815 resultados para Formação continuada de professores
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
A formação continuada de professores, concebida como um fenômeno global, permeia os debates educacionais desde a década de 90, em consequência, especialmente, das pressões do mundo do trabalho e dos precários desempenhos escolares de grandes parcelas da população, constatado pelos sistemas governamentais. Por ser concebida como meio para a transformação da qualidade da educação, integra praticamente todas as reformas educativas em curso. No Brasil, a LDB/1996 impulsionou as ações nesse âmbito, refletindo esse período de debates. Objetivou-se neste artigo, de natureza teórica, analisar as relações entre a conjuntura global da atualidade e a formação continuada de professores, tendo como fontes de dados a produção da literatura e a análise documental. Constatou-se que os organismos internacionais, como o Banco Mundial, exercem influência nas diretrizes para essa formação, sendo contempladas muitas de suas recomendações nos documentos oficiais, como a ênfase na formação em serviço e na educação a distância. No cenário da nova ordem global e ideário neoliberal, a educação é transformada em mercadoria e a formação continuada, por vezes, é mais que um projeto formativo, é um projeto econômico, configurando-se como um grande negócio que, como tal, deve ser regido pela lógica do mercado.
Este trabalho explora possibilidades abertas pelos campos teóricometodológicosde “conflito socioambiental” e “educação moral” para a constituiçãode uma proposta teórico-metodológica de formação continuada de professores.Trata-se de reflexão teórica aliada às análises de uma experiência de intervençãoanteriormente realizada e que se insere nas abordagens naturalístico-qualitativas depesquisa. As análises realizadas forneceram indícios de que subsídios daquelescampos podem apoiar a construção, pelos educadores, de entendimentos relevantesà nossa perspectiva de EA e podem subsidiá-los na criação autônoma de novaspráticas pedagógicas. Os trabalhos levaram à formulação de proposta teóricometodológicade formação em que se preparam os educadores, por meio dautilização de estudos de casos locais/regionais de conflito socioambiental e dosrecursos metodológicos (RMs) da educação moral, para a criação de atividades parasala de aula.
The professional development of teachers to work with children with disabilities is a recurring theme in the literature, as it is one of the keys to effective educational inclusion. However, studies carried out so far have mainly focused on training elementary school teachers. Given this context, this study sought to investigate: the occurrence of articles whose main objective is professional development for teachers of early childhood education to work with children with disabilities; and the methodology used in the professional development programs assessed by those papers. Articles published from 1990 to 2012, in the following journals, were analyzed: Educação e Pesquisa (USP), Revista Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, Pro-Posições (Unicamp), Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial e Revista Educação Especial (UFSM). After selecting the journals, the titles of all articles published within the period considered were read. Articles deemed relevant articles were read in full, and analyzed, according to the purposes of this research. The results indicated that within the period considered, and based on the journals chosen for investigation, there were no specific articles on the subject directly, although there have been articles that touch on the issue. This literature review emphasizes the importance of expanding research on the subject, in order to widen knowledge in the area, especially knowledge aimed at contributing to early childhood education and the professional development of its teachers.
Since 1990, in Brazil, the paradigm of inclusive education has influenced public policies and educational systems. Continuing education courses for teachers are spreading with the intention of preparing them to face the challenge of working with students with disabilities. But what factor has motivated teachers to participate in these courses? This study sought to answer this question by identifying and mapping the aspects that led to 105 regular education teachers from municipal schools in São Paulo to participate during the year 2010/2011, the third edition of the specialization course called "Teacher Education in Special Education." Data was collected through a questionnaire applied to teachers who attend the course. The results revealed that motivation is intrinsically related to the characteristics of the teachers’ age and where they stand in the cycle of teaching career, as well as aspects related to professional activities. Moreover, from this research were pointed reflections on the importance of training teachers for the improvement of the educational system in order to effectively meet the principles of inclusive education, as suggested by the legislation in our country.
The inclusive education policy implemented by state and municipal educational systems of Brazil, contemplates that students with hearing loss can study in regular education classes. In this context, the use and knowledge of the Brazilian sign language is essential. Therefore, in 2009, an extension course of Libras of 120 hours in distance mode was developed in partnership with the FFC / UNESP, funded by the Program for Continuing Education of Teachers, the SEESP - MEC for Brazilian public school teachers. In the presence of this reality, this research sought to examine the course content, the evaluation of teachers about it and also verify the impression of teachers on a course offered in distance mode. We analyzed: the course design, the scientific report and the evaluation sheets filled in by pupils. It was found that the course had three modules: introduction to distance education; theoretical reflection on the use of Libras in inclusive education, practical activities and the use of Libras. 548 public school teachers linked to 19 departments and/ or boards of education in various regions of Brazil participated in the study. The analysis showed that teachers evaluated the course satisfactorily, pointing out that they favored the interaction with deaf students. Regarding the use of the modality of distance learning, the teacher students had difficulties with the Internet, which hampered access to the materials. However, the teachers considered distance learning interesting, because they learned to tinker with previously unknown tools, and had the opportunity to hone their technology skills.
According to the Brazilian National Curriculum Parameters (PCN), the teaching of astronomy must provide subjects to the teaching/learning processes of basic education, acquisition of skills and competencies in order to form a critical, reflective and conscious citizen. Several surveys on teaching astronomy show that some changes need to be made in educational, aiming to provide to participants (students and teachers) of the teaching/learning real and significant conditions of knowledge aiming to astronomy. Thus, by prior construction, implementation and evaluation, of a course on astronomy, thought and implemented by the author in a public school in elementary school and high school in a town in São Paulo state, aimed to this work: know the challenges that teachers face in teaching Astronomy and identify possible contributions in formative processes of these teachers in service. So, the study revealed that teachers have many difficulties to teach the concepts of astronomy because of the deficit in their formations, both in specific and pedagogical knowledge that was the main problem pointed out by them. In view of this, it was possible to say here that the lack of specific knowledge about astronomy and pedagogical knowledge of how to teach this area are two hotspots in the dynamics of these school teachers who have the challenge of teach an area that really do not know
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Circus activities have formed over the years as an important content to be exploited by the teachers in the school environment, and current projections, the inclusion of circus activities in physical education classes has been presented and defended by several authors. That being so, the objective was to offer a continuing education program thematising circus activities having as research focused on the analysis of this training process, as well as their implications, contributions, opportunities and challenges for teacher pedagogical practice. The research, qualitative, was developed in two phases: a questionnaire for physical education teachers working in public schools in order to highlight the reasons for the absence of most of the teachers in the training program. The second phase included the development of the continuing education program content circus activities in the continuing education of physical education teachers, the two teachers in the school environment, as well as analysis and reflection of teacher participation in the training program, described in daily class and daily meetings ending this step with a final interview. Participated in the study, 13 physical education teachers of the municipal school system of a city of São Paulo, of which only two teachers participated in the development of the training program in schools. The teachers manifestations through the questionnaire and participation in the training program showed that teachers make themselves available to participate in continuing education programs, however, the priorities of each teacher (such as family, leisure or other chores) can demarcate difficulties in establishing common to all teachers moments, preventing the effective participation of teachers within the continuing education programs. On the other hand, the school is set up as a rich space of experiences and exchanges of experience, contributing to the development of continuing education programs
Este texto tem por objetivo refletir acerca da formação inicial e continuada de professores (as) em sexualidade, educação sexual e relações de gêneros no Brasil e em Portugal. Pontua a importância de maiores investimentos no sentido de incluir estas temáticas nos currículos oficiais de cursos que formação inicial de professores (as), evitando-se assim, formar professores (as) mal preparados (as), cheios (as) de tabus e de equívocos que acabam claramente sendo repassados através dos currículos ocultos, contribuindo para aumentar o desrespeito e a violência na comunidade. Reflete ainda sobre a importância de investimentos dos governos dos dois países em ações de formação continuadas, como forma de minimizar a lacuna deixa na formação inicial. Conclui ser este, em curto prazo, o caminho possível e viável de dar subsídios teóricos e práticos aos professores (as), para que a legislação vigente em Portugal e os parâmetros curriculares propostos no Brasil sejam cumpridos de forma eficaz e com possibilidade de responder às necessidades emergentes e urgentes destes dois países.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC