979 resultados para Formação de pesquisadores


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Este livro tem como objetivo verificar se na formação dos professores na área de Educação Física há também espaço para a difusão de saberes que vão além dos conhecimentos técnico-científicos. Os autores partem do princípio de que modernamente é dado como certo que a instabilidade dos ambientes da prática docente exige dos professores mais do que conhecimentos teóricos: demanda deles também que trabalhem com elementos como a incerteza e a complexidade, diante de situações como o imprevisto, a urgência, a dispersão, a indisciplina e a dificuldade para a compreensão e a aprendizagem. Tais situações obrigariam o professor a emitir juízos e tomar decisões, quase sempre de caráter prático. A conclusão dos pesquisadores é, no entanto, de que os cursos de formação dos profissionais de Educação Física continuam privilegiando as disciplinas teóricas, e trabalham pouco os chamados saberes práticos. O estudo foi baseado em entrevistas com estudantes e professores e em análise documental e interpretativa de situações práticas do ensino da disciplina em três escolas municipais de Indaiatuba (SP). Tratou-se, portanto, de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e do tipo descritiva, e não de uma investigação quantitativa


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This article aims to contribute to the process of inclusion of students with disabilities in regular schools by reporting the results of a survey that aimed to verify whether Learning Objects (LO) are efficient tools in constructing teaching and learning of subject content within the inclusive education context. Participant, tutor and trainer experiences of a distance learning Ministry of Education (MEC) course on Assistive Technology were analyzed. The course was offered to public schools teachers from all over the country. The course activities were recorded in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called TelEduc, along with group reports of course participants. Three categories were selected for data analysis: a) interactivity and feedback from the team trainer; b) applicability of the content covered in the course, and c) new learning. The results showed that LO can promote the learning of subject content. Having been designed as educational resources to support teaching and learning, they can enhance educational inclusion of people with disabilities. As for the process of distance formation for teachers, the course contributed to consolidating sound and efficient training of participants by providing: a closer encounter with the world of technology, the possibility of integration of technology in the classroom; conducting theoretical and practical studies, appreciation of diversity and all students' potential; innovations in strategies and learning resources and reflective action.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Given the pedagogical practices in respect of acts of reading in the current context of education institutions in primary education, it is clear that they are connected to decipher and not the search for meaning and understanding. In thinking about the use of new technologies that can contribute to the formation of the reader, it is believed that reading subtitles allows such training since it requires a quick read that does not cling to every word and attribution of meaning to monitor all the course of the film. This makes the children learn to read and make sense using the expertise of its cultural heritage. This research aimed to analyze the contribution of film subtitles to the formation of the reader from elementary school. Thus, students were invited, between the ages of six and ten years, with interest to see subtitled films, and they learn to read subtitles. The film sessions were held fortnightly at the school, in an adapted room. After the sessions, held group discussions to see what the problems in understanding the plot this paper presents data on the session of the film "Coração de Tinta". Children, assisted by the researchers could understand the story and learned to articulate their knowledge in situations of movies. The research is ongoing, but we can see that during the projection there are indications that they are able to read the subtitles, sometimes lose the timing of reading, but gradually evolve in the field of reading this kind of discourse.


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Alguns estudiosos e pesquisadores nos últimos anos têm voltado atenção para a formação de professores, no que se refere sobretudo as questões dos saberes docentes, tentando, assim, compreender que saberes estão presentes na prática pedagógica. No âmbito desse processo e com o ingresso no PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência), tive um contato mais próximo com a escola, especificamente com os professores em exercício. Assim algumas indagações surgiram sobre o fato dos estudantes apresentarem um tipo de saber (discursivo) e os professores outros (pragmático). Embora ambos possam compartilhar algumas experiências comuns vinculadas ao processo de escolarização, cada um fala de um lugar diferente. Isto aponta para outro questionamento: qual é o lugar que o estudante, os professores da escola e da universidade ocupam no campo da formação. A partir deste contexto, o presente trabalho abrange a formação dos professores, a prática docente e os saberes docentes. Dessa forma objetiva-se compreender como os estudantes da disciplina de estágio supervisionado na escola e os professores da escola constroem/constituem/apontam os saberes que são mobilizados na prática de ensino. Especificadamente se busca (a) identificar os saberes que são mobilizados por estudantes de Educação Física na construção dos Projetos de Ensino e da Prática de Ensino no estágio;(b) analisar a origem desses saberes, tomando como referência a elaboração do Projeto de Ensino, a Prática de Ensino na escola e as Experiências no processo de escolarização;(c) estabelecer relações, se possível entre a aquisição desses saberes e a identidade docente;(d) apontar a compreensão que os professores da escola que recebem estagiários têm sobre os saberes docentes.Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva, que utiliza como técnicas para a coleta, a entrevista e a fonte documental, tendo na análise do conteúdo a...


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This paper describes the history of Inclusive Education in Brazil, especially the inclusion of studentes with hearing disabilities im mathematics classes in regular schools. Shows the difficulties faced by these students in the teaching and learning based on inclusive education researchers, we propose some changes in behavior to meet the hearing impaired. The importance of the teaching profession, the teacher and the school culture, as well as the political-pedagogical project are also subjects of this work. With this work, we see the development of Inclusive Education in our country and how we can help you advance further


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A pesquisa atuou no Centro de Habilitação Princesa Victoria- CHIPV, que é uma unidade de saúde cujo objetivo é atender crianças e adolescentes de 0 a 18 anos que possuem alguma deficiência física e ou sensorial. A pesquisa teve o objetivo de acompanhar as práticas vivenciadas pelos profissionais, a partir de uma formação que tratou a temática de sexualidade e relações de gênero, ministrada por pesquisadores da UNESP. A pesquisa se debruça em observar, acompanhar, perceber, problematizar e avaliar o quanto à formação continuada dentro do CHIPV (Centro de Habilitação Princesa Victoria), pode transformar as práticas dos adolescentes, o foco desta pesquisa, gerando mais possibilidades de vivencias, entendimento e outros olhares sobre a questão da sexualidade e deficiência, e como esta se desdobrará no cotidiano


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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The guidelines of National Curriculum for Dental courses highlights the necessity in providing for the professional the ability to analyze and assess community’s problems and needs, and to create solutions for the society. The continuing education may be considered a useful tool for the teaching and learning because it favors the diversification of learning environments, which allows the insertion of undergraduate and graduate students into the real scenarios. This current study aimed to assess the Public Health projects and programs of the UNESP – Araçatuba Dental School, by describing the interaction experiences between faculty and health services in the professional career development. Historical, documentary and descriptive searches were performed based on the faculty archives such as official documents, reports, databases from the Pro-rector of continuing education and published papers in the period between 1964 and 2011. The following experiences were noted: the Extra-Muro Dental Service (SEMO), established in 1964, that focused in providing dental treatment to the rural population, highlighted the social inclusion of discriminated society groups since that time. In 1972, this service was expanded to several specific populations living in the urban areas. In the '60s, many educational campaigns were performed as homemade water filter and construction of wells and septic tanks which demonstrate the concern with the determinants of healthdisease process. At that time, the campaign of fluoridation of public water supplies in several counties started as Araçatuba, Birigui, Penápolis, Guararapes, Valparaíso and so on. The Campaign of “Good Teeth” from the '70s became wider over time and it was transformed in the "Oral Health Education Program" and it was continuously developed in all public schools of Araçatuba and some neighboring towns, benefiting children aged from 6 to 10 years-old. Several epidemiological studies of caries, periodontal diseases, malocclusion and fluorosis were conducted in cooperation with local governments, and counted with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students. Pereira Barreto – SP was the precursor city in Brazil to carry out fluorosis study. Currently, 12 projects of Public Health from the Institution of Higher Education in the Pro-rector of continuing education are being developed. The concern in qualifying the human resources in health is confirmed with the development of training courses and workshops for professionals, highlighting the training for people enrolled in the Family Health program; Community Health Agent training - Solidarity University, and Municipal Health Counselors training. The Graduate Program in Social and Preventive Dentistry, created in 1993, has an important role to train several professionals for the Unified Health System, and provides education to create researchers, professors and administrators, and enucleates research groups in several Brazilian states. In all activities showed herein, a dynamic participation of undergraduate and graduate students has been observed, and several books, guidelines, articles, brochures and booklets have been published as a result of the continuing education activities.. It was concluded that different projects and programs have been developed by the Public Health of UNESP –Araçatuba Dental School, which allow the exchange of experience between the university and health services, and benefit all participants enrolled in these activities.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper aims to investigate the conceptions about the relation between genotype and phenotype of Biological Sciences Degree students who take part in a research group in Epistemology of Biology. In an initial data collection, the presence of ideas based on a restricted to genes and environment relation - without considering the organism and its life history - became evident . However, during the group discussions on the topic there were other statements involving other concepts, such as: molecular interactions, chance, organism and Developmental Biology. The analysis of conceptual (re)constructions that emerged in the group allowed the proposition and the development of an explanatory model for the relation between genotype and phenotype.