foresight studies about work and skills in Europe and USA, in order to contribute to think about possible evolutions and trends.