951 resultados para FUEL-CELL APPLICATION
In this paper, a methodology for the study of a molten carbonate fuel cell cogeneration system and applied to a computer center building is developed. This system permits the recovery of waste heat, available between 600°C and 700°C, which can be used to the production of steam, hot and cold water, hot and cold air, depending on the recuperation equipment associated. Initially, some technical information about the most diffusing types of the fuel cell demonstration in the world are presented. In conclusion, the fuel cell cogeneration system may have an excellent opportunity to strengthen the decentralized energy production in the Brazilian tertiary sector.
In this paper a hybrid solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) system is analyzed. This system applies a combined cycle utilizing gas turbine associated to a SOFC for rational decentralized energy production. Initially the relative concepts about the fuel cell are presented, followed by some chemical and technical informations such as the change of Gibbs free energy in isothermal fuel oxidation (or combustion) directly into electricity. This represents a very high fraction of the lower heating value (LHV) of a hydrocarbon fuel. In the next step a methodology for the study of SOFC associated with a gas turbine system is developed, considering the electricity and steam production for a hospital, as regard to the Brazilian conditions. This methodology is applied to energetic analysis. Natural gas is considered as a fuel. In conclusion, it is shown by a Sankey Diagram that the hybrid SOFC system may be an excellent opportunity to strengthen the decentralized energy production in Brazil. It is necessary to consider that the cogeneration in this version also is a sensible alternative from the technical point of view, demanding special methods of design, equipment selection and mainly of the contractual deals associated to electricity and fuel supply.
Fuel cell as MCFC (molten carbonate fuel cell) operate at high temperatures, and due to this issue, cogeneration processes may be performed, sending heat for own process or other purposes as steam generation in an industry. The use of ethanol for this purpose is one of the best options because this is a renewable and less environmentally offensive fuel, and cheaper than oil-derived hydrocarbons (in the case of Brazil). In the same country, because of technical, environmental and economic advantages, the use of ethanol by steam reforming process have been the most investigated process. The objective of this study is to show a thermodynamic analysis of steam reforming of ethanol, to determine the best thermodynamic conditions where are produced the highest volumes of products, making possible a higher production of energy, that is, a most-efficient use of resources. To attain this objective, mass and energy balances are performed. Equilibrium constants and advance degrees are calculated to get the best thermodynamic conditions to attain higher reforming efficiency and, hence, higher electric efficiency, using the Nernst equation. The advance degree of reforming increases when the operation temperature also increases and when the operation pressure decreases. But at atmospheric pressure (1 atm), the advance degree tends to the stability in temperatures above 700°C, that is, the volume of supplemental production of reforming products is very small for the high use of energy resources necessary. Reactants and products of the steam-reforming of ethanol that weren't used may be used for the reforming. The use of non-used ethanol is also suggested for heating of reactants before reforming. The results show the behavior of MCFC. The current density, at same tension, is higher at 700°C than other studied temperatures as 600 and 650°C. This fact occurs due to smaller use of hydrogen at lower temperatures that varies between 46.8 and 58.9% in temperatures between 600 and 700°C. The higher calculated current density is 280 mA/cm 2. The power density increases when the volume of ethanol to be used also increases due to higher production of hydrogen. The highest produced power at 190 mW/cm 2 is 99.8, 109.8 and 113.7 mW/cm2 for 873, 923 and 973K, respectively. The thermodynamic efficiency has the objective to show the connection among operational conditions and energetic factors, which are some parameters that describes a process of internal steam reforming of ethanol.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of NiO-Ce1-XEuxO2-δ powders for fuel cell catalytic anodes
CeO2-based materials doped with rare earth (TR +3) can be used as alternative to traditional NiO-YSZ anodes in solid oxide fuel cells as they have higher ionic conductivity and lower ohmic losses compared to YSZ. Moreover, they allow fuel cell operation at lower temperatures (500-800°C). In the anode composition, the concentration of NiO acting as catalyst in YSZ provides high electrical conductivity and high electrochemical activity of reactions, promoting internal reform in the cell. In this work, NiO - Ce1-xEuxO2-δ compounds (x = 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) have been synthesized by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. The materials were characterized by TG, XRD, TPR and SEM-FEG techniques. The refinement of data obtained by X-ray diffraction showed the presence of ceria doped with europium crystallized in a cubic phase with fluorite structure, in addition to the presence of NiO. The microwave-assisted hydrothermal method showed significant reduction in the average particle size and good mass control of phase compositions compared to other chemical synthesis techniques.
Work on Pt-Sn-C catalysts for ethanol oxidation showed that a thermal treatment at moderate temperatures leads to a significant increase in activity. The best activity was observed for Pt3Sn1 thermally treated at 200 degrees C and ascribed to a Pt3Sn1 phase plus a cleaning effect. However, electronic effects may be very important and these were not evaluated in the Pt3Sn1 phase. Therefore, in this work we investigated the effect of the degree of alloy on the electronic structure of Pt3Sn1 electrocatalysts by performing electrochemical in situ X-ray absorption (XAS) experiments in the Pt L-III XANES region. Overall, the results show that although the occupancy of the Pt 5d band depends on the degree of alloy other factors, such as the presence of tin oxides/hydroxides in the materials, have to be considered to understand the performance of the DEFC.
The aim of this work was to perform a systematic study of the parameters that can influence the composition, morphology, and catalytic activity of PtSn/C nanoparticles and compare two different methods of nanocatalyst preparation, namely microwave-assisted heating (MW) and thermal decomposition of polymeric precursors (DPP). An investigation of the effects of the reducing and stabilizing agents on the catalytic activity and morphology of Pt75Sn25/C catalysts prepared by microwave-assisted heating was undertaken for optimization purposes. The effect of short-chain alcohols such as ethanol, ethylene glycol, and propylene glycol as reducing agents was evaluated, and the use of sodium acetate and citric acid as stabilizing agents for the MW procedure was examined. Catalysts obtained from propylene glycol displayed higher catalytic activity compared with catalysts prepared in ethylene glycol. Introduction of sodium acetate enhanced the catalytic activity, but this beneficial effect was observed until a critical acetate concentration was reached. Optimization of the MW synthesis allowed for the preparation of highly dispersed catalysts with average sizes lying between 2.0 and 5.0 nm. Comparison of the best catalyst prepared by MW with a catalyst of similar composition prepared by the polymeric precursors method showed that the catalytic activity of the material can be improved when a proper condition for catalyst preparation is achieved. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect of the relationship between particle size (d), inter-particle distance (x(i)), and metal loading (y) of carbon supported fuel cell Pt or PtRu catalysts on their catalytic activity, based on the optimum d (2.5-3 nm) and x(i)/d (>5) values, was evaluated. It was found that for y < 30 wt%, the optimum values of both d and x(i)/d can be always obtained. For y >= 30 wt%, instead, the positive effect of a thinner catalyst layer of the fuel cell electrode than that using catalysts with y < 30 wt% is concomitant to a decrease of the effective catalyst surface area due to an increase of d and/or a decrease of x(i)/d compared to their optimum values, with in turns gives rise to a decrease in the catalytic activity. The effect of the x(i)/d ratio has been successfully verified by experimental results on ethanol oxidation on PtRu/C catalysts with same particle size and same degree of alloying but different metal loading. Tests in direct ethanol fuel cells showed that, compared to 20 wt% PtRu/C, the negative effect of the lower x(i)/d on the catalytic activity of 30 and 40 wt% PtRu/C catalysts was superior to the positive effect of the thinner catalyst layer.
Carbon-supported Pt-based electrocatalysts were synthesized by Pechini method for the ethanol oxidation (EOR). Physicochemical characterizations were helpful to estimate the diameters of the obtained materials ranging from 2 nm to 5 nm. Main electrochemical experiments were carried out at 90 degrees C i.e. under the working conditions of performing the single 5 cm(2) direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC). Pt(80)Sn(20)/C was the anode catalyst which has given the highest power density of 37 mW cm(-2). Importantly, the IR spectroscopy measurements associated with the qualitative analysis done at the output of the anodic compartment of the fuel cell have shown that ethanol oxidation on Pt(80)Sn(20)/C was mainly a two-electron sustainable process. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The performance of an ABPBI-based High Temperature H-2/O-2 PEMFC system was studied under different experimental conditions. Increasing the temperature from 130 to 170 degrees C improved the cell performance, even though further increase was not beneficial for the system. Humidification of the H-2 stream ameliorated this behaviour, even though operating above 170 degrees C is not advisable in terms of cell performance. A significant electrolyte dehydration seems to negatively affect the fuel cell performance, especially in the case of the anode. In the presence of 2% vol. CO in the H-2 stream, the temperature exerted a positive effect on the cell performance, reducing the strong adsorption of this poison on the platinum sites. Moreover, humidification of the H-2 + CO stream increased the maximum power densities of the cell, further alleviating the CO poisoning effects. Actual CO-O-2 fuel cell results confirmed the significant beneficial effect of the relative humidity on the kinetics of the CO oxidation process. Copyright (C) 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of trace quantities of ammonia on oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on carbon-supported platinum catalysts in perchloric acid solutions is assessed using rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) technique. The study demonstrates that ammonia has detrimental effects on ORR. The most significant effect takes place in the potential region above 0.7 V vs RHE. The effect is explained by the electrochemical oxidation of ammonia, which blocks Pt active sites and increases the formation of H2O2. This leads to losses in the disk currents and increments in the ring currents. The apparent losses in ORR currents may occur in two ways, namely, through the blocking of the active sites for ORR as well as by generating a small anodic current, which is believed to have a lower contribution. In addition, a detrimental effect of sodium cations in the potential range below 0.75 V vs RHE was demonstrated. This effect is most likely due to the co-adsorption of sodium cations and perchlorate anions on the Pt surface. Copyright (C) 2012, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new series of donor acceptor copolymers were synthesized via the Witting route and applied as an active layer in organic thin-films solar cells. These copolymers are composed of fluorene thiophene and phenylene thiophene units. The ratio between those was systematically varied, and copolymers containing 0%, 50%, and 75% of phenylene thiophene were characterized and evaluated when used in photovoltaic devices. The copolymers' composition, photophysical, electrical, and morphological properties are addressed and correlated with device performance. The 50% copolymer ratio was found to be the best copolymer of the series, yielding a power conversion efficiency (PCE) under air mass (AM) 1.5 conditions of 2.4% in the bilayer heterojunction with the C-60 molecule. Aiming at flexible electronics applications, solutions based on the heterojunction of this copolymer with PCBM (6,6-phenyl-C-61-butyric acid methyl ester) were also successfully deposited using an inkjet printing method and used as an active layer in solar cells.
Chitosan/poly(vinyl sulfonic acid) (PVS) films have been prepared on Nafion® membranes by the layer-by-layer (LbL) method for use in direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). Computational methods and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra suggest that an ionic pair is formed between the sulfonic group of PVS and the protonated amine group of chitosan, thereby promoting the growth of LbL films on the Nafion® membrane as well as partial blocking of methanol. Chronopotentiometry and potential linear scanning experiments have been carried out for investigation of methanol crossover through the Nafion® and chitosan/PVS/Nafion® membranes in a diaphragm diffusion cell. On the basis of electrical impedance measurements, the values of proton resistance of the Nafion® and chitosan/PVS/Nafion® membranes are close due to the small thickness of the LbL film. Thus, it is expected an improved DMFC performance once the additional resistance of the self-assembled film is negligible compared to the result associated with the decrease in the crossover effect.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Materialien und Aufbauten für Hybrid Solarzellen entwickelt und erforscht. rnDer Vergleich zweier bekannter Lochleitermaterialien für Solarzellen in einfachen Blend-Systemen brachte sowohl Einsicht zur unterschiedlichen Eignung der Materialien für optoelektronische Bauelemente als auch neue Erkenntnisse in Bereichen der Langzeitstabilität und Luftempfindlichkeit beider Materialien.rnWeiterhin wurde eine Methode entwickelt, um Hybrid Solarzelle auf möglichst unkomplizierte Weise aus kostengünstigen Materialien darzustellen. Die „Eintopf“-Synthese ermöglicht die unkomplizierte Darstellung eines funktionalen Hybridmaterials für die optoelektronische Anwendung. Mithilfe eines neu entwickelten amphiphilen Blockcopolymers, das als funktionelles Templat eingesetzt wurde, konnten mit einem TiO2-Precursor in einem Sol-Gel Ansatz verschiedene selbstorganisierte Morphologien des Hybridmaterials erhalten werden. Verschiedene Morphologien wurden auf ihre Eignung in Hybrid Solarzellen untersucht. Ob und warum die Morphologie des Hybridsystems die Effizienz der Solarzelle beeinflusst, konnte verdeutlicht werden. Mit der Weiterentwicklung der „Eintopf“-Synthese, durch den Austausch des TiO2-Precursors, konnte die Solarzelleneffizienz von 0.15 auf 0.4 % gesteigert werden. Weiterhin konnte die Übertragbarkeit des Systems durch den erfolgreichen Austausch des Halbleiters TiO¬2 mit ZnO bewiesen werden.rn