965 resultados para Formal Methods


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Formal tools like finite-state model checkers have proven useful in verifying the correctness of systems of bounded size and for hardening single system components against arbitrary inputs. However, conventional applications of these techniques are not well suited to characterizing emergent behaviors of large compositions of processes. In this paper, we present a methodology by which arbitrarily large compositions of components can, if sufficient conditions are proven concerning properties of small compositions, be modeled and completely verified by performing formal verifications upon only a finite set of compositions. The sufficient conditions take the form of reductions, which are claims that particular sequences of components will be causally indistinguishable from other shorter sequences of components. We show how this methodology can be applied to a variety of network protocol applications, including two features of the HTTP protocol, a simple active networking applet, and a proposed web cache consistency algorithm. We also doing discuss its applicability to framing protocol design goals and to representing systems which employ non-model-checking verification methodologies. Finally, we briefly discuss how we hope to broaden this methodology to more general topological compositions of network applications.


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As the commoditization of sensing, actuation and communication hardware increases, so does the potential for dynamically tasked sense and respond networked systems (i.e., Sensor Networks or SNs) to replace existing disjoint and inflexible special-purpose deployments (closed-circuit security video, anti-theft sensors, etc.). While various solutions have emerged to many individual SN-centric challenges (e.g., power management, communication protocols, role assignment), perhaps the largest remaining obstacle to widespread SN deployment is that those who wish to deploy, utilize, and maintain a programmable Sensor Network lack the programming and systems expertise to do so. The contributions of this thesis centers on the design, development and deployment of the SN Workbench (snBench). snBench embodies an accessible, modular programming platform coupled with a flexible and extensible run-time system that, together, support the entire life-cycle of distributed sensory services. As it is impossible to find a one-size-fits-all programming interface, this work advocates the use of tiered layers of abstraction that enable a variety of high-level, domain specific languages to be compiled to a common (thin-waist) tasking language; this common tasking language is statically verified and can be subsequently re-translated, if needed, for execution on a wide variety of hardware platforms. snBench provides: (1) a common sensory tasking language (Instruction Set Architecture) powerful enough to express complex SN services, yet simple enough to be executed by highly constrained resources with soft, real-time constraints, (2) a prototype high-level language (and corresponding compiler) to illustrate the utility of the common tasking language and the tiered programming approach in this domain, (3) an execution environment and a run-time support infrastructure that abstract a collection of heterogeneous resources into a single virtual Sensor Network, tasked via this common tasking language, and (4) novel formal methods (i.e., static analysis techniques) that verify safety properties and infer implicit resource constraints to facilitate resource allocation for new services. This thesis presents these components in detail, as well as two specific case-studies: the use of snBench to integrate physical and wireless network security, and the use of snBench as the foundation for semester-long student projects in a graduate-level Software Engineering course.


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There have been few genuine success stories about industrial use of formal methods. Perhaps the best known and most celebrated is the use of Z by IBM (in collaboration with Oxford University's Programming Research Group) during the development of CICS/ESA (version 3.1). This work was rewarded with the prestigious Queen's Award for Technological Achievement in 1992 and is especially notable for two reasons: 1) because it is a commercial, rather than safety- or security-critical, system and 2) because the claims made about the effectiveness of Z are quantitative as well as qualitative. The most widely publicized claims are: less than half the normal number of customer-reported errors and a 9% savings in the total development costs of the release. This paper provides an independent assessment of the effectiveness of using Z on CICS based on the set of public domain documents. Using this evidence, we believe that the case study was important and valuable, but that the quantitative claims have not been substantiated. The intellectual arguments and rationale for formal methods are attractive, but their widespread commercial use is ultimately dependent upon more convincing quantitative demonstrations of effectiveness. Despite the pioneering efforts of IBM and PRG, there is still a need for rigorous, measurement-based case studies to assess when and how the methods are most effective. We describe how future similar case studies could be improved so that the results are more rigorous and conclusive.


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Refactoring is the process of changing the structure of a program without changing its behaviour. Refactoring has so far only really been deployed effectively for sequential programs. However, with the increased availability of multicore (and, soon, manycore) systems, refactoring can play an important role in helping both expert and non-expert parallel programmers structure and implement their parallel programs. This paper describes the design of a new refactoring tool that is aimed at increasing the programmability of parallel systems. To motivate our design, we refactor a number of examples in C, C++ and Erlang into good parallel implementations, using a set of formal pattern rewrite rules. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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This paper describes the ParaPhrase project, a new 3-year targeted research project funded under EU Framework 7 Objective 3.4 (Computer Systems), starting in October 2011. ParaPhrase aims to follow a new approach to introducing parallelism using advanced refactoring techniques coupled with high-level parallel design patterns. The refactoring approach will use these design patterns to restructure programs defined as networks of software components into other forms that are more suited to parallel execution. The programmer will be aided by high-level cost information that will be integrated into the refactoring tools. The implementation of these patterns will then use a well-understood algorithmic skeleton approach to achieve good parallelism. A key ParaPhrase design goal is that parallel components are intended to match heterogeneous architectures, defined in terms of CPU/GPU combinations, for example. In order to achieve this, the ParaPhrase approach will map components at link time to the available hardware, and will then re-map them during program execution, taking account of multiple applications, changes in hardware resource availability, the desire to reduce communication costs etc. In this way, we aim to develop a new approach to programming that will be able to produce software that can adapt to dynamic changes in the system environment. Moreover, by using a strong component basis for parallelism, we can achieve potentially significant gains in terms of reducing sharing at a high level of abstraction, and so in reducing or even eliminating the costs that are usually associated with cache management, locking, and synchronisation. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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In a real world multiagent system, where the agents are faced with partial, incomplete and intrinsically dynamic knowledge, conflicts are inevitable. Frequently, different agents have goals or beliefs that cannot hold simultaneously. Conflict resolution methodologies have to be adopted to overcome such undesirable occurrences. In this paper we investigate the application of distributed belief revision techniques as the support for conflict resolution in the analysis of the validity of the candidate beams to be produced in the CERN particle accelerators. This CERN multiagent system contains a higher hierarchy agent, the Specialist agent, which makes use of meta-knowledge (on how the con- flicting beliefs have been produced by the other agents) in order to detect which beliefs should be abandoned. Upon solving a conflict, the Specialist instructs the involved agents to revise their beliefs accordingly. Conflicts in the problem domain are mapped into conflicting beliefs of the distributed belief revision system, where they can be handled by proven formal methods. This technique builds on well established concepts and combines them in a new way to solve important problems. We find this approach generally applicable in several domains.


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The representation of a perceptual scene by a computer is usually limited to numbers representing dimensions and colours. The theory of affordances attempted to provide a new way of representing an environment, with respect to a particular agent. The view was introduced as part of an entire field of psychology labeled as 'ecological,' which has since branched into computer science through the field of robotics, and formal methods. This thesis will describe the concept of affordances, review several existing formalizations, and take a brief look at applications to robotics. The formalizations put forth in the last 20 years have no agreed upon structure, only that both the agent and the environment must be taken in relation to one another. Situation theory has also been evolving since its inception in 1983 by Barwise & Perry. The theory provided a formal way to represent any arbitrary piece of information in terms of relations. This thesis will take a toy version of situation theory published in CSLI lecture notes no. 22, and add to the given ontologies. This thesis extends the given ontologies to include specialized affordance types, and individual object types. This allows for the definition of semantic objects called environments, which support a situation and a set of affordances, and niches which refer to a set of actions for an individual. Finally, a possible way for an environment to change into a new environment is suggested via the activation of an affordance.


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L'utilisation des méthodes formelles est de plus en plus courante dans le développement logiciel, et les systèmes de types sont la méthode formelle qui a le plus de succès. L'avancement des méthodes formelles présente de nouveaux défis, ainsi que de nouvelles opportunités. L'un des défis est d'assurer qu'un compilateur préserve la sémantique des programmes, de sorte que les propriétés que l'on garantit à propos de son code source s'appliquent également au code exécutable. Cette thèse présente un compilateur qui traduit un langage fonctionnel d'ordre supérieur avec polymorphisme vers un langage assembleur typé, dont la propriété principale est que la préservation des types est vérifiée de manière automatisée, à l'aide d'annotations de types sur le code du compilateur. Notre compilateur implante les transformations de code essentielles pour un langage fonctionnel d'ordre supérieur, nommément une conversion CPS, une conversion des fermetures et une génération de code. Nous présentons les détails des représentation fortement typées des langages intermédiaires, et les contraintes qu'elles imposent sur l'implantation des transformations de code. Notre objectif est de garantir la préservation des types avec un minimum d'annotations, et sans compromettre les qualités générales de modularité et de lisibilité du code du compilateur. Cet objectif est atteint en grande partie dans le traitement des fonctionnalités de base du langage (les «types simples»), contrairement au traitement du polymorphisme qui demande encore un travail substantiel pour satisfaire la vérification de type.


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In Safety critical software failure can have a high price. Such software should be free of errors before it is put into operation. Application of formal methods in the Software Development Life Cycle helps to ensure that the software for safety critical missions are ultra reliable. PVS theorem prover, a formal method tool, can be used for the formal verification of software in ADA Language for Flight Software Application (ALFA.). This paper describes the modeling of ALFA programs for PVS theorem prover. An ALFA2PVS translator is developed which automatically converts the software in ALFA to PVS specification. By this approach the software can be verified formally with respect to underflow/overflow errors and divide by zero conditions without the actual execution of the code.


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In Safety critical software failure can have a high price. Such software should be free of errors before it is put into operation. Application of formal methods in the Software Development Life Cycle helps to ensure that the software for safety critical missions are ultra reliable. PVS theorem prover, a formal method tool, can be used for the formal verification of software in ADA Language for Flight Software Application (ALFA.). This paper describes the modeling of ALFA programs for PVS theorem prover. An ALFA2PVS translator is developed which automatically converts the software in ALFA to PVS specification. By this approach the software can be verified formally with respect to underflow/overflow errors and divide by zero conditions without the actual execution of the code


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Este texto representa el esfuerzo combinado de dos lógicos, dos filósofos y un lingüista. Esta empresa fue inspirada por la convicción de los autores de que la lógica y el lenguaje son inseparables, en particular en lo que respecta al análisis del significado. Una región interdisciplinaria emerge entre los límites de la filosofía, la lógica y la lingüística. Lógica, lenguaje y significado: lógica intensional y gramática lógica es una introducción a este campo, el cual aplica los sistemas lógico-formales al estudio del significado del lenguaje natural. El libro comienza con una introducción de los distintos principios de la semántica intensional y luego presenta varias lógicas intensionales, tales como la lógica proposicional modal, la lógica de predicados modal y la lógica temporal. También introduce la teoría de tipos, la lambda-abstracción y la sintaxis categorial.


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Comprehensibility is often raised as a problem with formal notations, yet formal methods practitioners dispute this. In a survey, one interviewee said 'formal specifications are no more difficult to understand than code'. Measurement of comprehension is necessarily comparative and a useful comparison for a specification is against its implementation. Practitioners have an intuitive feel for the comprehension of code. A quantified comparison will transfer this feeling to formal specifications. We performed an experiment to compare the comprehension of a Z specification with that of its implementation in Java. The results indicate there is little difference in comprehensibility between the two. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.