999 resultados para Fulminant Hepatic-failure
Hepatic encephalopathy is a neurological syndrome occurring in patients with liver failure or in those with a large porto-systemic shunt. In cirrhotic patients, the current classification comprises covert and overt encephalopathy. Diagnosis of covert encephalopathy requires sensitive tests. Lactulose and rifaximin are the two leading therapeutic options. Rifaximin is efficacious for maintaining remission from hepatic encephalopathy. Liver transplantation should be discussed in cirrhotic patients with encephalopathy.
Background: Infection with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) i s associatedwith hepatic iron accumulation. We performed a comprehensive analysisof serum ferritin levels and of their genetic determinants in thepathogenesis and treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C enrolledin the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study (SCCS).Methods: Serum ferritin levels at baseline o f therapy with p egylatedinterferon-α ( PEG-IFN-α) and ribavirin or b efore liver biopsy werecorrelated with clinical features of c hronic HCV infection, includingnecroinflammatory activity (N=970), fibrosis (N=980), steatosis (N=886)and response to treatment (N=876). The association b etween highferritin levels (> median) and the endpoints w as assessed b y logisticregression. In addition, a candidate gene analysis as well as a genomewideassociation study (GWAS) of serum ferritin levels were performed.Results: S erum ferritin > sex-specific median was one of the strongestpre-treatment predictors of failure to achieve SVR (P<0.0001, OR=0.46,95% CI=0.34-0.60). This association remained highly significant in amultivariate analysis (P=0.0001, OR=0.32, 95% CI=0.18-0.57), with anodds ratio c omparable to that of IL28B g enotype, and persisted afteradjustment for duration of infection. Additional independent predictors ofnonresponse were viral load, HCV genotype, presence of diabetes, andliver fibrosis stage. Higher serum ferritin levels were also independentlyassociated with severe liver fibrosis (P<0.0001, OR=2.67, 95% CI=1.66-4.28) a nd steatosis (P=0.0034, OR=2.34, 95% CI=1.33-4.12), but n otwith necroinflammatory a ctivity (P=0.3). No significant g eneticdeterminants of serum ferritin levels were identified.Conclusions: Elevated serum ferritin levels are associated withadvanced liver fibrosis, hepatic steatosis, and poor r esponse to IFN-α-based therapy in c hronic hepatitis C, i ndependently from IL28Bgenotype.
Background and aim: Wilson disease (WD) is an inherited disorder ofhepatic copper excretion leading to toxic accumulation of copper in theliver as well as the brain, cornea, and other organs. The defect is due tomutations of the copper-transporting ATPase ATP7B. Here, we describethe adult cases of hepatic WD diagnosed at the CHUV between 2005and 2010.Methods: Clinical manifestions, results of diagnostic tests, and follow-upof adult patients with hepatic WD were recorded systematically.Results: Seven new adult cases of hepatic WD were diagnosed in ourcenter between 2005 and 2010. Three were women and 4 men, with amedian a ge at d iagnosis o f 24 (range, 1 8-56) years. Three patientspresented with acute liver failure (ALF), three with persistently elevatedliver function tests, and one with a dvanced cirrhosis. None hadneurological manifestations. Only one patient, presenting with ALF, had aKayser-Fleischer corneal ring. Median ceruloplasmin levels at diagnosiswere 0.13 (range, <0.03-0.30) g/l, median 24 h urinary copper excretion6.3 (range, 0.4-62.0) μmol/24 h, and median hepatic copperconcentration 591 (range, 284-1049) μg/g. At least one mutation in theATP7B g ene was i dentified in a ll patients. Allelic frequency of t hecommon H1069Q mutation was 14%. Two patients presenting with ALFand the one with advanced cirrhosis underwent successful l ivertransplantation. One patient with ALF recovered under chelator therapy.D-penicillamine was used as first-line chelator treatment, with a switch totrientine due to adverse effects in 2 out of 4 patients u nder l ong-termtreatment.Conclusions: The clinical presentation of WD and the performance ofdiagnostic tests are variable. A high index of suspicion i n clinicallycompatible situations i s key, with a combination of tests allowing thediagnosis of WD.
BACKGROUND & AIMS Hy's Law, which states that hepatocellular drug-induced liver injury (DILI) with jaundice indicates a serious reaction, is used widely to determine risk for acute liver failure (ALF). We aimed to optimize the definition of Hy's Law and to develop a model for predicting ALF in patients with DILI. METHODS We collected data from 771 patients with DILI (805 episodes) from the Spanish DILI registry, from April 1994 through August 2012. We analyzed data collected at DILI recognition and at the time of peak levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and total bilirubin (TBL). RESULTS Of the 771 patients with DILI, 32 developed ALF. Hepatocellular injury, female sex, high levels of TBL, and a high ratio of aspartate aminotransferase (AST):ALT were independent risk factors for ALF. We compared 3 ways to use Hy's Law to predict which patients would develop ALF; all included TBL greater than 2-fold the upper limit of normal (×ULN) and either ALT level greater than 3 × ULN, a ratio (R) value (ALT × ULN/alkaline phosphatase × ULN) of 5 or greater, or a new ratio (nR) value (ALT or AST, whichever produced the highest ×ULN/ alkaline phosphatase × ULN value) of 5 or greater. At recognition of DILI, the R- and nR-based models identified patients who developed ALF with 67% and 63% specificity, respectively, whereas use of only ALT level identified them with 44% specificity. However, the level of ALT and the nR model each identified patients who developed ALF with 90% sensitivity, whereas the R criteria identified them with 83% sensitivity. An equal number of patients who did and did not develop ALF had alkaline phosphatase levels greater than 2 × ULN. An algorithm based on AST level greater than 17.3 × ULN, TBL greater than 6.6 × ULN, and AST:ALT greater than 1.5 identified patients who developed ALF with 82% specificity and 80% sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS When applied at DILI recognition, the nR criteria for Hy's Law provides the best balance of sensitivity and specificity whereas our new composite algorithm provides additional specificity in predicting the ultimate development of ALF.
The pathophysiological role of an increase in circulating vasopressin in sustaining global and regional vasoconstriction in patients with congestive heart failure has not been established, particularly in patients with hyponatraemia. To assess this further, 20 patients with congestive heart failure refractory to digoxin and diuretics were studied before and 60 minutes after the intravenous injection (5 micrograms/kg) of the vascular antagonist of vasopressin [1(beta-mercapto-beta,beta-cyclopentamethylene-propionic acid), 2-(0-methyl) tyrosine] arginine vasopressin. Ten patients were hyponatraemic (plasma sodium less than 135 mmol/l) and 10 were normonatraemic. In both groups of patients the vascular vasopressin antagonist did not alter systemic or pulmonary artery pressures, right atrial pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, cardiac index, or vascular resistances. Furthermore, there was no change in skin and hepatic blood flow in either group after the injection of the vascular antagonist. Only one patient in the hyponatraemic group showed considerable haemodynamic improvement. He had severe congestive heart failure and a high concentration of plasma vasopressin (51 pmol/l). Plasma renin activity, vasopressin, or catecholamine concentrations were not significantly changed in response to the administration of the vasopressin antagonist in either the hyponatraemic or the normonatraemic groups. Patients with hyponatraemia, however, had higher baseline plasma catecholamine concentrations, heart rate, pulmonary pressure and resistance, and lower hepatic blood flow than patients without hyponatraemia. Plasma vasopressin and plasma renin activity were slightly, though not significantly, higher in the hyponatraemic group. Thus the role of vasopressin in sustaining regional or global vasoconstriction seems limited in patients with congestive heart failure whether or not concomitant hyponatraemia is present. Vasopressin significantly increases the vascular tone only in rare patients with severe congestive heart failure and considerably increased vasopressin concentrations. Patients with hyponatraemia do, however, have raised baseline catecholamine concentrations, heart rate, pulmonary arterial pressure and resistance, and decreased hepatic blood flow.
We report a Spanish family with autosomal-dominant non-neuropathic hereditary amyloidosis with a unique hepatic presentation and death from liver failure, usually by the sixth decade. The disease is caused by a previously unreported deletion/insertion mutation in exon 4 of the apolipoprotein AI (apoAI) gene encoding loss of residues 60-71 of normal mature apoAI and insertion at that position of two new residues, ValThr. Affected individuals are heterozygous for this mutation and have both normal apoAI and variant molecules bearing one extra positive charge, as predicted from the DNA sequence. The amyloid fibrils are composed exclusively of NH2-terminal fragments of the variant, ending mainly at positions corresponding to residues 83 and 92 in the mature wild-type sequence. Amyloid fibrils derived from the other three known amyloidogenic apoAI variants are also composed of similar NH2-terminal fragments. All known amyloidogenic apoAI variants carry one extra positive charge in this region, suggesting that it may be responsible for their enhanced amyloidogenicity. In addition to causing a new phenotype, this is the first deletion mutation to be described in association with hereditary amyloidosis and it significantly extends the value of the apoAI model for investigation of molecular mechanisms of amyloid fibrillogenesis.
We report a Spanish family with autosomal-dominant non-neuropathic hereditary amyloidosis with a unique hepatic presentation and death from liver failure, usually by the sixth decade. The disease is caused by a previously unreported deletion/insertion mutation in exon 4 of the apolipoprotein AI (apoAI) gene encoding loss of residues 60-71 of normal mature apoAI and insertion at that position of two new residues, ValThr. Affected individuals are heterozygous for this mutation and have both normal apoAI and variant molecules bearing one extra positive charge, as predicted from the DNA sequence. The amyloid fibrils are composed exclusively of NH2-terminal fragments of the variant, ending mainly at positions corresponding to residues 83 and 92 in the mature wild-type sequence. Amyloid fibrils derived from the other three known amyloidogenic apoAI variants are also composed of similar NH2-terminal fragments. All known amyloidogenic apoAI variants carry one extra positive charge in this region, suggesting that it may be responsible for their enhanced amyloidogenicity. In addition to causing a new phenotype, this is the first deletion mutation to be described in association with hereditary amyloidosis and it significantly extends the value of the apoAI model for investigation of molecular mechanisms of amyloid fibrillogenesis.
Forty-three patients with cirrhosis and ascites, 21 with normal renal function, 10 with a progressive functional renal failure (FRF), and 12 with a steady FRF, were investigated for the presence of endotoxaemia by the Limulus lysate test. Endotoxaemia was found in nine patients with FRF and in none of the 21 with normal renal function (P less than 0-01). A positive Limulus test was almost exclusively associated with a progressive FRF (eight of 10 patients) and all but one of them died. Renal function improved as endotoxaemia disappeared in the survivor. Endotoxaemia was also associated with haemorrhage due to acute erosions of the gastric mucosa, being present in six of the seven patients who had this complication. Intravascular coagulation was not found in any patient. The Limulus test was positive in the ascitic fluid in 18 of 21 patients tested, although only two of them had peritonitis. These results suggest that endotoxaemia may play a critical role in the development of progressive renal failure and haemorrhagic gastritis in cirrhosis, and emphasise the potential risk of procedures involving reinfusion of ascitic fluid.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The prognostic value of the different causes of renal failure in cirrhosis is not well established. This study investigated the predictive value of the cause of renal failure in cirrhosis. METHODS: Five hundred sixty-two consecutive patients with cirrhosis and renal failure (as defined by serum creatinine 1.5 mg/dL on 2 successive determinations within 48 hours) hospitalized over a 6-year period in a single institution were included in a prospective study. The cause of renal failure was classified into 4 groups: renal failure associated with bacterial infections, renal failure associated with volume depletion, hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), and parenchymal nephropathy. The primary end point was survival at 3 months. RESULTS: Four hundred sixty-three patients (82.4%) had renal failure that could be classified in 1 of 4 groups. The most frequent was renal failure associated with infections (213 cases; 46%), followed by hypovolemia-associated renal failure (149; 32%), HRS (60; 13%), and parenchymal nephropathy (41; 9%). The remaining patients had a combination of causes or miscellaneous conditions. Prognosis was markedly different according to cause of renal failure, 3-month probability of survival being 73% for parenchymal nephropathy, 46% for hypovolemia-associated renal failure, 31% for renal failure associated with infections, and 15% for HRS (P .0005). In a multivariate analysis adjusted for potentially confounding variables, cause of renal failure was independently associated with prognosis, together with MELD score, serum sodium, and hepatic encephalopathy at time of diagnosis of renal failure. CONCLUSIONS: A simple classification of patients with cirrhosis according to cause of renal failure is useful in assessment of prognosis and may help in decision making in liver transplantation.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The landscape of HCV treatments is changing dramatically. At the beginning of this new era, we highlight the challenges for HCV therapy by assessing the long-term epidemiological trends in treatment uptake, efficacy and mortality among HIV/HCV-coinfected people since the availability of HCV therapy. METHODS: We included all SHCS participants with detectable HCV RNA between 2001 and 2013. To identify predictors for treatment uptake uni- and multivariable Poisson regression models were applied. We further used survival analyses with Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox regression with drop-out as competing risk. RESULTS: Of 12,401 participants 2107 (17%) were HCV RNA positive. Of those, 636 (30%) started treatment with an incidence of 5.8/100 person years (PY) (95% CI 5.3-6.2). Sustained virological response (SVR) with pegylated interferon/ribavirin was achieved in 50% of treated patients, representing 15% of all participants with replicating HCV-infection. 344 of 2107 (16%) HCV RNA positive persons died, 59% from extrahepatic causes. Mortality/100 PY was 2.9 (95% CI 2.6-3.2) in untreated patients, 1.3 (1.0-1.8) in those treated with failure, and 0.6 (0.4-1.0) in patients with SVR. In 2013, 869/2107 (41%) participants remained HCV RNA positive. CONCLUSIONS: Over the last 13years HCV treatment uptake was low and by the end of 2013, a large number of persons remain to be treated. Mortality was high, particularly in untreated patients, and mainly due to non-liver-related causes. Accordingly, in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients, integrative care including the diagnosis and therapy of somatic and psychiatric disorders is important to achieve mortality rates similar to HIV-monoinfected patients.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The prognostic value of the different causes of renal failure in cirrhosis is not well established. This study investigated the predictive value of the cause of renal failure in cirrhosis. METHODS: Five hundred sixty-two consecutive patients with cirrhosis and renal failure (as defined by serum creatinine 1.5 mg/dL on 2 successive determinations within 48 hours) hospitalized over a 6-year period in a single institution were included in a prospective study. The cause of renal failure was classified into 4 groups: renal failure associated with bacterial infections, renal failure associated with volume depletion, hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), and parenchymal nephropathy. The primary end point was survival at 3 months. RESULTS: Four hundred sixty-three patients (82.4%) had renal failure that could be classified in 1 of 4 groups. The most frequent was renal failure associated with infections (213 cases; 46%), followed by hypovolemia-associated renal failure (149; 32%), HRS (60; 13%), and parenchymal nephropathy (41; 9%). The remaining patients had a combination of causes or miscellaneous conditions. Prognosis was markedly different according to cause of renal failure, 3-month probability of survival being 73% for parenchymal nephropathy, 46% for hypovolemia-associated renal failure, 31% for renal failure associated with infections, and 15% for HRS (P .0005). In a multivariate analysis adjusted for potentially confounding variables, cause of renal failure was independently associated with prognosis, together with MELD score, serum sodium, and hepatic encephalopathy at time of diagnosis of renal failure. CONCLUSIONS: A simple classification of patients with cirrhosis according to cause of renal failure is useful in assessment of prognosis and may help in decision making in liver transplantation.
The present study reports for the first time the incidence of congestive heart failure (CHF) in previously infarcted rats that died spontaneously. Previously, pulmonary (PWC) and hepatic (HWC) water contents were determined in normal rats: 14 control animals were evaluated immediately after sacrifice, 8 placed in a refrigerator for 24 h, and 10 left at room temperature for 24 h. In the infarcted group, 9 rats died before (acute) and 28 died 48 h after (chronic) myocardial infarction. Thirteen chronic animals were submitted only to autopsy (N = 13), whereas PWC and HWC were also determined in the others (N = 15). Seven rats survived 48 h and died during anesthesia. Notably, PWC differed in normal rats: ambient (75.7 ± 1.3%) < control (77.5 ± 0.7%) < refrigerator (79.1 ± 1.4%) and there were no differences with respect to HWC. No clinical signs of CHF (dyspnea, lethargy or foot edema) were observed in infarcted rats before death. PWC was elevated in all chronic and anesthetized rats. HWC was increased in 48% of chronic and in all anesthetized rats. Our data showed that PWC needs to be evaluated before 24 h post mortem and that CHF is the rule in chronic infarcted rats suffering natural death. The congestive syndrome cannot be diagnosed correctly in rats by clinical signs alone, as previously proposed.
L’encéphalopathie hépatique (EH) se développe chez les patients atteints d’une maladie du foie et se caractérise par de nombreuses anomalies neuropsychiatriques. L’insuffisance hépatique aiguë (IHA) se caractérise par une perte progressive de l’état de conscience, par une augmentation rapide de l’œdème cérébral et une augmentation de la pression intracrânienne entraînant une herniation cérébrale et la mort. Plusieurs facteurs sont responsables du développement de l’EH mais depuis une centaine d’années, l’hyperammonémie qui peut atteindre des concentrations de l’ordre de plusieurs millimolaires chez les patients atteints d’IHA aux stades de coma est considérée comme un facteur crucial dans la pathogenèse de l’EH. La présente thèse comprend 4 articles suggérant l’implication de nouveaux mécanismes pathogéniques dans le développement de l’EH et de l’œdème cérébral associés à l’IHA et tente d’expliquer l’effet thérapeutique de l’hypothermie et de la minocycline dans la prévention de l’EH et de l’œdème cérébral: 1. L’IHA induite par dévascularisation hépatique chez le rat se caractérise par une augmentation de la production de cytokines pro-inflammatoires cérébrales (IL-6, IL-1, TNF-). Cette observation constitue la première évidence directe que des mécanismes neuro-inflammatoires jouent une rôle dans la pathogenèse de l’EH et de l’œdème cérébral associés à l’IHA (Chapitre 2.1, articles 1 et 2). 2. L’activation de la microglie telle que mesurée par l’expression de marqueurs spécifiques (OX42, OX-6) coïncide avec le développement de l’encéphalopathie (stade coma) et de l’œdème cérébral et s’accompagne d’une production accrue de cytokines pro-inflammatoires cérébrales (Chapitre 2.1, article 1 et 2). 3. Un stress oxydatif/nitrosatif causé par une augmentation de l’expression de l’oxyde nitrique synthétase et une augmentation de la synthèse d’oxyde nitrique cérébral participe à la pathogénèse des complications neurologiques de l’IHA (Chapitre 2.3, articles 3 et 4). 4. Des traitements anti-inflammatoires tels que l’hypothermie et la minocycline peuvent constituer de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques chez les patients atteints d’IHA (Chapitre 2.1, article 1; Chapitre 2.2, article 2). 5. Les effets bénéfiques de l’hypothermie et de la minocycline sur les complications neurologiques de l’IHA expérimentale s’expliquent, en partie, par une diminution du stress oxydatif/nitrosatif (Chapitre 2.3, article 3; Chapitre 2.4, article 4).
The principal cause of mortality in patients with acute liver failure (ALF) is brain herniation resulting from intracranial hypertension caused by a progressive increase of brain water. In the present study, ex vivo high-resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy was used to investigate the effects of ALF, with or without superimposed hypothermia, on brain organic osmolyte concentrations in relation to the severity of encephalopathy and brain edema in rats with ALF due to hepatic devascularization. In normothermic ALF rats, glutamine concentrations in frontal cortex increased more than fourfold at precoma stages, i.e. prior to the onset of severe encephalopathy, but showed no further increase at coma stages. In parallel with glutamine accumulation, the brain organic osmolytes myo-inositol and taurine were significantly decreased in frontal cortex to 63\% and 67\% of control values, respectively, at precoma stages (p<0.01), and to 58\% and 67\%, respectively, at coma stages of encephalopathy (p<0.01). Hypothermia, which prevented brain edema and encephalopathy in ALF rats, significantly attenuated the depletion of myo-inositol and taurine. Brain glutamine concentrations, on the other hand, did not respond to hypothermia. These findings demonstrate that experimental ALF results in selective changes in brain organic osmolytes as a function of the degree of encephalopathy which are associated with brain edema, and provides a further rationale for the continued use of hypothermia in the management of this condition.
OBJECTIVE: Acute liver failure (ALF) is haemodynamically characterized by a hyperdynamic circulation. The aims of this study were to investigate the systemic and regional haemodynamics in ALF, to measure changes in nitric oxide metabolites (NOx) and to evaluate whether these haemodynamic disturbances could be attenuated with albumin dialysis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Norwegian Landrace pigs (23-30 kg) were randomly allocated to groups as controls (sham-operation, n = 8), ALF (hepatic devascularization, n = 8) and ALF + albumin dialysis (n = 8). Albumin dialysis was started 2 h after ALF induction and continued for 4 h. Systemic and regional haemodynamics were monitored. Creatinine clearance, nitrite/nitrate and catecholamines were measured. A repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyse the data. RESULTS: In the ALF group, the cardiac index increased (PGT < 0.0001), while mean arterial pressure (PG = 0.02) and systemic vascular resistance decreased (PGT < 0.0001). Renal resistance (PG = 0.04) and hind-leg resistance (PGT = 0.003) decreased in ALF. There was no difference in jejunal blood flow between the groups. ALF pigs developed renal dysfunction with increased serum creatinine (PGT = 0.002) and decreased creatinine clearance (P = 0.02). Catecholamines were significantly higher in ALF, but NOx levels were not different. Albumin dialysis did not attenuate these haemodynamic or renal disturbances. CONCLUSIONS: The haemodynamic disturbances during the early phase of ALF are characterized by progressive systemic vasodilatation with no associated changes in metabolites of NO. Renal vascular resistance decreased and renal dysfunction developed independently of changes in renal blood flow. After 4 h of albumin dialysis there was no attenuation of the haemodynamic or renal disturbances.