931 resultados para Formation process


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Having to do with residential areas, geographical image research in Finland has concentrated mainly on those areas with a relatively negative image, such as eastern parts of Helsinki. However, Kumpula and Toukola are former working class residential areas whose image nowadays is mainly positive. This research aims at understanding the process through which their image has gradually come to be that way. Theoretical background of the research relies on human geography and it s viewpoints on places, spaces and areas. Areas, in this research, are understood to be founded on discursive processes that form meanings in societies. This approach is useful because it provides a way to research newspapers and to see how they affect the society. In addition I lean on Sirpa Tani s research on place images to study image and it s formation process. Her point of view covers especially well the effect of media on images and their formation. Articles published in Helsingin Sanomat and Ilta-Sanomat between the years 1963 and 1999 form the data of the research. Methodologically I proceeded by using content analysis to see what kind of topics have been dominating the news feed from Kumpula and Toukola. Content analysis was followed by discourse analysis, which allowed me to focus on the ways of speaking about and representing Kumpula and Toukola. Discourse analysis also reveals whose viewpoint is being represented in media when it comes to publishing news from these parts of the city. It is clearly visible from the results of this research that the image of Kumpula and Toukola has gone through a significant change between 1963 and 1999. In the 1960s discussion in newspapers was dominated by the need for more effective city planning. This meant that Kumpula and Toukola were under a demolition threat in order for the city to built more effectively on those areas. At the same time there was discussion about wooden houses that were built in Kumpula and Toukola right after the second World War. Those houses were in a poor condition, it was even said in the newspapers that people were living in slum-like conditions in them. By the 1980s the image of Kumpula and Toukola gradually started to change. At this time gentrification process was affecting the areas and well-educated working force moved to Kumpula and Toukola. Already in the beginning of 1990s the image of the areas was highly positive. Throughout this decade newspapers published news on Kumpula and Toukola that commented favorably on the atmosphere and the feeling of togetherness among the residents. In addition Kumpula village carnivals, that were first held in 1991, brought a lot of positive publicity to the areas. This research has revelead that especially the active participationg of the residents to promote joint causes has positively affected the image of Kumpula and Toukola. Since the 1960s fighting for the preservation of the areas has provided a reason for a stronger feeling of communality and identifying in the community. This feeling of togetherness in a community has carried all the way to the 1990s, when the areas, having been affected by gentrification, could make good use of the positive image in order to promote joint causes. Keywords: Image, reputation, newspapers, discursive practices


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A few simple three-atom thermoneutral radical exchange reactions (i.e. A + BC --> AB + C) are examined by ab initio SCF methods. Emphasis is laid on the detailed analysis of density matrices rather than on energetics. Results reveal that the sum of the bond orders of the breaking and forming bonds is not conserved to unity, due to development of free valence on the migrating atom 'B' in the transition state. Bond orders, free valence and spin densities on the atoms are calculated. The present analysis shows that the bond-cleavage process is always more advanced than the bond-formation process in the transition state. Further analysis shows a development of the negative spin density on the migrating atom 'B' in the transition state. The depletion of the alpha-spin density on the radical site "A" in the reactant during the reaction lags behind the growth of the alpha-spin density on the terminal atom "C" of the reactant bond, 'B-C' in the transition state. But all these processes are completed simultaneously at the end of the reaction. Hence, the reactions are asynchronous but kinetically concerted in most cases.


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Nanosized hexagonal InN flower-like structures were fabricated by droplet epitaxy on GaN/Si(111) and GaN flower-like nanostructure fabricated directly on Si(111) substrate using radio frequency plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to study the crystallinity and morphology of the nanostructures. Moreover, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and photoluminescence (PL) were used to investigate the chemical compositions and optical properties of nano-flowers, respectively. Activation energy of free exciton transitions in GaN nano-flowers was derived to be similar to 28.5 meV from the temperature dependent PL studies. The formation process of nano-flowers is investigated and a qualitative mechanism is proposed.


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The reactivation kinetics of passivated boron accepters in hydrogenated silicon during zero bias annealing in the temperature range of 65-130 degrees C are reported, For large annealing times and high annealing temperatures, the reactivation process follows second-order kinetics and is rate limited by a thermally activated <(H)over tilde (2)> complex formation process, For short annealing times and low annealing temperatures, the reactivation rate is found to be larger than that due to <(H)over tilde (2)> complex formation alone. We conclude that the faster reactivation is caused by the diffusion of the liberated hydrogen atoms into the bulk as well as <(H)over tilde (2)> complex formation. The effective diffusion coefficient of hydrogen is measured and found to obey the Arrhenius relation with an activation energy (1.41 +/- 0.1) eV. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The collapse of the primordial gas in the density regime similar to 10(8)-10(10) cm(-3) is controlled by the three-body H-2 formation process, in which the gas can cool faster than free-fall time-a condition proposed as the chemothermal instability. We investigate how the heating and cooling rates are affected during the rapid transformation of atomic to molecular hydrogen. With a detailed study of the heating and cooling balance in a 3D simulation of Pop III collapse, we follow the chemical and thermal evolution of the primordial gas in two dark matter minihalos. The inclusion of sink particles in modified Gadget-2 smoothed particle hydrodynamics code allows us to investigate the long-term evolution of the disk that fragments into several clumps. We find that the sum of all the cooling rates is less than the total heating rate after including the contribution from the compressional heating (pdV). The increasing cooling rate during the rapid increase of the molecular fraction is offset by the unavoidable heating due to gas contraction. We conclude that fragmentation occurs because H-2 cooling, the heating due to H-2 formation and compressional heating together set a density and temperature structure in the disk that favors fragmentation, not the chemothermal instability.


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This paper reports on two-dimensional numerical simulation of cellular detonation wave in a / / mixture with low initial pressure using a detailed chemical reaction model and high order WENO scheme. Before the final equilibrium structure is produced, a fairly regular but still non-equilibrium mode is observed during the early stage of structure formation process. The numerically tracked detonation cells show that the cell size always adapts to the channel height such that the cell ratio is fairly independent of the grid sizes and initial and boundary conditions. During the structural evolution in a detonation cell, even as the simulated detonation wave characteristics suggest the presence of an ordinary detonation, the evolving instantaneous detonation state indicates a mainly underdriven state. As a considerable region of the gas mixture in a cell is observed to be ignited by the incident wave and transverse wave, it is further suggested that these two said waves play an essential role in the detonation propagation.


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The usual plasma spraying methods often involve entrainment of the surrounding air into the turbulent plasma core and result in coated materials having relatively high porosity and low adhesive strength. Therefore, exploration of new plasma spraying methods for fabricating high quality coatings to meet the requirement of special applications will be quite important. In this study, an alternative plasma spraying method, i.e. the low-pressure laminar plasma spraying process, is investigated and used in an attempt for spraying thermal barrier coatings (TBCs). Investigations on the characteristics of the laminar plasma jets, feeding methods for the ceramic powder and the formation process of the individual quenched splats have been carried out. The properties of the TBCs sprayed by laminar plasma jet process, such as the adhesive strength at the interface of the ceramic coating/bond coat, the surface roughness and microstructure, are examined by tensile tests and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations.


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Resumen: El trabajo se propone analizar la conceptualización del término “razón de Estado” en el teólogo piamontés Giovanni Botero a la luz de las teorías políticas de Carl Schmitt. En especial se hará hincapié en la aparición dentro del pensamiento de Botero de conceptos que luego Schmitt caracterizará como esenciales en la conformación del Estado Moderno, entre los cuales están el de soberanía, la idea del enemigo político, y la conformación de un orden frente a la existencia de un estado de excepción. Principalmente se busca usar estos conceptos schmittianos como marco teórico para entender cómo Botero intentó definir el concepto de “razón de Estado” frente a las problemáticas políticas, sociales y religiosas que se producían a fines del siglo XVI.


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Resumen: La presente colaboración pretende valorar la ‘historicidad’ de los textos del Nuevo Testamento, de aquellos que tradicionalmente se ha considerado que presentan una ‘envoltura’ ambiental más fidedigna. Tal tarea no puede llevarse a cabo sin un previo discernimiento de las diferencias que sus distintos textos presentan, sin explicar los ambientes distintos en los que cada tradición se forjo, ni la intencionalidad de los distintos géneros a los que se recurrió. La obra de Lucas, constituida por la suma del tercer evangelio sinóptico y de los llamados Hechos de los apóstoles, presenta la percepción más evidentemente diacrónica, desde el nacimiento de Jesús hasta la instalación del cristianismo en Roma, y suma casi un tercio del texto neotestamentario, bastante más si tenemos en cuenta que para su comprensión es necesario el cotejo con los otros evangelios sinópticos y con las cartas paulinas. La perspectiva desde la cual se enfrenta este estudio es la del historiador, no la de la exégesis, la obra de Lucas se analiza como si se tratase de un texto más de la tradición helenística. Un texto que ha de responder, por lo tanto, a unos cánones literarios comprensibles a sus hipotéticos lectores, un texto construido en los años de máximo esplendor del Imperio romano, muy probablemente a finales del siglo I, en un contexto geográfico y cultural de momento impreciso pero que ha de tener en cuenta los problemas palestinos posteriores a la guerra judía de los años 67-70 y el entorno de pugna religiosa y creatividad teológica que, necesariamente, habría de caracterizar a una religión nueva, aún en proceso de formación y que estaba perfilando y perfeccionando sus definitivas señas de identidad. En este sentido se ha de valorar la personalidad del autor y su nivel de compromiso con el grupo religioso del cual pretende presentar una semblanza; por supuesto, es necesario descifrar la intencionalidad del texto, mediatizada por el género y por el público al cual pretende llegar. Debemos insertar la información particular que Lucas-Hechos aporta dentro de un contexto y, cuando sea posible, corroborar su información recurriendo a otras fuentes contemporáneas. A partir de ese proceso podremos concluir si la información aportada es verídica o no, si tal nivel de precisión es imposible podremos al menos pronunciarnos sobre si es creíble o si, por el contrario, es un mero artificio.


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I REPORT OF THE PICES WORKSHOP ON THE OKHOTSK SEA AND ADJACENT AREAS (pdf, 0.1 Mb) 1. Outline of the workshop 2. Summary reports from sessions 3. Recommendations of the workshop 4. Acknowledgments II SCIENTIFIC PAPERS SUBMITTED FROM SESSIONS 1. Physical Oceanography Sessions (pdf, 4 Mb) A. Circulation and water mass structure of the Okhotsk Sea and Northwestern Pacific Valentina D. Budaeva & Vyacheslav G. Makarov Seasonal variability of the pycnocline in La Perouse Strait and Aniva Gulf Valentina D. Budaeva & Vyacheslav G. Makarov Modeling of the typical water circulations in the La Perouse Strait and Aniva Gulf region Nina A. Dashko, Sergey M. Varlamov, Young-Ho Han & Young-Seup Kim Anticyclogenesis over the Okhotsk Sea and its influence on weather Boris S. Dyakov, Alexander A. Nikitin & Vadim P. Pavlychev Research of water structure and dynamics in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent Pacific Howard J. Freeland, Alexander S. Bychkov, C.S. Wong, Frank A. Whitney & Gennady I. Yurasov The Ohkotsk Sea component of Pacific Intermediate Water Emil E. Herbeck, Anatoly I. Alexanin, Igor A. Gontcharenko, Igor I. Gorin, Yury V. Naumkin & Yury G. Proshjants Some experience of the satellite environmental support of marine expeditions at the Far East Seas Alexander A. Karnaukhov The tidal influence on the Sakhalin shelf hydrology Yasuhiro Kawasaki On the formation process of the subsurface mixed water around the Central Kuril Islands Lloyd D. Keigwin Northwest Pacific paleohydrography Talgat R. Kilmatov Physical mechanisms for the North Pacific Intermediate Water formation Vladimir A. Luchin Water masses in the Okhotsk Sea Andrey V. Martynov, Elena N. Golubeva & Victor I. Kuzin Numerical experiments with finite element model of the Okhotsk Sea circulation Nikolay A. Maximenko, Anatoly I. Kharlamov & Raissa I. Gouskina Structure of Intermediate Water layer in the Northwest Pacific Nikolay A. Maximenko & Andrey Yu. Shcherbina Fine-structure of the North Pacific Intermediate Water layer Renat D. Medjitov & Boris I. Reznikov An experimental study of water transport through the Straits of Okhotsk Sea by electromagnetic method Valentina V. Moroz Oceanological zoning of the Kuril Islands area in the spring-summer period Yutaka Nagata Note on the salinity balance in the Okhotsk Sea Alexander D. Nelezin Variability of the Kuroshio Front in 1965-1991 Vladimir I. Ponomarev, Evgeny P. Varlaty & Mikhail Yu. Cheranyev An experimental study of currents in the near-Kuril region of the Pacific Ocean and in the Okhotsk Sea Stephen C. Riser, Gennady I. Yurasov & Mark J. Warner Hydrographic and tracer measurements of the water mass structure and transport in the Okhotsk Sea in early spring Konstantin A. Rogachev & Andrey V. Verkhunov Circulation and water mass structure in the southern Okhotsk Sea, as observed in summer, 1994 Lynne D. Talley North Pacific Intermediate Water formation and the role of the Okhotsk Sea Anatoly S. Vasiliev & Fedor F. Khrapchenkov Seasonal variability of integral water circulation in the Okhotsk Sea B. Sea ice and its relation to circulation and climate V.P. Gavrilo, G.A. Lebedev & A.P. Polyakov Acoustic methods in sea ice dynamics studies Nina M. Pestereva & Larisa A. Starodubtseva The role of the Far-East atmospheric circulation in the formation of the ice cover in the Okhotsk Sea Yoshihiko Sekine Anomalous Oyashio intrusion and its teleconnection with Subarctic North Pacific circulation, sea ice of the Okhotsk Sea and air temperature of the northern Asian continent C. Waves and tides Vladimir A. Luchin Characteristics of the tidal motions in the Kuril Straits George V. Shevtchenko On seasonal variability of tidal constants in the northwestern part of the Okhotsk Sea D. Physical oceanography of the Japan Sea/East Sea Mikhail A. Danchenkov, Kuh Kim, Igor A. Goncharenko & Young-Gyu Kim A “chimney” of cold salt waters near Vladivostok Christopher N.K. Mooers & Hee Sook Kang Preliminary results from a numerical circulation model of the Japan Sea Lev P. Yakunin Influence of ice production on the deep water formation in the Japan Sea 2. Fisheries and Biology Sessions (pdf, 2.8 Mb) A. Communities of the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent waters: composition, structure and dynamics Lubov A. Balkonskaya Exogenous succession of the southwestern Sakhalin algal communities Tatyana A. Belan, Yelena V. Oleynik, Alexander V. Tkalin & Tat’yana S. Lishavskaya Characteristics of pelagic and benthic communities on the North Sakhalin Island shelf Lev N. Bocharov & Vladimir K. Ozyorin Fishery and oceanographic database of Okhotsk Sea Victor V. Lapko Interannual dynamics of the epipelagic ichthyocen structure in the Okhotsk Sea Valentina I. Lapshina Quantitative seasonal and year-to-year changes of phytoplankton in the Okhotsk Sea and off Kuril area of the Pacific Lyudmila N. Luchsheva Biological productivity in anomalous mercury conditions (northern part of Okhotsk Sea) Inna A. Nemirovskaya Origin of hydrocarbons in the ecosystems of coastal region of the Okhotsk Sea Tatyana A. Shatilina Elements of the Pacific South Kuril area ecosystem Vyacheslav P. Shuntov & Yelena P. Dulepova Biota of the Okhotsk Sea: Structure of communities, the interannual dynamics and current status B. Abundance, distribution, dynamics of the common fishes of the Okhotsk Sea Yuri P. Diakov Influence of some abiotic factors on spatial population dynamics of the West Kamchatka flounders (Pleuronectidae) Gordon A. McFarlane, Richard J. Beamish & Larisa M. Zverkova An examination of age estimates of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) from the Sea of Okhotsk using the burnt otolith method and implications for stock assessment and management Larisa P. Nikolenko Migration of Greenland turbot (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the Okhotsk Sea Galina M. Pushnikova Fisheries impact on the Sakhalin-Hokkaido herring population Vidar G. Wespestad Is pollock overfished? C. Salmon of the Okhotsk Sea: biology, abundance and stock identification Vladimir A. Belyaev, Alexander Yu. Zhigalin Epipelagic Far Eastern sardine of the Okhotsk Sea Yuri E. Bregman, Victor V. Pushnikov, Lyudmila G. Sedova & Vladimir Ph. Ivanov A preliminary report on stock status and productive capacity of horsehair crab Erimacrus isenbeckii (Brandt) in the South Kuril Strait Natalia T. Dolganova Mezoplankton distribution in the West Japan Sea Vladimir V. Efremov, Richard L. Wilmot, Christine M. Kondzela, Natalia V. Varnavskaya, Sharon L. Hawkins & Maria E. Malinina Application of pink and chum salmon genetic baseline to fishery management Vyacheslav N. Ivankov & Valentina V. Andreyeva Strategy for culture, breeding and numerous dynamics of Sakhalin salmon populations Alla M. Kovalevskaya, Natalia I. Savelyeva & Dmitry M. Polyakov Primary production in Sakhalin shelf waters Tatyana N. Krupnova Some reasons for resource reduction of Laminaria japonica (Primorye region) Lyudmila N. Luchsheva & Anatoliy I. Botsul Mercury in bottom sediments of the northeastern Okhotsk Sea Pavel A. Luk’yanov, Natalia I. Belogortseva, Alexander A. Bulgakov, Alexander A. Kurika & Olga D. Novikova Lectins and glycosidases from marine macro and micro-organisms of Japan and Okhotsk Seas Boris A. Malyarchuk, Olga A. Radchenko, Miroslava V. Derenko, Andrey G. Lapinski & Leonid L. Solovenchuk PCR-fingerprinting of mitochondrial genome of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta Alexander A. Mikheev Chaos and relaxation in dynamics of the pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) returns for two regions Yuri A. Mitrofanov & Larisa N. Lesnikova Fish-culture of Pacific Salmons increases the number of heredity defects Larisa P. Nikolenko Abundance of young halibut along the West Kamchatka shelf in 1982-1992 Sergey A. Nizyaev Living conditions of golden king crab Lithodes aequispina in the Okhotsk Sea and near the Kuril Islands Ludmila A. Pozdnyakova & Alla V. Silina Settlements of Japanese scallop in Reid Pallada Bay (Sea of Japan) Galina M. Pushnikova Features of the Southwest Okhotsk Sea herring Vladimir I. Radchenko & Igor I. Glebov Present state of the Okhotsk herring stock and fisheries outlook Alla V. Silina & Ida I. Ovsyannikova Distribution of the barnacle Balanus rostratus eurostratus near the coasts of Primorye (Sea of Japan) Galina I. Victorovskaya Dependence of urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius reproduction on water temperature Anatoly F. Volkov, Alexander Y. Efimkin & Valery I. Chuchukalo Feeding habits of Pacific salmon in the Sea of Okhotsk and in the Pacific waters of Kuril Islands in summer 1993 Larisa M. Zverkova & Georgy A. Oktyabrsky Okhotsk Sea walleye pollock stock status Tatyana N. Zvyagintseva, Elena V. Sundukova, Natalia M. Shevchenko & Ludmila A. Elyakova Water soluble polysaccharides of some Far-Eastern seaweeds 3. Biodiversity Program (pdf, 0.2 Mb) A. Biodiversity of island ecosystems and seasides of the North Pacific Larissa A. Gayko Productivity of Japanese scallop Patinopecten yessoensis (IAY) culture in Posieta Bay (Sea of Japan) III APPENDICES 1. List of acronyms 2. List of participants (Document pdf contains 431 pages)


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Essa pesquisa trata da investigação da formação na docência no curso Pré-Vestibular Comunitário Prof. Wellington Ricardo, com sede na periferia da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, e busca avaliar como os docentes deste curso, imbuídos da construção de um ensino popular, articulam e desenvolvem diferentes saberes e práticas que passam a se constituir como características importantes de sua constituição como professor. O estudo tem como objetivos conhecer o pensamento dos docentes deste curso a respeito do que é ser professor e o seu papel na sociedade, e também verificar de que maneiras esses docentes aprimoram sua formação e a sua prática como professores atuando no WR. Para tanto, alguns elementos foram considerados, como: a história escolar dos professores do curso, sua formação inicial, bem como os fatores de contexto relacionados a diferentes vivências junto à equipe do WR que influenciam nessa aprendizagem. Os pressupostos metodológicos utilizados neste estudo se coadunam com aqueles desenvolvidos pela chamada crítica imanente e investem na possibilidade da construção de uma teoria dialética da formação de professores, visando contribuir para a constituição não-metafísica do sujeito. Este trabalho endossa a perspectiva que a comunicação inconsciente influencia, de modo muito mais efetivo e prático, do que a comunicação verbal (racionalizada pelos indivíduos), o entendimento sobre o processo de formação do magistério. A vivência proveniente da inserção desses docentes numa comunidade não-totalizante e sem hierarquias permite que competências e habilidades que dificilmente seriam possíveis num curso de formação ou numa estrutura formal de ensino fossem edificadas e difundidas com sucesso. Desse modo, pode-se constatar na pesquisa, o incremento de uma nova forma de pensar e atuar politicamente, inventada pelos docentes WR. Assim, os docentes do curso reconstroem em seu dia-a-dia uma nova maneira de fazer e viver a política. Essa reconstrução passa necessariamente pelo investimento que fazem no estabelecimento de relações de amizade e de vínculos sólidos entre seus participantes. Uma nova forma que investe na participação horizontal e valorização da solidariedade e da autonomia, que passa, por isso, a produzir uma espécie de cultura pedagógica, que serve como apoio para a formação política e também profissional dos próprios docentes.


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Optical Coherence Tomography(OCT) is a popular, rapidly growing imaging technique with an increasing number of bio-medical applications due to its noninvasive nature. However, there are three major challenges in understanding and improving an OCT system: (1) Obtaining an OCT image is not easy. It either takes a real medical experiment or requires days of computer simulation. Without much data, it is difficult to study the physical processes underlying OCT imaging of different objects simply because there aren't many imaged objects. (2) Interpretation of an OCT image is also hard. This challenge is more profound than it appears. For instance, it would require a trained expert to tell from an OCT image of human skin whether there is a lesion or not. This is expensive in its own right, but even the expert cannot be sure about the exact size of the lesion or the width of the various skin layers. The take-away message is that analyzing an OCT image even from a high level would usually require a trained expert, and pixel-level interpretation is simply unrealistic. The reason is simple: we have OCT images but not their underlying ground-truth structure, so there is nothing to learn from. (3) The imaging depth of OCT is very limited (millimeter or sub-millimeter on human tissues). While OCT utilizes infrared light for illumination to stay noninvasive, the downside of this is that photons at such long wavelengths can only penetrate a limited depth into the tissue before getting back-scattered. To image a particular region of a tissue, photons first need to reach that region. As a result, OCT signals from deeper regions of the tissue are both weak (since few photons reached there) and distorted (due to multiple scatterings of the contributing photons). This fact alone makes OCT images very hard to interpret.

This thesis addresses the above challenges by successfully developing an advanced Monte Carlo simulation platform which is 10000 times faster than the state-of-the-art simulator in the literature, bringing down the simulation time from 360 hours to a single minute. This powerful simulation tool not only enables us to efficiently generate as many OCT images of objects with arbitrary structure and shape as we want on a common desktop computer, but it also provides us the underlying ground-truth of the simulated images at the same time because we dictate them at the beginning of the simulation. This is one of the key contributions of this thesis. What allows us to build such a powerful simulation tool includes a thorough understanding of the signal formation process, clever implementation of the importance sampling/photon splitting procedure, efficient use of a voxel-based mesh system in determining photon-mesh interception, and a parallel computation of different A-scans that consist a full OCT image, among other programming and mathematical tricks, which will be explained in detail later in the thesis.

Next we aim at the inverse problem: given an OCT image, predict/reconstruct its ground-truth structure on a pixel level. By solving this problem we would be able to interpret an OCT image completely and precisely without the help from a trained expert. It turns out that we can do much better. For simple structures we are able to reconstruct the ground-truth of an OCT image more than 98% correctly, and for more complicated structures (e.g., a multi-layered brain structure) we are looking at 93%. We achieved this through extensive uses of Machine Learning. The success of the Monte Carlo simulation already puts us in a great position by providing us with a great deal of data (effectively unlimited), in the form of (image, truth) pairs. Through a transformation of the high-dimensional response variable, we convert the learning task into a multi-output multi-class classification problem and a multi-output regression problem. We then build a hierarchy architecture of machine learning models (committee of experts) and train different parts of the architecture with specifically designed data sets. In prediction, an unseen OCT image first goes through a classification model to determine its structure (e.g., the number and the types of layers present in the image); then the image is handed to a regression model that is trained specifically for that particular structure to predict the length of the different layers and by doing so reconstruct the ground-truth of the image. We also demonstrate that ideas from Deep Learning can be useful to further improve the performance.

It is worth pointing out that solving the inverse problem automatically improves the imaging depth, since previously the lower half of an OCT image (i.e., greater depth) can be hardly seen but now becomes fully resolved. Interestingly, although OCT signals consisting the lower half of the image are weak, messy, and uninterpretable to human eyes, they still carry enough information which when fed into a well-trained machine learning model spits out precisely the true structure of the object being imaged. This is just another case where Artificial Intelligence (AI) outperforms human. To the best knowledge of the author, this thesis is not only a success but also the first attempt to reconstruct an OCT image at a pixel level. To even give a try on this kind of task, it would require fully annotated OCT images and a lot of them (hundreds or even thousands). This is clearly impossible without a powerful simulation tool like the one developed in this thesis.


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Este estudo aborda a temática das relações existentes entre a formação universitária e a imagem social de mulheres negras universitárias da área da saúde e suas possíveis transformações pessoais e sociais. Considerando que a formação universitária produz uma valorização social e os seus desdobramentos influenciam nos papéis sociais vividos por este grupo. Buscamos assim, descrever a imagem social de mulheres negras na perspectiva de mulheres negras universitárias e sua autoimagem social; e analisar a influencia da formação universitária na autoimagem social das mesmas. Metodologia: Pesquisa descritivo-exploratória com abordagem qualitativa, realizada com roteiro de entrevista semi estruturada com dez entrevistadas que se autodeclararam pretas ou pardas matriculadas em Programa de Pós-graduação (Mestrado) de uma universidade pública estadual no município do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Os dados produzidos foram analisados e interpretados à luz da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Deste processo emergiram três categorias. A primeira categoria A imagem social da mulher negra na perspectiva de mulheres negras universitárias descreve a condição desigual da mulher negra na sociedade a partir da desvalorização do gênero feminino e da raça (sexismo e o racismo) e o corpo da mulher negra como objeto de sensualidade. A segunda categoria - A formação universitária na vida de mulheres negras desdobrou-se em duas categorias intermediárias: Situações positivas vivenciadas durante a formação (formação universitária como veículo para as transformações sociais e pessoais a partir da ampliação do conhecimento científico e a melhora na inserção social); Situações negativas (desigualdades de classes, sentimentos de indecisão, frustração frente à escolha do curso e limitações na aprendizagem e adaptação). A terceira categoria A autoimagem social de mulheres universitárias negras desenvolve a percepção das entrevistadas acerca da sua autoimagem a partir do processo de formação universitária, e desdobra-se em visões positivas e negativas sobre sua autoimagem. A visão positiva destaca o empoderamento diante da sua condição étnica caracterizado por atitudes perseverantes e demonstração de competência no cotidiano, favorecendo o fortalecimento de posições sociais; algumas inclusive não identificam vivenciar diferenças sociais pela etnia. A visão negativa foi descrita a partir dos sentimentos de baixa estima, insegurança no posicionamento nos espaços sociais e a dificuldade de falar sobre a sua autoimagem. Para as depoentes a autoimagem se traduz não no estereótipo, mas, nas conquistas sociais que elas alcançam decorrente da formação universitária. A formação universitária se torna condição fundamental para transpor os estigmas sociais que interferem na imagem social deste grupo populacional na sociedade.


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Formation of bumps in chalcogenide phase change thin films during the laser writing process is theoretically and experimentally investigated. The process involves basically fast heating and quenching stages. Circular bumps are formed after cooling, and the shape and size of the bumps depend on various parameters such as temperatures, laser power, beam size, laser pulse duration, etc. In extreme cases, holes are formed at the apex of the bumps. To understand the bumps and their formation is of great interest for data storage. In the present work, a theoretical model is established for the formation process, and the geometric characters of the formed bumps can be analytically and quantitatively evaluated from various parameters involved in the formation. Simulations based on the analytic solution are carried out taking Ag8In14Sb55Te23 as an example. The results are verified with experimental observations of the bumps. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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A África e os africanos são, sem dúvida, objetos especiais para a abordagem das Ciências Sociais e Humanas. O Brasil foi um dos países que receberam mais escravos negros oriundos da África. Houve momentos na história que a população negra e escrava suplantavam a população branca de origem européia, dona daqueles escravos. No início do século XIX, a capital do império, o Rio de Janeiro, era denominado por pequena África, tal o número da população negra existente. Devido a esta forte ligação, discursos foram criados para intermediar a relação destes dois povos. A teoria das representações sociais é convocada neste trabalho como instrumento teórico metodológico com os objetivos de investigar o processo de formação e a estrutura da representação social da África e dos africanos. Para alcançar tais finalidades foram realizados dois tipos de entrevistas: o primeiro foi uma entrevista fechada, realizada com 200 estudantes de graduação da UERJ, os sujeitos da presente pesquisa, com a finalidade de obter dados que pudessem ser analisados pela abordagem estrutural. Desses 200 entrevistados, 25 também responderam perguntas abertas, caracterizando uma entrevista semi-estruturada que visava abordar os aspectos processuais das representações. Na análise, verificou-se que a representação da África está muito ligada as mazelas, como pobreza, fome e miséria enquanto a representação social dos africanos está relacionada a aspectos mais positivos, como alegria, luta e cultura. A discrepância destes resultados gerou a necessidade de voltar a campo para investigar o porquê das gritantes diferenças entre estas duas representações. Destes 20 alunos entrevistados, 35% acreditam que as imagens negativas da África têm relação com as imagens veiculadas pela mídia e outros 30% crêem que isso é conseqüência da grande pobreza que existe lá. Já a imagem positiva dos africanos está relacionada a naturalização de aspectos positivos atribuídos aos africanos, como alegres e obstinados (30%) e uma identificação entre brasileiros e africanos(25%). A análise mostra que enquanto a representação social da África é muito veiculada ao discurso midiático, a representação social dos africanos relaciona-se fortemente aos discursos politicamente corretos como a democracia racial.