995 resultados para Ex traditione innovatio. Miscellanea in honorem Max Pfister septuagenarii oblata
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62G32, 62G05.
sub Praesidio ... Dn. Ant. Guntheri Heshusii ... publico Eruditorum examini submittit Autor-Respondens Martinus Haugke ... Ad 30. diem Martii Anno M.DC.LXXII.
Tämän kirjan kirjoitukset on omistettu professori Olli Koistiselle hänen 60-vuotissyntymäpäivänään 11.5.2016. Kirjoittajat ovat professori Koistisen kollegoita, työtovereita, väitöskirjaohjattavia ja opiskelijoita, entisiä tai nykyisiä. Kirjoituksista osa on suomeksi, osa englanniksi. Siksi päätimme antaa kirjalle latinankielisen nimen. De natura rerum viittaa moneen, mukaan lukien samannimiset vanhat luonnonfilosofiset tekstit, joista varmaankin kuuluisin, Lucretiuksen De rerum natura, on käännetty suomeksi Maailmankaikkeudesta. Sikäli kuin yhtään professori Koistista tunnemme, tämä, yhtä hyvin kuin Lucretiuksen teoksen mahdollinen kirjaimellisempi käännös Asioiden luonnosta, kuvaisi hyvin hänen filosofiakäsitystään. Filosofiassa tutkitaan ihan oikeita, isoja asioita. Filosofi kysyy, millaisia erilaiset oliot ja ilmiöt ovat luonteeltaan – mikä on asioiden luonto. Kirjan kirjoituksissa tarkastelun kohteena on muun muassa muutos, kausaliteetti, hyvä elämä, tekstien tulkitseminen, inhimillinen toiminta, tunteet, ajattelu, tietoisuus, aika, todellisuus ja maailma. Kuten sopii odottaa, useissa kirjoituksissa viitataan filosofian klassikoihin, varsinkin Descartesiin, Spinozaan ja Kantiin, jotka ovat olleet Ollin omia rakkaita tutkimuskohteita. Klassikkoteksteihin viitataan filosofian historian tutkimuksessa vakiintuneiden käytäntöjen mukaisesti. Tarkempia selityksiä löytyy kirjoitusten alaviitteistä ja kirjallisuusluetteloista.
Background Il trapianto polmonare rappresenta l'unica soluzione percorribile per l'insufficienza respiratoria end-stage. La principale limitante ad un suo impiego è rappresentata dalla scarsità di polmoni idonei. In questo contesto si colloca il progetto di ricondizionamento ex-vivo. L'implementazione risulta possibile attraverso il ricondizionamento di organi cosiddetti “marginali” o giudicati inizialmente non idonei al trapianto e da donatori a cuore fermo (Donor after Cardiac Death – DCD). Scopo Lo scopo principale del progetto è quello di analizzare i risultati a breve e medio termine del trapianto polmonare effettuato impiegando polmoni sottoposti a procedura di ricondizionamento ex-vivo in due centri trapianti di polmone a basso volume. Materiali e Metodi I dati sono stati raccolti retrospettivamente (da Giugno 2013 per quanto riguarda l’ISMETT e dal 2014 quelli dell’ Ospedale S. Orsola-Malpighi) e in maniera prospettica dal 2019. Risultati Sommando i dati relativi ad entrambi i centri, dal 2013 sono stati eseguiti un totale di 26 procedure di riperfusione. Sei volte i polmoni sono stati giudicati idonei al trapianto al termine con 5 trapianti doppi e un trapianto singolo sinistro. I risultati in termine di sopravvivenza a medio termine sono risultati sovrapponibili a quelli disponibili in letteratura, tuttavia è stato registrato un alto tasso di PGD (Primary Graft Disfunction) di grado 3, da imputare alla patologia di base del ricevente (ipertensione polmonare), che per protocollo di istituto rimane con supporto cardio-respiratorio (ECMO) dopo il trapianto. Conclusioni L’EVLP si conferma in centri di piccolo e medio volume un metodo sicuro ed efficace per implementare in numero di polmoni idonei al trapianto.
Tucídides es una de nuestras mejores fuentes de información para conocer la práctica argumentativa de la deliberación democrática. En este trabajo se analiza uno de los vicios que, según el historiador, haría su aparición en la escena política ateniense a la muerte de Pericles: la instrumentalización del miedo para obtener la victoria momentánea en la asamblea. El temor prudente, que fuera una arma periclea para conducir la deliberación racional en aras del bien común, habría desaparecido siendo sustituido por el amedrentamiento del rival, la calumnia, el obstruccionismo y la parálisis de la confrontación dialéctica. Instauradas en la ciudad la desconfianza y la sospecha de ocultación, los golpistas del 411 hallaron el terreno abonado para callar las voces contrarias y, gracias al silencio, instaurar el terror.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Cyclosporine A is a poorly water-soluble, immunosuppressive drug used to treat a variety of ocular diseases. Its limited solubility makes challenging the development of a cyclosporine A-based eye drop for ocular topical application. Based on the prodrug strategy, the practically insoluble cyclosporine A was converted into a freely soluble prodrug. Such a water-soluble prodrug made it possible to develop water-based concentrated eye drops. The prodrug formulations were tested for their ex vivo permeation and in vivo distribution at three concentrations (equivalent to 0.05%, 0.50% and 2.00% w/v cyclosporine A). The ex vivo permeation experiments were performed on corneal and conjunctival epithelia. The in vivo distribution evaluated the total cyclosporine A present in the ocular structures as well as in serum, spleen and cervical lymphatic ganglions. Each prodrug formulation was compared to conventionally used cyclosporine A eye drops at an equivalent concentration. The experimental results showed that the tested eye drops behaved differently. The prodrug formulation was characterized by the following: i) preferential conjunctival penetration, ii) an interesting capacity to create large tissue deposits and iii) a lower risk of systemic complications and immunosuppression. The prodrug aqueous eye drop was demonstrated to be a patient-friendly option for the treatment of ocular diseases requiring high ocular levels of cyclosporine A, pushing the boundaries of the current therapeutic arsenal.
La técnica de recolección es el primer paso para obtener una muestra de sangre de cordón umbilical de óptima calidad. Dicho proceso es esencial en los eventos que conducen al éxito del trasplante de células madre. Aunque no existe consenso internacional sobre el procedimiento de recolección, dos técnicas son las principales: la técnica in utero y la técnica ex utero. La técnica in utero aporta ventajas en cuanto al volumen sanguíneo y conteo celular. El parto por cesárea, si se realiza por razones obstétricas es benéfico para la recolección con técnica in utero. Es necesaria la realización de estudios que permitan mayor nivel de evidencia.
This study was undertaken to compare cryotolerance, in terms of viability and resumption of meiosis after warming and culture (24 and 48 h), of ex situ (isolated) and in situ (enclosed in the ovarian tissue) feline cumulusoocyte complexes (COCs) vitrified with DAP 213 (2 M DMSO, 1 M acetamide, 3 M propylene glycol) in cryotubes or Cryotop method. Ovaries were harvested from 49 pubertal queens. of each pair of ovaries, one was dissected to release COCs randomly divided into three groups: fresh COCs (control), ex situ COCs vitrified with DAP 213 and Cryotop. The cortex of the other ovary was sectioned into small fragments (approximately 1.5 mm3) and randomly assigned to be vitrified by DAP 213 or Cryotop. After warming, ex situ and in situ (retrieved form vitrified ovarian tissue) COCs were matured in vitro. Viability of oocytes was highly preserved after warming and culture in all treatments. Proportions of oocytes surrounded by complete layers of viable cumulus cells were remarkably decreased (p < 0.00001) in both vitrification procedures compared to fresh oocytes. Resumption of meiosis occurred in all treatments. After 24 h of culture, results were similar in ex situ and in situ vitrified oocytes regardless of the vitrification protocol used (range 29-40%), albeit lower (p < 0.05) than those of fresh oocytes (65.8%). After 48 h of culture, ex situ oocytes vitrified with Cryotop achieved the rates of meiosis resumption similar to fresh oocytes (53.8% vs 67.5%; p > 0.05) and ex situ and in situ oocytes vitrified with DAP 213 showed similar rates of resumption of meiosis. These findings demonstrated that DAP 213 and Cryotop preserve the viability of ex situ and in situ oocytes, but cumulus cells are highly susceptible to vitrification. However, the capability to resume meiosis evidences that feline immature oocytes vitrified as isolated or enclosed in the ovarian cortex have comparable cryotolerance.
I Max Bill is an intense giornata of a big fresco. An analysis of the main social, artistic and cultural events throughout the twentieth century is needed in order to trace his career through his masterpieces and architectures. Some of the faces of this hypothetical mural painting are, among others, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Ernesto Nathan Rogers, Kandinskij, Klee, Mondrian, Vatongerloo, Ignazio Silone, while the backcloth is given by artistic avant-gardes, Bauhaus, International Exhibitions, CIAM, war events, reconstruction, Milan Triennali, Venice Biennali, the School of Ulm. Architect, even though more known as painter, sculptor, designer and graphic artist, Max Bill attends the Bauhaus as a student in the years 1927-1929, and from this experience derives the main features of a rational, objective, constructive and non figurative art. His research is devoted to give his art a scientific methodology: each work proceeds from the analysis of a problem to the logical and always verifiable solution of the same problem. By means of composition elements (such as rhythm, seriality, theme and its variation, harmony and dissonance), he faces, with consistent results, themes apparently very distant from each other as the project for the H.f.G. or the design for a font. Mathematics are a constant reference frame as field of certainties, order, objectivity: ‘for Bill mathematics are never confined to a simple function: they represent a climate of spiritual certainties, and also the theme of non attempted in its purest state, objectivity of the sign and of the geometrical place, and at the same time restlessness of the infinity: Limited and Unlimited ’. In almost sixty years of activity, experiencing all artistic fields, Max Bill works, projects, designs, holds conferences and exhibitions in Europe, Asia and Americas, confronting himself with the most influencing personalities of the twentieth century. In such a vast scenery, the need to limit the investigation field combined with the necessity to address and analyse the unpublished and original aspect of Bill’s relations with Italy. The original contribution of the present research regards this particular ‘geographic delimitation’; in particular, beyond the deep cultural exchanges between Bill and a series of Milanese architects, most of all with Rogers, two main projects have been addressed: the realtà nuova at Milan Triennale in 1947, and the Contemporary Art Museum in Florence in 1980. It is important to note that these projects have not been previously investigated, and the former never appears in the sources either. These works, together with the most well-known ones, such as the projects for the VI and IX Triennale, and the Swiss pavilion for the Biennale, add important details to the reference frame of the relations which took place between Zurich and Milan. Most of the occasions for exchanges took part in between the Thirties and the Fifties, years during which Bill underwent a significant period of artistic growth. He meets the Swiss progressive architects and the Paris artists from the Abstraction-Création movement, enters the CIAM, collaborates with Le Corbusier to the third volume of his Complete Works, and in Milan he works and gets confronted with the events related to post-war reconstruction. In these years Bill defines his own working methodology, attaining an artistic maturity in his work. The present research investigates the mentioned time period, despite some necessary exceptions. II The official Max Bill bibliography is naturally wide, including spreading works along with ones more devoted to analytical investigation, mainly written in German and often translated into French and English (Max Bill himself published his works in three languages). Few works have been published in Italian and, excluding the catalogue of the Parma exhibition from 1977, they cannot be considered comprehensive. Many publications are exhibition catalogues, some of which include essays written by Max Bill himself, some others bring Bill’s comments in a educational-pedagogical approach, to accompany the observer towards a full understanding of the composition processes of his art works. Bill also left a great amount of theoretical speculations to encourage a critical reading of his works in the form of books edited or written by him, and essays published in ‘Werk’, magazine of the Swiss Werkbund, and other international reviews, among which Domus and Casabella. These three reviews have been important tools of analysis, since they include tracks of some of Max Bill’s architectural works. The architectural aspect is less investigated than the plastic and pictorial ones in all the main reference manuals on the subject: Benevolo, Tafuri and Dal Co, Frampton, Allenspach consider Max Bill as an artist proceeding in his work from Bauhaus in the Ulm experience . A first filing of his works was published in 2004 in the monographic issue of the Spanish magazine 2G, together with critical essays by Karin Gimmi, Stanislaus von Moos, Arthur Rüegg and Hans Frei, and in ‘Konkrete Architektur?’, again by Hans Frei. Moreover, the monographic essay on the Atelier Haus building by Arthur Rüegg from 1997, and the DPA 17 issue of the Catalonia Polytechnic with contributions of Carlos Martì, Bruno Reichlin and Ton Salvadò, the latter publication concentrating on a few Bill’s themes and architectures. An urge to studying and going in depth in Max Bill’s works was marked in 2008 by the centenary of his birth and by a recent rediscovery of Bill as initiator of the ‘minimalist’ tradition in Swiss architecture. Bill’s heirs are both very active in promoting exhibitions, researching and publishing. Jakob Bill, Max Bill’s son and painter himself, recently published a work on Bill’s experience in Bauhaus, and earlier on he had published an in-depth study on ‘Endless Ribbons’ sculptures. Angela Thomas Schmid, Bill’s wife and art historian, published in end 2008 the first volume of a biography on Max Bill and, together with the film maker Eric Schmid, produced a documentary film which was also presented at the last Locarno Film Festival. Both biography and documentary concentrate on Max Bill’s political involvement, from antifascism and 1968 protest movements to Bill experiences as Zurich Municipality councilman and member of the Swiss Confederation Parliament. In the present research, the bibliography includes also direct sources, such as interviews and original materials in the form of letters correspondence and graphic works together with related essays, kept in the max+binia+jakob bill stiftung archive in Zurich. III The results of the present research are organized into four main chapters, each of them subdivided into four parts. The first chapter concentrates on the research field, reasons, tools and methodologies employed, whereas the second one consists of a short biographical note organized by topics, introducing the subject of the research. The third chapter, which includes unpublished events, traces the historical and cultural frame with particular reference to the relations between Max Bill and the Italian scene, especially Milan and the architects Rogers and Baldessari around the Fifties, searching the themes and the keys for interpretation of Bill’s architectures and investigating the critical debate on the reviews and the plastic survey through sculpture. The fourth and last chapter examines four main architectures chosen on a geographical basis, all devoted to exhibition spaces, investigating Max Bill’s composition process related to the pictorial field. Paintings has surely been easier and faster to investigate and verify than the building field. A doctoral thesis discussed in Lausanne in 1977 investigating Max Bill’s plastic and pictorial works, provided a series of devices which were corrected and adapted for the definition of the interpretation grid for the composition structures of Bill’s main architectures. Four different tools are employed in the investigation of each work: a context analysis related to chapter three results; a specific theoretical essay by Max Bill briefly explaining his main theses, even though not directly linked to the very same work of art considered; the interpretation grid for the composition themes derived from a related pictorial work; the architecture drawing and digital three-dimensional model. The double analysis of the architectural and pictorial fields is functional to underlining the relation among the different elements of the composition process; the two fields, however, cannot be compared and they stay, in Max Bill’s works as in the present research, interdependent though self-sufficient. IV An important aspect of Max Bill production is self-referentiality: talking of Max Bill, also through Max Bill, as a need for coherence instead of a method limitation. Ernesto Nathan Rogers describes Bill as the last humanist, and his horizon is the known world but, as the ‘Concrete Art’ of which he is one of the main representatives, his production justifies itself: Max Bill not only found a method, but he autonomously re-wrote the ‘rules of the game’, derived timeless theoretical principles and verified them through a rich and interdisciplinary artistic production. The most recurrent words in the present research work are synthesis, unity, space and logic. These terms are part of Max Bill’s vocabulary and can be referred to his works. Similarly, graphic settings or analytical schemes in this research text referring to or commenting Bill’s architectural projects were drawn up keeping in mind the concise precision of his architectural design. As for Mies van der Rohe, it has been written that Max Bill took art to ‘zero degree’ reaching in this way a high complexity. His works are a synthesis of art: they conceptually encompass all previous and –considered their developments- most of contemporary pictures. Contents and message are generally explicitly declared in the title or in Bill’s essays on his artistic works and architectural projects: the beneficiary is invited to go through and re-build the process of synthesis generating the shape. In the course of the interview with the Milan artist Getulio Alviani, he tells how he would not write more than a page for an essay on Josef Albers: everything was already evident ‘on the surface’ and any additional sentence would be redundant. Two years after that interview, these pages attempt to decompose and single out the elements and processes connected with some of Max Bill’s works which, for their own origin, already contain all possible explanations and interpretations. The formal reduction in favour of contents maximization is, perhaps, Max Bill’s main lesson.
The progress of wet age-related macular degeneration can now be controlled by intravitreal drug injection. This approach requires repeated injections, which could be avoided by delivering the drug to the retina. Intraocular implants are a promising solution for drug delivery near the retina. Currently, their accurate placement is challenging, and they can only be removed after a vitrectomy. In this paper, we introduce an approach for minimally invasive retinal drug delivery using magnetic intraocular inserts. We briefly discuss the electromagnetic-control system for magnetic implants and then focus on evaluating their ability to move in the vitreous humor. The mobility of magnetic intraocular implants is estimated in vitro with synthesized vitreous humors, and ex vivo with experiments on cadaver porcine eyes. Preliminary results show that with such magnetic implants a vitrectomy can be avoided.
Cancer is caused by a complex pattern of molecular perturbations. To understand the biology of cancer, it is thus important to look at the activation state of key proteins and signaling networks. The limited amount of available sample material from patients and the complexity of protein expression patterns make the use of traditional protein analysis methods particularly difficult. In addition, the only approach that is currently available for performing functional studies is the use of serial biopsies, which is limited by ethical constraints and patient acceptance. The goal of this work was to establish a 3-D ex vivo culture technique in combination with reverse-phase protein microarrays (RPPM) as a novel experimental tool for use in cancer research. The RPPM platform allows the parallel profiling of large numbers of protein analytes to determine their relative abundance and activation level. Cancer tissue and the respective corresponding normal tissue controls from patients with colorectal cancer were cultured ex vivo. At various time points, the cultured samples were processed into lysates and analyzed on RPPM to assess the expression of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and 24 proteins involved in the regulation of apoptosis. The methodology displayed good robustness and low system noise. As a proof of concept, CEA expression was significantly higher in tumor compared with normal tissue (p<0.0001). The caspase 9 expression signal was lower in tumor tissue than in normal tissue (p<0.001). Cleaved Caspase 8 (p=0.014), Bad (p=0.007), Bim (p=0.007), p73 (p=0.005), PARP (p<0.001), and cleaved PARP (p=0.007) were differentially expressed in normal liver and normal colon tissue. We demonstrate here the feasibility of using RPPM technology with 3-D ex vivo cultured samples. This approach is useful for investigating complex patterns of protein expression and modification over time. It should allow functional proteomics in patient samples with various applications such as pharmacodynamic analyses in drug development.
BACKGROUND CONTEXT The fate of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) supplied to the degenerating intervertebral disc (IVD) is still not fully understood and can be negatively affected by low oxygen, pH, and glucose concentration of the IVD environment. The hMSC survival and yield upon injection of compromised IVD could be improved by the use of an appropriate carrier and/or by predifferentiation of hMSCs before injection. PURPOSE To optimize hMSC culture conditions in thermoreversible hyaluronan-based hydrogel, hyaluronan-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (HA-pNIPAM), to achieve differentiation toward the disc phenotype in vitro, and evaluate whether preconditioning contributes to a better hMSC response ex vivo. STUDY DESIGN In vitro and ex vivo whole-organ culture of hMSCs. METHODS In vitro cultures of hMSCs were conducted in HA-pNIPAM and alginate for 1 week under hypoxia in chondropermissive medium alone and with the supplementation of transforming growth factor β1 or growth and differentiation factor 5 (GDF-5). Ex vivo, hMSCs were either suspended in HA-pNIPAM and directly supplied to the IVDs or predifferentiated with GDF-5 for 1 week in HA-pNIPAM and then supplied to the IVDs. Cell viability was evaluated by Live-Dead assay, and DNA, glycosaminoglycan (GAG), and gene expression profiles were used to assess hMSC differentiation toward the disc phenotype. RESULTS The HA-pNIPAM induced hMSC differentiation toward the disc phenotype more effectively than alginate: in vitro, higher GAG/DNA ratio and higher collagen type II, SOX9, cytokeratin-19, cluster of differentiation 24, and forkhead box protein F1 expressions were found for hMSCs cultured in HA-pNIPAM compared with those cultured in alginate, regardless of the addition of growth factors. Ex vivo, direct combination of HA-pNIPAM with the disc environment induced a stronger disc-like differentiation of hMSCs than predifferentiation of hMSCs followed by their delivery to the discs. CONCLUSIONS Hyaluronan-based thermoreversible hydrogel supports hMSC differentiation toward the disc phenotype without the need for growth factor supplementation in vitro and ex vivo. Further in vivo studies are required to confirm the suitability of this hydrogel as an effective stem cell carrier for the treatment of IVD degeneration.
Mode of access: Internet.