68 resultados para Fluorochrome


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Peripheral blood leukocytes incubated with a semisynthetic phage antibody library and fluorochrome-labeled CD3 and CD20 antibodies were used to isolate human single-chain Fv antibodies specific for subsets of blood leukocytes by flow cytometry. Isolated phage antibodies showed exclusive binding to the subpopulation used for selection or displayed additional binding to a restricted population of other cells in the mixture. At least two phage antibodies appeared to display hitherto-unknown staining patterns of B-lineage cells. This approach provides a subtractive procedure to rapidly obtain human antibodies against known and novel surface antigens in their native configuration, expressed on phenotypically defined subpopulations of cells. This approach does not depend on immunization procedures or the necessity to repeatedly construct phage antibody libraries.


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The planktonic diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of the Southern Ocean, where remains of its frustules form the largest deposit of biogenic silica anywhere in the world. We assessed the genetic identity of 26 strains, from cells collected at various sites in the Southern Ocean, using three molecular markers, LSU and ITS rDNA and rbcL. The LSU sequences were identical among the tested strains, ITS sequences were highly similar, and only one base pair difference was detected among the rbcL sequences. These results, together with a large number of successful mating experiments demonstrated that the strains belong to a single biological species. We investigated the mating system and life cycle traits of F. kerguelensis. Cell size diminished gradually in clonal strains. Gamete formation only occurred when strains of opposite mating type - within a cell size range of 7-36 µm - were mixed together. Two binucleate gametes were formed in each gametangium and gamete conjugation produced a zygote that had four nuclei and was surrounded by thin siliceous scales. Two out of the four nuclei subsequently degenerated and the zygote expanded to form an auxospore surrounded by a transverse and a longitudinal perizonium. Staining with the fluorochrome PDMPO provided for the first time a clear demonstration that the longitudinal perizonium is formed after auxospore expansion is complete. Initial cells produced within the mature auxospores were 78-101 µm in length. Various authors have shown that the average valve size of F. kerguelensis varies in sediment samples collected in regions and seasons with different primary production regimes and this parameter has thus been proposed as a biological proxy for palaeo-productivity. A better understanding of the life cycle of F. kerguelensis should help the design of future investigations aimed at testing the link between cell size distribution in the natural environment and the role that environmental factors might have in the regulation of population cell size.


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The focus of this research was defined by a poorly characterised filtration train employed to clarify culture broth containing monoclonal antibodies secreted by GS-NSO cells: the filtration train blinded unpredictably and the ability of the positively charged filters to adsorb DNA from process material was unknown. To direct the development of an assay to quantify the ability of depth filters to adsorb DNA, the molecular weight of DNA from a large-scale, fed-batch, mammalian cell culture vessel was evaluated as process material passed through the initial stages of the purification scheme. High molecular weight DNA was substantially cleared from the broth after passage through a disc stack centrifuge and the remaining low molecular weight DNA was largely unaffected by passage through a series of depth filters and a sterilising grade membrane. Removal of high molecular weight DNA was shown to be coupled with clarification of the process stream. The DNA from cell culture supernatant showed a pattern of internucleosomal cleavage of chromatin when fractionated by electrophoresis but the presence of both necrotic and apoptotic cells throughout the fermentation meant that the origin of the fragmented DNA could not be unequivocally determined. An intercalating fluorochrome, PicoGreen, was elected for development of a suitable DNA assay because of its ability to respond to low molecular weight DNA. It was assessed for its ability to determine the concentration of DNA in clarified mammalian cell culture broths containing pertinent monoclonal antibodies. Fluorescent signal suppression was ameliorated by sample dilution or by performing the assay above the pI of secreted IgG. The source of fluorescence in clarified culture broth was validated by incubation with RNase A and DNase I. At least 89.0 % of fluorescence was attributable to nucleic acid and pre-digestion with RNase A was shown to be a requirement for successful quantification of DNA in such samples. Application of the fluorescence based assay resulted in characterisation of the physical parameters governing adsorption of DNA by various positively charged depth filters and membranes in test solutions and the DNA adsorption profile of the manufacturing scale filtration train. Buffers that reduced or neutralised the depth filter or membrane charge, and those that impeded hydrophobic interactions were shown to affect their operational capacity, demonstrating that DNA was adsorbed by a combination of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. Production-scale centrifugation of harvest broth containing therapeutic protein resulted in the reduction of total DNA in the process stream from 79.8 μg m1-1 to 9.3 μg m1-1 whereas the concentration of DNA in the supernatant of pre-and post-filtration samples had only marginally reduced DNA content: from 6.3 to 6.0 μg m1-1 respectively. Hence the filtration train was shown to ineffective in DNA removal. Historically, blinding of the depth filters had been unpredictable with data such as numbers of viable cells, non-viable cells, product titre, or process shape (batch, fed-batch, or draw and fill) failing to inform on the durability of depth filters in the harvest step. To investigate this, key fouling contaminants were identified by challenging depth filters with the same mass of one of the following: viable healthy cells, cells that had died by the process of apoptosis, and cells that had died through the process of necrosis. The pressure increase across a Cuno Zeta Plus 10SP depth filter was 2.8 and 16.5 times more sensitive to debris from apoptotic and necrotic cells respectively, when compared to viable cells. The condition of DNA released into the culture broth was assessed. Necrotic cells released predominantly high molecular weight DNA in contrast to apoptotic cells which released chiefly low molecular weight DNA. The blinding of the filters was found to be largely unaffected by variations in the particle size distribution of material in, and viscosity of, solutions with which they were challenged. The exceptional response of the depth filters to necrotic cells may suggest the cause of previously noted unpredictable filter blinding whereby a number of necrotic cells have a more significant impact on the life of a depth filter than a similar number of viable or apoptotic cells. In a final set of experiments the pressure drop caused by non-viable necrotic culture broths which had been treated with DNase I or benzonase was found to be smaller when compared to untreated broths: the abilities of the enzyme treated cultures to foul the depth filter were reduced by 70.4% and 75.4% respectively indicating the importance of DNA in the blinding of the depth filter studied.


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The fluorescent proteins are an essential tool in many fields of biology, since they allow us to watch the development of structures and dynamic processes of cells in living tissue, with the aid of fluorescence microscopy. Optogenectics is another technique that is currently widely used in Neuroscience. In general, this technique allows to activate/deactivate neurons with the radiation of certain wavelengths on the cells that have ion channels sensitive to light, at the same time that can be used with fluorescent proteins. This dissertation has two main objectives. Initially, we study the interaction of light radiation and mice brain tissue to be applied in optogenetic experiments. In this step, we model absorption and scattering effects using mice brain tissue characteristics and Kubelka-Munk theory, for specific wavelengths, as a function of light penetration depth (distance) within the tissue. Furthermore, we model temperature variations using the finite element method to solve Pennes’ bioheat equation, with the aid of COMSOL Multiphysics Modeling Software 4.4, where we simulate protocols of light stimulation tipically used in optogenetics. Subsequently, we develop some computational algorithms to reduce the exposure of neuron cells to the light radiation necessary for the visualization of their emitted fluorescence. At this stage, we describe the image processing techniques developed to be used in fluorescence microscopy to reduce the exposure of the brain samples to continuous light, which is responsible for fluorochrome excitation. The developed techniques are able to track, in real time, a region of interest (ROI) and replace the fluorescence emitted by the cells by a virtual mask, as a result of the overlay of the tracked ROI and the fluorescence information previously stored, preserving cell location, independently of the time exposure to fluorescent light. In summary, this dissertation intends to investigate and describe the effects of light radiation in brain tissue, within the context of Optogenetics, in addition to providing a computational tool to be used in fluorescence microscopy experiments to reduce image bleaching and photodamage due to the intense exposure of fluorescent cells to light radiation.


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The Centropomidae family consists of three genera, Centropomus, Lates and Psammoperca. Centropomus is the most diverse group, with six Centropomus species occur in the Western Atlantic Ocean C. poeyi Chávez, 1961, C. parallelus Poey, 1860, C. mexicanus Bocourt, 1868, C. pectinatus Poey, 1860 and C. ensiferus Poey, 1860. Some of these species are considered cryptic, because of its morphological traits showed low resolution for identification purposes. Despite showing great interest as a natural resource and fish culture, aspects of their diversity and karyotypic patterns are poorly understood. In this work morphological identification and comparison of mitochondrial 16S gene sequence were used to identify the species of the genus Centropomus occurring in Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil. Two sepecies were identified, C. undecimalis and C. mexicanus, which had the chromosomal aspects analyzed, through Classical cytogenetic method analyzes (conventional staining, C-banding, Ag-NORs), fluorochrome staining AT- and GC-specific, replication bands by incorporating of the base analog 5-Bromo-2’-deoxyuridine (5-BrdU), in situ chromosomal mapping of (TTAGGG)n sequences and in situ chromosome mapping 18S and 5S rRNA genes. Both species show 2n=48 acrocentric chromosomes, with ribosomal sites (Ag-NOR/18S rDNA/ Mitramycin+) in second chromosomal pair, in telomeric position on the long arm in C. mexicanus and interstitial in C. undecimalis. The nuclear organization pair (pair 2) shown a resolutive cytotaxonomic marker for these two species. The generated data reveal a lower species diversity than previously believed, suggesting that greater attention should be paid in taxonomic identification of the species, in view of optimize commercial actions exploitation, biological conservation and cultivation.


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Endothelial dysfunction and impaired endothelial regenerative capacity play a key role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease, which is one of the major causes of mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Circulating endothelial cells (CEC) may be an indicator of vascular damage, while circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) may be a biomarker for vascular repair. However, the simultaneously evaluation of CEC and EPC circulating levels and its relation were not previously examined in CKD population. A blood sample (18ml) of healthy subjects (n=10), early CKD (n=10) and advanced CKD patients (n=10) was used for the isolation of early and late EPCs, CECs, and hematopoietic cells, identified by flow cytometry (BD FACSCanto™ II system) using a combination of fluorochrome-conjugated primary antibodies: CD31-PE, CD45-APC Cy7, CD34-FITC, CD117-PerCp Cy5.5, CD133-APC, CD146-Pacific Blue, and CD309-PECy7. Exclusion of dead cells was done according to a fixable viability dye staining. This eightcolor staining flow cytometry optimized protocol allowed us to accurate simultaneously identify EPCs, CECs and hematopoietic cells. In addition, it was also possible to distinguish the two subpopulations of EPCs, early and late EPCs subpopulation, by CD45intCD31+CD34+CD117-CD133+CD309-CD146- and CD45intCD31+CD34+CD117-CD133-CD309+CD146- multiple labeling, respectively. Moreover, the identification of CECs and hematopoietic cells was performed by CD45-CD31+CD34-/lowCD117-CD133-CD309-CD146+ and CD34+CD117+, respectively. The levels of CECs were non-significantly increased in early CKD (312.06 ± 91.34) and advanced CKD patients (191.43±49.86) in comparison with control group (103.23±24.13). By contrast, the levels of circulating early EPCs were significantly reduced in advanced CKD population (17.03±3.23) in comparison with early CKD (32.31±4.97), p=0.04 and control group (36.25 ± 6.16), p=0.03. In addition the levels of late EPCs were significantly reduced in both advanced (6.60±1.89), p=0.01, and early CKD groups (8.42±2.58), p=0.01 compared with control group (91.54±29.06). These results were accompanied by a dramatically reduction in the recruitment, differentiation and regenerative capacity indexes in CKD population. Taken together, these results suggest an imbalance in the process of endothelial repairment in CKD population, and further propose that the indexes of recruitment, differentiation and regenerative capacity of EPCs, may help to select the patients to benefit from guiding intervention strategies to improve cardiovascular health by inducing vascular protection.


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Berberine is an alkaloid used as a fluorochrome in the identification of heparin and DNA. Enerback, 1974, described the technique used until today to study granules rich in heparin of vertebrate mast cells. Santos et al., 2003, studied mast cells of the mollusk Anomalocardia brasiliana using biochemical and histological analysis. This work used the fluorescent dye berberine technique to improve characterization of these cells. Mollusk organs (ctenidium and mantle) were processed with routine histological techniques. Tissue sections were treated with berberine 0,02% in redistilled water acidified to pH 4, by the addition of citric acid for 20 minutes. The visualization was made through fluorescence microscopy with ultraviolet region emission. The mast cell fluorescence had a strong yellow color, where cell nuclei appeared more greenish. This result was very similar to the ones reported before. Mast cells are location at the epithelium surface is the same in both organs, mantle and ctenidium. The fluorescence was easily observed in the granules. Therefore, this technique showed to be good and sensitive to study mast cell of invertebrates