283 resultados para Farkas lemma


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The Zipf curves of log of frequency against log of rank for a large English corpus of 500 million word tokens, 689,000 word types and for a large Spanish corpus of 16 million word tokens, 139,000 word types are shown to have the usual slope close to –1 for rank less than 5,000, but then for a higher rank they turn to give a slope close to –2. This is apparently mainly due to foreign words and place names. Other Zipf curves for highlyinflected Indo-European languages, Irish and ancient Latin, are also given. Because of the larger number of word types per lemma, they remain flatter than the English curve maintaining a slope of –1 until turning points of about ranks 30,000 for Irish and 10,000 for Latin. A formula which calculates the number of tokens given the number of types is derived in terms of the rank at the turning point, 5,000 for both English and Spanish, 30,000 for Irish and 10,000 for Latin.


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This metalexicographic study examines the relationship between the proverbial material in The English-Irish Dictionary (1732) of Begley and McCurtin, Abel Boyer’s The Royal Dictionary (First edition 1699, second edition 1729), and Nathaniel Bailey’s An Universal Etymological English Dictionary (1721). It will show, for the first time, that both the English macrostructure and microstructure of the proverbial entries in Begley and McCurtin (1732) were reproduced directly from Boyer’s dictionary and, in spite of claims to the contrary, the impact of Bailey’s (1721) dictionary was negligible. Furthermore, empirical data gleaned from a comparative linguistic analysis of the various editions of The Royal Dictionary prior to 1732, will prove that it was the second official edition (1729) that was used as the framework for The English-Irish Dictionary. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the nature of the proverbial entries will also outline the various translation strategies that were used to compose the Irish material— particularly literal translation—and show that there are extremely high-levels of borrowings from Boyer (1729), both in terms of the English entries under the lemma, and the French entries in the comment.


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Anther extrusion has been widely discussed as a factor influencing fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance in wheat. This is despite a paucity of quantitative information on its importance, between cultivars, in contrast to that for heading date and plant height. We describe a method applicable to a plant breeding
situation at 10 days postanthesis, for assessing the distinct characteristics of anther retention (anthers held within the spikelet) and trapped anthers (partially
extruded and trapped between the lemma and palea of the wheat spikelet). FHB resistance was tested in field experiments in 2004 and 2005. In these experiments designed to resemble applications to a plant breeding selection scheme anther retention was significantly correlated with FHB in 2004 (r = 0.26; P < 0.05) and 2005 (r = 0.26; P < 0.05). A higher proportion of anthers retained relating, albeit weakly, with increased FHB susceptibility in European wheat.


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We prove with the help of a counterexample that Lemma 6 and Corollary 7 from Eeckhout [1] are incorrect.


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Ticks as vectors of several notorious zoonotic pathogens, represent an important and increasing threat for human, animal health in Europe. Recent application of new technology revealed the complexity of the tick microbiome that might impact upon its vectorial capacity. Appreciation of these complex systems is expanding our vision of tick-borne pathogens leading us to evolve a more integrated view that embraces the “pathobiome” representing the pathogenic agent integrated within its abiotic and biotic environments. In this review, we will explore how this new vision will revolutionize our understanding of tick-borne diseases. We will discuss the implications in terms of research approach for the future in order to efficiently prevent and control the threat posed by ticks.


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This paper describes the impact of cloud computing and the use of GPUs on the performance of Autodock and Gromacs respectively. Cloud computing was applicable to reducing the ‘‘tail’’ seen in running Autodock on desktop grids and the GPU version of Gromacs showed significant improvement over the CPU version. A large (200,000 compounds) library of small molecules, seven sialic acid analogues of the putative substrate and 8000 sugar molecules were converted into pdbqt format and used to interrogate the Trichomonas vaginalis neuraminidase using Autodock Vina. Good binding energy was noted for some of the small molecules (~-9 kcal/mol), but the sugars bound with affinity of less than -7.6 kcal/mol. The screening of the sugar library resulted in a ‘‘top hit’’ with a-2,3-sialyllacto-N-fucopentaose III, a derivative of the sialyl Lewisx structure and a known substrate of the enzyme. Indeed in the top 100 hits 8 were related to this structure. A comparison of Autodock Vina and Autodock 4.2 was made for the high affinity small molecules and in some cases the results were superimposable whereas in others, the match was less good. The validation of this work will require extensive ‘‘wet lab’’ work to determine the utility of the workflow in the prediction of potential enzyme inhibitors.


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Aldred, the glossator of the Lindisfarne Gospels, presents himself as carefully rendering the Latin lemmata in front of him, in terms of both their internal structure and meaning. His work includes a very high number of multiple glosses, which often attempt to clarify the polysemous character of a lemma or to provide additional information. This paper explores the multiple glosses including different lexemes which Aldred added to lexical lemmata in Mark’s Gospel in an attempt to establish whether there is any correlation between Aldred’s ordering practices and the frequency with which he used the interpretamenta to render those lemmata. The results of the study show some preference for placing the interpretamentum which most commonly renders the Latin lemma in first position, although Aldred’s practice is not fully consistent.


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E-scientists want to run their scientific experiments on Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI) to be able to access large pools of resources and services. To run experiments on these infrastructures requires specific expertise that e-scientists may not have. Workflows can hide resources and services as a virtualization layer providing a user interface that e-scientists can use. There are many workflow systems used by research communities but they are not interoperable. To learn a workflow system and create workflows in this workflow system may require significant efforts from e-scientists. Considering these efforts it is not reasonable to expect that research communities will learn new workflow systems if they want to run workflows developed in other workflow systems. The solution is to create workflow interoperability solutions to allow workflow sharing. The FP7 Sharing Interoperable Workflow for Large-Scale Scientific Simulation on Available DCIs (SHIWA) project developed two interoperability solutions to support workflow sharing: Coarse-Grained Interoperability (CGI) and Fine-Grained Interoperability (FGI). The project created the SHIWA Simulation Platform (SSP) to implement the Coarse-Grained Interoperability approach as a production-level service for research communities. The paper describes the CGI approach and how it enables sharing and combining existing workflows into complex applications and run them on Distributed Computing Infrastructures. The paper also outlines the architecture, components and usage scenarios of the simulation platform.


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Utiliser des tests génétiques de prédisposition en recherche pédiatrique pourrait aider à parvenir à une meilleure compréhension des maladies ou désordres affectant les adultes. Cela pourrait aussi possiblement aider à la détection précoce et au développement de soins préventifs ou cliniques pour les personnes héréditairement plus à risque. De plus en plus, les tests génétiques de prédisposition deviennent un élément de la recherche génétique pédiatrique. Or, la rareté des textes normatifs encadrant l’utilisation des tests génétiques de prédisposition en recherche pédiatrique soulève plusieurs enjeux éthiques et légaux complexes. Après avoir exposé l’encadrement normatif entourant l’utilisation des tests génétiques de prédisposition en recherche ainsi que celui de la recherche pédiatrique, nous présenterons les éléments de consensus ou de divergence ainsi que nos recommandations ayant trait à l’utilisation des tests génétiques de prédisposition en recherche pédiatrique.


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Research in which children undergo genetic testing for predisposition to adult-onset diseases or disorders can lead to a better understanding of these conditions. It can possibly also help encourage early detection and the development of clinical and preventive interventions for those found to be at increased hereditary risk. Increasingly, predisposition testing is becoming part of pediatric genetic research. However, the paucity of normative texts about the conduct of pediatric research using predisposition genetic testing generates complex legal and ethical issues. Drawing on the current texts that govern predisposition genetic testing in research and the norms of pediatric research, we outline points of consensus and divergence as well as recommendations regarding predisposition genetic testing in pediatric research.


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Une nouvelle notion d'enlacement pour les paires d'ensembles $A\subset B$, $P\subset Q$ dans un espace de Hilbert de type $X=Y\oplus Y^{\perp}$ avec $Y$ séparable, appellée $\tau$-enlacement, est définie. Le modèle pour cette définition est la généralisation de l'enlacement homotopique et de l'enlacement au sens de Benci-Rabinowitz faite par Frigon. En utilisant la théorie du degré développée dans un article de Kryszewski et Szulkin, plusieurs exemples de paires $\tau$-enlacées sont donnés. Un lemme de déformation est établi et utilisé conjointement à la notion de $\tau$-enlacement pour prouver un théorème d'existence de point critique pour une certaine classe de fonctionnelles sur $X$. De plus, une caractérisation de type minimax de la valeur critique correspondante est donnée. Comme corollaire de ce théorème, des conditions sont énoncées sous lesquelles l'existence de deux points critiques distincts est garantie. Deux autres théorèmes de point critiques sont démontrés dont l'un généralise le théorème principal de l'article de Kryszewski et Szulkin mentionné ci-haut.


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Nous allons exposer dans ce mémoire divers résultats sur l’universalité en analyse complexe. Nous énoncerons d’abord des résultats généraux sur les séries universelles, puis sur un type d’universalité dû à Fournier et Nestoridis qui établit un lien nouveau entre l’universalité et la non-normalité d’une famille de fonctions. Par la suite, nous introduirons un type différent de séries universelles obtenues en réarrangeant les termes de séries arbitraires. Nous prouverons dans ce mémoire la généricité algébrique de ce type de séries universelles pour tout espace de Banach et la généricité topologique dans les espaces de dimension finie. Aussi, nous démontrerons que pour toute série universelle par réarrangement il existe un réarrangement de ses termes pour lequel cette série devient universelle au sens usuel.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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