977 resultados para Estratégia políticas
According to demographic estimates, by the year 2025 Brazil will be the sixth country in the world in number of elderly. For this reason, it is a purpose of public policies to help people to reach that age being healthier. The current health care model of health surveillance through the Family Health Strategy (EFS, in portuguese) is configured as a gateway into the care of the elderly in the Unified Health System (SUS, in portuguese). It is also an area of development of practices to promote health, prevention and control of chronic nondegenerative diseases. The aim of this study was to analyze the health care of the elderly provided by ESF professionals for the achievement of a full care. The study is descriptive case study with a quantitative approach, performed in the city of Santo Antônio/RN. The population included all health professionals, who are FHS members of the city that agreed to participate of the survey, a total of 80 professionals. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, having mostly closed questions and divided into two parts: one containing sociodemographic information of health professionals and vocational training and the other, the activities carried on by the professionals in senior care, being analyzed from a database tabulated in a spreadsheet and discussed according to the descriptive statistics in tables, graphs and charts using frequencies, medians and values of central tendency. It was verified a predominance of professionals who finished highschool, mostly female, aged from 30 to 34 years old, with training completed in the last 10 years, without being graduated in the field of geriatrics or gerontology and mostly without training in gerontology. Family members and caregivers were the components of the social support network most identified by the professionals (66.3%).The elderly access to the Family Health Basic Unit was considered by83.8% of professionals as the most important factor that interferes in the activities of health care of the elderly. Considering the inclusion of the family in care: 98.8% of professionals consider the family as one of the goals of care, but 82.5% assist the family to know their role and participate in the care of the elderly, emphasizing that no professional makes use of tools for evaluating the functionality of the family. Regarding the actions taken to assist the elderly, 91.25% have home visits program to the elderly, 88.75% use the host program; 77.5% know the habits of life, cultural, ethical and religious values of the elderly, their families and their community ;51.25% complement the activities through intersectoral actions, 50%participate in groups of living with the elderly; 33.75% keeps track and maintain updated the health information of the elderly; 11.25% of the professionals perform the Single Therapy Planning (PTS, in portuguese) and few implement the actions to promote health according to PTS; there is a deficit in the number of professional categories in the identification and monitoring of the frail older people in their households. It is concluded that the health care of the elderly developed by ESF professionals differs among the professional categories. It was identified weaknesses in the promotion of an active and healthy aging and also in the establishment of an integrated and full care of the elderly. It is recommended the adoption of permanent educational activities by the City Management, initially for ESF professionals in the the perspective of the guidelines of the National Policy of Health Care for the Elderly and later to the other professionals that are part of the health care network of the elderly, at all levels of care in the city for the development of strategies and practices that promote the improvement of the quality of healthcare for the elderly, expecting concrete and effective results in terms of promoting health within Brazilian reality
The question of participation has been debated in Brazil since the 1980 decade in search a better way to take care of poulation s demand. More specificaly after the democratic open (1985) begins to be thought ways to make population participates of decisions related to alocation of public resources. The characteristic of participates actualy doesn t exist, population to be carried through is, at top, consulted, and the fact population participates stays restrict to some technics interests at the projects, mainly of public politics of local development. Observe that this implementation happens through a process and that has its limits (pass) that could be surpassed through strategies made to that. This dissertation shows results of a research about participative practices in city of Serrinha between 1997 and 2004, showing through a study of the case of Serrinha what was the process used to carry through these pratices in a moment and local considered model of this application. The analyses were developed through a model of research elaborated by the author based on large literature respects the ideal process to implant a participative public politics. The present research had a qualitative boarding, being explorative and descritive nature. The researcher (author of this dissertation) carried through all the research phases, including the transcriptions of interviews that were recorded with a digital voice recorder. Before the analysis of these data was verified that despite the public manager (former-mayor) had had a real interest in implant a process of local development in city, he was not able to forsee the correct process to do it. Two high faults were made. The first was the intention to have as tool a development plan, what locked up to make this plan was the booster of supossed participative pratice and no the ideal model that would be a plan generate by popular initiative. The second one was absence of a critical education project for the population that should be the fisrt step to carry through a politc like that
The present study is included in the environmental international theme, approaching the search for the environmental conformity in public events. It describes the main environmental impacts, objects of the study Sound Disturbances, implications concerning the increase in the Volume of Traffic and in the volume of Solid Residues generated in the surroundings of the event. The methodology used consists of the report of the case study of the festivity called Carnatal, held in Natal/RN, in December of 2001. As a work method, it was used a quantitative evaluation of the sound intensity level, according to the effective legislation, an electronic count of volume of traffic and an evaluation of the productive performance of the means of production of public urban sanitation company used in the event. The results pinpoint the recognition of the impacts generated by the event and the proposition of a Program of Environmental Management, aiming at, in addition to the establishment of the instruments and goals for the mitigation of the impacts, defining the role of the social actors in the search for the environmental conformity of festivities
This work has goal of analyzing the practices of Human Resources in the per missionary enterprises of urban transportation, by bus, in the metropolitan region of de Natal, based on the standard person of the National Program of Quality 2004 and points if they are able to take part as prize-winning in this standard. Also this work aims, through a theoretical evolution of people management and its current practices, the history of the National prize Quality and its main standards, the importance of the urban transportation, its characteristics and the system itself in the metropolitan region of Natal. The research was carried out in 11 enterprises that operated in the area, with several dimensions and forms of management. The research variations were based on the standard person of the 2004 NPQ that deals with the system of work, preparation and development and life quality. In the statistical treatment, discriminated and exploiting analyses were applied. The main obtained results through the research, we can verify an administrative centralization in managers and owners hands; that 45% of the enterprises don t have a Human Resources Department, however, on the other hand, they practice some human Resources politics, indicated by the variations; as to the items system of work, 55% of the enterprises are able; preparing and development, 43%
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a dinâmica das relações entre Colômbia e EUA, com ênfase no governo de Álvaro Uribe (2002-...). Para tanto, são examinadas a estratégia de internacionalização do conflito armado colombiano e os aspectos da intervenção dos EUA mediante o Plano Colômbia. Como conclusão, o trabalho sugere que as recentes mudanças políticas nos EUA têm causado impacto nas diretrizes das relações das relações entre EUA e Colômbia.
This dissertation aims to analyze the strategy of socio Intervivência University Project OASIS training of community development from the perspective of social entrepreneurship. This project was part of the context of a sort of university extension, called Intervivência University, which emerged in 2008 through the announcement MCT / CNPq / CT-Agribusiness / MDA - No. 23/2008 - Intervivência University Program. With the analysis of the OASIS project sought to identify a strategy socio, which was used elements of popular education and aimed to develop young people within the social entrepreneurship that made contributions to such has taken actions in their communities seeking range of social gains. For this, the methodological aspect, it was used in the research, a qualitative approach, case study, content analysis, semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation. In the theoretical aspect was addressed in the affairs of: social entrepreneurship, with emphasis on the concept, their differentiations of business entrepreneurship and social responsibility, and characterizing the social entrepreneur, popular education, as for the development of social entrepreneurship is the need for a new way of thinking and seeing reality for the people, and youth leadership, given the importance in the context of social action, to have young people seeking a better life for their communities. Addressed the theory were drawn categories (capital, empowerment and youth participation) and subcategories of analysis (value, attitude, behavior, trust, cooperation, civic participation) used in this work. Given the information and analysis of interviews and observations could be perceived that the strategy promoted socio Project OASIS changes, or the reaffirmation of values, resulting in new attitudes and, consequently, new behaviors in the students interviewed. Has been identified in them the development of trust and cooperation. In the aspect of civic awakening was observed in some of them only. In relation to juvenile activity was perceived to develop actions aimed at social benefits for all respondents. Thus, the OASIS Project Intervivência University made contributions to the young participants in the research aspect of social entrepreneurship, influencing them in developing activities in the social sphere in which cities are embedded
Study about environment education public policies, emphasizing the directress since the 1970 . It analyses the environment education administration of Mossoró city, indentifying its articulation with the international directresses and the Environment Education National Policy (PNEA), established according the law number 9.795/99. The text takes as empiric reference the Environment Education National Policy (PNEA) of Mossoró city, realized since 2006. In order to make the research, we employed as methodologic proceedings a bibliographical and documental revision from wich we developed a contextualization of the propolsals toward a environment Education policy and administration, the institution of the environment Education in Brazil, in the neoliberal context on the State reform ambit. We also employed a semi-structured interview, having as individuals two Environment Education Municipal Program Administration of Mossoró city / RN state administrators and nine Municipal Education System educators. The analysis was done from the historic and dialetic perspective, trying to understand the facts in its totallity. The results revealed that the environment Education has become to be emphasize as an environment crises superation strategy since the 1970 s. In this context, the environment Education administration directress, in the United Nations (UN) initiative ambit, emphasizes the participation and the partnership as a way to share responsabilities between the State and society. In the neoliberalism affirmation context, in the 1990 s, these directresses were fortified, once, since the State reform, their functions were redimensioned and the State turns into a stronger planner an controller, inducing the society to act as a public polcies executor. Therewith, a deconcentration action process is consolidated, rather than an administrative and pedagocgic decentralization, historically revendicated on Education by the progressist sectors. Even though the administrators interviewed have revealed the wish that the schools become autonomous on the PMEA execution, through the NEAs, we notice that the methods employed do not contribute to that, because of the decisions concentration on the associated managership ambit and the few human and financial resources. In spite of the difficulties, the research showed that the Mossoró municipality innovated on the environment Education field, by the institution of the NEAs, even though they demonstrate fragilities regarding their performance, revealed on the educators and adiminstration talk on the interviews. We verify that the main difficulties come from the politc culture installed on the municipality, ruled by a technocracy and power concentration wich brings difficulties to the implementation of a democratic and participative administration, even though it would not be totally impossible, even on the circumstances described
O texto traz uma reflexão sobre o papel das incubadoras de empresas no apoio a práticas ambientais por micro e pequenas empresas. Reconhecendo as debilidades estruturais das empresas de pequeno porte e as dificuldades para a realização de investimentos ambientais, defende o uso de incubadoras como instrumento de política pública para estimular investimentos ambientais. Identifica um número restrito de incubadoras de tecnologias ambientais, em plano internacional. Relata os resultados de uma pesquisa que avaliou a aplicabilidade de um indicador para apurar o desempenho ambiental de incubadoras. Destacaram-se dois resultados: a) a baixa importância atribuída, pelas incubadoras (e pelas empresas abrigadas) ao desempenho ambiental; e b) a ausência de estímulos, pelas incubadoras, aos investimentos ambientais. Desse último resultado deriva importante conclusão: a de que, uma vez apurados os padrões insatisfatórios de desempenho ambiental, de incubadoras e empresas assistidas, ficariam criadas as condições para a formulação e a implementação de medidas indutoras de novas posturas.
A subjetividade é a argamassa de toda e qualquer produção e, diante disso, percebemos os processos de subjetivação presentes na feitura dos sujeitos, dos grupos e das instituições. Como ferramentas de análise, tomamos a ideia de dispositivo como um emaranhado de linhas que tecem as relações humanas, e dentre suas diversas linhas destacamos os gêneros como elementos importantes na escuta e intervenção clínica, de modo a ampliar o universo de referência presente nos encontros, no qual os corpos afetam e são afetados dentro de contextos marcados por processos psicossociais, políticos e culturais relevantes para uma prática psi ampliada. Neste trabalho, colocamos em análise a experiência que temos tido como supervisor de estágios em Psicologia Clínica-Institucional que realizamos no Programa Saúde da Família, na Vila Progresso, em Assis, SP, evidenciando a necessidade de diálogos com outros saberes, tais como os estudos culturais, a teoria queer e a esquizoanálise. Como resultados iniciais, percebemos nos relatos de nossos estagiários uma preocupação maior com o cuidado das pessoas atendidas que vão além das leituras psicológicas, que dialoga com questões sociais, econômicas, sexuais, de gênero, políticas e culturais, ampliando as análises e concebendo os seres humanos como híbridos, maquínicos e diferentes, o que evidencia a perspectiva de subjetividades em construção permanente. Surge a necessidade de nos orientarmos pelo viés de uma clínica crítica e ampliada.
Prólogo de Alicia Bárcena
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Aborda, por um lado, a relação entre a economia local no Município de Oriximiná - PA e sua inserção no Comércio Internacional do minério de alumínio. E, por outro, os mecanismos de interação e alianças entre os atores locais público e privado com o setor minerador de alumínio, representado pela Companhia MRN, vis à vis a consecução de um projeto de desenvolvimento local em bases endógenas. O estudo busca compreender como a interação entre interesses públicos/privados, coletivos/individuais, orgânicos/corporativos em âmbito local influenciam no desenvolvimento endógeno do Município. Não obstante, avaliar a dimensão das restrições estruturais, condicionadas pela dinâmica das relações comerciais no setor mundial do minério de Alumínio, aos processos internos de articulação para o desenvolvimento local. O Problema proposto está em compreender como as oportunidades e restrição da explotação de uma mina world class impulsiona processos de desenvolvimento local. Partindo-se da Nova Teoria Econômica aliada à Teoria do Comércio Internacional e Geografia Econômica, buscou-se delinear os parâmetros de inserção da economia mineradora do alumínio local no cenário internacional e suas inter-relações resultantes, sejam estas sob o aspecto tecnológico ou mercadológico. Numa perspectiva local, procurou-se identificar os processos interativos e seu grau de convergência entre Setor Público (via Plano Diretor Municipal) com vistas à concretização de um projeto de desenvolvimento endógeno mediado pela formação de alianças (Clusters) que atendessem às suas respectivas exigências tecnológica, econômica e institucional. Para tanto, o trabalho recorreu às Teorias do Crescimento e Desenvolvimento econômico e dos Sistemas para explicitar os mecanismos que regem as interações entre os atores locais e, em última análise, determinam suas ações sociais no processo de desenvolvimento endógeno. O método adotado é o hipotético-dedutivo utilizando-se instrumentos de coleta de dados secundários e primários. Através de um processo de modelagem computacional e, recorrendo aos Relatórios Fiscais da Prefeitura de Oriximiná e Contábeis da Mineração Rio do Norte buscou-se o aprofundamento sobre a natureza e aplicação dos recursos gerenciados por ambas Instituições. Desenvolve-se ainda, um modelo representativo da dinâmica do desenvolvimento endógeno local tendo o PIB Municipal per capita como proxy através do método de análise multivariada utilizando a técnica da regressão linear múltipla. Desenvolve-se também uma análise da autocorrelação da economia de Oriximiná com o seu entorno a partir da técnica de processamento de dados espaciais geograficamente referenciados bem como a técnica de acessibilidade locacional de Oriximiná. A apresentação dos resultados utiliza modelos simbólicos, tabelas e gráficos diversos. A conclusão é de que a atividade minerária encontra-se descolada do processo de crescimento local por não produzir spillover e por não internalizar o grosso da sua renda no Município dada sua estratégia competitiva. Contudo, a dinâmica local também sofre restrições por conta de sua localização espacial à margem do eixo econômico Regional e pela baixa capacidade empreenditiva e articulatória demonstrada pela administração pública local.
A violência é um problema de saúde pública e sua notificação é fundamental para a vigilância epidemiológica e para a definição de políticas públicas de prevenção e promoção de saúde. O estudo objetivou caracterizar a ocorrência de violência doméstica, sexual e de outras, a partir das informações do banco de dados do Sistema Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN), das fichas de notificação de violência da cidade de Belém (PA), no período de janeiro de 2009 a dezembro de 2011. Foram sistematizadas 3.267 notificações, representando um aumento de 240% de 2009 a 2011. Em relação ao sexo das vítimas, observou-se que, em média, 83,2% dos casos atingiram as mulheres, proporção esta semelhante nos três anos analisados. A violência sexual foi a mais presente com 41,8%; seguida da violência psicológica com 26,3% e da violência física com 24,0%. Os resultados demonstram a importância do conhecimento do perfil das violências para intervenção e elaboração de políticas públicas intersetoriais que promovam a saúde e a qualidade de vida nesta região do Brasil.