1000 resultados para Expunging resolutions, 1834-1837


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From 1979 to 1983, several surveys were carried out with research and fishing vessels at Sofala Bank in Mozambique. Their main objective was the assessment of shallow water prawn stocks, as this resource is of great economic importance for the country. A summary of the conclusions of these surveys regarding the species Penaeus indicus is presented. During the rainy season the species occurs closer to the shore than during the dry season. Estimates of biomass are very variable. The spawning peak seems to occur at the beginning of the rainy season (September-October). The spawning areas are located very close to the shore in the northern part of Sofala Bank and South of 17 degree 10'S in the 15-25 m depth interval.


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Este trabalho de pesquisa buscou compreender como ocorriam e quais eram as ações no campo das políticas públicas para a instrução primária no século XIX no município de Maricá. Escolhemos como recorte temporal o período do século compreendido entre os anos de 1834 e 1854. A escolha das duas datas se prendeu ao fato de que este período contempla algumas mudanças importantes no campo das políticas públicas para a educação e instrução. Em 1834 temos o Ato Adicional à Constituição de 1824 que delega para as províncias competências para legislar e gerir a instrução primária e secundária. Em 1849 ocorre a implantação do Regulamento Couto Ferraz na província do Rio de Janeiro e, em 1854, o então Ministro do Império encaminha a reforma do ensino na Corte. A proximidade do município com a capital da província e com a Corte pode ser considerado como um dos fatores que instigou a nossa curiosidade em verificar até que ponto esta aproximação contribuiu para o crescimento de Maricá. No decorrer da pesquisa, começamos a perceber que os ritmos de crescimento e desenvolvimento foram diferentes, a cidade continuou como rota de passagem por muitos anos, mesmo com a sua importância econômica (produção agrícola e o pescado), mercado de abastecimento regional. A proximidade com a capital da Província do Rio de Janeiro (Niterói) e a Corte não garantiu à cidade de Maricá crescimento do número de escolas públicas primárias, foio que se verificou ao longo do período analisado. Além da pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema utilizamos também como fonte as publicações dos memorialistas locais, os relatórios dos presidentes da província do Rio de Janeiro, assim como documentos disponíveis no Arquivo Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.


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O presente trabalho problematiza a Câmara Municipal da cidade-corte do Rio de Janeiro como uma sociedade de discurso. Por meio de seus enunciados, visíveis a partir das Posturas Municipais, é possível entender o discurso como um mecanismo de poder, que estabelece relações e sujeições. Prática que busca formar sistematicamente os objetos de que fala, a lei é um dispositivo de poder e um espaço de exterioridade, que cria e desenvolve uma rede de lugares distintos. Este saber/poder inventa formas de percepção e hierarquizações, fabrica evidências e organiza lugares. Produz mais que dizibilidades, saberes que devem circular, ser conhecidos e obedecidos. Há toda uma produção de visibilidades, ancorada às normas, que procura formar individualidades docilizadas. Oficiais nomeados e transgressores são, portanto, efeitos de uma governamentalidade que, após a emancipação política do Brasil, se volta ao cotidiano em seus mais efêmeros detalhes. Assim, esta tese de doutorado objetiva cartografar esta matriz discursiva e os dispositivos de sujeição experimentados pela Câmara Municipal, analisando suas Posturas e Registros de Infração, como práticas de subjetivação aplicadas no governo da cidade.


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From 1979 to 1983, several surveys were carried out with research and fishing vessels at Sofala Bank in Mozambique. Their main objective was the assessment of shallow water prawn stocks, as this resource is of great economic importance for the country. A summary of the conclusions of these surveys regarding the species Penaeus indicus is presented. During the rainy season the species occurs closer to the shore than during the dry season. Estimates of biomass are very variable. The spawning peak seems to occur at the beginning of the rainy season (September-October). The spawning areas are located very close to the shore in the northern part of Sofala Bank and South of 17 degree 10'S in the 15-25 m depth interval.


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The print copy of this sermon is held by Pitts Theology Library. The Pitts Theology Library's digital copy was produced as part of the ATLA/ATS Cooperative Digital Resources Initiative (CDRI), funded by the Luce Foundation. Electronic reproduction. Atlanta, Georgia : Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, 2003. (Thanksgiving Day Sermons, ATLA Cooperative Digital Resources Initiative, CDRI). Joint CDRI project by: Andover-Harvard Library (Harvard Divinity School), Pitts Theology Library (Emory University), and Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries.


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American lobsters (Homarus americanus H. Milne Edwards, 1837) are imported live to Europe and should according regulations be kept in land-based tanks until sold. In spite of the strict regulations aimed specifically at preventing the introduction of this species into the NE Atlantic, several specimens of H. americanus have been captured in the wild, especially in Oslofjord, Norway since 1999. One of the great concerns is interbreeding between the introduced American species and the local European lobster, H. gammarus (Linnaeus, 1758). For this reason an awareness campaign was launched in 2000 focusing on morphologically "unusual" lobsters caught in local waters. Morphological characters have been based on colour and sub-ventral spines on the rostrum. Two samples of H. americanus were used for comparisons, as well as samples of European lobster from Oslofjord collected in 1992. Previous genetic analyses (allozymes, mtDNA and microsatellite DNA) have demonstrated that the American lobster is distinct from its European counterpart, with several additional alleles at many loci in addition to different allelic frequency distribution of alleles of "shared" alleles. During the present study, thirteen microsatellite loci were tested in the initial screening, and the three most discriminating loci (Hgam98, Hgam197b and Hgam47b) were used in a detailed comparison between the two species. A total of 45 unusual lobsters were reported captured from Ålesund (west) to Oslofjord (southeast) from 2001 to 2005 and these were analysed for the three microsatellite loci. Nine specimens were identified as American lobsters. Comparisons between morphological and genetic characteristics revealed that morphological differences are not reliable in discrimination the two species, or to identify hybrids. Further, some loci display almost no overlapping in allele frequency distribution for the reference samples analysed, thus providing a reliable tool to identify hybrids.


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Average longevity of the mountain hare (Lepus timidus L., 1758) has been estimated at nine years in the wild (Macdonald D. and Barrett, P. 1993 Mammals of Britain and Europe. Harper Collins Publishers, London) with a maximum recorded age of 18 years for one marked animal (Angerbjörn, A. and Flux, J. E. C. 1995 Lepus timidus. Mammalian Species 495: 1–11). However, the longevity of the Irish hare (L. t. hibernicus Bell 1837) is entirely unknown. A total of 14 Irish hares was trapped and tagged at Belfast International Airport, Co. Antrim from February to April 2005. The sex, age (juvenile or adult) and weight of each animal were recorded. Adults were taken as those individuals >8-10 months old defined by the fusing of the notch between the apophysis and diaphysis of the tibia and humerus (Flux, J. E. C. 1970 Journal of Zoology 161: 75-123). Individual identification was made by a system of colourcoded ear tags (Roxan iD Ltd. Selkirk, Scotland) being inserted in the centre of the pinna of each ear. Each ear tag (6 × 34 mm) and puncture site was disinfected with 70 per cent ethanol prior to insertion. An adult male, #001/002 ‘Blue/Blue’, was tagged on 3 March 2005 weighing 3.8 kg and was sighted during a return site visit on 4 April 2007. An adult female, #026/003 ‘Green/Yellow’, was tagged on 15 April 2005 weighing 4.0 kg and was sighted during return visits on 25 March 2010 and 19 October 2010. The latest possible date of birth for both individuals was spring/summer 2004. Consequently, they were at least 3 years and 6.5 years old, respectively. This is the first record of minimum Irish hare longevity in the wild. These observations suggest that ear tagging does not compromise animal welfare and is an effective means of long-term monitoring. Future research may utilize capture-mark-recapture methods.


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